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LennaHime 10-27-2008 10:42 PM

Halloween Tea Party!

ZOMG Its Halloween! We all know what that means- Lenna gets out her handy dandy tablet and draws for items! That is, if the scary chemistry monster doesn't kill her with homeworks first.

1.) Follow Mene's Rules
2.) Buy Lenna Stuff? Or not. XD
3.) Don't steal Lenna's artsies unless they are freebies.

LennaHime 10-27-2008 10:43 PM

Buy Lenna stuff? Or not. X3

Nightstalker Earring
75 gold OR 7 apples BOUGHT 10-29-08

Assassin Cross Choker
100 gold of 10 apples BOUGHT 10-29-08

Black/purple Stripey Scarf BOUGHT 10-29-08
100 gold OR 10 apples

Red/Purple Stripey Scarf
100 gold OR 10 apples

Black/Red Nightstalker Choker
110 gold OR 11 apples

Black/Blue Nightstalker Choker
110 gold OR 11 apples

Black/Purple Nightstalker Choker
110 gold OR 11 apples

Red Demonate Skirt
125 gold OR 12 apples

Black Demonate Skirt
125 gold OR 12 apples

Black/White Stripey Stockings BOUGHT 10-29-08
125 gold OR 12 apples

Black Demonate Top
125 gold OR 12 apples

Red Demonate Top
125 gold OR 12 apples

Black/Blue Nightstalker Hairpin
150 gold OR 15 apples

Black/Purple Nightstalker Hairpin
150 gold OR 15 apples

Black/Red Nightstalker Hairpin
150 gold OR 15 apples

Nightstalker Bat Hairpin
175 gold or 17 apples

Lilac Tribal Sleeves
175 gold or 17 apples

Blue Assassin Tunic
175 gold OR 17 apples

Purple Assassin Tunic BOUGHT 10-29-08
175 gold OR 17 apples

Red Assassin Tunic
175 gold OR 17 apples

Blue Assassin Skirt
175 gold OR 17 apples

Purple Assassin Skirt
BOUGHT 10-31-08
175 gold OR 17 apples

Red Assassin Skirt
175 gold OR 17 apples

Red Demonate Cape
175 gold OR 17 apples

Black Demonate Cape
175 gold OR 17 apples

Crimson Lady Lolita Shoes BOUGHT 10-29-08
175 gold OR 17 apples

Black Demonate Horn Headband
150 gold or 15 apples

Black Demonate Tail
150 gold or 15 apples

Red Demonate Boots
225 gold OR 22 apples

Black Demonate Boots
225 gold OR 22 apples

Pink Tribal Dress
250 gold OR 25 apples

Black Tribal Dress
250 gold OR 25 apples

White Tribal Dress
250 gold OR 25 apples

Black Demonate Thigh Boots
300 gold OR 30 apples

Red Demonate Thigh Boots
300 gold OR 30 apples

LennaHime 10-27-2008 10:43 PM

What event is complete without the artsies?!

OKAY KIDS so here's the deal. Lenna LOVES drawing freebies, but due to school and stuff, she may not have much time to do many.

But if you buy Lenna anything from her questie, she will definitely get around to it. May not be until later this week, or early next week, but Lenna won't forget you for sure!!

Here is Lenna's DeviantArt, so if you like what you see, Lenna will draw you stuff!!

Regardless of whether you are bribing teh Lenna or begging, please please PLEASE PM me your request along with a pic of what you want. Lenna does do OCs, however, dun get mad if Lenna does something against their nature to them (a la putting Hasu in a Dress! XD)

NOTICE: Lenna will accept PMs for arts until Nov 2. After Nov 2, Lenna won't do squat unless you bribe her. X3 And chances are you won't actually get any arts until later in the week BECAUSE Organic Chemistry tests are a bitch to study for. T_T

(This means Lenna will draw you however she feels like...)

Obligatory Hasu-in-a-Frilly-Dress-Slot
Ruhiki for Artsy
Abel in a Halloween Costume! [x] [x]

(Meaning Lenna will draw you how you wanna be drawn, as best as she can~)


LennaHime 10-27-2008 10:44 PM

Pre-Drawn Freebies, for your everyday lurkerific needs!

Presents for Lenna~!

This is where Lenna will put artsies of her and other random fun stuff. YAY!

LennaHime 10-27-2008 10:45 PM


ALRIGHTY You can post now in Lenna's wicked awesome yet not done thread. <3

Jalestra 10-27-2008 10:47 PM

Yay! Happy Halloween!!!

Squid 10-27-2008 10:48 PM

Oh, some tea sounds nice!

LennaHime 10-27-2008 10:51 PM

:D Happy Halloween guys~!

Waffle 10-27-2008 10:51 PM

YEAH Lenna <3

Squid 10-27-2008 10:55 PM


So, I did the math. And if you wanted to EVERYTHING from the Halloween event special store... You'd need about two thousand five hundred apples.

The exact number was something like two thousand four hundred ninety-four. (2494)

LennaHime 10-27-2008 10:56 PM

Thats a lot of apples. o3o Luckily, Lenna doesn't want everything. XD


Kyou Blade 10-27-2008 10:58 PM

Unfortunately I want everything D: ~ish epic phail~

GeminiKizzy 10-27-2008 10:58 PM

Can I have some chocolate spiders with my tea?

Leona of the Zodiac 10-27-2008 11:00 PM

*lughs* I find myself wanting everything sadly. Ah well, I can at least oogle the goods until I narrow down my first round of purchases. :3

.Simplicity. 10-27-2008 11:01 PM

*hugs Kyou*
Tis okie...I do too.

Squid 10-27-2008 11:02 PM

Maybe I'll just collect and collect and collect and then before the event ends see what I can get.

Won't be much.

Every where I trick or treat, they just give me big ol' bags of nothings.


The NPCs don't like Squid.

LennaHime 10-27-2008 11:04 PM

*passes out candy and chocolate spiders with tea*

Hiya Kyou! Long time no see~ I hate it when that happens- wanting everything. ^^;; But I think at the last 2 events, I nearly wanted it all and I was able to get it all too. Lenna got LUCKY~

Nightingale 10-27-2008 11:07 PM

Chocolate spiders? Oh how I love Halloween T__T *hordes chocolate*

GeminiKizzy 10-27-2008 11:08 PM

Thank you for the tea and spiders. Yum!

Dystopia 10-27-2008 11:08 PM

Hey Lenna! No traditional Hasu-In-Dress freebies for this event? :P

LennaHime 10-27-2008 11:09 PM

Ello Nightingale!

I wants chocolate. Lots. It helps me do my homework. XD


...I don't have my tablet with me right now. But yes, Hasu WILL be getting a dress. Of course. X3

You're welcome Gemini!! <3

Nightingale 10-27-2008 11:12 PM

I hate it when people think you're too old to trick or treat, 'cause then they give you weird looks and the free chocolate just floats there in the distance x.x But I've got a trump card >3 *holds up her little brother* Yup. Minions! Fear not, my chocolate, for I come yet <3

LennaHime 10-27-2008 11:16 PM

I wish my brothers were little. -_- They're a year younger than me. But I guess at least I get to go to a Party this Saturday. :D I'm going to dress up as Alice in Wonderland. Made a costume and everything.

Waffle 10-27-2008 11:17 PM

I had planned to make a trick o treating thread where me and some other people post pumpkin tokens that could be exchanged for art, but with all this madness going on I don't know if I have enough time. xD

LennaHime 10-27-2008 11:19 PM

That sounds like it would be fun though, Waffle.

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