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qeanin 02-29-2008 04:50 PM

There is a world parallel to ours. A world in which the sky has been encased with glass, so it's magic could not escape. But our world -Earth- threatens to break that glass. So, ten humans where taken and placed in the glassed world. Five girls and five boys, but when these people awake in this new world they will find themselves no longer human, for they will find that they have turned into beings of magic and myth.

Will these children of Earth find a way home or will they stay in the glassed world? This world is a place where anything could happen. Will they save the glassed world or will it shatter and break? Only time will tell...

Each person wakes up with a necklace on that has their birthstone on it.

Some people from the glassed world find themselves traveling with these newcomers and at times, becoming good friends.


some facts about glassed some people might want to know:

1. lots of small earth-quakes shake the country-side every once in a while.

2. night-time is the worst time to be out and about. vampires, ghosts, night-mares etc. come out then.

NO human has ever walked its grounds, and many people hate humans so much that they will kill the people from Earth i they could (even though the more "humans" in Glassed the better).

qeanin 02-29-2008 05:02 PM

1. no goddmoding
2. try and post at least five sentences
3. post your profile, and then PM me the page number.
4. romance is wanted!
5. fights are also encouraged
6. no joining and then never posting
7. talk in third person
8. have fun
9. make your PM subject "stone" so I know you read the rules
10. if you want to start in the glassed world feel free, but please keep it to a minimum of two years
11. no reading/cotrolling minds
12. .....three, six, seven and nine are magic numbers
13. only TWO RPC's per person

qeanin 02-29-2008 05:10 PM

Profiles for people from Earth:

Mene Name:
Age: (13-20)
Race: (anything but human. if it's something from your head, explain what it is. thnx)
Ability(s): (only six tops please)
Bio: (at least one paragraph)
Picture: (if any)

Profiles for people from Glassed:

Mene Name:
Age: (13-)
Powers: (six tops)
Natural Ability: (only one)
Past: (one paragraph)

qeanin 02-29-2008 05:53 PM


1. Mene Name: qeanin
Name: Rea Fading
Age: 13
Race: Night-Mare
BirthStone: Amethyst
Ability(s): Can see people's fears. Can cause hallucination's. Can blend into darkness/shadows. Can fly. Can control shadows to a certain extent.
Bio: Rea was the little girl who always sat in a corner talking to nobody but herself. She was aways had a good story to tell. One day when she eleven she layed down in her bad and closed her eyes. When she opened them she found herself laying on grass and not her bed. After learning where she was she thought is would be nice to stay in the glassed world. She has lived in the glassed world for two years and has no desire to go back to Earth. Even though she is a Night-Mare now she is still a very sweet person and loves to sit and talk.
Appearance: Rea is quite tall for her age, five foot four. She has Purple shoulder length hair. Rea is quite skinny (naturally) and her eyes are completely glowing violet, they seem to flame when she is angry and when she is sad they darken. she carry a black passenger bag to carry various stuffs in.
Picture: Rea Fading

2. Mene Name: Heiyuu
Name: Sheila Alcyone Caset
Age: 19
Race: Elf
BirthStone: Turquoise (Her birthday is 12/22. Capricorn)
Ability(s): Empathy (sensing emotions), Tactile Telepathy (Can pick up thoughts of others only through skin contact), Psychometry (Can read strong emotions on objects, like a knife used for a stabbing), and Earth-sense (A deep connection to the land, especially forests, that gives her a well of strength to draw on).
Bio: Sheila always liked magic. Since she was a little girl, her father read her fairy tales and fantasy stories, until he disappeared when Sheila was eight. As she grew older, she was drawn to the Wiccan religion. She's an expert on fantasy, but deep down, she really doesn't believe. Currently, she attends a community college, and has no clue what she wants to do with her life.
Appearance: Frizzy brown hair, green eyes, freckles. Her ears have gone pointy, and she's a few inches taller. See image for further info.
Picture: Sheila Alcyone Caset

3. Mene Name: nina
Name: Sauki
Age: 18
Race: Fox
Ability(s): Can hear people from afar, Water, Ice, Fire, Earth, Change her appearance.
Bio: Sauki is a very quite girl who doesn't talk a lot. People walk by her and never say a word to her. She think its because of her race that no one likes her.
Appearance:She's tall with short light purple hair and gold eyes. Her body is tan and she wears a chocker with a gold heart on it.
Picture: Sauki

