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SuperZombiePotatoe 06-15-2014 06:37 AM

You Shall Not Die of Dehydration! - SZP's Quatrain Shop and Hangout=3
Welcome Wanderers!
Welcome to my hangout thread and Quatrain shop.
I'm SuperZombiePotatoe and I shall be your delightfully odd hostess [boogie]

So, I've noticed that there are a lot of art shops and I wanted to jump on the band wagon. The only problem is... I cannot draw [gonk]

I can, however, write a bit so there lies our solution. I will be offering up quatrains for... well I won't be picky. Give me a topic. I'll write the quatrain. Pay me what you think it's worth. Not worth anything, don't pay! [rofl]


A quatrain is a type of stanza, or a complete poem, consisting of four lines

anadentone 06-15-2014 07:28 AM

i come for noms and see taters ...aww yuss 8D

SuperZombiePotatoe 06-15-2014 07:32 AM

Yay! A buddy [hug]

*noms ana*

xuvrette 06-15-2014 07:33 AM

If it is open, do state so~

What is a Quatrain?

SuperZombiePotatoe 06-15-2014 07:35 AM

Woops [sweat]


A quatrain is a type of stanza, or a complete poem, consisting of four lines

anadentone 06-15-2014 07:39 AM

I come to nom all
to all I nom
yet without all
I nom none. :D

xuvrette 06-15-2014 07:48 AM

oooo, I like poems that I understand!!!

SuperZombiePotatoe 06-15-2014 07:50 AM

Yay quatrain!

---------- Post added 06-15-2014 at 09:53 AM ----------

Rest in peace, cupcake!
Sugary delight,
You will be missed....
No let's have one more bite [drool]

xuvrette 06-15-2014 08:15 AM

... I dont think I had cupcake before....
I think it is tooo expensive. :<

SuperZombiePotatoe 06-15-2014 08:27 AM

Cupcakes are expensive?! You can get cup cakes for 10 rands here (very cheap)


Or are you talking about the mene cuppy cake item?? O_o

hummy 06-15-2014 11:08 AM

a sweet potato poet
and duth she know it!
a poet i surely am not
but i can bake a tot!

*hangs head in shame*

SuperZombiePotatoe 06-15-2014 11:46 AM

*picks hummy's head up*

That was a lovely quatrain [=3]

Shadami 06-15-2014 01:13 PM

potatoe poetry! yay

SuperZombiePotatoe 06-15-2014 01:18 PM

I feel rusty in mah poetry skills [sweat]

xuvrette 06-15-2014 01:37 PM

The real life cupcake.
It cost 5 dollars per piece here. and standard Mcdonald value meal is around 10 dollars.

By the way, what is the difference between muffin and cupcake?

SuperZombiePotatoe 06-15-2014 01:40 PM

Oh, well that sticks XP

Um, I think a muffins are denser than cupcakes. Also, muffins can be sweet or savoury and I'e never seen a savoury cupcake >_>

xuvrette 06-15-2014 01:50 PM

I see, I see.
I... love my chocolate muffin~

so it is expensive at my place?

SuperZombiePotatoe 06-15-2014 01:57 PM

Very! 5 dollars is 50 rands O___O

hummy 06-15-2014 02:00 PM

*hugs* i wanted to do something for my sweet tater.....tot =3

Originally Posted by SuperZombiePotatoe (Post 1772749924)
*picks hummy's head up*

That was a lovely quatrain [=3]

xuvrette 06-15-2014 02:00 PM

My place is not US though. so the figure could be different.
our can drinks are like 1 to 2 dollars.

SuperZombiePotatoe 06-15-2014 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by hummy (Post 1772750088)
*hugs* i wanted to do something for my sweet tater.....tot =3

Tater tot! [hug]


Originally Posted by xuvrette (Post 1772750091)
My place is not US though. so the figure could be different.
our can drinks are like 1 to 2 dollars.

10 rands, that's pretty much the same. It just depends which stores you buy from. Your place is...?

hummy 06-15-2014 02:15 PM

*hugs* it's how i think of you

SuperZombiePotatoe 06-15-2014 02:17 PM

You think I'm a tot? [XD]

hummy 06-15-2014 02:21 PM

yep, my cute lil sweet tater tot =o

SuperZombiePotatoe 06-15-2014 02:24 PM

I'm little... O_O

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