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Spring`Tyme Fresh 04-14-2009 06:23 PM

Springy's Easter thread! And a party thread ...
Hey everyone!

I'm always late with making my thread, but today has made it an uberly special thread ... it is my 2 year Menewshaversary! :D

So I wanted to have my own little party thread as well as to celebrate Easter.

So, how many eggs did you get? I ended up with 6, even though I don't speak to half my family. o.O Too much chocolate! :O

Dystopia 04-14-2009 06:29 PM

8D Hey Kim

No eggs for me. ;3;

Spring`Tyme Fresh 04-14-2009 06:36 PM

Hey Anna! :)
No eggs at all? Do you not like chocolate or did no one send you any? :(

Dystopia 04-14-2009 06:40 PM

;3; No one sended me any.

TrueLight 04-14-2009 06:42 PM

Springy!!!! How have you been?

Spring`Tyme Fresh 04-14-2009 06:46 PM

Anna: Aww. :(
*sends over some spare choccies*

Hello Roo! :D
You know, if you didn't have that in your sig, I wouldn't have known who you were. xD
I've been okay, thanks. Job hunting though, which is an utter pain. x.x
How about you?

Ewwy, I think I just spilt some water on my desk. o.O

Dystopia 04-14-2009 06:50 PM

@ Kim - *3* Omnomnom!

Michy Lea 04-14-2009 06:51 PM

Happy Menewshaversary!

Spring`Tyme Fresh 04-14-2009 06:56 PM

Anna: Woo hoo! Now you've had some Easter eggs. :)
*throws you a Creme Egg*
Seriously, every egg I got was Creme Egg. o.O

First: Thankies very much. I almost forgot about it though, but I didn't! xD

Dystopia 04-14-2009 06:59 PM

@ Kim - :drool: Yummy!

Lejic 04-14-2009 07:08 PM

If it isn't Riri! <3

How are you hon?

xuvrette 04-14-2009 07:13 PM

Springy! Where have you been?

Spring`Tyme Fresh 04-14-2009 07:21 PM

Anna: :) I really do quite like Creme Eggs actually. xD

If it isn't Mimi! xDD
I'm good thank you. :)
Spending a fair bit of time with my best friend ... she's staying at home for the Easter hols while she's off uni. I'm going to the zoo with her tomorrow.
How about you? How have you been? :hug:

Meavey! :D
I'm afraid I've been in a hidey hole. >.<
Things were kind of bad up until Christmas ish time, but things are good now ... well, it'd be better if I had a job but I can't really help that.
How have you been?

Claudia 04-14-2009 07:21 PM

I got a few chocolate eggs/ I went to a buffet and I ate well on easter.
Going to the zoo can be relaxing.
I remember when I went to a zoo a couple of years ago and I saw one of the zookeepers palying with a giraffe. The giraffe kept going back for more, it was cute to watch.

Dystopia 04-14-2009 07:28 PM

@ Kim - xD; Maybe that's why they all got Creme Eggs for you?

@ Claudia - Aww. <3 I sort of have mixed feelings about zoos. ^^;; On one hand, they're really fun to go to. But I kind of feel sorry for all the animals.

4nj3L 04-14-2009 07:31 PM

I didn't get eggs, just ferrio rosie (sp?). You know the chocolates with nuts on the outside, a shell thing, and choclate and a nut on the inside?
I don't think I make sense. XP So tired....

Spring`Tyme Fresh 04-14-2009 07:34 PM

Claudia: We had Sunday dinner - it's not my favourite meal though. :P
I haven't been in years, but I know that I won't be going near any snakes or spiders.
Aw, giraffes are cute! I love how tall they are. n.n

Anna: Well, my mum asked me - on behalf of my grandma - what eggs I like and I just mentioned Creme Egg off the top of my head. Then my gran tells the rest of the family that I love them and everyone got me them. >.< It's just one of those things you say and then everyone thinks you're soo into them. I used to always get Crunchie Eggs from my grandma too ... every year o.O

4nj3L: Oh! I know what you mean. I don't have a clue how to spell them though. xD
I've never tried them, but I don't like nuts so I guess I wouldn't like them. :P

4nj3L 04-14-2009 07:37 PM

XD That's alright. I think I have a love for nuts (especially peanut better) as I use to be allergic when I was little. Plus my mom loves nuts (a little more then me), so I might of got it from her. XD

Dystopia 04-14-2009 07:39 PM

@ Kim - Haha. I wouldn't have minded. TOT I want an egg!

Spring`Tyme Fresh 04-14-2009 07:41 PM

4nj3L: Hehe, my mum doesn't like nuts so I guess I get that from her. xD
Everyone used to be her those (the funny named chocolates xD) for Easter and she got really fed up with it because it was usually her sister and mum who you'd think would know what you like. :P

Anna: You should go by yourself one from a supermarket or something. They usually have them all on offer so that they can get rid of them. xD
Or, make someone you know buy you one. Force them to!

xuvrette 04-14-2009 07:43 PM

Seldom seen you around, Springy.
I am fine as always, been lazy as well.

Avalai 04-14-2009 07:43 PM

ooo, nuts ^_^ nuts and chocolate are the best things.
we don't get eggs over here, dye, paint, and decorate lots of hard boiled eggs, then eat them for supper. but this year, I also organized an Easter egg hunt for my cousins and my little brother (3, 4, and 5). I hid chocolate and small toys all over our backyard and it was so cute to see them run around picking up eggs and getting all excited when they found one <3
the downside to this Easter was that I discovered that I'm too old to decorate the eggs with stickers xD I tried, and after making five eggs that even I found boring, I gave up and let the little kids have the rest :3 my brother use about 15 stickers on every egg, but it was fun to watch his intense concentration as he did it :]

Claudia 04-14-2009 07:46 PM

I don't know what I'd do without nuts...It's a main source of calories and protein for me.
Sometimes I have a jar and keep eating handful after handful until the jar is empty.
OR I will add chopped up nuts in recipes to add in those extra calories and protein.

Almonds are my favorites. I've gone through bulk sized baggies of almonds meant for a family before. Sometimes I go into "thoughtless eating" where my hands grab the food and my mind is elsewhere. I can only do this if the food is very easily grabbed.
This is fine for things like nuts...if I leave an open baggie of candies out..NOT so good to realize I've greedily eaten the whole bag while having my mind elsewhere.

I colored a dyed easter egg in a few minutes and I got compliments...It felt good since I didn't put much effort into it. Just a simple pattern with a marker.

4nj3L 04-14-2009 07:51 PM

@Spring: XD They should, but it could have been they lie the stuff and feel she should have too. I've done that before. XP
@Avalai: Awww that's so sweet of you. All my cousins are either older then me and/or across the ocean. T_T And I know what you mean about being too old. My art teacher goave us eggs once and well mine turned out very simple (couldn't get into it), while some of the other got really decorative. Maybe it's because I never really decorated eggs as a kid. *shrug*

Claudia 04-14-2009 07:52 PM

I never really got into it either...And I didn't see the point since we usually just broke the eggs open and ate them.

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