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Xavirne 04-14-2014 04:34 PM

Detectives of the Past: A Threat Level Spin-off Comedy
Detectives of the Past:
A Threat Level Spin-off Comedy Roleplay

Based off the roleplay Threat Level by Xavirne comes the spin-off adventure/comedy of the season! Set in olden day Salem during the witch tries, our beloved characters must right the wrongs of those who are damned. They are fully aware of the future they saved (though the memories are a tad blurred) and were hand-chosen by the Goddess of Time to travel back in time to fix a mishap in the past. With their memories for the time of the SFA still in-tact, our time traveling heroes must discover the truth and bring about an end to the madness of the time. However, this is no easy feat! With the Purium still in the body of the criminals, they must be wary around the public for should someone suspect something odd, death will befall them. Rumors of witches run rampant and our heroes need to succeed before they are caught!

The cast and their roles:
  • Sycom, intel, as the father and witch tracker
  • Vex, time master, as the mother
  • Discord, earl, as the son
  • Remy, local lunatic, as the best friend
  • Ashes, incinerator, as the house cat
  • Volkov, medic, as the pet cat-bird
  • Reino, witch hunter, as the butler
  • Shadow, witch hunter, as the maid
  • Hime, body guard, as the carriage driver
  • Cias, guardian angel, as the gardener
  • Artemis, mythology goddess, as the tutor
  • Sai, ghost whisper, as the tutor
  • Okami, infiltrator, as the landscaper
  • Vlad, undertaker, as the business partner

Xavirne 04-14-2014 05:04 PM

Our story revolves around the Zukunft family, which is composed of Sycom and Vex and their adopted child Discord. Sycom and Vex, presumed to be dead aren't allowed to leave the grounds they own so they must send their 'son' out to solve the crimes of the area. In order to earn the level of trust and respect they deserve, Discord will have to work on petty cases before he can receive larger cases. Accompanying him on his journey are his pets Ashes and Volkov. To ensure they don't get caught, these two often transform into their full forms (Ashes a cat and Volkov a bird). In addition to the pets, Discord cannot leave the house without his carriage driver, Hime, and his handy butler, Reino. Often stuck cleaning up messes, Shadow tags along. Vlad, Discord's business partner, and Remy, his best friend, also team up to help the young Discord solve his cases. Vlad provides the means and Remy supplies the resources. To ensure each case is solved with logic, Discord brings his private tutors Sai and Artemis along. As final precautionary measures go, Discord also calls forth his landscaper and gardener, Okami and Cias. Why? Because sometimes you never know when you'll need to blend in or stand out.

Tasked with solving the rift that caused the monsters to bridge into their future, they will need to gain the trust of the local law. In addition to that, our heroes need to prove that they have God's blessing and can banish evil. The evil of this area isn't monsters, but rather it's witches. Although not seemingly as strong as monsters, these witches will prove to be quite the handful. Using their SFA training, knowledge, weapons, and power, they must purge the earth of these unholy creatures and discover the hole that allowed the monsters to invade earth.

Xavirne 04-14-2014 05:04 PM

In case I need to add stuff later on, I'm saving this post.

Xavirne 04-14-2014 05:05 PM

Xavirne 04-14-2014 05:05 PM

Xavirne 04-14-2014 05:31 PM

Rewinding Time....

Having won in the future, the Goddess of Time looked down upon the former SFA Division One members and asked them for a favor. She explained that the monsters, though beaten, would return again and again until the bridge was destroyed. The only way to permanently destroy the bridge was to travel back in time to the days of the Salem Witch Trials. Warning those of D1 of the horrors of using their Purium and magic in public, she bid them well. Before leaving, she placed a kiss upon Vex's forehead and melded into one with the woman. Henceforth, Vex would become the master of time, capable of reversing and forwarding life as they knew it. It was her job to ensure that, should the team fail, she could rewind the clock and allow them to redo the mission. She was also blessed with the ability to stop time for hours on end. The goddess warned about extended use, but explained that it might be necessary in the final showdown.

