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Kat Dakuu 03-18-2016 02:52 PM

Soul ooc
A place for me, Ava, and kiyoto.

Soul Notes

Soul Dracula
(Original rp)

Kat Dakuu 03-18-2016 02:54 PM



Originally Posted by Kiyoto

Played By:

Sho Hazuki (書葉月)

Unknown, looks in appearance about Eighteen


Band Member

Guitar and Lead Singer

Sho is pretty closed off about his past, he's on a 'need to know' basis with that information. What is known about him, is that for awhile now, Sho has been involved with a darker sort of Vampire. His reasoning behind it are unknown to most, but it does seem to have an ill effect on him. Sho has a very fiery personality, which often causes him to bump heads with those around him. Head strong, stubborn, bold and outspoken, he is more than a little rough around the edges. Sho has trouble simply sitting still and being patient, the silence and still nature of things gets under his skin pretty quickly.

He prefers action, noise and excitement to it, which often times causes him to seek out mischief or trouble simply not to be left with the silence and his own thoughts and memories. He is very quick with his mouth, a guy who has no trouble saying what he is thinking, which often gets him into trouble with others. His mouth at times makes him greatly come off like he cares little for other's feelings or needs. When it comes to feelings however, Sho is quick to shut that down and change the subject, or deflect it off with a harsh comment or two. He loves physical activity, including a good old fashioned fight, having little trouble in such confrontation.

Sho can often be found at times looking for a fight, simply for the rush or for the fun of it, secretly enjoying the way it makes him feel alive again. He is a very passionate individual, unfortunately that passion and fire at times often makes him easy to rile up. This makes him clash with more easy going personalities, for he is the opposite and often times gets frustrated with them. He does not know quite how to deal with the softer personalities and people, which sparks up his anger and frustration at times. He's afraid to deal with delicate things, constantly thinking he's going to break something or make a mess of things.

Deep down, he does have a glimmer of a good heart and more to his personality than the hot head people see on the surface. Though he is seen as hard headed, it takes quite a bit at times to get through to him. Though what has never changed, is his skill and love for music. He is an exceptional guitarist and surprising to most, an exceptional vocalist. Though when confronted off stage, his mouth and head tend to get the better of him, making him a bit defensive when it comes to lyrics and music and such, on stage or in front of a crowd, it is like he becomes a completely different person. At home among the lights and the music, it is like he is finally able to be free.

Played By: Kat Dakuu
Name: Trey Kingsley
Age: He won’t really say, but was born somewhere between the two world wars.
Race: Vampire
Occupation: band member
Instrument: bass guitar
Appearance: He's 5'4" with fluffy blonde hair and cyan eyes. Eventually, he's given a stuffed white cat by a fan and carries it everywhere like some sort of accessory. In his right ear, he has two black rings toward the top. He probably gets them after the band forms.
(more ref)
Bio: Trey was only 19 when he was turned. He doesn’t even remember the name of that vampire now. Rather, he was naive and got pulled into something he didn’t anything about at the time. He’s spent most of his time as a vampire alone (and his human life too). He had family, but he’s never had friends until the band. For most of his life he’s liked music, but he used to just listen. He traveled and was a fan of traditional music from quite a few countries including Japanese and Celtic. He fell quickly in love with modern rock though. Although he’s originally from England, he’s never been back there. His name was originally spelled Tre, but he has since modernized it.
He’s a very closed off person to the point he can seem cold and unfriendly, but he won’t say no when people ask things of him either. More than he keeps secrets, he just won’t tell anything if not asked outright.He's the sort that needs to lock himself in a room to ‘detox’ after too much time around others. He’s defensive, never honest, and totally untactful. His speech is rude, blunt, and clipped a lot of the time, but it’s only because he doesn’t see the point in wasting time on extra words. Actions speak louder than words in his book, so he’d rather show. He loves being alone in a dark silent place most, or with headphones on. He’ll get overstimulated and start to go crazy after too long around other people and he needs to de-stress in his own bubble. His thoughts don’t match up with his words or his actions. He’s much shyer and sweeter than he seems. He really does love music and he loves performing though. He doesn’t hate people. He just seems like he does.

Kiyoto 03-18-2016 03:42 PM

Lol -is hitherly here-

That made no sense....but hi 030/

Kat Dakuu 03-18-2016 03:45 PM

sounds like slitherly.

which also, is not a word.

Kiyoto 03-18-2016 03:55 PM

But it's still fun to say XD

Kat Dakuu 03-18-2016 04:08 PM

it rather is.

How are you today?

Kory 03-18-2016 04:18 PM


I'm sooo excited that you've joined our RP. :)

Kat Dakuu 03-18-2016 04:22 PM

Yay! Ava is here too!

I should share my plotting thoughts as soon as I eat my lunch.

Kory 03-18-2016 04:59 PM

I'd love to hear your ideas, Kat. c:

What's for lunch?

Kat Dakuu 03-18-2016 05:21 PM

So I'm thinking of introducing an evil sort of vampire so it's not just humans vs vampires all the time. Kiyo's character can be a captive, minion, etc for them and that's how we all meet. I'm pretty open to how it plays out. If we'll be pitted against kiyo's char and the other vampire for a while, or on a mission to save (or both). But I have a good opening to introduce that plot in my next post.

What do y'all think?

Kiyoto 03-18-2016 05:30 PM

Hello owo!

Lol so my dude starts out as a baddie? Mwahahaha owo

Kat Dakuu 03-18-2016 05:37 PM

If you want. Seems to suit you though.

Kiyoto 03-18-2016 06:48 PM

I'll take that as a compliment lol

Kat Dakuu 03-18-2016 07:04 PM

It kinda was.

Kiyoto 03-18-2016 07:08 PM

Good lol, I don't mind making a villain gone eventually good.

Kat Dakuu 03-18-2016 10:40 PM

I can see a poor brain washed baby of evil or if the evil vamp turned him or something. But then we all become friends!

Kiyoto 03-18-2016 11:02 PM

XD lol I'll look for pics then

I found three, same guy just different style.

This one I will probably use as his main pic

Which will either be a link to option:




Which will show the color of his hair/eyes and the scar.

Which do you prefer?

Kat Dakuu 03-19-2016 12:43 AM

I dunno. I guess I dig the second one more?

Kiyoto 03-19-2016 12:44 AM

XD It comes down to red hair with blue eyes or white hair with golden eyes. Either works for me.

What about you Ava?

Kory 03-19-2016 01:12 AM

I am loving the second one too!

And I'm really excited to see your baddie-gone-good in action! c:

Kiyoto 03-19-2016 01:15 AM

White hair and gold eyes it is lol
So, do I need to fill out that pro skele?

Kat Dakuu 03-19-2016 02:59 AM

You can. We should probably move them here and I bet me and Ava can update ours since our story...series? evolved.

Kiyoto 03-19-2016 03:08 AM

Alright, I shall work on it.

---------- Post added 03-18-2016 at 08:09 PM ----------

Wait, once I finish should I just post it, or do you want to have them all together in one post? Like in the thread, you have them on the first one.

Kat Dakuu 03-19-2016 03:29 AM

um, pm it to me and I'll put them all in the second post of this thread. That would probably be best right?

Kiyoto 03-19-2016 03:30 AM

Works for me XD

I should have it done tomorrow hopefully.

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