4. Mene Name: HotaruHoshi
Name:Bronwynn Adrianna
Age: 15
Race: Kanako (Sort of angels, they only don't need wings to fly. They can summon spirits who come in the form of an animal and looks like materialized air)
BirthStone: Onyx
Ability(s): Flight, Spirit Sumons (Feline and purple)and darkness
Bio: Bronwynn is Evelyn's twin sister, the two are polar opposites but she loves her sister very much. One day she saw her sister being bullied and she beat the bully, she got expelled and her emotionally unstable mother beat her and basically disowned her. When she was in her bed she prayed to god if she could escape with her ssiter, to a world without a mum who's always drunk and bullies to treat her sister like crap. When she woke up that morning she found her wish had been granted.
Appearance: Black hair and violet eyes, she's quite taller than her sister. She doesn't look like her sister at all(pic below)

5. Mene Name: HotaruHoshi
Name: Evelyn Adrianna
Age: 15
Race: Kanako
BirthStone: Rose Quartz
Ability(s): Flight, Spirit summons (birds and pink) and Light
Bio: She was always getting bullied because she was so nice and let people get away with it. When her sister stood up for her and beat the bully. When her mum yelled at her ister she was in her room with her hands over her ears rocking back and forth, crying. She, too, wished for an escape from this life and whenthat morning she found one, she wasn't going to let it slip away. She had no desire to go back to earth and is happy with her sister here
Appearance: soft pink hair and violet eyes. She's quite a bit smaller than her sister which corresponds with her sweet and fragile personality
Picture: Bronwynn Adrianna & Evelyn Adrianna



1. Mene Name: Sho-Shonojo
Name: Shonasha Shonojo
Age: 17
Race: Shieto. These are a form of demon that eat the flesh of women.
BirthStone: Amythyst
Ability(s): Faster healing than normal, the ability to chage his appearance in small amounts (i.e. hair, eye, and skin color, but not body stature. He can survive without food for many weeks if he has devoured a woman.
Bio: Shonasha lived a pleasant life until his sixteenth birthday when it came time for him to get a job to help his struggling family. He finds an incredibly high-paying job working in the estate of the local business prodigy. He later finds out that the man he works for is abusive to all of those who work for him, but Shonasha continues to work in order to help his family. He stands a whole year before finally deciding that he has to get out. It is then that he is manifested in the world of glassed.
Appearance: He has mid-back length white hair and amythyst colored eyes. He is only a little on the short side for someone his age and naturally thin-framed.
Picture: Shonasha Shonojo

2. Mene Name: the lost girl
Name: James
Age: 18
Race: Elf
BirthStone: Diamond
Ability(s):he can heal very fast, he can see in the dark, he has excellent sight and hearing, and he can understand every language (even animal).
Bio: He has always been very nervous around other people, but once he gets to know someone he becomes a great friend. He is a great fighter and will protect anyone close to him. He often is used for his eyes and is unusually a scout.
Appearance: in picture
Picture: James

3.Mene Name: Alexive
Name: Vulden Roguwind
Age: 19
Race: Lionel (lion-esk humanoid)
BirthStone: Tourmaline
Ability(s): When he lets his emotions get the better of him they change the colour of this hair (mostly just the roots) - "Influence" the ability to convince and persuade others without communication what-so ever by implanting thoughts and ideas into someone, example: Vulden thinks 'hmm I'm thirsty' and sees so-and-so pouring themselves a glass of milk, he'd concentrate on them, thinking all the while pouring Vul a glass of milk would be a nice gesture, pouring Vul a glass of milk would be a nice gesture, pouring.. etc and unless they were a mean person where such acts would be completely impossible for them to understand, or they just hated Vulden down to his bone and blood, they would strongly consider pouring him a glass of milk xD. As noted, it doesn't work as well on someone if they are completely morally opposed to the act (it's not controlling minds, it's just putting in ideas, nothing others don't have to do if they don't really want to :3 <3). - Abnormally fast and dexterous a.k.a. feline agility. - Can take strong amounts of head, like standing in a fire.. while his clothes and hair might burn off he wouldn't be hurt.. however it's not unlimited, if you were to chuck him in a volcano he hasn't got much of a chance >o>
Bio: Fourth in a line of brothers with two younger sisters, Vulden had a hard time proving his worth to his family. Unlike his brothers, Vul lacked greatly in intimidation and had little to no social skills due to his more reclusive personality. He often tried to please his parents and stand up to their expectations, but always tried too hard and usually landed in situations that ended in failed attempts of bravery. His ever increasing failings created a brash and abrupt personality with a strong need to try and prove himself to others.
Appearance: Coming in a bit short at 5'6 Vul has a mop of messy ivory blonde hair, rich shark golden eyes, and looks to be very scrawny, but looks can be deceiving as he can back quite a punch. His nails are pointed, thick, and claw-like.
Picture: Vulden Roguwind kinda gets across the look of the hair, face and eyes. I'll put up a better picture if I find one.

