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blueblackrose 02-15-2013 03:49 AM

Fantasy Island || A Casual Event RP
Fantasy Island

Fantasy Island is an island paradise where anything that your heart desires can come true. You are only limited by your dreams and imagination. What will you do with your time here on Fantasy Island? Will you look for love? Maybe you will look for adventure instead or perhaps decide to visit another time and place? Anything that you need or require will be provided to you. There are few things to remember though as you spend time here on Fantasy Island. Anything that happens in your dreams will happen to you. So if you dream that you fell and got a cut on your leg, you will have a cut on your leg when you awake. As the say, be careful what you wish for. So go now and start you adventure on Fantasy Island.

Welcome to Fantasy Island!

blueblackrose 02-15-2013 04:00 AM

How do I join?

This is a casual rp so there is no need for PMing me your character profiles. All you need to do is either post a picture or brief profile of your character in your opening post.

If you have a picture
A picture, full name for your characterand any details want to share..

If you do not have a picture


Hair: (color, style, etc)
Skin Tone:
Any Birthmarks/Scars/ Tattoos/Piercings:
Clothing Style:

blueblackrose 02-15-2013 04:41 AM
Mistress Rose

Mistress Rose yawned as she lounged in a chair. The sun would be setting in a few hours and there was still no sign of a new boat of visitors. Sure the few months vacation from having new people coming and going was nice, but things were getting rather dull. She was sure that if they didn't get new visitors soon she would go mad. After all this island was her life. It was her job to see to it that people's fantasies came true even if they were only dreams or for a short time.

The woman closed her eyes in hopes of taking a short nap before going to the beach area. Her nap was cut very short by her young assistant shouting at the top of his lungs. She peered at him with half open eyes wondering if he was seeing things again. Deciding to see if what the boy was saying was true she rose to her feet and looked out towards the ocean. Sure enough there it was bobbing up and down on the waves. The long awaited boat with new visitors to come to this island paradise. "Nate, sound the alarm. Everything must be prefect for when they arrive on shore."
Nathanial 'Nate' Rhodes

"Look! It's the boat, the boat!" Young Nate shouted with excitement as he pointed to the boat that was off on the horizon out to Mistress Rose. He bounced where he stood unable to control his excitement. It had been a few months since the island last had visitors and things were getting rather boring. The boy nodded when Mistress Rose told him to sound the alarm. "Yes, Mistress Rose." No sooner had the words left the boys lips he was out of sight heading to the tower to sound the alarm to alert everyone of the new comers that would be arriving shortly.

CADFND 02-15-2013 05:02 AM

Sophie watched as the boat got closer and closer to the island. It had been a while since she'd been on a vacation, and it was her very first vacation alone. She was apprehensive. It was only a temporary escape, but she hoped that it would be enough. Sophie ran her fingers over the scar on her forehead one last time. "This is a good idea." She thought to herself. "A little escape from the drama is always a good idea."

When the boat docked, Sophie was simply amazed. The island was beautiful. She smiled truly, giggling as she practically leaped down the ramp.

On the beach adjacent to the ramp, Sophie noticed a young woman, or a woman who appeared to be rather young. She wasn't quite sure which it was. Either way, she seemed to be the only person around. Sophie wondered if maybe she'd gotten her boat mixed up with another one. After all, it'd happened before.

"Excuse me," Sophie said, shifting her leather shoulder-bag, "This is Fantasy Island, right?"

blueblackrose 02-15-2013 05:18 AM

The young woman smiled at the girl. “Yes, it is,” she answered with a slight chuckle. She had heard that question numerous times before and it never seceded to amuse her. “I am Mistress Rose and I welcome you to the paradise that is Fantasy Island.” Her smile was warm as she greeted her guest. With her arm she gestured to where a group of native musicians and dancers seemed to have appeared out of no where. “Please come and enjoy the music and food. It is our custom to have a feast when new guests arrive.

Nate came running up to Mistress Rose and almost ran into the new comer, Sophie. The lad could barely see over the leis that he held in his arms. “Sorry that I’m late Miss Rose,” he said looking up where he thought she was.