Bodies glowing and minds falling numb, Division One would soon awake in a large castle overlooking the ocean. Isolated and secluded, each received a whisper in the ear. Sycom and Vex were pronounced dead and unable to leave the estate. Though not truly dead, their 'dead state' would allow both to become ghosts and vital aspects for Discord, their "son."

Discord, chosen due to his age and looks, was selected to be the heir of the noble estate. A child prodigy, Discord is supposed to pick up where his parents left off -- solving mysteries and catching bad guys.

Unable to do this alone, the goddess commissioned Shadow and Reino to serve as his right hand woman and man. Hime was added to the team in charge of the carriage, which is pulled by a gray horse with wolf-like features. To keep Discord from looking suspicious while he underwent his investigations, Vlad the business partner and Remy the childhood friend, accompany Discord on his adventures. Cias and Okami, outside men, provide Discord with backup support. They also carry out side missions with Artemis and Sai, the intelligence of the group. Never leaving the house without his trusty cat and bird, Ashes and Volkov keep a watchful eye on Discord.

As they awaken in the castle and discover their purpose, they begin to shift and stir. Lolipop, a ghost, cooks for the family while Mozilla, also a ghost, aids the woman in collecting herbs and food. It's been a while since anyone has seen these two and, sadly, they are unable to think, feel, or talk. Still, it's nice to see that their spirits remain and were allowed to accompany the crew on their time traveling mission.

Grabbing his head, Sycom shoots a worried look toward Vex. "Well, I can safely state that I didn't see that coming." Eyes flashing over the others, he sighed. "But you heard the woman. We've a mission. We need to make sure we patch up that hole to prevent any future attacks. It's bad enough we, in our lifetime, had to deal with that hell. I can only imagine what it'll be like 100 years from then."

"A butler? Really? Why couldn't I be something..." he chuckled as he looked at the others. Each dressed in a very role-specific roll, Reino's guess on what they were to do was pretty dead-on. "I take it back, butler is fine."

Seer Of the Future 04-14-2014 05:48 PM

Volkov woke and stretched, letting out a bit of a groan as she did. Rolling over onto her stomach she shifted, changing into her cute white, blue eyed cat form with her little white wings. Giving out a cute little mew, she padded through the halls, until she spotted Reino. "Reino!" she mewed, and gave a jump, with a down stroke of her wings, she then landed on his shoulder. Purring she rubbed her head up against his. "I'm glad we all are here. I thought I was by myself for a bit there." she said and touched her nose to his and gave a cute little mew. Purring, she moved to stretch, putting her front paws on his head. Yawning lightly she then looked down at him again. "Sooooo do you think they have any cat nip in this time period? Or treats?" she asked curiously. As Ashes had fortold, she had developed cat like tendencies, as well as singing and whistling to her mood like a bird. She also found that she was starting to get addicted to sunflower seeds a bit. But those were minor prices to pay for saving her life. Unable to stop purring she waited to hear what was up, and folded her wings onto her back.

blueblackrose 04-14-2014 08:19 PM

Eye lashes fluttered as pale lavender eyes opened. Vex sat up a bit too quickly, causing her head to spin more than it already was. The woman groaned raising a hand to her head. She looked over at Sycom then at the others. “I don’t think any of us did. Is everyone ok?” She had never felt so in tune with time and space as she was now. It was hard to take it all in at first and was making her feel a bit sick. “It will probably be best if we try to get settled quickly. I have the feeling that we won’t have much time to relax before our first case.” She moved to stand, but thought better of it. For now sitting would do. Spotting Volkov she smiled a little. The woman was so cute in her cat form.

The woman was still holding her head as she recalled what all had happened. Vex looked to Sycom again. This all wasn't a bad dream that was sure. "Well it seems that we get to have the chance to have that family I wanted," she said with a grin, trying to lighten the mood a bit.