4.Mene Name: Infectoid
Name: Jasper Valentine
Age: 19
Race: Vampire/Cyborg conglomeration
Birth Stone: Emerald
Ability(s): Self-healing, electrical bursts, immune to electricity, slowing down time, and animation of the dead.
Bio: Jasper was born the runt of a set of triplets. Two boys and a girl, and his parents were done with pregnancy after that. Being the runt, he was weaker than the other two. When they went to play with friends, he stayed inside and drew. When they got on roller-coasters, he opted for the water-balloon pump. He had a weak heart, and wasn't expected to live past the age of thirty. Jasp didn't even make it halfway. His heart failed during reccess at school, while he was on the teeter-totter. Only nine years old, he was expected to die in the night. He didn't though, and his heart was deemed 'satisfactory' as long as he had a pace-maker implanted. His father was fine with that, and they never knew what his mother thought, as the harlot had run off with some dentist in Tahiti. After that, he lived a 'normal' life, but never really got over th fact that he should have died. He was a vampire in nearly every sense of the word by age fifteen, with no actual friends, only a ferret named Sabre. It was obvious he wished to be someone else, anywhere else, and one bright sunny morning as he faked sick to skip school, he got his wish.
Appearance: He tends to wear darker clothing, similar to what an assassin would wear. His skin is rather pale, due to the nature of what he is, and most of his teeth are pointed instead of traditional fangs. The pacemaker that once resided in his chest has since sprouted, giving him cybernetic parts. His hair is long, but kept up, and he has tattoos. Jasper is also an average height, standing at 70 inches when his hair is down, but is also extremely thin, unhealthily so.
Picture: Jasper Valentine



People Form Glassed:

Mene Name: qeanin
Name: Levex Vaeri
Age: 30
Race: Velf (vampire/elf)
Powers: Can fly. Can control earth magix. Can control some darkness magix. Has super agility. Has hawk eye vision.
Natural Ability: Can go out in the sun.
Past: Levex was named ofter her talent for dancing ("Levex Vaeri" is draconic for "Enchanted Dance"). Ever she was a young girl she could always do everything gracefully, even if it was her first time doing it. She wasn't exactly rejected, but she wasn't really welcomed by either the elves or the vampires. Her parents died when she was eleven and she has been living alone for years. Levex became a hunter and archer when she was nineteen and has been making a living off of what she can. Levex is a very sweet person and loves to make new friends.
Levex was hunting when she saw Rea just appear in the valley in front of the village where she was staying. After learning who Rea was they become instant friends. Levex has stayed with Rea ever since then.
Appearance: Levex Vaeri

Mene Name: Soko
Name: Alfimare Uhda
Age: 21
Race: Demon (Not so much the animal kind except for his claws. Just a powerful being with pointed ears.)
Powers: Can fly for he if he wishes can have dragon wings. Uses shadows and jumps into shadows to teleport sort of. Is a master of puppetry but has had that ability sealed. Ability to sense ones presence over great distances, but only if he is looking for you. Can use fire if all else fails.
Natural Ability: Can use what is known as emotion-block.(Detaching ones emotions in order to fight.)
Past: He is a troubled man. When he was 19 he "accidentally" killed the woman he loved and her parents only realizing his error before killing his lover's younger sister. These were the witch's wants. For this reason he emotionally awkward. He seems both pleasant and handsome but also frightening all at once.
Appearance: He has bright orange hair and green eyes. Or so you think he has green eyes, his hair covers the red eye locked out by a witch from his youth. His claws are black and his clothes are gray. All the belts and straps of his outfit are satin and other shiny black materials. His right shoulder has a piece of armor. -Augi drew me the pic, ignore the quote. Alfimare Uhda

