Menewsha Avatar Community

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-   -   * Speak Your Mind - Public Speaking Contest (ext. 11:55PM) (

Atlantis 04-20-2008 01:40 AM

* Speak Your Mind - Public Speaking Contest (ext. 11:55PM)

Hello, and welcome to "Speak your Mind"! I have decided to make Menewsha's first Public Speaking Contest where Menewshan's can express their views and opinions about what is going in our world today. Even though you can't actually say your speeches online, you will be just judged on how well your persuasive/ information speech is on writing.

Deadline for this contest: April 22nd, 4:00 PM pacific time

The winner(s) will be determined by a panel of chosen judges and I sometime in the morning of April 23rd.

For more information about the contest, please visit the next few following posts below.

I. Introduction
II. Rules
III. What is a Speech anyway?
IV. Kinds of Speeches
V. Topics
VI. How to enter
VII. Contest Details
VIII. Judges
IX. Contestants
X. Entries
XI. Hall of Fame (Winners)
XII. Links
XIII to XIV. Reserved

Atlantis 04-20-2008 01:56 AM


- No stealing other people's artwork (if you get caught plagiarizing, you will automatically get disqualified from this contest)
- Your Speech should be about what I have listed in the "topics" section below
- You can enter as much as you want
- Entries should be sent to me through PM: 4:00 PM Pacific Time on April the 22nd
- Follow the ToS of this site
- Do your best
- Your Speech should not be more than a page (in terms of length)

Atlantis 04-20-2008 02:00 AM

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ability to express one's thoughts and emotions;

Every speech is simply made up of an OPENING, or INTRODUCTION, 3 BODY paragraphs(or a main argument) and the CONCLUSION, or summary.

Successful speech OPENINGS meet 3 criteria. They:
- get the attention of the audience
- introduce your topic
- establish rapport

The 3 points above are what a good opening should accomplish. Here are a few techniques that could possibly help you create a good opening about what you are going to talk about for this contest:
- state the IMPORTANCE of your topic
- make a startling statement
- arouse curiosity
- ask a rhetorical question

Here are the three steps to organizing the BODY of your speech:
- LIST the key points you are trying to say
- ARRANGE them in order
- EXPAND on these ideas

LIST your key points, or arguments. Remember that your BODY will CONSIST of 3 different types of paragraphs.

them in order, from the weakest point first, to the strongest point last.

EXPAND upon those ideas. Elaborate on each idea in turn. Use examples or anecdotes involving people or events. If you're using numbers or statistics, put them in familiar terms. Avoid slang please.

Successful speech CONCLUSIONS meet 3 criteria:
- achieve a sense of closure
- summarize your main points
- should have made an impact on who is reading your speech

These 3 points are what a good CONCLUSION should accomplish. Here are a few techniques to achieve a great ending.
- make a call for action
- ask a rhetorical question
- refer to the beginning of your speech

***** As stated in the first post, since you are not actually going to perform these speeches, you will be judged on how well your speech IS ON WRITING.

Atlantis 04-20-2008 02:09 AM

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX - - Persuasive, Informative or a mix both

Your speech should fall into one of the categories BELOW only. Otherwise, if you send a speech that does NOT fall into one of these categories, then you will be disqualified from the contest.

Kinds of Speeches we are only accepting:

persuasive - something that persuades; inducement the person who is reading your speech


informative - giving information; instructive

or a mix of both

Atlantis 04-20-2008 02:22 AM


Since this contest was just held mainly for Earth Day, we would like you to write your speeches about:

Global Warming

(reason: Statistics say that 3/4 of the people in our world today don't know what Global Warming is. 2/4 of the people have heard of the word before, but don't actually know what it means. So by writing an informative and persuasive about Global Warming (what it is, what is causing it, and what we can do to help stop it), it will allow some Menewshan's here, who don't know about the topic well, a more in depth understanding of what it is and what THEY can do to help stop it.