ISOS Duke 04-15-2014 01:02 AM

Hime's eyes slowly blinked open as she stretched her arms forward; she had fallen asleep in her chair again, probably going over files again, which why was she had such a weird dream. As her vision cleared up and she saw most of the members of Division 1 around her, a grimace slowly formed on her face: they really had gone back in time. Her head dropped, an action that usually resulted in a dull 'thud' sound as her forehead would hit the surface of the small tv table that she used as another desk.

It was Reino's comment about being a butler that caused her to pick her head up again. She looked down at her own attire and pondered for a moment. Standing up she turned to look at her backside; the small woman donned a pair of tight, high waisted black pants with silver seams and shiny black heeled, knee high boots. She wore a black tail coat with silver trim and ornate buttons that parted just over her chest to reveal a white blouse with neck ruffles that danced up her neck. She was pleased with the outfit, at least as much as she could in such a time period and what she was used to.

Leaning against the chair was the last of her ensemble: a smaller than average black top hat that held her usual blue butterfly hair clip as a pin for the long strand of sliver ribbon that wrapped around the base and fell down the back. Lastly was a buggy whip with V.O.L.F.'s name etched into it. Hime looked at the whip puzzled for a moment before lifting her head to look out a window, where ever one may be. As she turned her eyes fell on Reino and his phrase once again entered her mind.

A sneer formed itself on the small woman's face as she looked the male up and down. "Oh god," she said bitterly. "I'm stuck working with you?" Her dreams seemed to cause her to recall that the carriage driver worked with the butler to aid the kid in solving the whole ordeal; the longer she stayed up the more of what she was told she could remember. However, the cause for her attitude toward Reino, she couldn't exactly remember, but it felt appropriate.

Xavirne 04-15-2014 05:18 PM

Giving Volkov a good chin scratch, his eyes drifted back over to Hime. Just what was this woman going on about now? With her little snide remark, Reino grinned. Stepping forward, his arm fell onto her head and he dramatically looked about. "Did you hear that? I could have sworn a small person was talking to m- oh hey Hime, I didn't see you there." Lifting his elbow from her head, the raven gave her a rather devious glare. "What, ex-agent got your tongue?" He sensed her urge to bark a command at him. "Ah, ah, ah. Discord is my master now. You and I are nothing but equals. But, being in this day an age, I'm afraid I'm above you. Oh poor, poor Hime. Stripped of all her power and glory. Forced to obey the every demand on a criminal."

He was having far too much fun. He might have gone on had his eyes not caught a very disturbing sight. Coming down the hall was a nearly-nude man. A pair of leather suspenders clipped neatly to a pair of tight leather shorts. Around the neck was one of those kinky sex collars and his hands were sporting finger-less leather gloves.

"Oh god, Ashes, there are kids here!" Moving to cover Hime's eyes, he gave the prostitute-looking male a fierce glare.

"Hey now, this isn't my doing! I woke up looking like a sex driver." Eyes floating around the room, he noticed that everyone else had more appropriate clothes. Sycom was donned in a long coat with a slim-fitting suit beneath. A cane was tucked neatly under his hands, too, as the redhead stood in the middle of the wide hallway. Eyes moving to Reino, he spied the man in a black tailored suit with long tails. A cravat poked out from below the neatly buttoned up suit. Around the raven's hands were white gloves with golden buttons, buttons that matched the rest of his outfit.

"Why do you all get too look normal. Why am I the freak?" A frown was on his face now. "Wait a minute! Volkov, transform. As a fellow 'pet,' I presume you'll be in a dominatrix outfit." With a wink her way, the grizzle haired male skidded away from the swinging clutch of Reino. "Hey now, admit it! You want to see this as much as I do!"

Standing with his jaw on the floor, Sycom just shook his head. He had seen enough. Hands in the air, he spun around to leave the room. As he retreated he muttered, "Things I will never unsee!"