Mene Name: Cows Go Moo
Name: Reira and Fred Duvaux
Age: 19
Race: Shadow Demon
Powers: Reira-Phasing through solid objects. Fred-Fire, Telepathy, and spontaneous regeneration
Natural Ability: Dual Personality
Past: Reira and Fred Duvaux were twins that were originally healthy and everything, but due to a miscarriage, only Reira survived. After that Reira had a normal life in the village she lived in, that is until she was about 8. it was then that she started hearing a voice. That voice talked to her and old her that it was her brother. She believed that she was going crazy, but four years later when she was attacked by a wolf. When she thought she was dead her body was pretty much hijacked by Fred and he killed it. Ever since she has been 16 living and just traveling with her brother inside her head. This has lead her to be not as social as normal, preferring to talk to her brother, but sometimes that makes people think she's crazy.
Appearance: [Reira] and [Fred]

Mene Name: sepherchorde
Name: Joshua
Race: Promethian (like Frankenstein's monster)
Powers: (six tops)Incredible Strength, Incredible Fortitude, Incredible Toughness, Ability to channel electricity.
Natural Ability: Innocent
Past: Joshua does not remember who created him, he barely remembers how old he is. Due to his nature, he acts like a child. He has always ended up an outcast of any society he has tried to exist within, as he is very strong and, for example, doesn't know how hard he can pet the puppy.
Appearance: Joshua is about seven feet tall and very broad shouldered, he is hunched forward and has a heavy brow, he has a green eye and a blue eye, and has stitches covering various parts of his body. His head is bald as well and wears tattered clothing that barely fits.

qeanin 02-29-2008 07:45 PM

Rea wandered the valley where she had first awakened in the glassed world. She went there everything in a while, just to remember the feeling of becoming someone and something else. The sky was blue above the glass and it was beautiful.
"I wonder if the other humans that are supposed to come will appear here..." Rea said sitting down and the soft grass. A cool breeze swept through the valley, making the grass looking like green water. Rea sighed and held the Amethyst stone that hung around her neck.
"Two years and I still can't find a way to take this thing of. No matter what I do I can't take if off." She looked down at the smooth stone, it sparkled in the sunshine. A small rumble went through the valley and Rea looked back to the sky. The glass hadn't cracked.
"Good. To many quakes have shaken the land in the past few weeks, we can't risk the magic leaking." Rea said looking back at the ground and picking a few strands of grass she started to braid them. A small Pixie few by and took a few strands as well and then flew off again.

HotaruHoshi 03-01-2008 06:17 PM

"Hello there!" Bronwynn called out to the girl that was standing toward the glass.

"Exc.. Excuse me" Evelyn said shyly "do you know where we are.. we.. we?"

"We're lost"Bronwynn continued her sisters sentence

Soko 03-01-2008 08:44 PM

I'll be a boy, though I'd rather be from glassed. >>; I apologize for this in advance.

Mene Name: Soko
Name: Alfimare Uhda
Age: 21
Race: Demon (Not so much the animal kind except for his claws. Just a powerful being with pointed ears.)
Powers: Can fly for he if he wishes can have dragon wings. Uses shadows and jumps into shadows to teleport sort of. Is a master of puppetry but has had that ability sealed. Ability to sense ones presence over great distances, but only if he is looking for you. Can use fire if all else fails.
Natural Ability: Can use what is known as emotion-block.(Detaching ones emotions in order to fight.)
Past: He is a troubled man. When he was 19 he "accidentally" killed the woman he loved and her parents only realizing his error before killing his lover's younger sister. These were the witch's wants. For this reason he emotionally awkward. He seems both pleasant and handsome but also frightening all at once.
Appearance: He has bright orange hair and green eyes. Or so you think he has green eyes, his hair covers the red eye locked out by a witch from his youth. His claws are black and his clothes are gray. All the belts and straps of his outfit are satin and other shiny black materials. His right shoulder has a piece of armor. -Augi drew me the pic, ignore the quote.

