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Child of Choas 04-24-2011 06:59 PM

Black Dragon Academy (Yaoi Accepting)
Welcome to the Black Dragon Academy for the Gifted

Welcome dear student, we at the Black Dragon Academy would like to inform you that you have been noticed by our staff as one of the gifted. For that reason you have been enrolled in this school for returning students we have followed your past schedules and assigned you your new schedule. Now at this school you will mingle with other young boys who are also gifted or different. Here the world of the magical will be revealed and you will learn how to hide and blend in with unmagicla society. You will also learn about the history of magic and the supernatural about everything you thought was fantasy or grew up with.

Now the Black Dragon Academy is an all boys school catering to the age group 15-19. As new students come in they are assigned a mentor. They will share a dorm room with their mentor. There will be bathing facilities, and living area shared between every two dorms. Now the mentor can order the new students around and this is the costum between the two. A new student can refuse to follow the order and risk the mentor telling a teacher or headmaster, who may punish the new student.

All students will share a common dinning area, and have full access to all gym eqiupment, the pool, and the garden. Students may also wonder the school grounds between 5pm and 10pm. At curfew which is at 10:30 pm all students are to be in their dorm rooms. Any violation of that is punishable. Yet with the strict rule of curfew there is a rumor that is whispered through the halls of the campus. A rumor that students in particular new students have been going missing.

  • Follow the rules and code of conduct of Menewsha
    Respect ALL other Players
    I am the GM my word is law. If say someone can/can't do something please listen.
    If you have a problem with a player please come and talk to me
    All characters must be submitted by pm. I will pm you back with whether or not its accepted. If I tell you its accected you may post.
    Mentors may choose their new student and its a first come first serve basis.
    I can change and add rules.
    Lastly HAVE FUN!

Character Skeleton

My Mentor/New Student is: (I get to fill this in after a Mentor has given a request.)
Abilities: (May have up to 3. If you can convince me that one of your powers leads to another you may have a fourth Example: Telepathy, Telekenesis, Mindcontrol, so by using both Telepathy and Mindcontrol Illusions.)
Theme Song: Optional


Accepted Characters

New Students on the left Mentors on the Right.

Picture: sad blonde dude | Flickr - Photo Sharing! Just as a Temp. Will be putting up my original drawings…. Once I find a scanner.
Name: Jessi Benton
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Race: Summoner
Rank: New Student Aka Transfer
My Mentor is: Nathan Orion
Abilities: Summon small monsters, bind with small monsters to gain some abilities.
The monster he has are Jolt a little shock lizard, and Gears/Rawr Steampunk spiders. Only can bind with Jolt. Jolt can produce enough electricity to mock a static shock on his own, and he moves as fast as light. When bound he lets Jessi control Lightning and electicity. Gears/Rawr is/are technopaths, and can build any machine or crack any security system.
Bio: Jessi doesn’t know anything about his bio parents and only has memories of the foster family that was afraid of him. The family that would later leave him standing on a corn in New York City. When he was found by the police they tried to locate his family with no success they put him into the system. While in a group home Jessi met a couple other kids bounced around by the system and emotional scarred as much as he was. He joined the gang they were part of and was happy till his sixteenth birthday. The leader of the gang a man they killed King died from a shooting. After that day the gang wasn’t the same. The next blow happened that summer only two months after King’s death, Jessi’s best friend Jay went missing. While trying to figure out where Jay was Jessi was picked up by the police arrested for breaking and entering as well as theft. Jessi couldn’t deny it nor did he have a lawyer who could make it seem like a possibility that it wasn’t Jessi. So with his sentence given Jessi was shipped off to a juvenile facility or so he thought. Confusion struck when he was sent out of American and to an all boys school there to start his first day with only a small duffle bag of stuff.
Personality: Jessi is the happy bouncy clown who is always smiling. He will sacrifice himself or his own happiness if it means another is happy. When he does get depressed which is rarely it is serious, cause he’s suicidal when depressed.
Username: Child Of Choas
Theme Songs: Escape the City by Crush 40, One Card Short by James Chatton, Last Man on the Moon by SR-71