Seer Of the Future 04-15-2014 05:34 PM

Volkov watched as Ashes approached, and had she been in her human form she would have been blushing like crazy. Damn. He pulled that off well. She had immediately changed because she too had woken up in a set of clothes that were a lot like that. No she couldn't risk others seeing her like that, it would ruin any shred of public ego she had left. But seeing poor Ashes was in the same boat, she knew that she couldn't let him be the only one. "Fine." she huffed. Hopping down from Reino's shoulders she padded away a bit and shifted. Her form covered in a white glow as she stretched and came back to her human form. Standing up straight, she did her best not to blush a bunch or cover herself with her wings. Her leather costume was definitely something that would have them all staring. It accented the fact that she really had been a model, because she almost pulled off the outfit too well. "I thought I had modeled some risky stuff, this definitely tops that." she said jokiningly with a sheepish smile. How embarrassing was this? This goddess had a twisted sense of humor.

Esmme 04-15-2014 06:00 PM

"I should burn out my eyes." Vlad stepped into the room without his usual scowl. In fact, he seemed ... happier. I mean, one couldn't tell by looking at him, but her was a little less angry than usual. Maybe. Just a little.

Glancing in Ashes' direction, he wrinkled his nose in distaste and looked to the others. Everyone looked so ... different. It was amusing, really. "This seems like an odd twist to our usual missions. I can't say I'm displeased." After all, there was limited technology here. Their little group might have powers, but there was no constant watch from the SFA, or Purium blasters every time someone decided to stretch a bit.

Vlad took the hat off of his head, looking at it for a moment before setting it aside on the nearest table. Honestly, this clothing didn't bother him. It felt strange to be so well-dressed, but other than that....

Looking back to the others, Vlad felt a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "What fitting roles." Sarcasm? Perhaps.

CrimsonShadow 04-15-2014 08:51 PM

Eyes popping open Shadow sat up and looked around. She was definitely not in her bed and soon she realized that they really had gone back in time. Pushing herself off the couch she grabbed her sword that had been laying next to her on the couch. She was about to pull the strap on her sheath over her head when she realized what she was wearing. They had put her in a black ankle length dress. It buttoned up from her navel to the base of her neck. Around the collar was a thin piece of white lace, and the hem of the dress had a matching piece. The sleeves came to her wrists and had another thin piece of matching lace. Thankfully the dress cinched in at the waist, showing off her curves and the skirt swirled around her ankles when she moved. She was wearing black stockings and had on black ankle boots. There was a small white apron tied around her waist.

She could hear everyone just outside the room she was in. Frowning Shadow looked into the mirror and let out a small shriek of outrage. There was a maids cap on top of her head. Her hair, like always, was up in a top knot and held in place with silver chopsticks, The cap was gratefully small and held in place by black ribbon tied at the nape of her neck.

Swinging the strap of her sheath over her head, she burst through the doors and glared at everyone. “The maid?! Are you freaking kidding me?” The words ended with a menacing growl and she narrowed her eyes even more, if that was possible, and speared each of them with “the look”. The look dared anyone of them to make a mess. She may be the maid but there would be hell to play if someone made a huge mess for her to clean up.

a91nicole 04-15-2014 09:28 PM

Artemis could hardly contain her excitement as she woke up. Going back in time! How wonderfully delightful! She opened her eyes, taking in the scenery of the room. Outside the window, she could see Ajax frolicking in the large yard of the mansion. He would certainly love this, especially since he likely wouldn't be ridden into battle. This assignment was all about subtlety and intelligence, two of Artemis's biggest strengths.

Looking around the room she was in, it appeared to be a bedroom. So were these her quarters? Artemis could feel the constricting clothing around her waist, but could hardly wait to see what role the goddess had put her in. A goddess of all people had chosen this mission. It was too good to be true. She stood up and walked over to the looking glass on the wall. Artemis wore a conservative but well made outfit in flattering shades of navy blue. Her hair was up in a tight bun. Ah yes... the governess. That was her role. Perfect. They HAD to listen to her teach them now. How utterly delightful. Barely able to contain herself, she burst through her bedroom door into the living room where everyone was located.