The sight of the boy made the woman chuckle once again. “It’s ok Nate. Just give those to Mai; she’ll take care of getting them to the guests.” Mai took the leis from the boy and started to put them on the guests. “Oh, let me introduce my helper. This is Nathanial Rhodes. He may be young, but he knows just about everything about the island and can answer most of your questions. Or at the very least point you in the right direction.”

CADFND 02-15-2013 05:26 AM

Sophie sighed in relief. "Thank goodness. I get so mixed up sometimes."

Before she could be fully rendered speechless by the performance, she giggled at Nate. "He's adorable." Sophie blinked at Mistress Rose, then to Nate, "Did you grow up here? I- uh, I don't mean to pry, I'm just curious." Sophie held up her hands. She couldn't imagine growing up in a place like this. She'd only been off the boat for a few minutes, and she was already more comfortable here than she was back home.

blueblackrose 02-15-2013 05:46 AM

Rose smiled. “Yes, I did. My family owned this island and before my father passed he was the one that always greeted the guests and seen them off. He made sure that they had everything they needed for a comfortable and unforgettable stay here. At times I was often by his side. Just like young Nate is here with me now.” She felt that it really wasn’t a secret that she was the owner of this oasis. After all most guest found out one way or another, and sometimes it proved to be troublesome, but things always worked out the way they were suppose to. “This is your first vacation in a while isn’t it? Why don’t you go enjoy the show and food? The hotel works will see to it that your luggage makes it to your room.”

Nate let the adults talk, letting Rose finish before asking his own questions. “I have lived here all my life too. I do wonder though, what is it like in other places? I’ve never been off the island. Rose says that maybe I can go travelling one day and see what the outside world is like. Of course she says before that can happen I have to grow up and became stronger.” The boy was hyper from all the excitement and it always made him talk more than usual. He also had a hard time staying still when he was hyper so he’d often be tapping his foot, rocking back and forth on his feet or doing something with his hands while he talked.

((This is my last post for the night.))

CADFND 02-15-2013 06:01 AM

((Okay, good night~! :) ))

"Oh, I'm sorry about your father." Sophie's expression softened for a moment. She smiled a little, rubbing her arms awkwardly. "It is- it's the first vacation I've ever taken by myself. I'll actually be able to relax for the first time in a while." She laughed a little. Never in her nineteen years had she been carefree. She hoped she'd have that experience, even if just for a while. "Thank you."

She smiled widely at Nate. "The outside world can be beautiful, but it can be a bit scary, too. It's definitely a good idea to be stronger, but it's even better to be stronger right here." She pointed at her heart. "If you've got a strong heart, you can get through anything."

Without further ado, Sophie turned her attention to the performers. She loved cultural things- especially the ones she didn't know a whole lot about. She just focused on the dance and the music, letting everything else go.

diaveborn 02-15-2013 06:44 AM

Name: John Doe
Nickname(s): John
Eyes: Blue
Hair: brown, pretty traditional male style
Skin Tone: medium caucasian
Height: 6foot
Weight: not sure.. 180ish?
Build: on the muscular side of average
Marks: no
Clothing: beach-y

John sat down on a lounge chair on the beach and opened his newspaper. Might as well get up to speed on what's been happening in the world... wouldn't tell him anything about who he was or where he was from or any of the other important things he felt like he was forgetting, but it would at least tell him *something*.

CADFND 02-15-2013 07:01 AM

Sophie gradually got distracted from the performers thanks to her own thoughts. She sighed and tried her best to keep a smile on her face. "I gotta get used to loosening up, I guess." She said to herself. She noticed the presence of a man nearby and turned a little to see if she could get his attention.

"What're you reading about?"

diaveborn 02-15-2013 07:18 AM

John turned suddenly to the person next to him, as if he was too absorbed in the newspaper to notice her presence. "Um - mostly people killing other people." He folded the newspaper up and then almost as an afterthought hands it out in what is vaguely the woman's direction. "Do you want it? I, um, I'd offer you something besides killing but I don't seem to have..."

He trails off, blinks a little, and scratches his nose.

(off to bed and will try to be back tomorrow:))

CADFND 02-15-2013 04:12 PM

Sophie sighed, but there was a smile on her face. "That's sad. That's all the news ever talks about these days." She held up her hands. "Thanks but no. I kind of came here to escape all of that, to be honest."

