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LiviInLove 10-31-2016 10:18 PM

Liv's Halloweeny Hangout

Welcome to a nice quiet place to hang out and chat, amongst the craziness that is Halloween!

How've y'all been?
Sorry I've not been around much, life's been pretty rough lately.

What are your plans for tonight? Got anything fun going on?

We're going out with the girls, in a bit... And then home to keep them from eating all their candy in one night. [lol]

Yamka Jaden 10-31-2016 10:41 PM


Right now I'm sitting at home, playing a game and waiting for trick-or-treaters. It's funny that when I asked the Oracle the question if I'd have anyone come knocking at the door tonight, how right the "definitely not" question has been. >.<

LiviInLove 10-31-2016 10:43 PM

That pic makes me wish that we could get a puppy.
My best friends are getting a new puppy soon.
I can't wait to meet her!

Awww! But that means more candy for you? My husband is staying at home to hand out candy, while me - the massively pregnant woman, is taking our daughters out trick or treating. :]
Hopefully we'll get kids coming over because we don't need all this candy we bought. [lol]
*fingers crossed*

Bearzy 10-31-2016 10:47 PM

Look at that tiny pupper, it's so cute!

Yamka Jaden 10-31-2016 10:48 PM

I like puppies and dogs but after the recent storms in my area, I'm not going to get another pet. Too much of a hassle to find a pet friendly hotel that doesn't charge a massive amount per night and doesn't sell out fast.

Nope, no candy for me! I made sure that the candy I bought was something I knew I wouldn't eat, so the big bag I got will be going to work when I get back there! And tell the husband to let you stay home so you can be all comfy!

LiviInLove 10-31-2016 10:54 PM

Bearzy: Isn't it just adorable?

Yamka Jaden: Oh I bet that's a challenge. It'd be hard for us - we have two dogs, who, after our girls, would be in the car if we ever had to leave where we are. I feel like when storms and craziness are around, that places should drop the "No pets" rule just so people can have a place to stay. Frustrating!

Oh that's a smart idea!! [lol] Wish I had thought of that. xDD Doesn't help this go round, I've been craving sweets, so that didn't help when choosing the candy. xD Hahaha!
We tried that and he totally would go instead of me - he'd probably wear the Pumpkin costume instead of me if I asked him to - but the girls want their mumma to come with them, not daddy. So no getting out of this. Darn!

Bearzy 10-31-2016 10:55 PM

I love puppers!

LiviInLove 10-31-2016 10:56 PM

I've been really wanting a puppy lately, but with the twins on their way early next year, and the girls, and the dogs... and my hubby, I don't need something else to take care of. Right now at least. :P Maybe later.

Bearzy 10-31-2016 11:00 PM

Oh gosh, you're going to have four children?

LiviInLove 10-31-2016 11:02 PM

Yeah. [sweat]
We went to have one more, got pregnant with two.

I won't be around much once they arrive.

Bearzy 10-31-2016 11:03 PM

Yikes. Congratulations, but also best of luck to you!

LiviInLove 10-31-2016 11:05 PM

Thank you! They'll be a handful, but I'd also not have it any other way.
I can't wait to meet these two!
Even if I am losing a bit more of my 'me' time that I have now, which isn't much.

Bearzy 10-31-2016 11:07 PM

I don't have any kids, so I'm terrified of the idea, but I know that a lot of people love it, and I'm glad you do!

LiviInLove 10-31-2016 11:09 PM

It definitely is a lot of work and not for everyone.

My little sister, who always told me she didn't want kids - just told me two weeks ago, that she's pregnant.
I'm going to be an auntie again! :D

Bearzy 10-31-2016 11:12 PM

Aww that sounds exciting

LiviInLove 10-31-2016 11:13 PM

Yeah! :D We're all pretty excited!

Mum's stoked! Three new grandbabies! :D

How've you been hon? :]

Yamka Jaden 10-31-2016 11:45 PM

My cousin had twins in May -- boy and girl -- and the two of them are always happy.

LiviInLove 10-31-2016 11:57 PM

Congrats to your cousin!
We're having a boy and a girl as well. ^_^

---------- Post added 10-31-2016 at 08:47 PM ----------

The kiddos had a great time! We got home ages ago - but then we had to convince them that bedtime was going to happen and their candy wasn't going anywhere. [lol] Now I can't seem to sleep. xD

SuperZombiePotatoe 11-01-2016 11:28 AM

I came home from brother's school party... and both of us passed out. We were supposed to watch movies and gorge on sweets -_-

LiviInLove 11-01-2016 12:32 PM

Aww. :(
But at least now your candy sweet stash will last even longer! ^_^

SuperZombiePotatoe 11-01-2016 12:34 PM

True! And it's all mine because brother doesn't really like sweets [sly]

LiviInLove 11-01-2016 12:53 PM

We have a ton of candy left over because we didn't get as many kids trick or treating as we usually do. :(
I blame the rain for that.
Hehe. The left over candy is now mine. ;)

SuperZombiePotatoe 11-01-2016 01:06 PM

Dang rain [illgetu] But, hey there's a good side to everything right? We had a bunch of leftover stuff too. Lots of marshmallows for toasting [boogie]

LiviInLove 11-01-2016 01:25 PM

We do need the rain so that's a good thing to come of that at least.

Mmm! Yummy! We have a lot of caramels and chocolate. Mm! [drool]
I'm one happy mama right now.
I've been craving sweets lately.

SuperZombiePotatoe 11-01-2016 01:28 PM

I crave sweets all the time. It's my greatest weakness. So maybe having this much sweets around isn't the best thing O.O

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