"Hello! Isn't this absolutely wonderful?" Artemis asked with something close to a giggle. Judging from the look on everyone's faces, it seemed she was the most excited. Her eyes took in everyone's roles, although Ashes and Volkov certainly threw her off a bit. In all honesty, what everyone wore was quite strange. But she supposed she looked strange to them as well. Artemis had stared long enough, she figured she should state her role as everyone else had. "Oh yes, and it seems I am your governess, so I will be teaching you everything you need to know about this world."

blueblackrose 04-16-2014 03:47 AM

Her attempt to lighten the mood failed miserably. Ashes did draw a fair amount of attention. She looked the male over. Not bad, but is that outfit really necessary? A voice in the back of her mind told her it was and damn did it make him look sexy. The same voice said the same things about Volkov’s new outfit as well. Vex did her best not to laugh or even stare at Ashes or at Volkov either when she returned to human form. She had to admit to herself that everyone’s outfits seemed to fit perfectly. Reino looked good, so did Hime and Sycom looked very handsome and dashing. She did feel a bit bad for Shadow who was dressed as a maid. The woman finally stood up taking a good look at herself. What she wore (except in purple) wasn’t quite what she was expecting, but she liked it. Some frilly or puffy dress just wasn’t her style.

Finally her head had stopped throbbing and spinning with everything. Her eyes moved to Sycom who was walking toward her mumbling. They then moved to the others in the room. “You disapprove,” she asked, her voice sounding slightly distorted and her eyes appearing to be silver instead of their normal pale lavender. “I took great care into picking your roles as to how they would fit best into this time period. You should be grateful. It could have been far worse for you. Now remember your mission, time is of the essence.” There was a dark smirk on lips as she spoke. The woman blinked, her eyes going back to their normal color and the smirk gone. Vex didn’t recall what she just said, but she had the feeling that it may or may not have been important. Really she wasn’t sure and it bothered her. She looked at the others then to Sycom, “What did I just say?” A worried look washed over her features as she stood there looking for answers.

Esmme 04-16-2014 04:07 AM

Vlad raised an eyebrow at Vex's sudden ... reprimand. It seemed that time was with Vex in more ways than one. The tall male crossed his arms and leaned against the wall, a slight smile on his face. It wasn't until he caught Shadow's glare that he moved again. His hand reached out to the nearest bookshelf. Continuing to hold the maid's gaze, Vlad pushed a few books to the floor.

He didn't look very sorry about it.

The male continued to watch Shadow, relaxing against the wall as though he'd never knocked things from their place.

"If time is of the essence," Vlad said, addressing Vex without letting his gaze leave Shadow, "where do we start?"

Seer Of the Future 04-16-2014 04:22 AM

Admiring the other outfits of the girls, Volkov almost felt herself pout. She always wanted to try out a dress of this time period. But leather was always a good resort. Shrugging, she turned to Ashes and gave a grin. "We could definitely brighten up someone's day, in these outfits if not in our cat forms." she joked lightly, chuckling lightly, hearing a thud of a book on the floor her eyes turned to Vlad. Quirking a brow, she didn't try to let the male annoy her, it just gave more fuel to his fire. Running a hand through her purple hair, she sighed and gave a stretch. Seeing sun coming in through the nearest window, she moved to it and rested against the sill, enjoying the warmth. It was always relaxing to sun bathe, even if they had just been thrown into a parallel time. Letting out a soft purr of contentment, she watched in interest as Vex spoke with a voice not really her own. Quirking her brow again, she then sighed and looked around. "Well I guess we should get started soon then, but then again, do we have any leads at all?" she asked logically.

Kiyoto 04-16-2014 03:56 PM

For now, Kanra had managed to stay out of the other's sights, and off to himself. This was odd indeed. He glanced down at himself a bit, looking over what was going on with himself. He was in a black slim suit like apparel himself, the only real color was the light tie that matched his lighter violet eyes, and the white dress shirt under the black vest. He had a black coat on over it, so all that could be seen was what was near his neck. He felt a bit stiff indeed. Glancing at the others one by one once more, he felt the urge to get away from them for a moment, but he had no idea where to go. He felt a light redness floating over his cheeks, as he lowered his eyes to mess with his coat sleeve a bit. This is...indeed odd. At least one thing hadn't changed, Berserker was still within his head.

