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zyne 03-15-2015 05:05 PM

ides of march + free art (kind of)
i'm easily peer pressured and that thread said to make more threads so i'm making another thread?

since the day of the green is coming up and today is the day julius caesar was killed off i'm absolutely down to celebrate

p.s. i had to translate caesar's gallic wars and it was hilarious.

top poster in thread gets a free full body drawing with background!
second and third get full body coloured sketches no background.
(aside from me ofc. if barely anyone posts that's cool too)

how is everyone/what are you guys up to/what is your opinion on caesar?

Knerd 03-15-2015 07:38 PM

Don't get me started on Caesar, I could write books about the Roman statesmen. [lol]

But good luck to everyone who's striving for some art! It's great to see some freebies around here.

Seito 03-15-2015 07:42 PM

-camps out in thread-

Seito is doodling away haha.

~LONGCAT~ 03-15-2015 07:44 PM

*pones zing*
Well that change or funny from my phone. Oh well. Happy weekend.

hummy 03-15-2015 07:46 PM

*marches to the beat*

zyne 03-15-2015 07:54 PM

the romans were so dramatic, honestly. i'm not sure i quite understand the fascination with classicism and putting them on a pedestal when they were a mess... individually. society wise it's pretty impressive.

ooh, what are you drawing, seito? 0:

pones is a cute word actually... phone ponies? phonies.

hey long, hey hummy :p

~LONGCAT~ 03-15-2015 07:55 PM

Everyone loves drama. That's basically it.

Nephila 03-15-2015 07:59 PM

yeah pretty much. XD

zyne 03-15-2015 07:59 PM

true... true...
can't say i'm better than that though. i love a good scandal.

Babyblueyez25 03-15-2015 08:00 PM

showing your thread some lovin zyne [glomp]

zyne 03-15-2015 08:01 PM

ty blue <3 stay forever.

Seito 03-15-2015 08:16 PM

Currently attempting Erza from Fairy Tail. ;3

~LONGCAT~ 03-15-2015 08:16 PM

That's the only reason TMZ exists. Because we love gossip, drama, and scavenge.

Babyblueyez25 03-15-2015 08:20 PM

I will stay forever zyne [yes] he he <3

Hey long I was just thinking I hadn't seen you around much!

HamletSpamlet 03-15-2015 08:34 PM

I love your new signature art, zyne! [boogie]

Nephila 03-15-2015 09:30 PM

Oh Hamlet your avatar is so cute. :D *in love*

HamletSpamlet 03-15-2015 09:38 PM

Ah, did you mean my current or previous avatar? Either way, thank you so much~

evilcupcakecat 03-15-2015 09:54 PM

Hey! How is everyone to day/night?

zyne 03-15-2015 09:55 PM

ooh i stopped watching fairy tale after a while ... i just couldn't get into it but i really loved ezra! :p

ahh ty, hamlet! i really love your art style haha

---------- Post added 03-15-2015 at 04:55 PM ----------

pretty good. i finally finished what i was doing so i'm back on mene again.
i can't remember if i have anything due tomorrow though so that's a slight problem.

evilcupcakecat 03-15-2015 09:57 PM

What were you doing, if I may ask? Also, what exactly is going on with that picture in your signature?

zyne 03-15-2015 10:06 PM

bit embarrassing to say out loud but i was catching up on my tumblr dashboard... i have an aesthetic to maintain. kind of.
ALSO embarrassing but dialogue in my head was something along the lines of
"look at this mess!! was this you?"
"HAha,, n-no.. why would you say that!"
which isn't very interesting in the slightest but idc

what are you up to?

HamletSpamlet 03-15-2015 10:07 PM

Tumblr... I have bookmarks going back months from me trying to catch up on my dashboard. [cry]

evilcupcakecat 03-15-2015 10:09 PM

I'm just chatting and stuff. Personally, I love it when people have "conversions" with themselves.

zyne 03-15-2015 10:14 PM

bahhaha same, hamlet :') i'd bookmark things like... i'll catch up later. i never catch up.
honestly, i should just give up on trying to reach the end but something keeps asking me "what if you miss something super cool and important" and that would suck.

that's good because that's what i do literally all the time lmao.
my computer keeps making this weird sound and i'm a bit concerned for it... not very fond of possession.

HamletSpamlet 03-15-2015 10:21 PM

The trick is to leave the bookmarks there until you forget where you even left off that long ago... then when posts seem vaguely familiar your soul can finally move on.

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