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LoonyLunetta 01-14-2015 10:11 PM

.: Netties Jar of Memory Candies :.
December ~ 2015

Here's to another month of sweet memories!

LoonyLunetta 01-14-2015 10:11 PM

.: Netties Jar of Memory Candies :. {Feel free to chat!!}
Netties Jar of Memory Candies!

I've had good memories and I've had bad memories and no matter which they are still mine and I will cherish them forever. I wanted to start a jar on here so I could have a place to store all my sweet memories so when I'm feeling low my memory candy can cheer me up. free to read and comment

I've found a very special piece of memory candy that I would like to share with all of you! It is a very special song I have dedicated to all that I hold dear.

"Time In A Bottle"

Jim Croce

If I could save time in a bottle
The first thing that I'd like to do
Is to save every day till eternity passes away
Just to spend them with you

If I could make days last forever
If words could make wishes come true
I'd save every day like a treasure and then
Again, I would spend them with you

But there never seems to be enough time
To do the things you want to do, once you find them
I've looked around enough to know
That you're the one I want to go through time with

If I had a box just for wishes
And dreams that had never come true
The box would be empty, except for the memory of how
They were answered by you

But there never seems to be enough time
To do the things you want to do, once you find them
I've looked around enough to know
That you're the one I want to go through time with

LoonyLunetta 01-14-2015 10:11 PM

.: Netties Jar of Memory Candies :.
January 2015

Memory CandiesX

1~ First Meal of 2015: I do believe I had Eggs, Bacon, and Hash browns.

2~ My Resolutions!: Learn to drive, Move into a house, Get my GED, Win custody of my son, Finish the Sword of Truth Series, Write a book, Get healthy, stop using processed foods.

3~ "A" is for...: My AMAZING Lovie. Because he is an Amazing Awesome Wonderful Lovie and I Lovies him!

4~ In my bag: Reciepts, pretty stones, and a kubaton.

5~ Earliest Memory:
My earliest memory is actually a dream. I couldn't have been more than 2 or 3 because I woke up in a crib and couldn't communicate very well what I had seen. It was creepy though. Picture the ballroom from beauty and the beast but instead of gold, white,and blue, it was red, black, and white.The room was circular and had no doors or windows. In the center of the room was a four post bed with black and red drapes where my mom and dad were just laying there in bed staring at the ceiling. I kinda 'zoom in' on them like you would with a camera then everything went black and I woke up.

6~ What brought me to mene: Well I found gaia via a friend and I loved gaia but it was so big and expensive I couldnt keep up so I decided to look for other avatar based forums and thats where I found mene.

7~ Random fact about me: I do not sleep with a pillow. I have one but I pretty much gave it to my boyfriend because I've never really cared for them. I sleep on a stuffed moose called Moose and he is the awesomest pillow EVER.

8~ My best friend: Well aside from my Lovie would be my dolly face because she's my stalker and I hers.

9~ What I'm wearing: A grey Sweater dress, black pants and sparkly black wedged shoes that sorta look like converse

10~ Favorite song: Sawft is a sin. Probably sung by Enzo Amore, {Its his entrance theme For WWE's NXT. He comes out with Big Cas and Carmella}

11~ I never leave home without: A hat. Stupid fable gnomes. Serious though I never leave home without a hat. Sound advice.

12~ My room: Is cold as sin.

And this day in history 2008 my First born and only biological son Bugsly was born at 4:00 PM Happy birthday buggy boo <3 mama loves you bigger than all the monster trucks in all the world!!!!!!

Also this day in history in 2005 my Oldest step son was born Happy Birthday Baby Mama loves you BUNCHES too!!!

13~ Favorite movie: Nightmare Before Christmas, or Howls Moving Castle.

14~ Dream job: Stay at home mother. Living the dream!!!

15~ I wish I could: Have a baby girl! I am advised against having another child though I wish I could. I have 4 boys! I need my girl!

So my happy not prompted memory today is that I got to see a newborn baby girl today! My friend had her baby

16~ My favorite Place: This is going to sound incredibly Cheesy but I dont care. My favorite place is in my boyfriends arms because thats where I feel safest!

17~ The weather today: Its January in the wettest place in the continental U.S. I'm pretty sure I don't even have to look because its either raining or freezing. One of the two. Possibly both.