Why you like Earth Day in general


What we can do to make our world a better place to live in


Kyoto Protocol

Atlantis 04-20-2008 02:30 AM

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX - it's simple and easy. Just PM me or post here to participate!

Entering this contest is simple. All you have to have do is inform me that you are interested in joining this contest, and you will have the remainder of the time to write your informative/persuasive speech.

However, your speeches should BE SENT to me by April 22nd at (4:00 PM, pacific time).

Speeches should be sent to me THROUGH PM'S ONLY. This is so that we can help prevent cheating. (although I know that Menewshan members are not capable of doing that) But just to be fair to the person who wrote it.

However, ONCE it reaches 4:00 PM, pacific time on April 22nd, I will start putting up all of the speeches. From that moment on, the selected judges and I, will be reading all of the entries to come up with a First, Second, and Third place winners.

Remember that during that time, I WILL NOT BE ACCEPTING MORE SPEECHES. So please be aware of the deadline.

Then, on the morning of April 23, I will announce who the winner(s) are for this contest.

Atlantis 04-20-2008 02:34 AM

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX - && the list of prizes that will be awarded to our winner(s)

Entering this contest is entirely FREE. But if you would like to enter this contest, you can either PM me or post in this thread.
Also, all finished entries should be sent THROUGH PM'S ONLY before 4:00 PM (Pacific Time) of April 22nd.


1st Place (Gold): Cloak of Nature

2nd Place (Silver): Your choice of either Tigra or Leon or

3rd Place (Bronze): Horns of Nature

Atlantis 04-20-2008 02:38 AM

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX - will the the ones who will be determining our winner(s)

The judges who will be helping me determine a winner: (with "information about who they are as well")

1. Atlantis
Info about him:

2-5. will be updated shortly

How you are being evaluated:
Even though you won't be evaluated on how you deliver your speech to us in person, we will evaluate your speech on how well it is on "paper" instead.

The rubric sheet, that has been provided below, will be the sheet that we will be using to determine who are winner(s) for this contest will be.

It is as follows:

1. Topic adequately developed 5 4 3 2 1
2. Appropriate introduction, body and conclusion 5 4 3 2 1
3. Logical sequence of ideas 5 4 3 2 1
4. Introduction clearly forecasts main speech parts 5 4 3 2 1
5. Terms clearly defined 5 4 3 2 1
6. Uses effective transitions 5 4 3 2 1

1. Proper grammar 5 4 3 2 1
2. Appropriate word choice 5 4 3 2 1
3. Correct pronunciation 5 4 3 2 1

1. Well-constructed, clear, easy to read 5 4 3 2 1
2. Well-integrated into speech 5 4 3 2 1
3. Properly used 5 4 3 2 1
4. Appropriate visuals for speech 5 4 3 2 1

Total: ____ out of 65 points
So whoever gets the most points basically (after we have tabulated all of the scores from this rubric) will be the winner(s) of this contest.

** I AM CURRENTLY LOOKING FOR 5 dedicated judges who could help me determine a winner. So if you would like to be a judge, please PM me.

NOTE: If you are entering in this contest, you cannot be a judge.

Atlantis 04-20-2008 02:39 AM


List of Contestants who are competing:

1. Californiaswimmergirl
2. sad_girlformat
3. xFallenx
4. Enzeru
5. N/A


Bold - indicates that that contestant has sent their entry to me already

Atlantis 04-20-2008 02:43 AM

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX - Winner(s) will be announced by the morning of April 23rd

**NOTE: The actual speeches will NOT be updated until 4:00 PM (pacific time) of April 22nd. So if you would like to read what our following contestants had in store their mind, please visit our thread during that time.