Sho-Shonojo 03-02-2008 03:49 AM

Mene Name: Sho-Shonojo
Name: Shonasha Shonojo
Age: 17
Race: Shieto. These are a form of demon that eat the flesh of women.
BirthStone: Amythyst
Ability(s): Faster healing than normal, the ability to chage his appearance in small amounts (i.e. hair, eye, and skin color, but not body stature. He can survive without food for many weeks if he has devoured a woman.
Bio: Shonasha lived a pleasant life until his sixteenth birthday when it came time for him to get a job to help his struggling family. He finds an incredibly high-paying job working in the estate of the local business prodigy. He later finds out that the man he works for is abusive to all of those who work for him, but Shonasha continues to work in order to help his family. He stands a whole year before finally deciding that he has to get out. It is then that he is manifested in the world of glassed.
Appearance: He has mid-back length white hair and amythyst colored eyes. He is only a little on the short side for someone his age and naturally thin-framed.

Nina 03-03-2008 12:20 PM

Sauki walked threw town unnoticed by those around her. She still felt like she was never there. When she walked by a young man in his 20's she noticed his orange hair. She smiled and walked up to him, "Pardon me." she said in a soft voice for him to hear.

qeanin 03-03-2008 03:25 PM

((sorry for being gone.))

Levex walked through the towns streets, Looking for Rea. After looking the place up and down, Levex rolled her eyes.
"Of course she's gonna be in the valley. How the heck did I not think of that?" Levex started to walk to the valley.

Rea turned around and looked to the two girls and smiled
"Your in the land of Glassed. No need to be scared, the scenery is just a little different." Rea could tell by how shaken they looked that they had come from Earth, at one point.

Levex came running from the village and stopped and panted a few feet away from the two girls and Rea.
"Good afternoon ladys." Levex said still trying to catch her breath.

Heiyuu 03-03-2008 06:11 PM

Sheila found herself in the calm embrace of a valley, and sat quietly. The feeling of the grass beneath her hands was comforting. She ran her fingers through it, feeling comforted by the land beneath her. She drew her knees in to her chest, leaning back in the embrace of the land.

((Sorry, wasn't sure how to jump in...))

HotaruHoshi 03-04-2008 12:42 AM

"Teh.. The land of Glassed?" It sounded weird, well maybe not because there was an awful lot of glass surrounding this place. "Can you tell us a bit more?" Bronwynn asked "like whats this place like, I mean, I'm not who I was anymore, I also feel different"

Evelyn held on to her sister, like she always did. This world scared her, it was not home. Not that she ever felt the safety of a home, but it was all strange, and she'd swore she saw a person with horns on the way here.

qeanin 03-04-2008 01:08 AM

Rea stood and open her arm to the valley around her.
"This world is the same as the one you just came from, but it's magic is contained by the glass that covers the sky. That way more magical people could grow and the humans, who had no magic, died out."

Levex stepped in knowing Rea might not answer all these questions at once.
"The reason you don't feel the same is because your not human anymore. Humans can't survive here. Earth is taking up all the space with it's growing population, wich is breaking the glass." Levex waved to the sky above her.
"Glassed thought that if it took ex amount of humans, it might help. By the way, my name is Levex Vaeri." Lavex bowed.

Rea shook her head.
"How rude of me. My name is Rea Fading. Like you I too was once human. Please let me take you to our home. There you can eat and we can tell you more about Glassed and it's people." Rea gestured toward the village.

HotaruHoshi 03-04-2008 01:25 AM

"My name's Bronwynn and this is Evelyn and if we're not human anymore, what are we?" She found it all kind of weird, taken from one world to the other, was this some kind of dream or something?

"But why.. why would 3 humans make a difference? I mean there are billions on the Earth, how wold just a few save Glased?" Evelyn asked a bit confused

qeanin 03-04-2008 01:34 AM

Rea shrugged.
"Who knows how many people Glassed took from Earth. I don't know what you two are, but I'm a Night-Mare. I found that out by experimenting with magic. Levex helped me with that." Rea pointed toward Levex.
"She can help you guys to. Come'n it's getting dark." Rea started to walk toward the village.
"It's okay, no-one will hurt you, not here."

HotaruHoshi 03-04-2008 01:44 AM

Evelyn hesitated, she learned not to trus people, but did these 2 count as epople, did they even count as people anymore? She idn't have any time toi think about it as her sister decided to go and simply dragged her along

Bronwynn saw her sister hesitating, but her curiosity forced her to go with these strange people and she pulled her sister along, knowing that on her won she would never go with them.

