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Triquetra 05-21-2012 03:52 PM

Can you remember your first Role Play Character?~
I can. In fact I have a sketch of her somewhere. My first very original character was a blood mage named Serene Cefiro. I made her way before WoW came out, so yeah. I also remember how bad she was xD Lemme create a small character profile... Or I'll see if I can find one from Gaia! Brb mene! if that site doesn't crash my computer lol.

So anyway, point of the thread;
Who was your first character?
What were they like?
Can you post a bio?

Triquetra 05-21-2012 03:57 PM

This is the updated version I had saved to my journal over there xD I'm still hunting down the original.

Serene Cefiro
Age: 2760.
height: 5' 3"
weight: 123 lb
Hair Color: White
eye color: red
race/prof: humanoid, Blood Mage
Weapon(s): twin-sided dagger
Abilities: Flight. She can control the flow of other's blood flow. Some of her bigger spells can cause her to become tired, or cough. Worst case would end up with her coughing up her own blood.
Bio: Born during the founding of Ancient Rome. She watched humans fight with each other over land, and other objects. She was seen by a human, in her wing form, who miss took her as a Goddess. Therefore Eos changed her name to Serene. Her family used to be Nobles in the Demon world. Most think they are dead now a days. A massacre was planned after the demons found out about the type of magic they used. Finding a pure blood Cefiro is a rare event. you only know if they are pure if they have white wings, not to be mistaken with angels.
Personality: Very calm, even in the most dangerous situations. Also tends to put logic over other's emotions.
Other: Lucio is her protector
Weakness/fear: Holy water, being locked in an enclosed place

Wavi 05-21-2012 04:07 PM

I'm pretty sure my first roleplay character is my alter-ego, Aleu W. Black. Like you, she's gone through some major changes! Was once a Gothic kinda gal, she's now a bubbly blonde with a punkish attitude. I haven't drawn her recently, but I will definitely dig up my pictures to show her changing as I aged.

Believe it or not, most of my character I created back in 7th/8th grade I still use today. Aleu, Nickivant, Kaiba, Devin, Nieko, and Rroy were all from those days. Just look at how Rroy's grown! He started off as a "homo side character." Now, he's a feared demon and is on a path to rule the world. O_o Funny how he started off as comic relief and quickly shifted into the spotlight.

Tachigami 05-22-2012 06:05 AM

A while after I started writing online, I found a love of RolePlays. I went into the first one with a character named Lee Mason.

Updated version of Lee:

In the beginning Lee was mostly Native American (Blackfoot), with a bit of Italian mixed from his father's side. Every time he's been used, he hovers around the thirty-three/thirty-four year age limit. In some instances he's either just gotten out of or has escaped from a mental hospital, generally, a high-security lockup where he'd lived in a ten-foot by ten-foot padded cell and spent more time in a straitjacket than not. He's been diagnosed with sociopathic tendencies and a general lack of human emotion, especially empathy and sympathy. He also has a curious lack of fear, which is essential for someone to live.

He was admitted to the hospital when he was twenty six, by his parents, who worried for his health and the lives of those he came into contact with. Because he was forced into lockup, he hates his parents, but appreciates his grandparents (those on his mother's side) but can't feel genuine love for them, or anyone.

Recently I've used him in an actual story I'm writing. It's a horror base I can't post here because it exceeds the PG-13 rule, describing graphic violence and gore. I haven't used him in an RP lately, though, and would like to.

Wavi 05-22-2012 12:47 PM

Totally off the topic of roleplay but revenant to the previous post....

I'm a Blackfoot! Well, I'm only a small amount. 1/8 I think. But, according to my relatives, my great grandmother was a princess of sorts. Who knows if it has any truth to it, but it's still neat to think that I might have some native, royal blood in my veins. :)

Roka 05-24-2012 10:43 PM

My first roleplaying character (female) was named Ashlyn. I don't remember her last name, either. She was 5'7" and awkward, blue eyes, brown hair, fair skin. The first male character I created was Zack, again, I forget his last name. He was around 6'0" and was pretty much the same. That was around the time where I was in love with people who had blue eyes (all my characters had blue eyes back then).

