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Nephila 01-01-2015 07:41 PM

Neph's Jar of Winning!

Screw tiger blood I got dragon blood! I'm like a frigen alien with this goal shiz. XD I'm going to pew pew 2015 with awesome like I did 2014 until I can't anymore then I'm going to do it all again! I made all my last years goals come true and I'm so happy with that. However as any great person knows you are only ever in competition with your past self. And I plan on bringing a whole new level of awesome to myself this year. So I guess this means it's resolution time.

In 2014 I was gifted a new tablet and in 2015 I gifted myself Photoshop. Now that I have my favored tools in place and some basic knowledge of how they work I must focus on techniques for quickening my methods. I will continue to grow my relationships with people and add more awesome people to my list. This year I want to again maintain the same height as last year in Art, Fitness and Social Activates plus MORE! Well at least in Art and fitness. As At this point I don't know how many more social events I could possibly go to . XD

RL Goals for this year

* Keep my Deviant Art account up to date with new stuff TWICE a week. Even if it's a different version of the same piece.
* Re-Visit some of the ideas in my monster girl challenge series push them further without a daily time limit and turn them into print quality images.
* Create 3-5 solid Cosplays AND GET GOOD PICTURES of them!
*Drink more water/ less coffee/sugary drinks (this may be a set up for failure on my part)
*Sell some originals/take more commissions (if I add a few more every year I'll be happy and able to "retire" to my art and only create things for a living)

Mene Goals for this year

* Update my memory jar everyday with the awesome new prompts that were added this year.
* Continue my success with the "Guess the CI and win" Thread
* Buy all of "The Runway" shop
* Maintain shops already bought out in my Quest
* Try and get back up to 150K in between events as I would like 100K to be a base line for under my avatar. Why? CUZ I CAN THAT'S WHY (Also dragon blood..wouldn't be a good dragon if I didn't stock pile gold now would I?)
* Update my runway thread more regularly.

Nephila 01-01-2015 07:42 PM

[music][heart] January Highlights [heart][music]

[afrod_harhar][boogie]New years party![boogie][afrod_harhar]

The first highlight of the year is bringing in the new year with friends at a social. :D (it's shared on my Facebook if you can't see it here. Christine Landrie) These people are all super awesome and fun! XD

I Became single!
It was a sunday (The 25th) to be exact. I tried to be sad but I just turned out so icy. It happened when he was threatening to leave if I don't stop bringing up "his" money problems. Then I just told him to leave and bye. I can't be with someone that thinks I'm going to lie down and give him a kid when he's in debt and doesn't have a house. You kinda need step one before step two. XD Iggy's my bitch and knows how I feel about this whole whiny man business. Fuck love gimmie diamonds!

Avatars for January:

Nephila 01-01-2015 07:43 PM

[music][heart] February Highlights[heart][music]

[heart][music]Magical Musical Interlude![music][heart]

Yes that's right! 80s music to be exact. On the 13th I went to a super fun 80s dance with a whole bunch of my friends. It was a great time. So many amazing songs and out fits!

I wore my hair puffed up to the side with like 4 hair ties and a scrunchie. I had little kiss barrets so I threw those in there too. And the the makeup...yup. Blue eyeliner and pink blush EVERYWHERE! XD Rainbow sash and red puffy skirt off the shoulder top. long beaded necklace, bangles and one red fishnet glove. Oh! And one red sneaker and one grey high-top. It's a statement. XD

Chris and I talked a bit too and decided to go out for coffee today. He told me he made appointments with multiple banks and that so far he had no luck but that he still has 2 to try and work with. We'll see how this goes. Since he's making an effort to show me he's working on it (finally) I may reconsider and reconcile with him.

[heart][music]I won Admin's Pick![music][heart]

My fourth win since the new cycle. February 13th. So it was posted while I was getting ready for the 80s Dance. XD

[heart][music]I became a Trial Mod![music][heart]

I got a pm from Knerd on asking if I would be interested. Naturally I'd say yes. :D Let's hope I don't muck it up.

[music][heart] Avatars from February [heart][music]
I put this month in hide bars because there was SO many. Almost one for every day of February. A total of 27 avatars!

Nephila 01-01-2015 07:43 PM

[music][heart] March Highlights [heart][music]

[heart][:B][boogie]Lucky in Love[boogie][:B][heart]

After talking back and forth for the past few weeks on facebook we decided to give this another shot. He came with me to my cousins social and Everyone was really happy for us. Meanwhile I'm here like... but it's for my cousin. There was a lot of dancing and fun had by everyone. The kids (Lilith and my nephew Daniel) We're really happy to see Chris again because he actually pays attention to them unlike some other adults. I feel like we've both grown from this and I'm looking forward to being stronger because of it.

