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Andraus 09-07-2013 02:50 AM

Fallen Legion : A New Legion (Wolfie X Andy)
Nearly 600 years ago, God's Legion of Angel's single-handedly destroyed Hell. The Causality's were devastating, on both sides, forcing many into hiding. 500 years later, The Remnants of the Fallen Legion, The Elite force of Hells army, arose from an unknown slumber. With Their home destroyed, and their people forced into hiding, They vowed to Restore the Throne, and Destroy God.

After 50 years of fighting in the Shadows, Lucifer and Rosemary, The Crown Prince of Hell, and Powerful Demonness, Managed to slay god. The war was finally over. But not all that was destroyed, could be rebuilt : The Broken Hearts, The Broken minds. Many still bear the scars of the War, even in the new world. Constant strife was apparent.

But Lucifer and Gemini's Time has long passed.......The Rulers of the One-Realm Government are their Children, Todd and Zafina. Both being respectively Half-breeds, and of Noble Blood, They sought to forge better relations between the two races, hoping to end hostility's

Andraus 09-08-2013 04:38 AM

~Wild Spirit Wolf~:

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 09-09-2013 03:23 AM

Ooh, wonderful!! If you would create a skelly, Wolfie will fill it out and post it.

Andraus 09-09-2013 04:24 AM

(Don't need one. I'll make a full post in a few, ain't near a computer

Andraus 09-10-2013 04:23 AM

The City of Athens, a City of ancient poetic beauty, and spiritual enlightenment. So full of love, and life.......yet, underneath the skin, it was vivid with corruption. Small sects of Demon and Angel Gangs, vying for control of the city. It was a surprise the city wasn't torn apart from the conflict.

Luckily, that's where Zafina stepped in.

21 years had passed and the Violent Child, Now a Calculative Adult, was standing atop a building, watching with Vivid purple eyes. "Some people are too powerful for their own good......"she said to herself "Luckily, they have people like me to solve that problem "she said, smiling.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 09-10-2013 07:31 AM

((Wolfie isn't sure where to start, so she'll just jump in with Todd.))

Appearing behind his sister, Todd crossed his arms. "You weren't planning on having all the fun yourself, were you?" He asked with a teasing smirk. Todd was the more sensitive twin, and rather mischievous as well. The two of them were almost never seen apart, and they worked well together. They were a deadly team. "You can't play good cop bad cop without the good cop." He said, still teasing her. Picking at his twin was one of Todd's favorite pass times, although at the moment he was also a bit serious. He didn't like being left out, especially where Zafina was concerned. He knew he didn't have to, but Todd was always looking out for her.

Andraus 09-10-2013 08:10 PM

"True, but the Good Cop routine is hardly needed. "She said. "Just another Weapon-smuggling cartel of Demons. There's also some Religious Zealot Angel's in the Northern city, but I'll deal with this first."She said. She then took her jacket off, and let free her Raven Black wings, which she received from her father. "Time to get down to business "She said

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 09-11-2013 03:04 AM

Todd chuckled. "Well, I don't have to play a good cop. I just want in on the fun." He said. Even as his sister let her wings loose, he was shifting forms. Letting his fox ears and tail appear, his claws come out and his eyes change color. He had gotten his fox form from their mother. He had wings as well, but he preferred his kitsune form. He would switch to full fox form if he really needed to. "Lead the way, sister."

Andraus 09-11-2013 04:05 AM

Taking to the skies, Zafina took off, landing on the roof of a condemned Apartment complex. Opening the door, she walked down the stairs, keeping an eye out for any watch-men. Outside what appeared to be their 'Armory' was a Guard. She ran up to him, hiding her wings, and put on the perfect expression of fear. "please, Sir! there are people after me! "she said, running into the mans arms. While the guy was comforting him, Zafina took a small Knife from her belt, and stuck it in the mans spine.

Smiling, she let the man drop, slitting his throat for a quick death. Walking in the Room, She found Sealed weapons cases, and the like. Bingo, she thought. "I ain't going to arrest you for stealing weapons......just gonna steal them back. "She said to the dead body. Popping open one case, She pulled a Long, Black Blade, which fit like a beauty in her grip.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 09-11-2013 05:49 AM

Todd jumped after her, making leaps that would be too fast to be seen by mortal eyes. He landed right behind his sister on the rooftop, and waited until she had dispatched the guard before descending down the stairs. He stepped over the body and into the weapons room casually, as if he were walking through a friend's home. "A lovely act as always, Zaffy. I am constantly amazed at how you are so good at playing innocent." He said, rummaging through the great stash of weapons. He came across a gorgeous set of twin swords, oriental make and just his size. "What a haul. Mind if I kill the next one?" He asked mildly.

Andraus 09-13-2013 03:43 AM

"It's the Angel blood, you never lose the knack. "she said to her brother, fitting the sword to her bladric. "-and of course. Who else would I share this carnage with?" she said, smiling.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 09-13-2013 06:06 AM

Todd chuckled. "Of course, the angel blood. The fact that our father was once an angel sometimes escapes me." He said, giving one of the blades a test swing. It made a whistling sound, as if it were cutting the very air. "Naturally, this kind of fun is something only we can share. Maybe for the next one, I'll "catch" him comforting you, and play the over protective brother act." He speculated.

Andraus 09-15-2013 12:54 AM

"Aww, I love leading them on like that, then killing them in their sleep. The Over-confidence of demons always is refreshing, just before I rip their guts out. "She said, Swing the blade around. It was swinging a feather, and attacking with the force of a Tigers claw. "Hmm......This has nothing on Mother's Blade, but it will do......still wish she'd let me use it. Though, After what happened to that Demon Guard, I can't say I'm surprised."

