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Andraus 10-17-2013 08:04 PM

The Forgotten (O/A)(Just Jump In)
Setting : Tribal/Modern Setting

You come from a thriving community, named Havana that needed to expand. To expand, they sent people and children, on a boat, with a months worth of supplies. They were to cross the sea, in search of a New place to call home. However, that night, there is a storm. Your ship is knocked and swayed, as you barley hang on.

When the storm ends, there is good news, and bad news. The Bad news, is that the ship is badly damaged, and needs repairs. The good news, is that a Key of islands have been spotted just close enough to make the trip.

Name : Joseph Vazquez
Age : 21
Bio : Joseph was the Captain of the ship, before it was wrecked by the storm. He's the closest thing to a leader-ship position, however he only cares for his baby sister, Alessia. He's concerned for the others, but his baby sister takes Priority. He took with him a single pet : A Cat named 'Lucky'.
Pic :

Name : Alessia Vazquez
Age : 7
Bio : Joseph's little sister, she's fascinated by flowers. She wants to be a Herbalist when she is older, but for now, she spends her days looking for new flowers.
Pic :

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 10-18-2013 05:24 AM

Reserving a spot!

Name: Siobhan Brennan
Age: 19
Bio: Siobhan has been friends with Joseph her whole life. Their families were friends as well. She looks like a punk, but she's really very sweet. She's a born survivor, and knows how to take care of herself.

finx15 10-18-2013 06:43 PM
Name: Jacob Kuran
Age: 20
Bio: Jacob was sent on the ship to be part of the expansion not that he wanted to but you could argue with his rich parents. He is a solitary person but is nice to the members of the ship proving that he wasn't a rich snob.
Name: Caroline Kuran
age: 17
Bio: Caroline is Jacob's half sister and a total brat. She wants everything her way and enjoys having men give her presents. She hates her parents for making them do this and wants nothing to do with any of the other passengers though the little girl is cute.
Name: Izabella Kuran
Bio: Bell is Caroline and Jacobs half sister there dad gets around a lot and keeps the children his mistress's give birth to. She is very attached to her older siblings so she decided to join them on the trip. She is the only one who seems to think Caroline has a nice side.

Andraus 10-18-2013 06:59 PM

Joseph was watching the Island from the lookout-point. He saw building's, and such, but no signs of life. Whoever was here, was long gone now. Jumping down, Joseph headed down to the crew deck, where everyone was gathered. "Alright!.....There's no signs of life on the island, so we're going to land there. I want everything prepped for when we land, so we can fix our ship, and figure out where we are. "he said to them.

Alessia was playing the cat in the Crew deck. She loved Lucky, and always kept her close. When she stood up, cat jumped onto her head. She stood to watch her brother.

finx15 10-22-2013 11:30 PM

Jacob couldn't believe his sister had brought so much stuff there had to be at least ten bags of just her stuff never mind his own and Bell's. "Jeez." he sighed and started to pack with his little sisters help Lin just sat on the bed watching them then with a frown she joined them which was unusual for her but he wasn't going to say anything.

Andraus 10-30-2013 07:45 PM

(finx15: >_>.....why you copy my outfit?

Gemini: we ish starting)

Alessia ran down, to find Bell's. She was the only other kid she knew on the ship, and was really close to her. "Bell's? You here? "She asked, poking her head in.

Joseph sat in the Captain's Quarter's, looking over charts. He wanted to make sure his people found a way home, but in the spot they were in, that seemed unlikely. Worse case Scenario, if they couldn't get home, they'd make a new life here.

Gemini 10-31-2013 04:54 AM
Name: Calcifer Black
Age: 20
Bio: Cal is an orphan who decided to come on the journey to make a new life for himself. He's generally rather cold and reserved, and doesn't talk much. Cal is a mystery to everyone around him.
Name: Hikari Starr
Age: 18
Bio: Hikari considers herself a normal girl, or at least she used to until "the incident." She won't tell anyone what happened, but it completely demoralized her and she lost all self respect. She went with the crew because someone referred to her as "good breeding stock" and she figured she could at least be useful with the children. Hikari loves children, and is only ever smiling when she's around Bell and Alessia.
Name: Todd Hunter
Age: 20
Bio: Todd grew up with rich parents, just like the three Kuran siblings. Having traveled in the same circle his whole life, he knew them rather well, and had a hopeless crush on Caroline when he was young. He's over it now, but he still let's her boss him around. His parents sent him with the expansion for the simple reason of getting rid of him.