(My Nephew is good at photo bombing)


We have a bunch more photos on my Face Book - Christine Landrie

[heart][=3] A Day Out! [=3] [heart]

On Saturday I went out with Lilith to the Museum of Man and Nature. It was a great day. We took in two exhibits. One was the show liner of spring break called "Real Pirates" I was an interesting and fun exhibit with lots of things to get kids and adult interested in learning. We got to tie knots and search for treasure with a small group. Sadly there wasn't any photography allowed in the exhibit area. :( How cool would it have been to get a picture beside the pirate treasure? We had tons of fun anyway.
To my surprise it was less expensive to take in two shows than it would be to go to just one so we hit up the science area afterward. We saw a tornado machine, played with some space rocks (damn those thing are heavy) and a bunch of other things. We meet up with Chris later on and went out for Tacos at a new place. It was pretty good. :D

Avatars of March

Nephila 01-01-2015 07:45 PM

[music][heart] April Highlights [heart][music]

My Birthday

On April 4th During the Blood moon I had my 33rd birthday. I don't fully believe in the concept of age because I still feel like I'm learning new things. I went out for dinner and spent an Easter weekend with family. Well most of them. I made plans for later in the month to do stuff. :)

The Scientific Endeavors of Lil' Lilith

On Saturday the eighteenth of April my daughter Lilith became a diploma earning scholar of Carrer Trek's Ready to Work Program under the faculty of Geology studies. Way back in grade four she was nominated by her teachers to join this program because of her grades and attitude towards study. It's been an exciting part of both of our lives ever since. She's meet many new people threw this experience and has begun setting down her foundations in life. I'm so proud of her!

We've spent our past 10 Saturdays from 9 - 3 at The University of Manitoba. She sacrificed her teenage Saturdays for knowledge and networking and enjoyed every moment. Even the hard to wake-up days. XD I can't wait to get our photos back from the graduation thing. Also I need to find a nice frame for her diploma.

These are some photo's from the last day of the program:


[mrgreen][:?:]The Riddler[:?:][mrgreen]

This is the first time I've Cosplayed a Male Character. It was fun stepping out of myself and the gender role of strictly female (Though I still wore feminine makeup and my boobs don't really make it a reality to be a man) I won the best Costume prize of two tickets to an advanced 3D screening of The Avengers Age of Ultron. There are a lot of things I want to add to this costume. I want to get better and learn from past costumes. :) Hopefully by the end of the year you'll see some of these changes. :D

Avatars of April

Nephila 01-01-2015 07:45 PM

[music][heart] May Highlights [heart][music]

[sup]A Picnic at the Quarry [sup]

During Mother's Day weekend my daughter and I went to the quarry just out of the city. We had a nice lunch and a great day just walking and hanging out. We saw a couple of Blue Jays and a cute little snakey. :D I also took WAY to many pictures of rocks. XD These are only a few out of nearly 100. XD

[sup]KeyCon 2015 [sup]

So much happens so quickly that it's really difficult to put any description to it. XD It's just a lot of fun every year. :)

Avatars from May

Nephila 01-01-2015 07:46 PM

[music][heart] June Highlights [heart][music]

[kiss][love]The month of Weddings[love][kiss]

On the 6th of June I went to a wedding Social for an Old Friend of the family. It was a fantastic night. They look really cute together and I hope for the best for both of them and the rest of their lives together. [sup][=3] My pictures of them were blury though.

Avatars from June


Nephila 01-01-2015 07:47 PM

[music][heart] July Highlights [heart][music]

[cheers]Canada Day![cheers]

We had a fantastic day outside. It was a bit smokey out because of a forest fire the next province over. I made a maple leaf to celebrate this year.


On the 18th I took Lilith to see the new minions movie. It was pretty much how I expected it to be. Funny and a good popcorn movie. We had a good homemade dinner before we left. I made a Veggie Thai curry. Sweet and spicy at the same time.


I had a great time during the user event. I enjoyed all the Cosplay opportunities and seeing everyone in their choices. It helped distract me from the Anime Convention I couldn't afford to go to during the same weekend.