Sugiza 05-25-2012 01:34 AM

I don't even want to remember my first roleplay character. I'm fairly certain he was so bad that it'd make my brain melt out my ears if I dredged him up again. Being that I've been roleplaying for a good 8 years or so, and I started when I was young [11, I think?], I've had my share of bad and good characters, but that one takes the proverbial cake.

GameFAQs is not a good place to begin your roleplay career.

VIEW FROM ABOVE 05-27-2012 10:25 PM

o.o I actually managed to dig up my very first character profile ever. It's from 2008 on gaia.

Username:-censored for privacy-
Any special powers:can control plants, very good fighter
Likes:quiet areas, caring people
Dislikes:abusive people, being told what to do
Story:She was enslaved when she was around 3 years old. She was trained as a fighter to kill for the amusment of others. When she refused to fight anymore, her previous owners abandoned her and put her in the slave market to sell her. She managed to escape before anyone could buy her.

I looked at some of my RP posts from back then too. T.T I was such a newb.

Soturo Ayami 05-28-2012 01:49 AM

I remember my first Rp character because she is my username usually. She's changed quite a bit over the years but she is always the same.

Soturo ayami, started off as a demon and slowly morphed into a quarter draong working in a gang that operates out of NY.
Her role is Enforcer, basically a thug who works under the gangs leader Thurkear, a black dragon with a wicked temper (and a mate with an even more wicked temper). She turned 33 last year and her birthday is coming up soon (in June). that's in character time of course. I've only had her for 13 years. :3

I haven't a good picture of her but I do draw her often.

Inuyami 05-28-2012 03:32 AM

Inuyami was my first Role Play Character, though her name wasn't alway Inuyami and she too had gone threw DRAMATIC changes.

When I began I played Inuyami under the name "Rin" and used a photo of Yura of the Hair (from Inuyasha). As my friends and back story grew, "Rin" quickly became Inuyami and got her current form. There have been countless (not to mention most are horrible) sketches of her threw out all of my school books starting back when i was in 7th grade. (2002 I believe).

Since her creation, she's been sort of like a Barbie doll; in the fact that she's been a Soul Reaper, Demon, half-demon, alien, ect. Whatever the scenario, I made her image and background work in some way or another. She was the only character I used for quite a long period of time, and is the one I most relate to.

thedarkraven 05-28-2012 08:30 PM

I can't remeber D: GRRR.

Kiyoto 05-28-2012 10:43 PM

So hard to remember DX. I'm a writer for life, so I have way to many characters to keep track of lol.

Kat Dakuu 06-01-2012 06:43 PM

My first rp was my freshman year of high school I think. I still remember my character because I have the notebook we rped in. Back then we didn't know about forums like this. I believe that rp was Ruroni Kenshin.

My character was Sai Hataku. She was a mercenary who fought with only her hands, and not weapons. Brown hair, green eyes. Tan.

That's about all the profile says.

a91nicole 06-05-2012 03:33 AM

I actually still use my very first one (Sorry to like totally barge in here, I'm a friend of Wavi's from wtf, and found this thread to be interesting). Actually my first character, Rynn Arokit, is still my most used and most well loved character to date.

Honestly she's gone through tons of changes. Initially she was a black haired half cat demon from Inuyasha. Now she's evolved into whatever I need, but has the same snarky, brave, clever, sarcasm personality. She's a redhead with curly hair, bright emerald eyes, and pretty much suits modern fantasy and medieval fantasy best, though I've played her in other random stuff too.

Alexandrus Gambino 06-06-2012 12:44 PM

Oh, heavens, yes. I was such a weaboo noob back then trying to act all kawaii and uke. It's all so very embarassing in retrospect.