My happy not prompted memory today is that I started up my Yoga / belly dancing again! Off to make a health and fitness upkeep thread!!

18~ Pets: I have a Patternless leopard gecko with a carrot tail. His name is Neo, because he's neon yellow orange and purple, because it was easy to say for my kids, and because Matrix.

My happy non prompted memory today is that I made chocolate fudge brownies from scratch!!

19~ Something new: I tried my hand at making fondant for the first time today. It fails but it was a good experience!!

20~ Last book I read: Blood of the Fold by Terry Goodkind. Very good book. Third book in the Sword of Truth series.

21~ My middle name: Danielle. Though legally it is spelled Danelle. My doctor spelled it wrong on my birth certificate and my mom didn't notice in time to change it.

22~ The zodiac: My star sign is Scorpio, and my Chinese zodiac is the snake. Before I met my boyfriend I never liked either because I didn't like reptiles or bugs. Since I've been with him I've had a scorpion. I wouldn't be opposed to a snake at some point but they kinda stink lol

23~ Tattoos: I dont have any yet. I'm kinda a wuss and am afraid but I want one really bad. One for each of my kids, one for my lovie, my wings, a spiral galaxy, the Star trek communicator, Jack skellingtons face, The pirate tattoo Jack Sparrow has, Peter pans Shadow with his hands on his hips saying to live is an awfully big name a few. haha.

24~ My best avatar outfit:doesnt exist yet...unless you count gaia because I have a TON of outfits on gaia that I love.

25~ My last argument:was with the only person I argue with anymore. My mother. She needs to wake up and stop being so selfish.

26~ Last night I dreamed:.....I dont remember. I usually dont unless it was profound. Though I want to start doing things to try to remember them. I know there are ways you can with meditation and stuff. I'll have to research it.

27~ My favorite season: The things I love about fall are simple and sweet. I love the color changes, The sweater weather, the books and fireplaces to read them by, and a nice cup of hot tea or cocoa to warm you up as you snuggle with someone.

Today I got 3 new sweaters!! Two are really pretty pastel colors pink and minty and one is a stripey white and cream color <3 So cute and exciting!!

28~ Where I want to travel: I want to travel at least to every US state and several over seas countries as well. The fangirl inside me says Japan and Korea. I do want to go to Germany, Finland, England, Russia, Egypt, Sumeria, Australia, Austria, Singapore, Thailand, Scotland, Ireland and several more i'm sure lol.

I'm home alone for the first time in 5 years because my lovie has work!! OMG Its so weird!!!! I kinda like it but i'm still a bit lonely for my lovie

29~ My family:First off I will say I hate my mother she has done some wicked things to me that can never be forgiven and my dad left when I was three and doesnt really associate with me anymore. But I have 2 Sisters and 3 Brothers. One of my sisters and brother are only step siblings the others are half siblings. One sister lives in idaho, one lives in Arizona with my little brother and My oldest brother I havent seen personally in 22 years yet he only lives about 20 miles away. Now the family I am closest with is my boyfriend and our 4 children. I have 4 Boys. Three of them are step children and one of them is my biological son. One of my stepsons does not live with us and i have never met him because his mom is a bad person and refuses to let us see him.

30~ Favorite Mene memory: So far I dont really have any. I havent been on mene very long. However I am super excited about aquiring a valentina skirt that was on my quest list which was my first item!!

31~ The Best part of my life:When I was younger, probably about 7 I told my mom that my first child would be a boy. On January 12th, 2008 at 4:15 pm, my one and only biological son was born. That was the single most amazing thing to happen to me in my entire life. Love you Bugsly!

LoonyLunetta 01-14-2015 10:11 PM

.: Netties Jar of Memory Candies :.

Memory CandiesX

1~ Chocolate or love?: If I cant have both I would have to choose love. If there is no love there is no life.
2~ Exercise: I like yoga and belly dancing for my daily exercise
3~ Breakfast: I had toast and nutella
4~ Favorite mythological creature: Dragons, Fairies, Or bigfoot. That's a hard one to choose.