Loss of a friend

Our Family Cat Pikachu passed away on the 26th. :(

My July Avatars

Nephila 01-01-2015 07:48 PM

[music][heart] August Highlights [heart][music]

Admins Pick!

On Aug 3rd I won my 5th Admins Pick! This one means a lot to me. As this avatar is a cosplay of my Pikachu.

[insane][love][:D]Cousin Calan's Wedding![:D][love][insane]

On August 15th Calan became a Boyle.

[love] Folklorama [love]

From August 2nd-15th we have a tradition in my city of celebrating the many cultures of Canada. :) Food fun and great shows.

My August Avatars

Nephila 01-01-2015 07:50 PM

[music][heart] September Highlights [heart][music]

[eager][boogie]A Lilith First[boogie][eager]

Lilith went to her first interview on Sept. 1st. We'll find out by Sept. 18th if she make the cut. :D

[boogie]Lilith's Birthday[boogie]

It was Lilith's 15th Birthday on the 12th. We hung out with friends and had BBQ. :D

She got the job!

She got an E-mail with a bunch of release papers and acceptance on Sept 16th!!! So proud of her.

So did Mom!

Sept 22.nd I got a pm about becoming a full mod. It doesn't seem like it's been nearly nine months since I began the trail phase but it has. This will be a great new challenge. And again I still hope I don't muck it up.

Party Time!

Got to hang out with some friends on the 26th. It was His Birthday. :D Went to a new to me place and got to sample some different beers. I'm not really a fan of beer, I'll take wine or hard stuff anyway. It was a good night. :)

September Avatars :D

Nephila 01-01-2015 07:51 PM

[music][heart] October Highlights [heart][music]

[:D]User's Pick![:D]
On October 5th I won users pick! Feelin' Awesome.

Rob and Lorna's Social
Friend of mine are getting married! And she's preggors. We went to their social on Oct.10th I felt pretty comfortable because I knew most of the people there. Lot's of fun. :D

Rocks And Fun!
On Oct. 17th I took Lilith to an geology exhibit. We had a lot of fun and giggled a lot about rocks. We're such little geeks. XD

October 19th I voted for the first time in my life.

Gopher the Cure

Ahh another fundraiser done. We raised over 2500 for cancer care and had a great night. Not bad for a showing of 100.

October Avatars

Nephila 01-01-2015 07:53 PM

[music][heart] November Highlights [heart][music]

C4 - Canada's Central Comic Con!

We were only able to for for one day this year but what a day! I took lots of pictures of LOT's for great costumes.


A convention dedicated to table top gaming. First time I went to this one so I didn't know what to expect. It was a fun afternoon. :D

November Avatars

Nephila 01-01-2015 07:53 PM

Nephila 01-01-2015 08:36 PM

January 1st 2015:

My first meal of the year is going to double as a crafting entree into The Festival of Winter Nights 2014: The Great Island Hunt- FINAL DAY craft. It's going to be a yummy filo pastry with some cheese on the side cuz Mmm cheese. I kinda want to find some plates that have a Greek looking print on them to make the plate look fancy. Store are mostly closed though so I don't think that'll be happening. I'll see what I can find at home. I also wanted to picture it with some wine...but I drank that all last night. XD

Today was pretty relaxed and that was awesome. I needed a break from he people and every thing. Most of it was spend in bed cuddling and watching movies.

Nephila 01-03-2015 04:23 AM

January 2st 2015: Resolutions

I pretty much posted them all in my first post, but then I thought maybe I should start planing out my route of attack. Art Attack that is. I have a few loose ideas with what I want to get done this year so I think it'll be good for me to write them down and get a more cohesive plan.

Last year I was somewhat happy with my progress art wise. I was successful in keeping to a once a week schedule and never felt stressed out about having to complete something on time. I bought myself a subscription to Abobe Cloud (mostly for photoshop.) :D and can't wait to start messing with some of the digital programs. Perhaps I'll even wonder into 3D

Projects for for this year

Project WoW:

I've been playing World of Warcraft again and felt the need to sketch a whole bunch of my characters. Colouring all of these will probably take the first 1-2 months of the year. In all I think it will generate 10-15 finished pieces.

Project Blue:
This is a Cosplay related project. Last year at a Scifi con I went to a panel about Cosplay and building your wardrobe. One of the things they said was to make/find pieces that would work for a variety of looks. That way any spending on the materials can count towards more projects. I found a perfect dress shape and shade for just that. I'll be starting work on it in February. The three Costumes it will work for are; The Diva from 5th element, Zhaan From Farscape, aswell as a Fantasy Elf dress. While I'm not sure if all the accessories will be done by then I'd like to get the majority of the silhouettes done by May.