She folded her arms behind her, shifting her weight a little. "You're vacationing here, too, right? Um, were you on the boat or have you been here a while?" Sophie laughed a little awkwardly. She'd spent almost the entire trip lost in her own thoughts.

blueblackrose 02-15-2013 09:13 PM

Rose thanked the girl for her sympathy. "You are welcome, now go enjoy yourself," she said to the girl before taking her leave to greet other guests as they came ashore. She kept a smile on her face even if the guest was rude to her. Her father had taught her that the first rule of hospitality was to always smile and be polite to the customer. At times it was hard to follow this rule, but it was one of the most important to always remember.

It seemed there weren’t many visitors on this trip which made her a little sad. Maybe she wasn’t doing her job properly. If she was there surely would be more visitors travelling to the island than this. The ship’s captain greeted her and could tell something was wrong. The two chatted for a bit, the older man reassuring her that she was doing a wonderful job and more people would come soon. She thanked the kind captain and asked that him and his crew take a break before returning to sea.


“I’ll remember that nice lady.” Nate said before he called away. The boy seemed to be full of energy as he went about the different errands he was given and helping guests. Once he got a break he went in search of place to relax. It didn’t take him long to find a nice shady spot under a palm tree near the tables with food. He snuck some fruit and other goodies onto a plate before going to sit under the tree.

CADFND 02-16-2013 12:52 AM

When John didn't reply, Sophie sighed. She turned her attention to the waves. It was peaceful here. It was nice to not have anyone telling her what to do or who to be, but it seemed... empty. She wasn't quite sure how to handle it. It was like going from one end of the spectrum to the other.

She looked at the waves. The ocean was so clear. Maybe she would go for a swim. That or explore the island. Sophie attempted to flag down Mistress Rose.

"Excuse me, Mistress Rose? I'm thinking about exploring the island. Is there anything you think I should see first?"

blueblackrose 02-16-2013 01:44 AM

Rose turned with a smile. “That is a wonderful idea my dear Sophie.” She thought about the question for a moment. “Well my dear that depends on the things you like. If you want to see a spectacular sunset then I would suggest visiting Seta’s Peak. You should be able to get there just in time to see the sun setting this evening if you left now. Of course if you want to do something a little more fun there is Scarlet Caverns. The bats will be coming out of the caverns soon and that is a sight to see.” As the woman spoke she pointed in the directions of the locations she described. She was doing her best to try to figure out what Sophie would be interested in. “There are other things if neither of those spark your interest. There are many things to do here on the island so I’m sure there will be at least one thing you’d like to see or do while you’re here.”

CADFND 02-16-2013 02:39 AM

Sophie smiled widely. There sounded like there was a lot to do. "A sunset... It's been a while since I saw one. I live in the city, so I don't get to see a real one that often." She blinked. "Though, the bats sound very, very interesting. That certainly sounds like an experience. Though this whole place is an experience, from everything I've heard." Sophie giggled a bit. "Alright. Scarlet Caverns it is. Is there anything I should watch out for on my way?"

blueblackrose 02-16-2013 03:13 AM

Nate tugged on Rose’s arm. “I can show Miss Sophie the way. I know what to watch out for since it can be a little dangerous.” He was beaming up at the woman as he asked permission in his own way. The boy knew the way to the caverns well because it was one of his favorite places on the island. He always enjoyed watching the bats or exploring the deep caverns himself. “Please Mistress Rose.”

Rose couldn’t refuse Nate, he was just too cute when he pleaded like this. “Alright, no need to twist my arm Nate.” She laughed at the boy, patting his head and ruffling his hair. “All I ask is that you be careful. The native snakes will be moving, looking for warm places to spend the night before it gets too cold. Before you go make sure to get a lanterns and walking sticks from Rufio.” She looked at Sophie, “Of course that is if it’s ok with you that Nate shows you the way. If not that is fine.”

CADFND 02-16-2013 05:49 AM

Sophie couldn't help but giggle. Then she noticed that she'd been giggling a lot. Today was just a giggling day, she supposed, but she couldn't complain if she tried. "That sounds great, actually. I'd like the company."

