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For-Chan Cookie 02-14-2015 12:00 AM

❀ The Wallflower Corner ❀ A Place for Shy Valentines ❀

Welcome to the Wallflower Corner! A place for Shy People. Come on in and put your feet up. Say "Hi!" Have some chocolate, toast some marshmallows, and have a nice stay!

What's everyone planning on doing for Valentine's Day? [heart]

hummy 02-14-2015 12:19 AM


For-Chan Cookie 02-14-2015 12:27 AM

Happy Valentine's Day hummy! How are you? Any special plans for Valentine's Day? ;)

Connielass 02-14-2015 12:28 AM


I can't wait til the day after. 50% off chocolates!

Kory 02-14-2015 12:31 AM

I probably won't enjoy Valentine's Day so much now.
Not because I'm lonely or anything, I'm just in pain so I'll probably just spend V-day at home watching movies and trying to stay awake.

What do you all have planned for Valentines?

zyne 02-14-2015 12:33 AM

im not quite shy as i am a bit of a lurker (although i'm trying to get some chips so that's having to be put on a pause somewhat). hope it's okay for me to still slide on in.

sale candy is the best candy tbh *-*

i'm probably just lying around. maybe write a research paper. maybe talk to some people for attention and validation (it's fun, trust me). who knows

---------- Post added 02-13-2015 at 06:33 PM ----------

why are you in pain, ava?

For-Chan Cookie 02-14-2015 12:39 AM

Hey Connie! Same here. But we're expecting a blizzard, so that could put a crimp in my plans. :P

Hey Ava. I'll probably just be lounging around the house in my undies, waiting for the snow to start. [rofl] I never do stuff for Valentine's Day. Like Connie said, I wait till the day or so after and get cheap chocolate! Victory!

Hi zyne. Welcome to the thread. Make yourself at home. :D

Kory 02-14-2015 12:43 AM

Chilling around the house in undies is fun...
But it's too cold in my house for that! Lol. [rofl]

I just got my wisdom teeth removed today so my mouth is still pretty sore. ;(
I just took my pain meds so I should be alright, hopefully by tomorrow. If not, then I'll just stay at home, eating pudding and watch The Avengers or something...

Connielass 02-14-2015 12:43 AM

I'll be working. Yay! [stare]

Kory 02-14-2015 12:46 AM

Do you have a fun job, Connie?
I hate working on holidays, but sometimes we get to do "fun" things. Like today we got to dress up in red and pink and purple, (Which I didn't do because I didn't get the memo.)

For-Chan Cookie 02-14-2015 12:53 AM

@Ava - Indeed. You should chill in your undies and eat pudding!

Are you watching Agent Carter? Because it is awesome and more people should watch Agent Carter. Watching Peggy Carter knock people's lights out is lovely. [heart]

@Connie - Ah. Well, Money! Yay! More money to buy chocolate! Double Yay!

Kory 02-14-2015 12:58 AM

I REALLY want to watch Agent Carter. She's so badass, but I don't get regular TV channels and I dot have Netflix or anything. >:T
I've heard great things about it, though. I loved Agent Carter and the actress that plays her is hilarious!

hummy 02-14-2015 01:02 AM

i haven't seen any of that show

Kory 02-14-2015 01:06 AM

Hummy I like your new avatar! :)

For-Chan Cookie 02-14-2015 01:10 AM

@Ava - It's up for free on Hulu! Well, the most recent five episodes. You'd have to find Episode one somewhere else. But 2 through 6 are up for free. :D

@hummy - If you like comic books heroines or even just having a female heroine in general, Agent Carter is really awesome. She's putting up with sexism and kicking ass.

Kory 02-14-2015 01:19 AM

Sweet! I know what I'll be doing for the rest of tonight, then! :D

I'm super excited. I loved Peggy, she's adorable. She's sort of like the British, female Coulson, huh?

APBCole 02-14-2015 01:25 AM

I came to this thread to post something different but saw Agent Carter talk.

I must inquire if those people watching Carter are also Agents of SHIELD viewers? Because SHIELD is a great show this season and the season returns in March after one of the best midseason finales.

Kory 02-14-2015 01:28 AM

I've only seen one episode of Agents of SHIELD, but it was a perfect episode.
It was the one where Sif comes to earth to stop Lorelei. I've only seen that episode in clips.
If that is streaming somewhere for free I'd love to watch it, I still wonder how Coulson managed to survive Loki's attack p, though, is that explained in Agents of SHIELD?

APBCole 02-14-2015 01:29 AM

The first season and a good part of the first half of the second season goes into and closes the arc concerning Coulson post-Avengers.

Not Spoiler Spoiler: It's not what you think and you'll be surprised.

For-Chan Cookie 02-14-2015 01:30 AM

@Ava - If you can't find ep one, I can probably find a link for ya.

I think Peggy is better than Coulson. Just because Peggy is a woman and puts up with ten times more bullshit. I think Coulson comes from the Peggy Carter school of being a Kickass agent. Stay quiet and let yourself be underestimated, then kick some ass.

Hi APBCole. I have not watched Agents of Shield. I have been entertaining the notion of watching it, but I tend to drown myself in anime to the exclusion of all other things. But I made an exception for Peggy. :D

APBCole 02-14-2015 01:36 AM

Carter has tie in with SHIELD incase any of you guys were curious. There's little tidbits here and there that relate back to the show despite it being an earlier period of time.

But give SHIELD a watch if you get the chance. I recommend the second season where it gets really good and the latter half of the first season. I'd, however, watch through all of season one despite the early episodes being monster-of-the-week due to Winter Soldier holding the show back. There's some cool episodes like the my favorite Asgard related episode that isn't with Sif that concerns a mystical Asgardian weapon.

For-Chan Cookie 02-14-2015 01:42 AM

If I so watch Agents of Shield, I'll watch from the beginning, even if I have to slog through it. I just prefer to have all the cards on the table when I watch shows. :D

APBCole 02-14-2015 01:47 AM

I'm also still waiting on Bear McCreary to say when the first seasons soundtrack of SHIELD is up. The soundtrack in the first season is too damn good since it has Bear doing it. If you don't know who Bear is he has done soundtracks for shows like Black Sails, Battlestar Galactica, and The Walking Dead.

But being how Disney took a year for Ducktales: Remastered sountrack to get released. I expect it to be downloadable by summer or fall of 2015.

For-Chan Cookie 02-14-2015 01:58 AM

Cool. I do love me some soundtracks!

APBCole 02-14-2015 02:03 AM


If you haven't heard the theme of the show then you're missing out. This 30 second theme of it because the full one isn't released is so good. Probably the best part of the first season or any moments where SHIELD/Coulson comes out on top.

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