Originally Posted by Orial
Name: Nathan Orion
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Race: Fire Demon
Rank: Mentor
My New Student is: Jessi Benton
Abilities: Control over fire, fireproof, can shock people with small amounts of static electricity
Bio: Nathan's family wasn't rich enough to be powerful but neither poor enough to be ignored. As such he was trapped into a life of boredom. He would rather be out racing his red sports car than stuck in school or back at home. He has been glad, though for the Black Dragon academy, it's helped him get rid of some of his boredom and he's excited about the new students that are incoming.
Personality: Nathan is self centered and at times can seem to be in love with himself. He can be very cruel at times but he tries to keep a rather cool outer exterior. He seems to have that strange balance of masculine enough and badass enough while also being rather effeminate.
Username: Orial
Theme Song: "Bringing Sexy Back" by Justin Timberlake, "Sexy Bitch" by David Guetta Ft. Akon


Originally Posted by Ribe
Name: Sol Osaka
Age: 15
Sex: Male
Race: Incubus
Rank: New Student
My Mentor: ?
(1) Emotional Control
(2) Contracts (Can bind himself to one person to feed from them.
(3) Feeding off others energy.
(4) When using the Emotional control and when he is about to feed off to that one person he seems like prefect boyfriend.

Sol has over 106 demon brothers and sisters who are all different types of demons. Sol is the baby of the family and when he was very young he fell through a hole in the realm and end up on the mortal plain. He grow up as a normal human boy not knowing he was a demon at all. Even now he believe he is not a demon.

He think he a human boy but he can not explain why he started to grow little horns which he hides with a hat. Plus he has a little tail he tries to keep hidden in his pants but some times it pokes out. He likes parcore using his feet to climb and jump off of building and walls. He also has skateboard he always keeps near by him or on his back.

Personality: Kind, Hyper some times and playful
Username: Ribe
Theme Song: Fleetwood Mac: My Little Demon Lyrics


Originally Posted by Lucid Divinity
Name: Lucid Kaylix
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Race: Dragon Boy
Rank: New Student via Transfer
My Mentor is: ???
Abilities: Lucid has extra sensitive senses, is learning to breath fire, can only currently emit smoke consistently, and he has wings that he can withdraw as he pleases.
Bio: He has been hidden away by his parents all these years out of love, but once his parents discovered there was a place they could send him, they jumped on it. He doesn't know much about the outside world. He has green eyes that have eliptical pupils, giving him a reptilian look, and his nails are not nails at all but black claws. He's always looking for people to understand him.
Personality: He's hard to approach, because he's wary of everyone, but once someone knows him, they'll find he's a kind and loyal friend.
Username: Lucid Divinity


Originally Posted by Zidane
Name: Zidane Hawke
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Race: Human (unknown of actual heritage)
Rank: New student
Mentor is: Saevain Ashrider
Abilities: Telekinesis, small control over elements (Fire, water, etc...) and has great strength when he is extremely angry.
Bio: Once lived happily, and had a normal childhood. around 12, his powers began to show, and he had no control over them, especially when angry. At the age of 13, his dad died and his mother married quickly. At 14, his rage fits were becoming more frequent, then one day, his step-father beat him after he came home a few hours early and saw him beat his mom. He had the biggest "rage" since his childhood and destroyed 4 city blocks, injured 107 people, and killed over 250 people, including his mother. He then left the area and constantly on the move, avoiding long-term relationships in order to protect people from himself. Eventually went to the Black Dragon.
Personality: Tends to be quiet and isolated. He trys to be kind, when someone interacts with him, trying not to get angry. Is smart. All he needs is that special place he can fit in. Is this finally it?
Username: Zidane
Theme Songs: "Chop Suey" by System of a Down, "Pain" by Three Days Grace", and "Lifeline" by Papa Roach


Originally Posted by Carzeebear

Name: Isaac Mason

Age: 15

Sex: Male

Race: Half Demon

Rank: New Student

My Mentor is:Nikko Giollanni

Abilities: Shapeshifting (changes in shape, gender, colour, but no animals.) and illusions (He can change the way people see a situation, a beer bottle becomes a can of coke for example).

Bio: Isaac was born to his human mother as a beautiful blonde, blue eyed boy. Soon she discovered his secret, she only saw what he wanted her to see. As a result of his illusions, he never got in enough trouble to do himself damage, but created a bad boy image for himself that attracted just about everyone he met. His father was a lust demon after all. He lived in relative safety and anonymity until he turned fourteen, and his mother decided it was time that he got some training in how to use his demonic powers. Now that he's old enough, she's sending him to Black Dragon Academy.

Personality: Isaac loves to get his own way, and never likes to think that he won't. He's been described as Arrogant, self centered, and a bit of an asshole. However he's a very outgoing person, and against their better judgement, people tend to like him.. or at least they can't seem to stay away from him.