Project WWOEC:

About 12-24 pieces for this forum that I've been a part of for about 4 years.

... plus I'm sure I'll get those random bouts of inspiration and commissions too. I don't want to bite off to much.

Nephila 01-03-2015 11:36 PM

January 3rd 2015: A is for ART!

I woke up today with a horrible cold possibly flu. My head ached and I was coughing really fiercely. I spent the day drinking juice and water and working on art. I feel a bit better now more like posting. I Also slept a lot. One of the things I worked on was art for this thread. :D I found a picture of a glowing jar, made it "glowier" and gave it some teeth. Because all things need teeth! XD

I'm also work on a bit of coloring for the WoW Project today. Female Centaur. She needs more work done on her but it's coming along.

Mene Quest update!

I won a bunch of awesome commons from Sadrain's Birthday bash. A couple from mene imports and one from imperial plaza. I also won a bit of gold for getting second place in bsw's undies contest. :D

Nephila 01-04-2015 08:44 PM

January 4th 2015:What's in your bag?

OH um just stuff and things. Perhaps I'll take a picture it. XD This one seems like a very youtube video tag thing to do. *feels sorry for boys with no bags* Anyway I have like 3-4 different lipsticks/glosses, and pad, a glow chic from a party, wallet, a ticket/business card holder, pen, pencil, mini drawing pad and eraser.

I think today is just going to be a lazy day of playing games and watching movies with my bf. I'm still a bit sick but I feel much better compared to yesterday.

Mene News:

* No winner for the first round of the year in Guess the CI. BUT 3 winners in the Guess the EI game!
* I sold some CI's today starting to get back up to 100K (150 is the goal for the next event)

Nephila 01-05-2015 09:44 PM

January 5th 2015: Earliest memory

My earliest memory is when I was a baby and bit my dads shoulder. I don't know why I did it but I got thrown onto a couch because of it. I think I was barely 2 at the time. I remember being wrapped in my favorite yellow blanket and being really tired. I was being taken to my room and then CHOMP. I bit pretty hard too because I also remember mom cleaning the wound. I think I must have been in a half dream state because I also remember an apple, which my mom says was never there. I remember it like it was though. XD

I think I might start doing some mene cleaning today. Clean up my inventory and update some threads here and there. Perhaps the first weekend of every month should be a mene clean. XD I dunno. I tend to leave things for about 3-6 months.

Mene News:

* longcat sent me some booties and gold. XD
* I won a Unicorn CI from the Staffs "Strut your stuff" contest. :D (which I promptly sold)
* I'm already at 94K! That's just 56K from my goal!! (gotta be prepared for next event!)
* My alt is steadily working her way threw the runway. Such pretty things in that shop!

RL News:

* My friends are getting married! Just found out about a proposal! SO cute! Can't wait for that party!
* "Working" on some more art stuff today. :D

Nephila 01-06-2015 02:43 PM

January 6th 2015:What brought you to Mene?

I had previously been playing Gaia and very unhappy with my questing progress and moderators there. I followed a link about Mene's Halloween event and I've been here ever since. I fell in love with the avatars immediately and in the following years when I was ready to start talking to people it was clear I made a great choice.

Mene News:

* I won a Menewsha Welcome Balloon - Yellow from Cora's Raffle/Hunt game
* Alt tracker 11500/13748 for page 6 of Runway

RL News:

* I uploaded a sketch for Wednesday (World of Warcraft inspired)
* Worked at the day job and went for a walk

Nephila 01-07-2015 02:39 PM

January 7th 2015: Random Fact about me

pfft. Random? I don't like pasta but will eat it because most people love it. I'm probably the least random person you'll ever meet. I try very hard to keep of veil of normalcy. Even though I know I'm anything but. I hide a lot behind sarcasm, but really I'm not being sarcastic or joking. I'm getting to the point in my life where I'm done with playing nice and want to just smack everyone.

