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Witch 02-14-2008 05:38 AM

♡/|\♥ [ Shower Your Love ] ♥/|\♡ -+- It's A Game!

[ Shower Your Love ]
- It's A Valentine Game -

This ia a Valentine game that I just think about.

It will be good way to get to know a bit more about other people in Menewsha, make some good conversations and new friends, and you get to catch some of Menewsha chocolates during all that! XD



:arrow: Shows your appreciation to others by responding to the post above you with a comment or a question. (see examples below)

:arrow: Then post a little something about yourself, by starting your line with "I love..."

:arrow: The next person who post after you will have to respond to your post and post a little something about themselves too.



Person A:
:arrow: I love Menewsha's king crown

Person B:
You can get it if you just quest it.
:arrow: I love taking naps in class

Person C:
Did you ever get caught by the teacher?
:arrow: I love watching sappy soap opera, secretly!

Of course you can make normal conversations too. This game is just a stepping stone to that. :wink:

Don't worry if your posts are over-lapping with other people's posts. The point of this game is just to have fun! ^^

WillowKitsune 02-14-2008 05:41 AM

Sounds like fun!

Where did you hear about this?
-->I'm better at drawing on paper than on the comp.

Madoneko 02-14-2008 05:43 AM

Have you tried a tablet? ^___^

I love: Oranges. <33

Cyrissia 02-14-2008 05:45 AM

Sia loves oranges too, though she prefers mandarins. <333

Sia has an obsession with llamas. D:

Witch 02-14-2008 05:47 AM

Carl in Jimmy Neutron loves Llama too, so you're not alone! :lol:

:arrow: I love Hersey's dark chocolate!

WillowKitsune 02-14-2008 05:48 AM

Yes, that is what I use on the comp. I can't go back to a mouse now..

You have an obsession with llamas?
-->I love: my dog. He's so cute!

hehe, oops, I forgot the "I love" on the other one... ^^"

Madoneko 02-14-2008 05:49 AM

Dogs are cute, but I'm a cat person!! <33

I love: Sia-chan!!! x3 Hallo!

Cyrissia 02-14-2008 05:50 AM

Eeek! >////////<

Sia loves Neko-sis too! -licks-

@Witch: Sia prefers Milk Chocolate. =w=;;

Sia loves: Cheese. <33

SonicSweeti 02-14-2008 05:52 AM

I agree, dogs are cute, but cats are my fave!! I have 2!

Sonic Loves: to sleep when I can XD ad I had a dream about cheese once LOL

Madoneko 02-14-2008 05:52 AM

@Sia: Yussh!! -glomps- <333

Haha, I fall asleep in physics all the time. :3
Actually, I has to go to bed really soon!!

I love: My tablet.
Like WillowKitsune, can't go back! x3

Witch 02-14-2008 05:53 AM

Cyrissia, have you every try chocolate fondue or cheese fondue? They're yummy! :D

:arrow: I love Menewsha's valentine wings! XD

(WillowKitsune, I just think this game myself, so you can say that it's an original game?) :lol:

Cyrissia 02-14-2008 05:53 AM

Sia wishes she dreams of cheese. D:

Sia sleeps only at night, but she daydreams lots.

@Neko-sis: Sia uses a Tablet PC called Neptune-suu. Sia has to pay homage everyday.

@Witch: Hech yes. <33

Delish. <333

Sia loves: shiny stuff. <3

Witch 02-14-2008 05:56 AM

Shiny gold? :twisted:

:arrow: I love drawing with tablet too, but mine is old and broken. :lol:

( XD Our posts are over-lapping)

javachipster 02-14-2008 05:56 AM

you should buy or save up for shiney stuff ^^

i love: cute boy, oranges, and candy, mangas, anime, and you!! lol

Madoneko 02-14-2008 05:58 AM

I feel loved. <333
And I'm with you on the rest! ;D

Yes, they are overlapping!! Timeage is off.

Neko loves:
Elephants. <333

Cyrissia 02-14-2008 06:03 AM

@Witch: Among other things. xDD

@Java: Sia does. xDD

Hail cute boys, manga and anime! *U*

@Neko-sis: Soulsisters, remember? LOL.

Elephants are cute, but horses pwn them. Ufufufuuuu.

Sia loves: drawing hair. *U*

Simmy3 02-14-2008 06:03 AM

You should be proud, I'm horrible at drawing, let alone hair....

I LOVE: Wearing headbands and bows in my hair.

Cyrissia 02-14-2008 06:05 AM

Really? D:

Uwaaaah, Sia loves drawing bows. Headbands not as much. =w=;;

Sia loves: Listening to voices. Sia has a voice fetish-suu. ._.

Madoneko 02-14-2008 06:05 AM

@Sia: Completely. x33
Horses are cute too. >w<

Me too!! Little bows are really cute, but I love pins the bestu~!! <333

Voices? That's interesting. I dunno, I don't usualyl like hearing any voices, mine in particular is really really high. xDD;;

I love: Warm clothing. :3

Bunnyy 02-14-2008 06:06 AM

I love that too. x3
Especially bows.
They are so cute. (x


Originally Posted by Cyrissia
Sia loves oranges too, though she prefers mandarins. <333

Sia has an obsession with llamas. D:


Witch 02-14-2008 06:08 AM

More Llama's fan? You guys should make a Llama's fan club! XD

:arrow: I love taking naps on rainy days! <3

Cyrissia 02-14-2008 06:11 AM

@Neko-sis: Singapore's too warm for warm clothing, but Sia likes turtlenecks and long-sleeves anyway. >_>;;

@Bunnyy: LLAMA LOVER!!! -huggs-

@Witch: Aye. xDDD

Oooh. Rainy days are good for naps.

:arrow: Sia loves eating. <33

Madoneko 02-14-2008 06:16 AM

@Sia-chan: Turtlenecks and long sleeves are cute, I love them <3

I love eating too.
I'm often hungry.

I love: My Bed. <333

Speaking of which, I'm heading off nao. Goodnight all! <333

Witch 02-14-2008 06:18 AM

Sia live in Singapore? How lucky, that country is like heaven for food lovers, right? XD

:arrow: I love Hagen Daaz's strawberry cheese cake ice cream!

good night Madoneko! :)
Come to play with us again here when you have woke up later. ;)

Cyrissia 02-14-2008 06:18 AM

Aye they are. Sia's mother though, keeps asking why she wears those when it's eternally summer. =w=;;

Same here. xDDD;;

Ahah, Sia's bed is soooooo comforting. *U* G'night. <3

@Witch: Yepps, and yepp again!

Sia loooooves cheescake. *U*

:arrow: Sia loves green! And Blue! An Purple! And STRIPES. *U*

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