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Aeris 03-17-2007 09:08 PM

Romance Novels
When I was 11 years old, my mother introduced me into the world of romance novels. Since then, I have read so many that I can hardly remember characters, titles, authors, unless they were very special to my heart.

My favorite author would have to be Julie Garwood, even though lately she's been more present day rather than the historical that I prefer.

Nora Roberts is also pretty good..

My favorite book would have to be Remembrance by Jude Deveraux though. It has such an interesting plot, and it always sucks me in. I always get so emotional when I read it!

But I guess I just need a dose of seeing people get together and fall in love, and live happily ever after. (even though there are a rare few that don't end happily)

So what about you guys?

Do you read romance novels?
What attracts you to the romance genre?
Who is your favorite author?/What is your favorite book?

Discuss <3<3<3

Lachesia 03-17-2007 09:11 PM

I read them, although I'm embarrassed to admit it. I read them because they take only a few hours to get through, they usually have a happy ending, and I figure if I'm not getting any, at least it's nice to read about characters who do. XD

I don't think I have favorite authors, although I do enjoy the writing styles of some authors better than others. I basically pick what I read depending on whether the blurb on the back sounds like an interesting read or not.

Mei 03-17-2007 09:27 PM

My second roomate in college was obsessed with romance novels! She especially liked the romance novels about the hunky ranger/cowboy-type guys falling in love with the sofisticated/city lady types.
I thought it was so weird! She would get so excited about her romance novels and tell me that I needed to read some. I read them just to be polite. They were ok, but I never got too into them.

Then a girl that would later become my best firend was just as into romance novels! She sent me an entire box full of romance novels to take home with me one year. XD;; I still have some in my room and am a bit embarrassed by the thought that anyone in my family might see them.

I think they're a little weird, but they are kind of entertaining. I wouldn't let any of my kids read any until they're 18 because they can be HIGHLY graphically sexual. @_@

Deniece 03-17-2007 09:43 PM

I used to read romance novels, but haven't in a few years. I preferred the historical romance... my favorites was a set by Heather Graham called 'One wore Blue', 'One wore Gray' and 'One Rode West'

Emii 03-17-2007 11:03 PM

Ooh! I like 'The Real Deal' by .... uh... I forget... anyway, I'm not sure if it's a romance novel, but it has A LOT of romance in it!

Wood Sorrel 03-18-2007 12:51 AM

  • I can't stand most romance novels. :mrgreen:

Katherdante 03-18-2007 06:10 AM

I read one romance novel, I think. I was staying at my aunts house and my cosins were being complete jerks so I didn't feel like leaving my room. My mom had that book with her and gave it to me to borrow... And I devoured it. I do not think she knew there was sex and things in it. I was only 12 or so? It was very well written, and large and had a great premise. It had some time travel (but well defined) and the settings were very interesting. Woman from WWII era accedently goes back to 17oo's (or something like that) while visiting england. I have no idea who wrote it or what it was called. XD

I don't know if my mother ever got around to reading it or finding out that it was a naaaughty book... <<`

I think I hid it from her for a year and then slipped it inconspicuously with the rest of her books, hoping she wouldn't notice.. <<`

Lachesia 03-18-2007 06:17 AM


Originally Posted by Katherdante
I read one romance novel, I think. I was staying at my aunts house and my cosins were being complete jerks so I didn't feel like leaving my room. My mom had that book with her and gave it to me to borrow... And I devoured it. I do not think she knew there was sex and things in it. I was only 12 or so? It was very well written, and large and had a great premise. It had some time travel (but well defined) and the settings were very interesting. Woman from WWII era accedently goes back to 17oo's (or something like that) while visiting england. I have no idea who wrote it or what it was called. XD

I don't know if my mother ever got around to reading it or finding out that it was a naaaughty book... <<`

I think I hid it from her for a year and then slipped it inconspicuously with the rest of her books, hoping she wouldn't notice.. <<`

I'm pretty sure that would be Diana Gabaldon's Outlander. <33 Such a good book. Yes, some love scenes, but the historical detail completely makes up for it. I was hoping someone had read it. ^_^ I'm glad you liked it. I'm still convinced it belongs in Fiction, not Romance.

I find it highly ironic that I started a thread about her series all of fifteen minutes before you posted this up. XD

Twelve's pretty early for some of the love scenes, though!

Aeris 03-18-2007 05:37 PM

It's so interesting that many of you hide your books from your family. In my house, the stretch of romance novel love goes from my grandma, to my mother, to my sister and I. We all love them so much! (though, really I only read the good ones. :twisted: )

But I guess romance novels aren't for everyone. XD

Lachesia 03-18-2007 06:24 PM

I feel very self conscious about my romance book reading because when I was younger, my mom saw me reading one and made some comments to the effect of "I can't believe you're reading that trash." So, I started hiding them from her, because I really didn't want to invite further commentary about my reading, but also didn't want to let her affect my reading choices.

To this day, I still have the "official" books in the bookshelves in my living room, and "my books" in my bedroom. My bedroom bookshelves have the books I read for fun, the romance and fantasy and scifi. The living room books are the fiction and the old textbooks and the "guest" books that that wouldn't invite opinionated judgement if people saw them.

It's really interesting to see how family opinion can shape one's habits, if you let it.