Mene News:

* I won a cream eggie and 500g from Sjaklene's food themed avatar contest. :D
* I got a pretty sweet participation prize from Howdy's game of 1000
* bought a red sun wrapped corselet for 200 instead of 335 from the Mene Imports shop. :D

RL News:

* Just another boring day ay work. *stabs faces*
* later more art[rofl]
* update on how I'm doing with the less coffee thing... HORRIBLE! XD I've definitely had either the same amount OR more so far this year. I might ninja that one off the resolution thingy [ninja]

Nephila 01-08-2015 10:59 PM

January 7th 2015: My best friend

I think it would have to be my sister. There is no one I feel more comfortable around than her. We're only 2 years apart so we have a lot of the same likes and interests. It's fun just to hang out or go dancing with her. We're trouble like no ones business. XD

from last Vday:

Mene News:

* OMG! New Auctioneer item! I wants it! looks cute. :D I can see cute leprechaun wearing the green version. XD

RL News:

* SO much damn snow today T.T Hard to walk in.
* I decided to start counting my calories again and just stick it on here instead of the old weight loss diary.
* 360 quiche for breakfast, 340 liverwurst & crackers lunch, not sure what to have for dinner yet. hmm. oh and a 150 ish coffee. >.<

Nephila 01-09-2015 11:35 PM

January 9th 2015:What I'm wearing

A very grubby outfit. XD It's a night in tonight to work on art and perhaps a bit of cleaning. As such I have on my old sailor moon baby t-shirt and black track pants. Then because it's cold a blue way to big knit thing. Soo much comfy. :D

Mene News:

* Time to re list my 3 unsellables! XD
* I got the new item for an AMAZING deal! Mine went for 1275g sweet!

RL News:


Nephila 01-10-2015 09:10 PM

January 10th 2015: Your favorite song

I don't have a favorite song OR even favorite kind of music. I listen to a lot of different things all dependent upon my mood. Some of the styles and artist I listen to:

Rap: Iggy, Missy, Nicki, Die antword
Pop: Lady Gaga, Madonna, Cyndi lauper
Pagan Pride music: Wendy Rule, Incubus|succubus, Damn the bard, TYR,
Metal/darkect: Marilyn Manson, Cradle of Filth, Dark Buddha Rising,
Others: Bollywood songs, Hindu and Buddhist chants, anime intro/outros, Weird Al, Disney songs, Arabic belly dance, Gypsy Kings

and more I can't think of right now. XD

I don't get really obsessed with anyone band or member like some people do. I couldn't tell you what any of those people are wearing or who they're dating only that I like the music. XD

Mene News:

* I won 2 "Pimp your sovereign" from the staffs "strut your stuff" contest. :D I'm putting one in my game threads prizes.
* I re-listed a few of my items on the MP today. With the other auctions going on right now I don't think they'll get much love.

RL News:

* My daughter is celebrating Ukrainian Christmas with her other grandma today. :) So it's going to be lonely and quiet without her. My bf is over so we might go bargain hunting at various thrift shops. XD
* I haven't ate yet today we might get a bite while we're out so it'll probably be take having all my calories still available is a good thing. XD

Nephila 01-11-2015 09:12 PM

January 11th 2015:I never leave my house without. . .

My clothes. yup very needed for not getting into law problems. XD I would have said purse, but there are quite a few times where I'm just going for a walk that I don't take it. I'm not really attached to anything like that.

Mene News:

* I joined the next round of "Strut your stuff" with two entries. I'm having fun with this new ci. :)
* I put away some stuff in my inventory today

RL News:

* Another day of art and BF stuff. Should be great.
* I might do some baking today.
* Yesterday I finished a picture I've been working off and on for a week. :D It's my first picture of the new year! Yay!

Nephila 01-12-2015 04:47 PM

January 12th 2015: My Room

I HATE IT! I think it's something I should have put on the resolution list. I want to re do it BUT it's in my moms house so I don't really want to put any money towards it. If I do I wouldn't have enough for Mine and Lilith's eye surgery when she graduates OR the down payment on a house that I currently have saved just in case.

I would like to put in that hardwood looking linoleum and paint the walls. I have posters over certain areas because when I was still with Lilith's dad I had a mental breakdown because of his gambling and drug addiction. The walls say lovely things like "I hate you" "Fuck this" and random scratches.

However, If I don't go to any conventions this year I could take it out of that money...but then I'd go crazy because those are pretty much the only things I go out for.

Mene News:

* I hit 13000/13748 on my alt! I should have the 6th page bought by the end of the week. :D
* I couldn't put the new commons away yet because they're still listed under the Event shop so I don't know which drawer to put them in yet. Except for the proper purses and snowmen. I'll check again later in the week.

RL News:

* Was invited to an 80s V-day social! It's going to be SO fun. :D
* I had a yummy eggy toast for breakfast 240,

All times are GMT. The time now is 09:13 AM.