It was a bit comforting to have him there with him through..whatever this was. He avoided looking at the cat man as he came down the hall looking like some walking sex man or something. Berserker made a comment within his head, that he was greatful the others could not hear. To avoid being seen with the blush and having it throught of wrong, he turned away from them all to look out the window. He closed his eyes, thinking about what they were doing in this place, they needed to get on it. As if on cue, he heard the different voice behind him. He turned a bit for a moment, looking at the female who spoke up. Seemed someone else was using her for the moment. He said nothing again, as soon as it had begun, it was over.

Esmme 04-17-2014 02:25 AM

"No, that doesn't work." Sai took off his dark glasses, frowning at the delicate feel of them. Perhaps they were worn by the blind in this era, but he wasn't going to keep them. "Why? Because ... it doesn't. My synthetics don't give me my sight back. They help, but they aren't-" The silver-haired male froze while tying a strip of black fabric about his eyes. "No. That was an inappropriate question. I don't know who you think you are, but that was not something to ask out loud."

Sai spoke as though to another person. The only problem was.... the agent was completely alone. He'd woken up in what he assumed was his room. It was a small, comfortable room full of navy and darker wood. From the feel of what he was wearing, it was a different fabric. It was a longer coat - dark grey in appearance, with black clothing underneath. It was nice, but not meant to draw attention to him. That was how Sai liked it.

He stood, finishing the knot to keep his blindfold on. "Would you please keep your voice down. I don't understand why you think that's an appropriate thing to talk about. The others could easily hear y-"

Sai shot a glare in the voice's direction. "Who sent you in here to wake me? Hime?" With a sigh, Sai turned his back on the aura he saw. "Just keep your questions to yourself. I see what I see, and I don't care to go peeking into others' lives."

He stepped into the main room, glad to hear the familiar voices of Artemis and Volkov. Others were speaking, though couldn't be heard as easily. As the former agent stepped past Discord. With a small start, he glanced in the youth's direction. "What was that?" Had the boy said something?

Sai frowned. There must have been a lot of people in this room. And by a lot, he could easily pick up on a good dozen voices. Simultaneously. That meant there were at least another dozen who weren't speaking. Was the room that big? It didn't feel that big.

ISOS Duke 04-17-2014 12:00 PM

Hime's hands balled into fists the second the Reino plopped his arm on the top of her head going on about having seen a small person. There was a look in her eyes that could kill at the fact that this guy was taking advantage of the situation so much, though she should have expected it from him. Oh did she want to rip him a new one, but the rage within her mind was too much to allow her to properly think. Sure, Hime was short, but back at the SFA and even in the military, it was never commented on, nor used as a taunting device. For Reino to do this, well, this was a disrespect that she would not stand for and he seemed to know that without a word having to be said.

The woman barely saw a movement out of the corner of her eye, that was Ashes making his way to the room, before Reino threw his hand over her eyes mentioning that there were children in the room. Subconsciously, the woman cocked an arm back before using it to smack the taller male in the stomach so that there was a rather audible thud that could have been heard by the group. When his hand fell from her eyes, she put her hands on her hips and said, "I'm not a child. It would be best if you remember that." Did she have to point out the obvious with the child part? No, but Hime wasn't exactly used to people teasing her.

She rolled her eyes away from the male before looking in the direction Ashes had come from and the view that she saw instantly brought a bright pink hue to her cheeks, her eyes widening slightly. It would be also safe to say that she was not used to seeing a man so sparsely dressed. Adverting her eyes, she turned away from the cat-eared male only in time to see Volkov shifting to her own form. Defeated from the burning on her face from those two, she quickly adverted her eyes again to see Shadow and many of the other emerging. To see that they were all dressed more conservatively calmed the small woman.

When the sound of items dropping filled the air, shortly after Vex's display of split personalities, Hime shook her head, rolling her eyes slightly. It would appear that this male would be as mood in this time as he was in the present, not to mention doing pointless things just to draw attention to himself. She followed his gaze for a moment to see that he was looking at Shadow and had been for some time. Yes, the woman was glaring at the group, but she didn't see why that drew the man's attention so much. Even as she got caught under the exotic woman's glare, she didn't really bat an eye at it; she had received similar looks as a child but never really knew or found out what they meant.