The Lost Girl 03-04-2008 02:38 AM

James slowly opened his eyes the bright light hurt because he had been asleep for so long. He looked around and was shocked he wasn't in his room anymore. He was somewhere different...alot different. He got up and walked around. "Oh man...what did I do last night?!" He noticed something shiny on his shirt. I touched and relized it was a diamond. He stared at it for the longest time and then closed his eyes and counted to ten. He opened them and everything was still there. He tried it agian but failed. "Oh man..."

Sho-Shonojo 03-04-2008 03:33 AM

Shonasha's eyes fluttered open as something tickled his face, had the cat gotten into his room again. As his eyes adjusted to the light, he saw that it had not been that cat at all. A flower was leaning down in his face, dusting fine yellow powder onto his cheeks.

He batted it away as he sat up quickly and looked around him. A field of green, broken by small clusters of purple and white patches of flowers surrounded him. Looking around he noticed that a town sat far to the left of him.

Am I dreaming?he wondered anxiously, but never had a dream been so vivid to him. Overhead a pair of circling hawks glided, and he was surprised to hear their cry. I can't be dreaminghe thought I escaped...somehow.

He stood up from the patch of flowers he had awoken in and beat pollen off of his unfamiliar clothes. As he moved he felt a cold heavy lump hit him in the chest. Around his neck he found a stone of a very deep purple "Amythyst..."

Overhead the hawks wheeled on and Shonasha wondered how much his world had changed.

Alexive 03-04-2008 08:08 AM

(s'not to late to hop in is it? :3)
Mene Name: Alexive
Name: Vulden Roguwind
Age: 19
Race: Lionel (lion-esk humanoid)
BirthStone: Tourmaline
Ability(s): When he lets his emotions get the better of him they change the colour of this hair (mostly just the roots) - "Influence" the ability to convince and persuade others without communication what-so ever by implanting thoughts and ideas into someone, example: Vulden thinks 'hmm I'm thirsty' and sees so-and-so pouring themselves a glass of milk, he'd concentrate on them, thinking all the while pouring Vul a glass of milk would be a nice gesture, pouring Vul a glass of milk would be a nice gesture, pouring.. etc and unless they were a mean person where such acts would be completely impossible for them to understand, or they just hated Vulden down to his bone and blood, they would strongly consider pouring him a glass of milk xD. As noted, it doesn't work as well on someone if they are completely morally opposed to the act (it's not controlling minds, it's just putting in ideas, nothing others don't have to do if they don't really want to :3 <3). - Abnormally fast and dexterous a.k.a. feline agility. - Can take strong amounts of head, like standing in a fire.. while his clothes and hair might burn off he wouldn't be hurt.. however it's not unlimited, if you were to chuck him in a volcano he hasn't got much of a chance >o>
Bio: Fourth in a line of brothers with two younger sisters, Vulden had a hard time proving his worth to his family. Unlike his brothers, Vul lacked greatly in intimidation and had little to no social skills due to his more reclusive personality. He often tried to please his parents and stand up to their expectations, but always tried too hard and usually landed in situations that ended in failed attempts of bravery. His ever increasing failings created a brash and abrupt personality with a strong need to try and prove himself to others.
Appearance: Coming in a bit short at 5'6 Vul has a mop of messy ivory blonde hair, rich shark golden eyes, and looks to be very scrawny, but looks can be deceiving as he can back quite a punch. His nails are pointed, thick, and claw-like.
Picture: Clickkinda gets across the look of the hair, face and eyes. I'll put up a better picture if I find one.

Soko 03-05-2008 01:43 AM

Alfimare yawned a bit running his hands who his long hair. "Oh, what's this..." he mumbled to himself rearranging the orange tresses neatly into a pony-tail. His thoughts were upon distant things as he head down into a valley. One green eye peering out at all who pasted him on the dusty surface. There seemed to be a town below and this was encouraging, he didn't see people much.

"Glassed..." he continued muttering. Obviously coming back to the thoughts of a regular person.

qeanin 03-05-2008 04:25 AM

the house that Rea and Levex shared was the last house in the village. It was right at the biginning of the valley. Rea opened the door.
"Please come inside, the sun will be setting soon. Night is the time to fear here." Once every one was inside she shut the door.

Levex looked at the two girls more closely now that they were inside. It was interesting, they had an older sister younger sister relationship yet they looked nothing alike.
"So, when Rea making is dinner, why don't you yell us about yourselves? Of course we'll answer any questions we can." She pulled out some chairs for them and sat down herself.