Siobhan was helping the crew get ready to land when she spotted her childhood friend through the window of the captain's quarters, looking gloomy. She excused herself and went to the door. She knocked, then opened it and stepped in. "Ahoy captain. Penny for your thoughts?" She asked, closing the door behind her and leaning on it.

Calcifer was already ready and waiting while everyone else was packing. He didn't have any belongings to pack, besides the clothes he was wearing. Leaning on the railing at the side of the ship, Cal watched their new home grow steadily closer.

Hikari was down in the living quarters. She had just found the cabin where the three half siblings were getting ready. "Izabella, I just heard Alessia looking for you." She said quietly, shy around the girl's older siblings.

Todd had just finished packing his belongings and was headed up to the deck to look for something to do. He hated doing nothing and liked to help, which was part of the reason his parents felt such disdain towards him. They had always felt that he was a failure, preferring to work "like a peasant" rather than dress up and go to a party. He'd also gotten into a lot of fights over the years, being picked on for his two different colored eyes. He never wore a shirt or shoes, for no particular reason that anyone knows. Stepping into the light of the deck, he adjusted the eye patch over his red eye so that it was secure.

finx15 11-01-2013 12:51 AM

Bell smiled at Hikari then hurried over to her friend "Hi Aless." Bell greeted her with a hug. "What can I do for you? As you can see where trying to fit onni-chans stuff back into her suitcase."

Jacob huffed when one the suitcase exploded on him "Monkey cheese." he said careful to watch his mother around the younger kids. "You have so much junk." he accused his sister

"I do not...I go ask Todd to help." Lin said hurrying off finding him on the deck "Todd come help me pack my stuff." it was more of a demand then a request.

Gemini 11-01-2013 07:39 AM

Hikari gave one of her rare smiles that only showed up when she was watching the children.

Todd turned around at the sound of Caroline's voice. "Oh, hey, Lin. Sure, I'm already done mine..." He said, following the girl.

Andraus 11-01-2013 08:08 PM

Joseph walked with Siobhan, smiling at her company "Nothing much, just busy. Got a whole crew to think about "He said, walking down. He then heard Carolina asking (ordering?) Todd to help her. Joseph shook his head, and opened the door. "Miss Caroline, you need to do it yourself. Everyone has to pull their own weight around here. Besides, I need Todd. I also need Jacob, when you have a minute. We need to take a small team to the shore, make sure it's safe. "he said, then turned to Siobhan. "Your with me too, Old friend. "he said.

Alessia pointed to the Shore. "Brother say's were going to land their.....and that if we cant get home, we'll stay their. Doesn't it seem....weird?" she asked. She was used to the bustle of city life.

Gemini 11-02-2013 07:11 AM

Siobhan nodded. "No worries, I was going to insist on going in the first place." She said with a grin. "Should we leave Calcifer here? I'm not sure if he'll be much help..." She added, not wanting to speak badly about anyone.

Todd looked up. "M-me? Um, okay then." He said, honored to be chosen to help out. "Lin, I can probably help you after. I'll carry some of your stuff when it's time for all of us to go to shore." He offered.

Rosemary came up behind the girl. "It is very different from what we're used to, but I'm sure we'll get used to it soon enough. We grew accustomed to the ship quickly, after all. And as long as we are all together, we will be fine." She said softly.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 11-04-2013 06:10 AM

((Andraus: finx15: *Ahem*))

finx15 11-04-2013 07:36 PM

Lin smacked Josephs arm "A lady should come first." she said "I'll never finish with out help." she sat on the suitcase her brother was trying to close. "So I want Todd to help." she was use to getting her way no one every said no to her. Her parents said it was beautiful and her brother said it was because of her temper. She liked her parents reason much more then her brothers "Were almost done just one more bag."

"I could use help closing it." Jacob looked at the last bag the most full out of all the suitcases. "I don't think Lin's weight will be enough." he said his sister really had brought to much stuff. "I'll just steal Todd for a moment then we can head out. Please." He added not wanting to turn into his sister who was glaring at Joseph.

"I think she's right I mean its not that hard to imagine living here...though onii-chan will find it hard." Bell sighed "She's so use to bossing people around, being around other people and having guys hang all over her. Now she just has Todd-san Joseph-san and nii-san. She'll have the hardest time adjusting."

Andraus 11-04-2013 08:32 PM

"I know that Siobhan. I want to keep the team small, so 4 should be enough. "He said. He then rolled his eye's at Lin. "This is a bit more important Lin. We're talking about life/death situation. "he said. He then looked at Jacob, and sighed, rubbing his temple's. "4 minutes. We need to leave, before it get's dark. "he said, trying to avoid a fight.