Vlad's questions, as well as Volkov's jarred Hime's mind for a moment. There was something in all this... They had a leader, but who? It was then that Sai finally came out from his hiding place, his speaking to Discord drawing the woman's attention. "Isn't he the one who's supposed to tell us where to go?" She asked bluntly as she pointed to the pale haired male who seemed to have been trying to avoid the group.

CrimsonShadow 04-18-2014 08:24 PM

She was still glaring when Vex suddenly spoke. Her tone was all wrong and her words didn't make sense coming from her. Then Shadow suddenly realized that the one who sent them here must be tied with Vex now. Shaking her head she happened to catch Vlad's eyes. Eyes narrowing again she watched him move as if he was in slow motion.

As the books hit the ground her hands balled into tight fists at her side. They were just itching the grab her swords and let him have it. But she had another idea in mind. He kept her gaze even as he spoke. Putting a smile on her face Shadow started to walk towards him. She made her body go lax and loose. Like she wasn't about to attack him.

Bending down Shadow quickly scooped up the books Vlad knocked off and placed them back on the shelf. When she had the last one in her hand she struck, quick as lightning, and smacked him upside the head with it. A loud thwack sounded across the room. Grinning from ear to ear she placed that book back also and stepped back. “Just know that every time you do something like that, I will find a way to get you back.” Pretending to dust off her hands she turned around and walked out of his reach. In fact she would do it to all of them. Perhaps this was going to be fun after all. Shadow did like to clean, it was sort of soothing to her. Add on payback to the ones that caused messes? Yes, she was going to have some fun.

The grin faded off her face as she went to stand near the others.

Esmme 04-18-2014 08:55 PM

Vlad watched Shadow pick up the books, seeming fine with the fact that she was far too close. Usually there was a distance between himself and the others - which was how he liked it. The Undertaker clasped his hands behind him as Shadow picked up the last book, and hardly flinched when he felt it collide with his head.

The sound caught even Sai's attention, and he seemed to know exactly what had happened despite his blindness. There was a tense moment during which it was uncertain if Vlad would respond out of anger, which he usually did. He stayed still for a few seconds.

Then, a completely new sound left his lips. Vlad's laughter was a strange sound. It was foreign; he never laughed. "Yes ma'am." Despite his smile and deceptively obedient words, Vlad still looked ready to strike out at Shadow.

His hands remained clasped behind his back for a few moments before he glanced to the books, and then to Discord. The boy was to lead their search? Oh, that was going to be fun. Things were always fun when Vlad was put in the same room as the boy.

Vlad's gaze moved back to Shadow, and he gave her a taunting smile before shifting his attention from "annoy Shadow" to "find out what's next."

There was a dull cold that suddenly spread over Shadow's arm and shoulder, as though a wraith had just laid a hand on her. From the glowing of Vlad's eyes, it was obvious that it was no unseen force - it was most certainly him.

"Our leader," Vlad's gaze was on Discord now. "How precious."

Kiyoto 04-18-2014 10:53 PM

Kanra took a breath, he had been in thought about a few things. About this time, Sai seemed to have moved near him, before the man paused to ask if he had said something. He glanced in his direction, raising an eyebrow. You don't think? Kanra asked mentally. Of course not, I do not know what is going on with that fool, but no one other than you and I can hear what is going on inside your head. He was slightly grateful for that, his mind returning to what the other had said about the cat man a few minutes before. He picked up on Hime's voice, pointing over towards him and Sai.

He blinked a bit, was she talking about him or Sai? Vlad's next words made him think she had really been talking to him. Him...lead them? What a pain..Berserker sighed, babysitting the lot of them? They'll be lucky if they don't get us all killed...we would be better off on our own. He kind of agreed with that, but they had faired well enough in their last endevor. They were not a perfect team, but they had managed to keep things together enough to get the job done. He glanced at Vlad, his eyes lightening a bit at the other's amused reaction.