Username: Carzeebear


Originally Posted by Eiiri
Name: Nikko Giollanni
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Race: Reaper
Rank: Mentor
New Student is: Isaac Mason
Abilities: Persuasion- able to convince others to do as he wishes, touch or eye contact makes the power stronger
Shadows - can control and travel through them
Bio: Nikko was born into a family of reapers, that is those who transport the dead to where they go. While Nikko had the usual power over the shadows, he lacked the skills to control the dead. Instead he was better with dealing with the living with his powers of persuasion. So, when he was old enough, his family sent him to Black Dragon Academy, where he has lived ever since. He has a good reputation there, always putting up a good front for the teachers.
Personality: Charming, playful, flirty, but if you upset him, he can be very dangerous
Username: Eiiri

Name: Saevain Ashrider
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Race: Half elf half fae
Rank: Mentor
New Student is: Zidane
Abilities: Plant Control, Healing, Ability to meld into plants.
Bio: Saevain is from Ireland and has grown up hiding within the myths of the supernatural. Saevian is the only child in his family. He hasn't really seen much in the ways of technology growing up in the forest so things like computers and ipod are interesting to him. Saevain loved playing with the dryads and nymphs of the forest changing the plantlife durring their games of hide n seek or atleast he did as a child. When Saevain entered the school he hated being a new student the tricks played on him the orders given to him. One would have that the Saevain would have decided not to do the same when told he was a mentor yet all he could think about were the pranks he could posible pull.
Personality: Kind and caring but a bit of a prankster. Saevain is like the big brother figure the one that annoys you but protects you. He is a bit lazy and likes to loungue in the garden at the school
Username: Child of Choas
Theme Song: My Life and Until the Day you Die both by Abney Park

Child of Choas 04-26-2011 01:51 AM

Dorm Room Assignments

The Sun Dorm
Celestial Room:
Solstice Room: Jessi and Nathan

The Moon Dorm
Eclipse Room:Nikko and Isaac
Cressent Room:Zidane and Saevain

The Star Dorm
Nova Room:
Dust Room:

Child of Choas 05-01-2011 01:34 PM

It was the new beginning of the school year, the date Jan 4 2011. All students had been called or dropped off in the large courtyard outside the front of the main building. The older students had been given a photo with a name paper clipped to it. The picture was of the new student who they would mentor. The first week was always resvered for the new students and mentors to explain the working of the school and explore the campus. The courtyard was busseling now since it was noon and most everyone was here now.

Jessi frowned as he looked around at the surroundings. An all guy school, great. Jessi thought as he hoisted the small bag which contained everything he owned he moved into the crowd. His blonde hair and dirty clothes made him stand out a bit. As he moved away from the cab that had dropped him off a grin started to spread on his face. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.... Whole new country to get into trouble in after all.

Saevain was on the outskirts of the groupings of students. He was leaning comfortably against a large oak tree staring at the photo of his student. Saevain would look up occasionally searching for the face in the picture amoung the crowd. He had pulled his green hair back today to keep it out of his good eye. Saevain really couldn't wait to see his new student even if his posture said otherwise.

Ribe 05-01-2011 10:50 PM

Sol was dropped off in the court yard looking around the area. There were so many people in here that Sol felt he lost. He started to wander around on his own as people started to pair up with their mentors. Sol smiled as he spotted a nice thick wall of a building. His mind started to wandering as he star at it. Seem he moved from the center of the court yard to the building on the outskirts of the court yard still in view of the others. Then started doing tricks off of the wall. He flip he self over off of the wall as he run at it then walked up it. This was all skill no power were used on this tricks.

Orial 05-01-2011 11:32 PM

Nathan blew a smoke ring out into the sky and watched it drift across the seemingly endless sky. He glanced down again at the picture of the new student he was to mentor. from the look of his tussled blond hair and his blue eyes, Nathan could definitely get to enjoy the time being a mentor. If he had a good personality, then it would be as close to a perfect match as the fire demon could hope for. he looked up and put out his cigarette on his arm, no mark being left on his fireproof skin other than a smudge of soot, and walked toward the incoming students.

Bearzy 05-02-2011 10:06 AM

Isaac grinned smugly to himself as he sauntered across the courtyard, head high, walking tall. He may be new here, but nobody would know it to look at him. His red eyes were hidden by the hair of the day, a dark chocolate that swept across his face, casual, but perfect. There's nothing to it. he thought as he adjusted his waistcoat with one hand, the other pulling along a wheeled leather trunk, the kind you see in a Harry Potter movie. He would rule this school, he just knew it.