Non prompted thing today was I got new clothes!! I have a new favorite comfy shirt!! Its plaid black and pink <3 So awesome!!
~ If I was a superhero: I would save my country from the pain and suffering i'm seeing it in now. Sadly I have more opinions on that subject that people would want to hear.
~ This weeks episode...: There are multiple......
7~ Pet Peeves:Chewing with your mouth open, Touching my things without asking, touching me without asking....
8~ This inspired me:
Nan Terrell Reed
Two Vases stood on the shelf of life
As Love came by to look,
One was of priceless cloisonne,
The other of solid common clay.
Which one do you think Love took?
He took them both from the Shelf of Life,
He took them both with a smile;
He clasped them both with his finger tips,
And touched them both with caressing lips,
And held them both for a while.
From tired hands Love let them fall.
And never a word was spoken.
One was of priceless cloisonne,
The other of solid common clay.
Which do you think was broken?
9~ ____is important cuz_____: Patience is important cuz you will go insane without it.
10~ Last photo Taken:
11~ Favorite song:
"Bleeding Out"

I'm bleeding out
So if the last thing that I do
Is bring you down
I'll bleed out for you
So I bare my skin
And I count my sins
And I close my eyes
And I take it in
I'm bleeding out
I'm bleeding out for you, for you.

When the day has come
That I've lost my way around
And the seasons stop and hide beneath the ground
When the sky turns gray
And everything is screaming
I will reach inside
Just to find my heart is beating

Oh, you tell me to hold on
Oh, you tell me to hold on
But innocence is gone
And what was right is wrong

'Cause I'm bleeding out
So if the last thing that I do
Is to bring you down
I'll bleed out for you
So I bare my skin
And I count my sins
And I close my eyes
And I take it in
And I'm bleeding out
I'm bleeding out for you (for you)

When the hour is nigh
And hopelessness is sinking in
And the wolves all cry
To fill the night with hollering
When your eyes are red
And emptiness is all you know
With the darkness fed
I will be your scarecrow

You tell me to hold on
Oh you tell me to hold on
But innocence is gone
And what was right is wrong

'Cause I'm bleeding out
So if the last thing that I do
Is to bring you down
I'll bleed out for you
So I bare my skin
And I count my sins
And I close my eyes
And I take it in
And I'm bleeding out
I'm bleeding out for you, for you.

I'm bleeding out for you (for you)
I'm bleeding out for you (for you)
I'm bleeding out for you (for you)
I'm bleeding out for you

'Cause I'm bleeding out
So if the last thing that I do
Is to bring you down
I'll bleed out for you
So I bare my skin
And I count my sins
And I close my eyes
And I take it in
And I'm bleeding out
I'm bleeding out for you, for you.
12~ Love Letter:
My dearest Lovie,
We're getting Married in April! Can you Believe it? 6 years of love for you and not once has it faltered. You mean everything to me and more. There are so many things I cant wait to do with you as your wife. I promise I will do no harm and all that I can to make you happy. I will never betray you.

'The spaces between my fingers Are right where yours fit perfectly'

Always and Forever,
Now until the end of time,

13~ If I had a dragon, I'd name it...:George
14~ 7 things I love:
1. My lovie
2. My children
3. My Lizard
4. Creating
5. Music
6. Anime
7. Sleep
15~ Ten new threads on mene: .....I hope to make them!
16~ Today I said hello to:My boys
17~ 42:Ultimate Answer of Life, The Universe and Everything
18~ Traffic:I dont have to deal with it.
19~ OMG did you see?:no what???
20~ Quest progress:....zilch
21~ What time is it?:8:22 AM
22~ Favorite quote:I'm Ninja like a turtle - my lovie
23~ Window Shopping:only on gaia and mene
24~ Current Avi inspiration: cute
25~ The last pen I used:is my favorite.
26~ I'm cooking/baking...: CAKE!
27~ Fresh meat;MMMMMMM BACON
28~ Leap Year!:Still Confuses the crap outta me