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 09-15-2013 03:49 AM

Todd started laughing. He couldn't help it, with that particular memory being brought up. "Mom was really mad. She had so hoped to pass her blade down to you someday. Still, the look on Dad's face was priceless! Not to mention the way Aunt Rose and Uncle Asmodeus had to walk away to keep from laughing." He said gleefully. "Anyway, her blade would never work for either of us. It was made just for her. Personally, I'd love to have a sword tailored just for me." He added, wistfully thinking of the things he could do with such a customized weapon.

Andraus 09-15-2013 04:54 AM

" I wonder if uncle will introduce us to that Nephilim like he promised ? He said she was a Forge Maste, so maybe she could make us something? " Zafina suggest.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 09-16-2013 04:03 AM

Todd shrugged. "Yeah, maybe. So, where is the rest of this stuff going? Or are we just leaving it here for someone else to gather up?" He asked, gesturing to the room full of weapons surrounding them.

Andraus 09-16-2013 04:44 AM

"Someone else. Don't get paid for clean up" she said. "Lets go deal with the zealots" she said

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 09-16-2013 06:50 AM

Todd shrugged. "Okay. Act one scene two, let the show begin." He said with a dramatic bow.

Andraus 09-17-2013 02:56 AM

Zafina sighed, shaking her head at her brother. "Always one for the dramatics "she said, and jumped

They arrived at a Run-down church, where Zealot Angels were preaching from god's 'holy book'. Though he may be dead, he was still revered. Zafina spat in disgust, glaring at the Angels.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 09-17-2013 03:50 AM

Todd rolled his eyes. "Let's just get this over with." He said impatiently. He was more tolerant than his sister when it came to religion. In fact, he was more tolerant than her period.

((GUESS WHAT?!?! Wolfie found the first pictures we ever used for Todd and Zafina!!!))

Andraus 09-24-2013 03:47 AM

(~Wild Spirit Wolf~: Aww! So cute! sorry it's been taking so long to reply, but things have been crazy lately. You know me, I'm not one to usually reply so late)

Zafina jumped down, and walked up to the Angels. "You there! Zealots! Under Imperial Act 4, of the Union between Angels and Demons, it is against the law for Angel's and Demon's to preach their belief's in public. In Private Societies, you are allowed such freedom, but doing it in public shall cause unnecessary strife. "She said to them.

"To hell with you, Devil Spawn! You and your half-breed of a Brother do not deserve to speak as if you are our master! You are nothing more then Mongrels!"The Angel said. Since Heaven's fall, Angel's had become more Radical, almost becoming Supremacists.

"Keep Speaking, Pigeon. We'll see how much of a Devil Spawn I can be. "Zafina said, already loosing her cool.

"Damn you, and Damn your Fox-blooded Mother, and her cursed se- "He stopped short, with Zafina's hand through his heart.

"One thing, Just one, you do not say in front of me, is insult my mother, you Blue-blooded bastard. "Zafina said, crushing the angel's heart. She then looked at the Angel's "Well?! GET OUT OF HERE!" She yelled, and they ran off.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 09-25-2013 04:46 AM

Todd came up behind her. "You said I could have the next one. Still, I bet Mother would appreciate how you handled that." He said, looking around to make sure there weren't any stragglers waiting to ambush. Using his keen sense of smell, he noticed a stray angel hiding quite effectively int he shadows. He didn't bother making a fuss, he simply disappeared. For seconds, there was silence, and then a whistle, splash and thump in quick succession. Then, from the shadows, a head rolled, followed by a headless angel's body falling to the ground. Todd stepped out from the shadows next, his sword drawn and bloody. The whistle must have been his sword cutting through the air before striking. "I never thought it would get to this. He was about to ambush us with a bomb. Have you ever heard of a suicide bomber angel?" He asked, holding up a small round bomb that he had diffused.

((Bit of trivia: the expression "clean as a whistle" originates from ancient Japan, describing the whistling sound a sword would make just before cleanly decapitating a foe.))

Andraus 09-26-2013 12:33 AM

( I know. We're doing world History in my last year of HS, and We're on the Tokigawa Shogunate.)

Zafina was about to respond, when a Human Radical decided to show up. He would try to attack Todd from behind, but before he could, Zafina held out her hand, and the Human Male Exploded to pieces. Zafina looked with slight terror as this happened. Mind Magic was strictly forbidden by their parents, and from the looks of it, Zafina had obviously been practicing for awhile.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 09-26-2013 04:03 AM

((Well, thank you, for ruining Wolfie's moment. You couldn't just let her feel smart, could ya?))

Todd looked shocked, and a little bit sick. "Zafina...holy crap..." he ran a hand through his hair, then grabbed his sister's arm and transported them somewhere else. They arrived on what looked like a tropical island. It was daytime, but the full moon hung huge overhead. They were on a beach of pure white sand, a lush forest behind and all around them, with a gigantic gothic style castle rising up from the middle of it. "I've brought us to Limbo, the nowhere place where spirits go when neither Heaven nor Hell will accept them. I found out a few years ago that apparently I inherited it through some cosmic lottery that I still don't understand. All I know is that the place is airtight. I'm the only one who can enter or exit without my permission, and I've found that I can change the scenery at will. Anything I want happens here. That's where the castle came from." He explained, looking a bit sheepish for having kept such a secret. "We'll be able to talk here without anyone ever knowing about it. Now, what the hell did you just do?!"

Andraus 09-26-2013 04:50 AM

(No, I didn't mean it like that! God dammit, I meant it as we just found that out the other day. I wasn't trying to be a dick or anything).

"Nothing, Don't ask about it. It's none of your concern. "She said to him, steel in her voice. "Let's just say, I've been studying something that would make our parents really mad, and one of our uncles, not uncle asmodeus, is helping me study it. "she said.

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