RoadToGallifrey 06-10-2012 06:28 PM

Yes! :') I made her when I was thirteen. She was perfect (which is annoying to me now) and although I would never use one like her now, I do still adore her.


Name: Cassandra Fingle (called cassie for short)

comes from an old wizarding family and is the youngest of five to go to hogwarts. she has three brothers and one sister. all of them are in gryfindor. she loves quiditch and was at teh world cup supporting ireland.

dad works as an auror (who was in the order of the pheonix as well and was a spy in teh ministry)

mum works in a small school supply shop in diagon alley

she is very good at flying a broomstick and wants to try and become a seeker. she ahs tried a few simple spells and most of tehm have worked.

she is a very funny person with a good personality. she is outgoing and playful and has loads of energy

she has shoulder length black hair and big blue eyes and is quite short and quite skinny
However, since she was part of a Harry Potter character, she wasn't completely original (as a lot of aspects were taking from the books, obviously).

My first completely original character was a pirate.


Name: Captain Calico Morgan Flint
Sidekick: a little monkey that sits on my shoulder called Jimmy
Personality: Tough as nails, Cunning, Clever, Charming, Can be indescisive, A natural born leader
Aspiration: To be named king of the sea and have a huge ship full of treasure and a loyal crew that would follow me to the end of the earth.......and back
Looks: Tall, Muscular, tanned, has a white and blue striped top, ragedy leather body warmer with big pockets and other extra wee fastenings and doo-hickies, black skinny jeans (or simmilar style trousers) big black boots, sparkling green eyes with really dark eyelashes, long wavy shiny black hair with sone random starnds tied into dreadlocks at regular intervals, a lovely hat (like captain jack sparows) and it is ribbioned with white silk
Accessories: (aka things he is never seen without) an old wooden compass that allegedly sends him to get whatever the heart desires, a small sharp shiny dagger concelled in a boot, his monkey,
other info: he is never far away from his ships and teh sea air, never shys away from a fight and longs to find his long lost lover Malia Jeniva, who was sadly kidnapped by a rival priate crew and is now supposedly roaming the sea somewhere!

Admonish Misconstruction 06-14-2012 08:55 PM

Aerosheth. He went through so many revisions and tweaks from roleplay to roleplay (I tend to recycle) that I honestly don't remember much about him. Except I killed him in just about every other roleplay.

Irokei 06-15-2012 03:34 AM

My first character's name was Rio Montgomery. She lost her entire memory when she fell from a tree (attempting to get an apple). She forgot that she was actually a maiden from a well-off family and she had two elder brothers...yea yea yea. That was her.

Crimson_Hold the Lemon 06-25-2012 03:00 PM

Hm... My first roleplay character.
Her name was Sagura Kazemaru. And she was actually a cat demon. It was a veeery long time ago, I'm so embarrassed talking about it. xD;

Ana_M 06-29-2012 03:13 AM

Yea, I was 10 and I was a Narutard bro. Yuki Nara, she was Shikamaru's not so lazy twin and so in love with Kiba and Gaara... My Quizilla Feel free to go lol at my works from 10-12 years old. *facepalms* She was such a mary-sueee. Of course I've fixed her into a proper alter ego. *nods*

Xurxo 07-02-2012 02:45 AM

I made my first one like thirteen-ish (a little more) years ago. It was a character I have revamped and changed up for new things now.

He basically was every cliche ever. XD

Shadami 07-03-2012 04:55 AM


Who was your first character?
my first character ever in my life? i'm not sure. I guess that would be lil' jakie. he evolved into a more sophisticated character as i went along. Ending up being Jake and his twin brother Jason. and my elf, Mystery.

If we're talking gaia as you mentioned it ^.~ I had a kitsune of some kind on there in the one roleplay i ever did, don't remember much about her. But i remember thoroughly enjoying the roleplay.