LoonyLunetta 01-14-2015 10:11 PM

.: Netties Jar of Memory Candies :.
March ~ 2015

Memory CandiesX

1~Girls Day:I generally dont have many girls days while I would I prefer to spend time with my husband to other girls. Most of them are too judgemental.
2~ Snack time!: My favorite snack is icecream hands down. Preferably Rocky Road ice cream with a sugar cone. cuz cake cones taste like cardboard!
3~ Make a wish: But if I tell you my wish it wont come true!
4~Instruments I play: I play Clarinet and want to learn bass, Guitar, Violin, Trumpet, flute, drums, and the type of pipe you would see peter pan using. I cant remember what theyre called anymore XD
5~ 100 words: Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word
7~ Favorite mene NPC: Ohhh tough one dont know many npc's but I like the big scary lookin security dude in one of the stores. He's pretty awesome.
8~ If I ruled the world: There would be more icecream. And cookies. I like cookies too. Also world peace and stuff yeah.
9~ I hate this song: Tyler breeze and Zack Ryder's theme songs dear freaking lord I've never met such shallow people....
10~On accident or by accident: I honestly dont know which I use. Both?
11~ YOU FORGOT THIS NUMBER!!!!!!!!!! Whoosits, whatsits, Thingamabobs, whatchamacallits, snarfblats and dinglehoppers.
12~ Obsessions: well there are the typical nerd obsessions like dr who and star trek, but also a Character in a book named Special Agent Alouisious X L Pendergast.
13~ Bad Luck: Is a band in a manga called Gravitation
14~ Last person I texted: Highly likely that it was my Auntie Ruby
15~ I cleaned ___ Today: My house!
16~ My drivers license: Is non existant
17~ What does death look like: The undertaker, or my husband. They are both rather frightening figures to be coming at you.
18~ Cloud shapes: Hey! That one looks like two lions killing each other for a scrap of meat!
19~ The last image I saw: Was actually a picture of me
20~ A nifty trick:
21~ I'm excited about: being married
22~ Let it go! I DONT WANNA ITS MINE!
23~ Favorite Childhood Memory: I dont really have a specific memory that I love but I do remember my favorite thing to do as a child was go across the river I had in my back yard into the woods to go deal with the natural spring we got our water from (I grew up on 51 acres of land that was half way up a mountain and full of woods) I still wish I could go and explore that place it was magical I swear it was so dang pretty in there <3 <3
24~ My future kids name is: Well I've got four now from oldest to youngest I have Auron, Connor, Merric, and Devik All boys. but if I were to have another that would be kinda hard. I need a girl now so I think her name would either be Emilia, or paige but that is not set in stone haha
25~ Hogwarts house: Well Pottermore put me in Gryffindor, but imo i'm probably hufflepuff.
26~ Last thing I bought: Chico sticks and tea.
27~ I won! : the third game of liars dice against my lovie only because he let me win! Which makes me both happy and sad because it was my first time playing and he felt bad because he's REALLY good.
28~ Todays admins pick: I...Didnt look.
29~ Its a conspiracy: Barak Obamas Administration.
30~ Favorite Mene Item: Not familiar with all of them but I LOVE the Valentina outfit!!!
31~ Springtime Flowers: Laffydils are my FAVORITE flower EVER <3 I love me some laffy daffy dills <3

LoonyLunetta 01-14-2015 10:11 PM

.: Netties Jar of Memory Candies :.
April~ 2015

1~ This months goals: Get Married and call a doctor!
3~ So these new updates: Ohhh the elusive updates are here!? Where I must catch one!
4~ Quest Progress: Is not progressing.
5~ Keep____ Away from me!: Star Trek Nemisis I will never watch that evil horrible bad movie EVER again....EVER!!! NO! BAD MOVIE! BAD!!!! That is an impostor! That is NOT DATA!
6~ Tasty: You know whats tasty? ice cream is tasty, especially if its rocky road <3
7~ Something new: I got a new book! Its by Levar Burton (Reading rainbow& Geordi LaForge from star trek TNG) Its also his first book!
8~ Work was: Done and dealt with.
9~ Homework: May not be in school but I do homework. I have kids.
10~ I cried over: My son. I miss him so...
11~ Everything is impossible: unless you're kim possible....yeah no probably not but dont say that because you'll never get anything outta life if you say that.
12~ When I'm Sad: I curl up with my lovie and hug him till i'm not sad anymore.
13~ Last hug: Was given to and by my lovie~
Also I GOT MARRIED THIS DAY! I am now officially a Mrs.
14~ Spring Cleaning: has not happened yet but it will SOON!
15~ Fairy tales: There are so many to choose from but I love them all!
16~ Easter: So the easterbunny stopped at my house and left a basket on my doorstep. Like seriously I had a basket of REAL eggs from some random person sitting on my porch. No note nothing. Had to toss em since no one fessed up to being the easter bunny which made me sad. FYI IF YOU"RE GONNA DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS LET PEOPLE KNOW IN A NOTE OR SOMETHING!! Seriously how hard is it to say : "Dear So and so, the easter bunny said to drop this off for you and yours so I did sincerely, la de da."
17~ Bunny:
18~ Countdown: 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1...BLAST OFF!
19~ This months CI: Is the birthday thing right? dont know have no monies
20~ Hey Listen!:
21~ Soapbox: Get off of it.
22~ World issues: Why cant we all just smoke a bowl and get along?
23~ Education: Common core is the dumbest way to educate children i have EVER seen in my entire life.