"Your Onii-chan scares me......nii-san say's to be careful around her. "she said.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 11-05-2013 06:02 AM

Siobhan nodded, understanding. After shaking her head at Lin's antics, she followed Joseph away from the scene. "That girl is something else." She muttered.

Todd looked back and forth as the conversation went on. He didn't like getting in the middle of arguments, let alone being the subject of one. He had no idea who to side with. Joseph was good to him, accepting when no one else had been. But Lin was his long time friend, and he was a little bit scared of her. Finally, it was over, and Todd turned to help Jacob with the final suitcase. "Lin, don't you think it would be easier to try and get along with everyone? If they knew you like I do, they'd like you a lot more." He said tentatively, not wanting to anger her.

finx15 11-05-2013 07:58 PM

Lin sat down on the suitcase so the can force it closed ""How well do you know me Todd?" Lin asked with a shrug "This is how am I am." she stared at him "if you knew me you would know that."

"She's not dangerous or mean to kids just use to being able to order people around and get what she whats." Bell said with a sigh. "She's really nice I promise."

Jacob struggled with the zipper "Come on." he cursed.

Andraus 11-05-2013 08:05 PM

Joseph saw them struggling, and sighed. He then forced down the Suitcase, and zipped it. "there, now let's fucking go. "He said, annoyed. He then walked outside. He overheard his sister talking with Caroline, and sighed. "Well, she better get un-used to that, Miss Caroline "Joseph said, walking over, to get the Dingy out. "-Because, We're all going to have to pull our own weight now. Our supplies are scarce, and I won't have her endanger the Entire Group. If she prove's to be a Liability, she's on her own. "he said.

Alessia looked at her brother, then at Caroline, with a frown on my face. "Why does my nii-san act so mad at her?" she asked.

finx15 11-06-2013 12:52 AM

((um are you talking to Bell?))

Andraus 11-06-2013 01:43 AM

finx15: yes

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 11-06-2013 05:55 AM

Todd frowned, hurt. "That's not fair, Lin. I know you better than almost anyone. And I know that you're nicer than this...when you want to be." He said.

Siobhan frowned and slapped Joseph's arm lightly. "Watch your language, Joseph. We're not twenty paces from the children." She scolded gently, following him out. As if to prove her point, there were the children, talking with each other.

finx15 11-07-2013 01:20 AM

"Maybe he sees her true self." Bell giggled right after saying it. "The only people who see that side is me, nii-san and Todd-san. Brother doesn't say anything because she'll just chew him out and Todd well he liked onii-chan in the past and she's threaten him with every kind of blackmail to keep him quiet." she sighed "She likes kids though and really helps with are other siblings."

Lin just shrugged at Todd "When I want to be and I don't feel like it." she thrust a suitcase at him the heaviest "Here carry this for me." she picked up the lightest and another. "Come back for the rest I guess." she sighed.

Jacob stood and took his suitcase and Bells "Lets go help Joseph." he said to Todd ignoring his sister.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 11-07-2013 05:43 AM

Todd was about to answer when Lin thrust her heaviest suitcase at him. He stumbled under the weight, but kept his balance. "For heaven's sake, Lin!" He said, adjusting his grip on the bag. He turned to Jacob and nodded. "Right. We're needed to go ashore. Remind me again why we put up with Lin?" He whispered the last part so that the volatile woman wouldn't throw something at him.

Andraus 11-07-2013 08:16 PM

"Sorry Siobhan. "He said, patting her head. He knew she hated it, because it made her feel like a kid. He then got the Dingy ready, along with his Personal Provisions.

"Come back Safe, okay Brother?" Alessia asked him.

"Don't worry, Ally. I'll be fine "he said.

finx15 11-08-2013 01:59 AM

"Because she would destroy the world with out us." Jacob said straight faced and serious. "mind if take some of Lin's stuff with us know? It will take ten thousand trips other wise."

Lin kicked her brother suitcase and all into the dingy he bounced off the edge and landed it the water the suitcase had somehow stayed in the dingy. Lin laughed not believing that had just happened.

Bell looked over the edge of the boat "You ok nii-chan?" she asked giggling slightly it was just her brothers bad luck to have ended up in the water instead of in the dingy.

"I'm wet but fine." Jacob called back grumbling slightly.

Andraus 11-08-2013 02:09 AM

Joseph feigned a perfect trip, 'accidentally' knocking Caroline into the water. "Oops! "he said, looking at her.

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