Atlantis 04-20-2008 02:44 AM

Reserved. (just in case) ^^

Atlantis 04-20-2008 02:45 AM

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX - make sure you visit these other threads below!
Other Places where you can participate in:
- For those into fashion, check out Going Natural, an avatar contest hosted by Melody Xyelle and ToriKat.
- For the photographers among us, try Picture It, Amari Tsuki and Intoxicating Envy's photography contest.
- If you're artistic, both Vadeil's Art Contest and x-cutie-x-pie-x's Pixel Contest could be up your alley.
- For those more inclined to writing, Ode to Nature, ToriKat's drabble contest, may be the perfect fit.
-Also, don't forget to add to Anthony Darkyn's quilt at Patches of Earth and post your tree hugging pictures right here.
- Whatever you participate in, you'll find yourself with tickets for my Tree Hugging Lottery, so even if you're not an artist, a writer, a photographer, or a designer, try a bit of everything.

List of active Hang-out Boards:

Art shops/ Freebies :

**If you would like your board or shop to be advertised here, feel free to do to by posting here or by PM'ing me. (well a link of your board will just be needed)

Atlantis 04-20-2008 02:47 AM

Reserved. (okay, this will be the last one XD) ^^

Atlantis 04-20-2008 02:49 AM

Speak Your Mind! is now officially open. *cuts ribbon*

You are now allowed to enter to enter. Goodluck all the contestants!

(feel free to chat in this board as well :))

Zweres 04-20-2008 03:07 AM

Interesting contest, Atlantis. /makes you add the Kyoto Protocol as a topic XD

Atlantis 04-20-2008 03:14 AM


Originally Posted by Zweres
Interesting contest, Atlantis. /makes you add the Kyoto Protocol as a topic XD

Oh yes! I forgot about that. Absolutely ~

Anyways, how Zweres! How are you? :)

Zweres 04-20-2008 03:15 AM

:3 I've been doing well, just finishing my school assignment of why the US should ratify and endorse the Kyoto Protocol XD. How have you been?

Atlantis 04-20-2008 03:29 AM


Originally Posted by Zweres
:3 I've been doing well, just finishing my school assignment of why the US should ratify and endorse the Kyoto Protocol XD. How have you been?

Oh, how fun :) Yeah, I am busy finishing my school assignment as well. I just have a bit of Chem homework still to do, but it shouldn't take me more than 45 minutes the max to complete all of it though haha.

Talk about homework, I have a Spanish test this Monday to study for as well.

Winterwolfgoddess 04-20-2008 03:45 AM

xD Global warming = perfect topic for me.

T_T I throw away the speech I wrote for school earlier this year though D: Gosh darn it!

xD I might write another one for this ^^.
EDIT: Nevermind. xD I can't. I forgot I was procrastinating on my APUSH DBQ and free response essays. I look forward to seeing topics on global warming to assess with my own views though.

sad_girlformat 04-20-2008 03:48 AM

A contest!
Now I'm tempted~ :S

Winterwolfgoddess 04-20-2008 04:01 AM

Even though I cannot enter I do have a question, Lance:
Must the contestants write in recency (weakest arguement first w/ strongest arguement last for a climatic approach)? My literature and APUSH teacher has personally taught us to take the anticlimatic approach, using primacy(strongest first, weakest last).

Atlantis 04-20-2008 04:51 AM


Originally Posted by Winterwolfgoddess
Even though I cannot enter I do have a question, Lance:
Must the contestants write in recency (weakest arguement first w/ strongest arguement last for a climatic approach)? My literature and APUSH teacher has personally taught us to take the anticlimatic approach, using primacy(strongest first, weakest last).

Any way is fine. I was just setting an example as to what I was looking for in a speech XD (since I was taught to do it that way)

But either way is fine ^^

Atlantis 04-20-2008 06:10 AM

Keeping board up ^^

Razor 04-20-2008 01:49 PM

I think this is a really interesting contest idea! I hope participants start flooding over to enter.

Atlantis 04-20-2008 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by Razor
I think this is a really interesting contest idea! I hope participants start flooding over to enter.

Aww, well my thank you sir ^^

Well hopefully participants are going to start flooding then.. XD

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