Rea rolled her eyes when Levex said she was cooking dinner.
"Oh well." she shrugged and went into the kitchen and took out the soup they had last night, after starting at hot fire she put the soup into a pot and sat it over the fire to heat up.

Alexive 03-05-2008 08:09 AM

Vulden woke up, slow and groggy. Rolling over, he tried to curl himself up as much as possible to block out the cool late afternoon air but a low sun in the sky shown on persistently and drove away any hopes of a few more minutes of sleep. Stretching, Vulden went to bury his head into his flat musty old pillows and instead found himself greeted with the sweet sent of grass... 'Grass..?' That was odd.. he didn't remember going to sleep outside.

Rubbing his eyes he sat up and looked around for a familiar landmark, but all he saw was grass, flowers, more grass... and was that a town he saw far in the distance? Now that he thought about it.. nothing here seemed familiar at all, even the air had a sort of warm fizzy hum that felt strange yet comforting. He looked upward and the sky looked different too, almost like the Earth had been swallowed up by a giant bubble.

Panic twisted his insides but he forced himself to remain calm. First things first, he had to find out where the hell he was. 'I guess that means heading into town,' he thought to himself. He relaxed a little now that a plan was figured out, albeit a very poor one, but a plan none the less.

And it was now that he became aware of a cold heavy metal something pressing against his chest. Looking down he saw it, a bright pink gem catching the peach and orange rays from the setting sun in it's many facets. 'PINK?!?' he thought with much disgust and tried to take girly pendant off. Though try as he might it was stuck, how he didn't know but it didn't seem like it was going to be going anywhere anytime soon. Depressed he thought to himself 'Why pink?? Pink's so unmanly... what would my family say...'

HotaruHoshi 03-05-2008 02:38 PM

"There is not much to tell, I don't know anything from this place and it drives me crazy!" Bronwynn had raised her voice without noticing

"Bronwynn" Evelyn said softly pulling in her sister's sleeve, that always calmed her down. "We did find this" she said holding her Rose Quarts in front of her "Bronwynn's got one to"

Bronwynn nodded as she showed them her Onyx "What do these gems mean? I mean, I felt as if I had to take it, I couldn't leave it there"

qeanin 03-05-2008 05:15 PM

Levex leaned back in her chair and put her feet on the table.
"Well....Glassed is just like Earth, in a sense>. But unlike Earth, Glassed saved it's magic. Humans started to slowly disappear and soon there were no more. Any human that Glassed takes back, is turned into a mythical being so it can survive. This world....." Levex waved about her.
"This world is stronger than Earth, but because of the glass it cannot do anything but take more and more humans." Levex sighed. She didn't know much about the world herself and this was most of her knowledge put into a summery.

When Evelyn said that she and Bronwynn had necklaces, Rea's hand immediately went to her Amethyst pendant. Standing she went over to them.
"I have a pendant like that. I was once human, maybe...." Rea turned her head away.
"Maybe if we are separated from the gem to long, we might become humans again, and die." But Rea shook her head.
"No need to worry though. I have never been able to take it off." the soup started to boil and Rea went onto the kitchen and got four bowls, spoon and a big spoon for serving.

Sho-Shonojo 03-05-2008 07:48 PM

Shonasha was walking up the hill towards town now. He had stayed in the valley for sometime, wondering if he might eventually mkae from this place as if it were an incredibly vivid dream, but it hadn't happened. The sun was, by then, slowly lowering to touch the horizon. As peaceful as the valley was in the light of day he was not going to wait around to find out what it was like at night.

The idea of entering this completely foreign town bothered him. What if they were hostile to strangers, what if they spoke another language. Even worse than these was the possibilty that they would know what had happened to him, and that he would not like the explaination.

He stopped by a tree that sloped near the upward path. Shonasha still had a family back home. His parents would be worried and he had a sister to take care of, a sister he had promised to protect always.

He looked out over the flowered field below. The flowers were preparing for their sleep as they closed their petaled heads. But down below Shonasha saw something more. There was another figure down their in the grass, one he hadn't noticed before, and he was sure hadn't been there at all before.

"I wonder if he's ended up like me?" Shonasha said to himself as he looked again at the purple stone that hung around his neck.

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