LoonyLunetta 01-14-2015 10:11 PM

.: Netties Jar of Memory Candies :.
May ~ 2015

Here's to another month of sweet memories!

LoonyLunetta 01-14-2015 10:11 PM

.: Netties Jar of Memory Candies :.
June ~ 2015

Here's to another month of sweet memories!

LoonyLunetta 01-14-2015 10:11 PM

.: Netties Jar of Memory Candies :.
July ~ 2015

Here's to another month of sweet memories!

LoonyLunetta 01-14-2015 10:11 PM

.: Netties Jar of Memory Candies :.
August ~ 2015

Here's to another month of sweet memories!

LoonyLunetta 01-14-2015 10:11 PM

.: Netties Jar of Memory Candies :.
September ~ 2015

Here's to another month of sweet memories!

LoonyLunetta 01-14-2015 10:11 PM

.: Netties Jar of Memory Candies :.
October ~ 2015

Here's to another month of sweet memories!

LoonyLunetta 01-14-2015 10:11 PM

.: Netties Jar of Memory Candies :.
November~ 2015

Here's to another month of sweet memories!

Liquid Diamond 01-14-2015 10:59 PM

Omg you and I have a birthday that is one day off!! XD
(I was reading your profile to see if you were new and I saw that)...
I ADORE how you set up this page! It's so cute!

LoonyLunetta 01-14-2015 11:08 PM

Ohh I love when people have similar birthdays! I have 2 children with the same birthday and 1 that shares theirs with 2 of my friends. I think its so cool to get to share a birthday no one ever had one even close to mine.
And thank you! I love all things cute so I figured my posts need to at least have some sort of cuteness to it and thats what I came up with!

LoonyLunetta 01-15-2015 04:38 PM

wait....can I do that?
I wonder if its okay to post my entire month like that in one post. I figured it would be easier but now I realize its probably going to be a really long post. I was also going to reserve posts for the months but I put the open for comments and the first comment is already taken before I could post them X-X

Liquid Diamond 01-15-2015 09:38 PM

I'm sorrryyyyy!!! I didn't know D: I feel bad for posting now [gonk]

LoonyLunetta 01-16-2015 07:59 PM

Its 100% Okay and my fault I put 'feel free to read and comment' so naturally with my post looking done I would have commented too Note to self put {Not done yet do not post} in title. My issue is I dont want to report for such a nice response to be deleted! I cant be that mean/rude its physically impossible for me. Especially when it was completely my fault!

Liquid Diamond 01-16-2015 08:42 PM

I ruined you ; ;

LoonyLunetta 01-17-2015 03:43 AM

It's okay I can suck it up and post in the first post if that's okay if not I can post the month when it's actually the month to post. Unless they can add/move posts.

I can be flexible!! Haha!

LoonyLunetta 01-17-2015 03:59 PM

YAY it has been repaired and they didnt even need to delete your lovely post!! Which I was hoping they would be able to! All is good! <3

Liquid Diamond 01-17-2015 06:23 PM

Horrayyy!!! So how is your year so far, Lunetta?? I hope it's been well :D

LoonyLunetta 01-17-2015 07:24 PM

Actually my year has been nothing but hectic!

Basically I've had a bad luck streak for going on 3 years now and it looks to be bleeding into this year as well.

What about you has yours been good so far?

LoonyLunetta 01-28-2015 04:52 PM

*pokes dead thread* Nobody seems to want to visit me anymore...

LoonyLunetta 04-23-2015 05:03 PM

*pokes dead thread* I apologize for my over use of sarcasm.. I've been missing some days but wanted to put an answer to everything or it would bother me haha.

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