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-kai- 05-29-2007 05:20 AM

Kai's Awesome Quest to Become the Pirate King[come and talk]
So at this very moment I decided that I want to become a pirate, but not just any pirate noooooooo. I want to become the Pirate King, and in order to become the Pirate King I need a Kings Crown.

I have changed my mind and decided that before I quest for the store bought items that I am gonna quest for a Kings Crown so that I can get one before they get to expensive and escape my grasp

So if anyone is feeling generous and would like to donate and help me to fulfill the most basic of pirate needs I would be very greatful and would
appreciate it very much :D

If anyone would still like to donate any of the store bought items I would appreciate it but I am gonna focus my gold on buying the kings crown right now ^^

Donations of art would also be appreciated

Current Quest

Kings Crown

Next Quest
[ ] Black Pirate Trousers
[ ] Brown Pirate Shirt
[ ] Black Pirate Vest
[x] Sword from Hell
[ ] Pirate Belt
[ ] Black Pirate Boots

Donators for Current Quest

Art Donations

Black List

White List

-kai- 05-29-2007 05:21 AM

hurray for the grand opening of teh quest -cuts teh ribbon-

Narim 05-29-2007 05:25 AM


Good luck. =3

May I chat with you for a bit?

Jennifer 05-29-2007 05:25 AM

Hey you, good luck. : ]

Imp 05-29-2007 05:27 AM

shwaa ^^
good lucks to ya, my Love <33
I'mma try an' finish my quest before you xP
little competition ta make me try harder xD

-kai- 05-29-2007 05:27 AM

hey everyone

@Narim of course you can chat with me for a bit
@ Jennifer thanks

-kai- 05-29-2007 05:30 AM

heheheh you always have to be competitive, my Love, don't you?
you will probably finish your quest before I do cuz you kinda got a head start
... and you seem to be better at the whole getting gold thing than I am cuz so far I have lost like 70 or more gold

Narim 05-29-2007 05:32 AM

Awesome. Sometmies it's hard to find people to talk to on here.

So, how are you doing?

-kai- 05-29-2007 05:34 AM

I'm doing pretty good and I know what you mean about it being hard to find people to talk to. Sometimes when you find a thread where people are already in conversations its a little hard to jump in

Narim 05-29-2007 05:35 AM

I can usually jump in fairly easily. I've felt a couple times like I didn't belong, but it was rare.

I mostly just have a problem finding someone to talk to period.

-kai- 05-29-2007 05:37 AM

yeah I have had times where I have jumped into a thread started talking to people and all of a sudden without warning they all just left and I found that I was talking to myself that wasn't any fun

Narim 05-29-2007 05:39 AM

Aww. I don't think that's happened to me.

Though, I was in one thread where I never got talked to. XP I think maybe no one saw me though. People seem to be pretty nice here though, so I doubt that that many people would have intentionally ignored me.

Imp 05-29-2007 05:40 AM

I hate when that happens Dx
you end up like, "o-o; I killed 'em all... at the same time xP"
and yes... I do have ta be competitive xD
and I will win xD
but how much is yours worth?

-kai- 05-29-2007 05:41 AM

yeah I haven't had people ignore me on here yet but on Gaia I have tried to join some threads that were moving so fast no one saw what I was saying

-kai- 05-29-2007 05:42 AM


Originally Posted by imp

I hate when that happens Dx
you end up like, "o-o; I killed 'em all... at the same time xP"
and yes... I do have ta be competitive xD
and I will win xD
but how much is yours worth?

I am not quite sure I never added it up I think I might just go and do that

Imp 05-29-2007 05:44 AM

you should xP
'cause I know I have more items ta quest for...
but I dunno about the price x3

-kai- 05-29-2007 05:45 AM

if I did the math correctly in my head its 3.52k now including the Crown

-kai- 05-29-2007 05:46 AM

whoops I forgot an Item its actually 3.82k

Narim 05-29-2007 05:47 AM

Yeah, it is easy to get lost on Gaia. Also, people there will ignore me intentionally, or just be mean for no reason. >.< I don't get it. Why go to a forum if you don't want to talk to people? Sheesh.

I'm not feeling well, so I'm going to make some soup. Be back shortly.

Imp 05-29-2007 05:47 AM

my quest ish longer x3
mine's 6.4k
and I wanna get a queen's crown xD

-kai- 05-29-2007 05:50 AM

@ Narim I hope you feel better and I will talk to you when you get back also I think the people on Menewsha are a lot nicer than on Gaia but that could be because there is a smaller population on Menewsha right now
@Imp yeah but your crown costs less than mine does and you have a headstart on gold

Imp 05-29-2007 05:55 AM

... the crown's like 1.4k less... that's it...
and barely Dx
I'm not sellin' meh scepters or bunny pin...
or scarf...
or most of my cloaks xP
I'm only sellin' one o=
an' a tip... if you didn't already figure
don't buy commons from stores...
you can get 'em cheap from the exchange ^^

Narim 05-29-2007 05:58 AM

I'm back.

We didn't have any chicken soup. D:

Yes, I think that too. And it is most likely because it's smaller. It also has stricter rules and they're better enforced. I worry that Menewsha will go downhill a bit if a lot of people from Gaia join. Sure, there's plenty of good people there, but lots of bad too.

-kai- 05-29-2007 06:08 AM

I'm sorry you didn't have any chicken noodle soup
and I agree with you about people coming from Gaia I just hope that the people that do come are the nicer ones. Hopefully since they do have rules that are better enforced the site will stay nice because I really like it right now

-kai- 05-29-2007 06:12 AM

I will be back in a little bit I think I'm gonna go make a sandwich so I will talk to you then

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