Lucid Divinity 05-02-2011 01:40 PM

Lucid leaned against a great oak, his claws scratching non-chalantly against the bark. He hadn't been given a picture yet. Would he? He thought that everyone got mentors. He hadn't even been assigned a room. He just flipped his hair partially out of his eyes and sighed, blowing a little smoke from his mouth. His brand new black leather jacket fit him surprisingly well and he loved it. It was fireproof and everything. The chains on his pants jingled a little as he shifted his position on the tree. He huffed a big puff of smoke and he liked to tell himself there was a little wisp of fire there, too.

Ribe 05-02-2011 05:00 PM

Even those Sol was doing all this tricks off of the wall his sulk cap hat with the little tie with balls on the end of it did not come off. He didn't want any one to seeing his baby horns poking out. He didn't understand why this horn were even trying to come out of his body. He was a human boy after all so this things had to be some weird grow on him. When Sol was doing tricks off of the wall his mind went blank and he was able to be him self in this place. He had drown out the sounds from the crowd by putting in his head phones ear buds and focusing on the wall and his feet.

Eiiri 05-03-2011 12:29 AM

Nikko gazed around the courtyard, looking around at all the new students. He had a picture for the guy he was mentoring, the picture in his hand, but he wasn't interested in finding him right away. He was standing, like many others, around the edges of the courtyard, staying in the shadows. Being out in the sun wasn't his favorite thing in the world. He lazily gazed around, finding a guy who looked like the one in his picture. After a second, he thought he saw the guy in the photo, Isaac something-or-another. He was rolling a trunk, looking smug. "Oh, he is going to be fun," Nikko murmured to himself. Before stepping out in the sun, he put on his sunglasses, covering his clear, blue eyes. He approached Isaac, making his way through the crowd. "Are you Isaac Mason?" he asked once he got close.

Orial 05-03-2011 03:04 AM

Nathan glanced at all of the students, both new and returning. He glanced about the group and walked along, spotting a familiar looking face among the crowd. He was pretty sure it was Jessi, and as he walked closer it was all but confirmed.

"Jessi Benton?" he asked, his voice a smooth baritone.

Bearzy 05-03-2011 05:36 AM

A blonde boy had approached Isaac as he strolled across the yard.
"I am. Are you my mentor then?" He replied to the older boy's question. If he was, he didn't look like much. Blonde hair, probably blue eyes under the sunglasses, feminine. Inwardly Isaac sighed, why couldn't he have had a bad-ass mentor? Or a demon or something at least. What is this boy? A fairy? He scoffed to himself before holding out his hand to shake. Better be polite to the ladyboy.

Child of Choas 05-03-2011 03:45 PM

Jessi looked up and around when he heard his name. Part of him was expecting to see a cop or something. "Huh? What?" Jessi remarked looking around. His voice was that of a tenor. Jessi stopped looking when he saw the redhead. Jessi looked over the guy very confused now on how this guy knew his name. "Um... Yeah, that's me. How ya know that?" Jessi asked giving the older kid an odd look.

Saevain sighed as there was no sign of his new student. He saw the kid doing tricks on a skateboard and had to roll his eyes. He hated when the new students, or any student began to flaunt a talent. It was an on going pissing contest, yes your good at drawing, or skate boarding or what ever, I am better though at something else. This is the workings of the world get used to it. Saevain thought the speach in his head, but he'd never say it. It was far to rude and not his place.

Ribe 05-03-2011 05:22 PM

After a while Sol spotted a corner of wall and smirked as he saw it. He could easily get to the roof using this method. He move over to the corner and kicked off the wall from one side of it to the other until he got to the roof of the building. Once up there he laid down on the roof top and listen to his music. This was a nice spot to take a little rest with all the noise and crowds he was more comfortable up here instead of down there with them.

Eiiri 05-03-2011 05:47 PM

Nikko watched Isaac study him, he could tell that the boy was not impressed by him. It was a usual reaction for Nikko and he tended to not think anything about it. "Yup, I'm Nikko," he told him quickly. He was hesitant to shake his hand, his hands were unnaturally cold, well his whole body was, but they were colder than the rest of him. Nikko studied Isaac for a few moments, trying to figure him out just a little bit. He couldn't tell what he was, most who attended the academy weren't human. He wondered if his powers of persuasion would work on him, they were most effective on humans, them other things were random at best. "So, why were you sent here?" he asked, after a few minutes of silence.

