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For-Chan Cookie 08-27-2016 01:31 AM

❀ The Wallflower Clubhouse ❀ A Place for Shy People ❀

Welcome to the Wallflower Clubhouse! Where all the shy people are hiding from the sports, because crowds! Come in, find a corner to hide in and have a snack. :D

What's shaking with you guys? I had a busy summer. And now I'm catching them all! Pokemon that is. Need all the pokemon guys!

hummy 08-27-2016 01:32 AM

my cookie

For-Chan Cookie 08-27-2016 01:40 AM

My hummy [heart] How have you been? Humming along?

dragoness129 08-27-2016 01:53 AM

Yes! Catch all the Pokemon!

For-Chan Cookie 08-27-2016 01:59 AM

I caught a Snorlax today. Super excited! [eager]

hummy 08-27-2016 02:01 AM

God Bless you

For-Chan Cookie 08-27-2016 02:04 AM

There's a beach near here that has lots and lots of pokemon, and I almost went there tonight, but change of plans. I'm gonna spend the night with you guys instead of catching Pokemon. XD

dragoness129 08-27-2016 02:06 AM

NICE! I got Tauros yesterday. I was happy about that.
There are not too many Pokestops in this town, but there is decent in the next town over.

For-Chan Cookie 08-27-2016 02:12 AM

We don't have a super saturation of Pokestops, except in the city. There's a lot of them there. I actually changed how I go to work because there are more stops through the tiny neighboring town than the back way I was taking [sweat]

hummy 08-27-2016 02:13 AM

be careful

dragoness129 08-27-2016 02:17 AM

I had walked to work when I was in SC because it was not too far away and I could get miles towards my egg hatching.

For-Chan Cookie 08-27-2016 02:17 AM

Of course. People are idiot drivers on a good day! Gotta stay vigilent! Some idiot lady tried to casually merge into my lane, while I was dead beside her the other day. I laid on my horn and kind of swerved left so she didn't hit me and after the third time honk, she looked at me....and just kept trying to hit me! Like, didn't even top what she was doing! What the heck even! I hate people in cars!!!!!

hummy 08-27-2016 02:18 AM

*snick3ers* casual merge
is that a cali kinda thang

For-Chan Cookie 08-27-2016 02:18 AM

I was walking around my neighborhood to hit the pokestops near me, but I haven't lately, due to weather and laziness. I need to start again. The weather should be cooling off soon. Shame. I still haven't gotten to the beach!

dragoness129 08-27-2016 02:19 AM

Yeah, there are tons of bad drivers. -shakes head at stupid and bad-driving people-

For-Chan Cookie 08-27-2016 02:19 AM

I dunno, she was all chill and just changing lanes, just trying to hit me and not giving a flippity flip at all! I think it's an idiot driver thing.

hummy 08-27-2016 02:20 AM

i think people text and drive a lot
they are probably pokemongoing, too

dragoness129 08-27-2016 02:23 AM

People could be smart about it though. Hey, a Pokemon popped up? Go ahead and pull over to the curve to catch it. Then get back on the road afterwards. Happens a few feet up? Pull over again!

For-Chan Cookie 08-27-2016 02:24 AM

Like, she looked like she was paying attention to the road. She just wasn't paying attention to the other lane. The one that I was in and was in the whole time! It's not like I magically appeared there. I was there the whole time!

But yeah, I saw some guys who got in a crash and it was in front of a Pokestop, you can't convince me that that wasn't the cause. :P

hummy 08-27-2016 02:24 AM

people don't have that much sense

---------- Post added 08-26-2016 at 07:25 PM ----------


Originally Posted by For-Chan Cookie (Post 1773697122)
Like, she looked like she was paying attention to the road. She just wasn't paying attention to the other lane. The one that I was in and was in the whole time! It's not like I magically appeared there. I was there the whole time!

But yeah, I saw some guys who got in a crash and it was in front of a Pokestop, you can't convince me that that wasn't the cause. :P

special ticket fee for a pok3estop spot

dragoness129 08-27-2016 02:28 AM

Lol, they should kinda actually do that. ^

For-Chan Cookie 08-27-2016 02:29 AM

I feel like the humiliation of knowing you crashed while playing pokemon, and having to fix your car and watch your insurance go up is a good punishment, but who knows.

dragoness129 08-27-2016 02:34 AM

Yeah, it may be. Though if they don't learn from their mistakes...

For-Chan Cookie 08-27-2016 02:35 AM

One would hope, but then my hope for humanity is quite low at times.

Like a friend on facebook is constantly posting about the "Contrail Conspiracy" and I want to smash his face in every time. Even though he's a super nice person in real life, I hate every dumb conspiracy theory he posts on facebook, especially that one. Like, did you know that FEMA is buying guillotines so they can enforce marshall law and behead people? ....No? You didn't? Maybe cause it's totally not true!

hummy 08-27-2016 02:39 AM

wait, what

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