On here I had a death pixie. Assigned to return dead creatures back to the earth. She's practically still a baby pixie, and she ends up falling in love with Lucifer. It was a very interesting roleplay. Actually what introduced me to mene and mde me fall in love with the site.

Broken Baby Maker 07-10-2012 07:16 AM

Wow I go offline for a year or so an the format changes and confuses me lets see if I can get back into the groove of all this. @_@

I remember my very first character very well actually. I made two at the same time about thirteenish years ago when I was eleven. My oldest niece was born then and was the inspiration for one. The first, KaRina, was the one inspired by her and was the essence of purity and childhood. She is a eight year old white Kitsune girl who refuses to grow up even though her world is surrounded by darkness, something about her never growing up intrigues me. I was going through a tough time then and needed a character who was pure and sweet and Rin fit that perfectly. She is one of many characters from a story I've been working off and on with forever now. Ironically her ability is time manipulation and in the story she is The Keeper of Time, basically a living library of what has happened and what is to come. With that comes the knowledge beyond her years so she may look young and be a bit childish in truth she knows far more than anyone could imagine. Another perk of her power is she can literally stop time around herself and move it in any direction so she is suspended at whatever age she chooses and through the thirteen years I have had her she has only aged for two years. What turned out to be perfect is my best friend created a character a few years ago who worked out perfectly to be Rin's mom and in turn inherited the same dark secret that her mom hides. A curse of their people that presents itself as an alter ego that has grown to call itself Senka. In the years of having her she has evolved quite a bit and now struggles to keep Senka at bay while still managing to keep her youth. Here is the updated profile. I type my profiles in first person because I feel it gives it the personality of the character it portrays.
When I was born I was given the name KaRina but you can call me Rin
I may not look it but I'm really ten and I've been in this accursed dimension for ten years. I just had a birthday. Did you get me something good?
Anyone can clearly see that I'm a Female and I'm not interested in anyone. That’s just gross.
It was so long ago but I will try to remember. I was born in this dimension and that I know of I’m the only one around here other than Monoki. She is mean though so I will never be her friend even if I do get lonely sometimes. Would you like to be my friend? My mom was brought here many years ago before I was born, her name is Kay and she is the most beautiful person I have ever seen. We were separated there for a while but now we are back together and I can’t stand to be away from her for even a minute. She is a Kitsune like me but her hair is red instead of white. She made the mistake of trusting Monoki and it almost cost her, her life. Even though she did survive she was forever cursed by a darkness that has slowly eaten away at her soul until it was strong enough to make its way to the surface. It calls itself Vitaloni and she is very mean and because of her my mom wasn’t strong enough and was captured and turned into a slave. I have a secret that not even my mom knows. I had forgotten it for a while when the man who bought my mom, he tried to kill me and left me for dead because my mom paid more attention to me more than him. I sustained a serious head injury because of it and even though I was a baby I survived and was raised by a kind lady who found me. Though I loved her I was determined to find my mom and after eight long years I finally did and now she is free so we can be together. She thinks my dad was a man she called master but in truth I have no dad. You see I am The Keeper of Time, a spirit that is an observer and has no side and when I die I am reborn again to a race that fits in the time. In this case it’s a Kitsune and I love it, I have such a soft fluffy tail and my ears are just too cute. I keep the knowledge of all my years before and all those yet to come but this time I have decided not to grow up. I never got to have a childhood with my mom so I am taking the chance now. I have stopped time around both of us so we can be together forever. It also keeps me hidden from Monoki who is the one who has killed me so many times. No one thinks twice that little old me could be hiding a secret like this. Unfortunately I have the same darkness in me, a plague that calls itself Senka. I manage to keep her at bay but sometimes I am not strong enough. Please don’t trust her she tries to kill everyone I care about.
Life could stand to have more Fun. I love to play games in the warm sun light and have a good time with my friends.
Eww get it away from me I can't stand the dark. Frankly it terrifies me. I hate all the creepy crawly bugs that hid in the shadows. They get in my hair with all those legs and they feel so gross.
I’ve grown rather fond of being a I a Kitsune.
If you must describe me you could say I'm kind, gentle, respectful and precocious for my age. I was raised to be polite and taught the highest of customs and mannerisms. I’m very childish and love to play games but hey I’m only ten. Can you blame me? Curiosity is normal for me I think it must be because I’m so closely related to a fox. Oh what’s that? Can I touch it?
It's taken some years to get used to it but I've gotten pretty good at manipulating water in all it’s forms. I can raise the temperature so high that it literally evaporates or make it plummet to form ice. Time is also another talent of mine but I rarely use it because it is such a unique power it draws to much attention.
I decided it was best to work with no one to survive this strange place.
Oh I left one more thing out. Because Monoki I have been tainted by The Darkness. It lives in the darkest regions of soul and festers like a decaying wound. When it claws it way to the surface it goes by the name Senka and uses my body as her own. She is cruel, malicious, and spiteful. Appealing to people’s kind nature, she manipulates them in the most devious way to do what she wants before destroying them. I strive to be like my locks of snow. Pure, untainted and untouched.
Hey! Death by Stapler stop pulling my strings up there!