Alegretto 03-18-2007 10:37 PM

I've read a few, which, oddly enough were passed to me through my mother. She always gives me the really sex-friendly ones, too. But personally I prefer the old classic romance novels, not the pulp romance books found everywhere. The pulp ones are fun, but I can only read them every now and then. I tend to stick to classics, weird literature, and sci-fi/fantasy.

Bani 03-19-2007 07:48 PM

My favorite Romance novelist is Janet Dailey. I love the entire Calder series. My mother introduced me to the books. She used to have the entire collection when it first came out, but she lent it to a friend who never returned it. Now I have the paper back editions that are reprints. She's coming out with more novels to the series which I'm very excited about. Although, I'm more interested in the first ones because of the historial veiw they give. The current novels are too modern for me. I love the idea that she's continuing the family line throughout many many generations.

stilettolover 03-19-2007 08:44 PM

I used to read a lot of romance novels when I was younger, before my first time. xD I used to have sex up on this pedestal because I thought it was going to be all rainbows and kittens and explosive passion like the novels said it would be. And it wasn't. What a huge let down.

Now I don't really get the mystique of the romance novel. I'm bored with the typicality of it and idealization. Every story sounds the same to me with different character names and different locations.

They just lost their magic to me. D: I don't find the romantic aspect of them remotely intriguing anymore. I'd rather read a normal fiction novel where the romance seems more real than a fluffy romance novel.

wish 03-19-2007 11:16 PM

my cousin is really into them. and usually i use her as my library so.. i borrowed one but i read like 20 pages in and i couldn't stand it. .__.;; it was too much romance for me. Lol.

03-20-2007 03:18 AM

I have to admit, at first I was one of the girls who would never even think of picking up a romance novel. Then I got stuck on a 16 hour flight with several extended layovers. The only thing I could buy was either a western or a romance. Guess what I chose?
It proved to be a semi-wise choice.
At the start of the book I was slightly annoyed and twitched quite a bit, but as the story progressed, I realized I was addicted.
Its been several years since then and I still cant stop reading them.
But only a certin kind.
They have to be of the Sci-Fi fantasy order, or I will not touch them.
I still pretend I dont like them, but most of my friends know better now.

My first book was called Goddess of the Sea.

I dont remember the author and will probably never find that book again.


That is all!

Sherezade 03-20-2007 08:01 AM

Aeris! <3

Well, there was a time when my mom got addicted to it, and she would only buy Romance novels - I was still too young & didn't have money to buy myself a book, so obviously I had to read what she was reading lol. I read a few of them, and granted, some are funny. But I got tired of them soon enough and begged my mom to start buying different kind of books again XD
Sorry, I dont' remember any authors actually ^^;

KingBitterness 03-20-2007 02:28 PM

I love all romance novels. <333

:'D It's something like I'm in love with love.

;] && 90% of all manga I read are romances. <333

siaasgn 03-20-2007 03:02 PM

I have just recently gotten into romance novels - I call them brain candy because they do nothing but take up time and make me feel mushy - but I like them anyway!

The 2 authors I've enjoyed so far are:
Vicki Lewis Thompson
Jennifer Cruise

Gund 03-22-2007 10:52 PM

i read them... nora roberts i have the most of but ive kinda gotten bored with her style. have you read the sister island trilogy? also a little love song, cant remember who wrote that but it was good :)

` Toxic Whispers 03-24-2007 03:43 AM

Romance books are awesome. Especially teenage angsty/romance/drama ones. xDD It's the perfect mix of reality and love.

Marguerite Blakeney 03-24-2007 05:45 AM

I love romance novels to death! I got into them during junior high and the first I read was The Masquerade by Brenda Joyce. It will always remain my most favorite book, and since then, I've been collecting and reading many romance novels (so much that I'm pretty broke right now, heh).

Aeris 03-25-2007 05:00 AM


Originally Posted by Gund
i read them... nora roberts i have the most of but ive kinda gotten bored with her style. have you read the sister island trilogy? also a little love song, cant remember who wrote that but it was good :)

I defintely have read that, and I really liked it. :mrgreen: That's when they were witches, right? It was an interesting plot.

I think Romance novels are the only kind of books that I enjoy sequels to.

And <3 Siri! <3

FinalBlackMage 03-25-2007 09:43 PM

I remember back in grade nine everyone was obsessed with this one author... I don't remember her name, but I ended up wanting to see what all the fuss was about, and once I did I realized all of her stories were exactly the same.

Teenage couple meets
They fall in love
One has terminally ill diesease
They die in their lovers arms
The survivour contemplates everything

Now, I'm not dissing romance novels. They are wonderful for the romantic soul, as long as you don't take them too seriously of course, men are only human. XP I was just disappointed with how much people loved the author... I read about 5 novels by her and a book of short stories, ALL THE SAME. It was sad (not in the way it should have been).

I also read a book called 'Kissed by an Angel'. That was fantastic. It was a romance/mystery, with some genuine shocking moments.

fawN 03-25-2007 10:23 PM

I've always wanted to try romance novels, but was afraid to.

Finally, a book club I'm in decided to read a Nora Roberts book this month: The Three Fates

I'm liking it, and the mystery, and I'm unsure about how much I like the actual romance parts, or whether they're too forced/unrealistic, but I think I'm more eager to see how the plot turns out! I'm unsure now whether romance is my thing at all, or if I just prefer other fiction/fantasy.

Pink 03-27-2007 02:40 PM

Silly me, I came here to...discuss books. :?

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