Berserker would have loved to surface for a little chance at playing around, but for now it was better if he stayed back. Precious? He could take the man...and most all in this room..on any given day. He was strong enough to handle himself, and was far more than met the eye. Perhaps that was why he was the one in the head of this mess? He brushed a few strands of hair from his eyes. There were many things he could have said to knock Vlad on his ass, but it would annoy the man more to simply be brushed off and ignored.

"We should take a look around, get our bearings and at least get an idea where we are" he shrugged, it was more common sense than leading really, he stepped past Vlad to the hall, he was a bit curious to check the place out himself. Whoever wanted could join him, or they could sit here and complain all day which would not change a damn thing. They would be wise to follow his advice and the first option.

a91nicole 04-20-2014 05:52 PM

Artemis had watched the events that unfolded, though few of them caused much of a reaction. Little surprised her. Artemis was likely the one least surprised by the goddess using Vex as a medium to speak to them. Gods tended to do that, they needed to speak to them somehow, and often god's were too busy to actually appear to them. Or they just didn't feel like it. Vex's words made sense to her, and her mind was already working to figure out their missions. Gods never did things like this without a mission.

Artemis did, however, react when Vlad threw the books on the floor. A look of sheer horror crossed her face. Treating books with such disrespect... it was reprehensible. Especially considering the books in this house would be extremely valuable and difficult to come by in the team's actual timeline. She was going to say something to him about causing possible damage to such treasures, but Shadow had it handled. Artemis did grin a bit as Shadow thwacked Vlad with the book. Lord knew he deserved it.

Once that display of immaturity was over, it was time to get focused. Discord spoke of figuring out where they were, and Artemis nodded. "I agree. Though I will say judging by the architecture and level of technology we are somewhere in the 17th or 18th century. Which means a few things." it was odd for Artemis to take a bit of a commanding role, but being the governess and likely the most knowledgeable about history, there were a few things they needed to know "First off, in here we can obviously say whatever we want and talk however we want. But out there, in the town nearby, we have to act as if we are from this century. So no mention of technology, indoor plumbing, steam power, electricity, etc. Second." She looked around at everyone for a moment, hoping they were listening "We may have to consider going by different names in public. The names and codenames we have here would sound very strange to the people that live here, and may draw undue attention. We can't risk messing up the timeline too much, or the consequences in the present could be quite bad." Artemis finished, eyes glancing around the room "And the last thing, I think a couple of us should venture to the town to find out where we are. Although there may be maps or something in this mansion that can give us some insight.."

Seer Of the Future 04-20-2014 09:07 PM

Chuckling as Vlad got a good whack to the back of the head, the woman gave a stretch in the sunlight coming in from the window. Smiling at Artemis's enthusiastic remarks about what time period they were in she could only really smile. Volkov hadn't really been a history nut, she preferred the sciences and health. Which showed in her line of profession, but it was definitely cute to see. It was how she acted whenever she could see the old tools of the trade in pristine condition, that always made her giddy. "Lets look around then." she said lightly and moved along, walking with her wings tucked behind her back so she wouldn't hit them on anything. She liked the look of outside, it looked so warm and nice which made her want to spread out her wings. Walking along the hallway she stopped as she came to the first room, it was a library and study. Eyes wide in wonder at the sun filled space, she was sure that Artemis would absolutely fall in love with this room. "Artemis, you are going to want to see this." she called lightly, peering outside the window alcove to see the expansion of their estate out there. Her curiosity was spiking on what the back looked like honestly. Seeing something shiny up on top of the book shelves, she shifted into her cat form and opened her wings. Flying up to the top, she found a box and giving a mew to alert the others she looked it over. "It looks like its been hidden up here for ages." she said and then flipped it open. Peering inside she saw a key. Picking it up in her mouth she flew down and landed on Artemis's shoulder, and dropped the key on its chain in her hands. "Maybe its for a secret room." she offered lightly and gave a cute little sneeze. It had been dusty up there.

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