Sophie was getting excited. She hadn't been this excited, or felt this free, in a long, long time. She grinned at Nate, "You'll be sure to tell me about some of the stuff we see, right? When it comes to this kind of thing, I'm kinda clueless, but I'm curious."

blueblackrose 02-17-2013 01:59 AM

Nate took Sophie’s hand and started putting her in the direction of the shed where they would find Rufio at. “I’ll do my best. I know about a lot of the stuff that we will see along the way, but I don’t know nearly as much as Rose does.” The walk to the shed was a short one. They were greeted by a middle aged man, who was a little on the muscular side and had blonde hair and green eyes. Nate told him what they needed. The man didn’t take long getting the lanterns and walking sticks, handing one to each of them. He also handed Sophie a small box of matches. “You two be careful out there. I also suggest that you take a machete with you incase you need to cut away some of the vegetation or protection,” Rufio said in a gruff voice as he held up a silver machete. The machete was about two feet in length and had a slight curve to it.

CADFND 02-17-2013 06:33 AM

"Hmm." Sophie grinned at Nate. "Then maybe we'll stumble across something new and exciting together."

Sophie tucked the box of matches into her pants pocket. For some strange reason, Sophie never lost anything that she put in that pocket. She figured that it would be a good little precaution, though she knew it was mostly just her self-made superstition.

"A very good suggestion, and definitely one I'll take." Sophie said to Rufio, gingerly taking the blade, "I don't think you'll need to worry too much, though. Nate here seems pretty responsible, and I like to think I am, too." Her expression sobered a bit, "But we'll be extra careful. Just in case."

blueblackrose 02-18-2013 12:17 AM

Nate said goodbye to Rufio and tugged on Sophie’s arm. “It’s this way. Most of the path should still be cleared.” He didn’t want to waste anymore time as they had a little ways to go. It would probably take them most for what daylight was left to get to the entrance of the cavern. “I’m sure you’ll see lots of new things since you aren’t from around here. Actually where are you from Miss Sophie?” He was curious about the outside world and wanted to learn everything he could about it.

CADFND 02-18-2013 01:01 AM

"I'm from... I'm from a place called New York City." Sophie said, letting herself be led by Nate. "It's a bustling place. There are a ton of people from all walks of life. It's pretty wonderful in its own right. It's a big city, though, so it's not like there's a ton of nature. It's definitely not like this place." Sophie looked around, but made sure to keep up with Nate. "It can get stuffy at times, though. There's just so much going on all at once..."

blueblackrose 02-18-2013 01:33 AM

“New York, I’ve heard of that place. It’s a big apple or something right?” Nate asked, but when he realized that he was wrong about that he blushed slightly. “Oh it’s a big city, not an apple. Not much nature? How can people stand that?” He had no clue how people could live without being surround by nature in one form or another. This baffled him. As they started down the trail a pair of blue Macaws flew across the path. He pointed at the birds. “Those are blue Macaws; they are one of the island’s indigenous birds. There are two other types of parrots that live here as well.”

He paused for a moment and looked like he had forgotten something. The boy mumbled to himself a little before looking up at Sophie. “Oh and there are a total of 35 different species of birds that live here…I think that is what Rose told me.” Nate was doing his best to remember everything that Rose and the others have taught him about the island.

CADFND 02-18-2013 03:50 AM

Sophie giggled. "Well, it's called 'The Big Apple'. Come to think of it, it's called a lot of things." Sophie nodded. "I know. That's part of the reason I came here."

Sophie gasped at the birds. "Wow! They're so beautiful!" She'd never seen anything like them before. She'd seen small birds like pigeons and knew about hawks and crows from her grandparents' suburban home, but she'd never seen something like the Macaws except for in National Geographic magazines.

"Wow, there are so many!" Sophie looked about as excited as a kid on Christmas morning. "Do you have a favorite?"

There were so many things to see- and Sophie wanted to see them all. It was a good thing that she was staying for a while.

blueblackrose 02-18-2013 04:11 AM

“They really are pretty.” Nate agreed. He spun around looking up at the trees to see if there were any other birds he could point out. Unfortunately none of the birds roosting in the trees could be seen at the moment. He looked back at Sophie. “Are there not many birds were you are from?”

The boy didn’t have to think about the question before he answered. “Well I like the peacocks because they are so colorful and the flamingos are cool, but my favorite is the Red Footed Booby. They are a silly looking bird if you ask me. Their beak is blue, their feathers are white and grey and their feet are blue.” Nate giggled as he pictured the birds in his head.

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