Lucid Divinity 05-03-2011 06:22 PM

Lucid watched the boy scale to the roof and smirked. "Easy peasy..." he said, unfurling his wings and taking off. He landed next to the boy, and squatted next to him, waving his sharp nailed claws at him. "Hey, kid. What's up?"

Ribe 05-03-2011 06:52 PM

Sol blinked and removed his ear buds from his ears. "AWWWW Demon!!!" He hand covered his heart over his chest. He looked at the boy with wings and didn't know what to do. What was going on. Weren't everyone here human. He back up a little not sure what was going on to much. "Ummmm... Huh... What??? Who???? UMmmm... nothing????" Sol just watched the boy now.

Lucid Divinity 05-03-2011 06:54 PM

Lucid rose an eyebrow at the kid. "I'm Lucid. They haven't given me a room or a mentor yet, so I figured I'd follow you up here. Why are you freaking out?" He looked at his claws. "These?" he asked, eyebrow going higher. He retracted his wings further.

Ribe 05-03-2011 07:08 PM

"Ummmmm.... yea,,, maybe.... ummm I'm Sol..." He wached the wings go back bahind the boy as he tried to relax. It was clear the boy was trying to be friendly so he would try to be friendly too. "Yeah I don't have either of those. So I came over here to avoid the crowds." He looked over at the boy he thought was a demond. "So you don't like crowds either?"

Lucid Divinity 05-03-2011 07:10 PM

"Nah, they kinda bug me," he said, shrugging. "All the noise and the people screaming and chatting..." He rubbed his ear. "Besides, my sense are extra sensitive," he said simply. "So noises bother me most of the time." He sat back and completely withdrew his wings, watching the boy. "So... How'd you get here?"

Ribe 05-03-2011 07:21 PM

Sol nodded as he lsiten showing he was paying attention. "Oh yeah I climb up with just my feet and used the cornors of the walls to boost me up. Its easy. It call parcor its hard at first but if you take your time you can learn how to do it. I'm just a human so I don't fly like you do.... But I didn't know there were demons in the world..... So why did you come here any ways. I end up here on a full schalarship."

Lucid Divinity 05-03-2011 08:12 PM

Lucid laughed. "I'm here cuz, well, my parents didn't know what else to do with me. I can't fit in all that well, and you know, I wanted to go to an all boy's school..." He winked. "Anyway, that's pretty cool. Never heard of it. Yeah... we're not exactly considered demons. But I'm part dragon."

Ribe 05-04-2011 02:31 AM

"A Dragon?" He blinked. "Arn't draongs myths?" he said sating up mroe releaxed now. "I guess that would make since." those when he was wink at he blushed a little. "Oh I see. Yeah an all boy school is nice I can so agree there." He looked over to Lucid. "ummmm I have never meat a dragon before can I touch your wings?"

Orial 05-04-2011 03:03 AM

Nathan grined a bit at Jessi and chuckled. "I'm your mentor for the year. congratulations. You'll be rooming with me and doing what i say. part of the rules you know, and the fun. My name's Nathan." He offered his hand to Jessi. "I'll help you with your bags, take it easy on you for the first day." He smiled charmingly wondering how far he could push his new roommate. Best to start off slow though first, test the waters as it were.

Bearzy 05-04-2011 07:09 AM

Reluctant to shake hands with scum? Or just shy? Isaac was betting on the first option. Maybe if he looked more like what this boy did, he'd be less uptight. And when he asked why Isaac was even at this school, the boy smirked.
"This is why." He snapped the fingers of his outstretched hands and the changes were instant. Of course the snapping was unnecessary, but Isaac had always had a flair for the dramatic. His hair became the same white blonde curls that he'd been born with, and his eyes a bright, clear, blue. The smirk on his face was the only thing that didn't become angelic. "I'm a shapeshifter, born of a lust demon, and someone too stupid to say no." He laughed and snapped once more, returning himself to his previous look. It just suited his clothes so much better!
"What about you, blondie? What are you doing here?"

Lucid Divinity 05-04-2011 03:45 PM

Lucid laughed and spread his wings out behind him. "They're myths because too many humans have seen them. That's all," he said, and waved at his wings. "By all means, go ahead."

All times are GMT. The time now is 06:50 PM.