The other was a character that I use to vent all my pent up frustrations and really helped me through the hard time that caused me to create her. Monoki is a cruel, manipulative, power hungry darkling who infects everything she touches like a festering wound. She made a perfect villain for so many role plays I've been in through the years and is still just as much fun to play. She was actually the one who cursed Rin's mom and in turn the mother to Senka. Confusing I know. Here is her updated profile.
I am The Darkness born in the shadows and raised by distain. If you must call something Lady Monoki will do.
I may not look it but I'm really as old as the shadows.
Anyone can clearly see that I'm a Female and I'm Bisexual as long as you have something to offer.
It was so long ago but I will try to remember. My life is entirely too long to explain in such a short time but it is important for you to know something, know this. I was one of a vast race of Darklings. A race that I am the only survivor of. It would be considered a tragedy if I wasn’t the one to kill them off. They were weak and didn’t deserve to live. I am a creature born in the shadows with no true form or shape so I took the collective power of my brethren and made one of my own. My lust for power didn’t stop there. Like all those destined for greatness I craved power and in order to achieve this I needed an army. I gained my solders by either eliminating their leaders or bedding them. Out my countless years and numerous men I won over by lust only one offspring was produced. I later called the boy Dunlapil. The only reason I let the little bastard live was because his father was one of great power and any child of mine that even held half of my power could just prove to be useful.

I was correct. As the boy grew so did his strength and even as young as five he was able to obliterate entire armies with no effort. I am not to be challenged so I began to make arrangements to have him eliminated but I wanted to make sure to utilize him for all his worth. My only mistake was I waited to long to dispose of him. I should have known he was ambitious and try to over throw me. When he turned eighteen, he and a few hundred of my followers turned against me in order to take control of my rule. Killing everyone that followed him was more of an annoyance than a challenge and to cleanse my army of anymore betrayal I killed them all.

Dunlapil was saved for last though. I wasn’t surprised or even mad; after all it is the nature of our race to gain power. Instead I was disappointed. He showed himself to be weak with his failure to kill me and weakness will not be tolerated. I decided to make an example of him so I took it upon myself to carry out his punishment. After all what kind of a mother would I be if I can’t discipline my own child? I tortured him for nearly a thousand years. Melting his skin from his body with an iron poker until I reached his bones where I preceded to break them one by one. I don’t know if it was that I got bored or his body and bones were too destroyed for him to heal and I lost interested but I finally decided to kill him. I flayed the flesh from his body piece by piece until I reached his intestine. From there I ripped them out and forced him to eat it until he choked on his own blood. A humiliating, slow, and agonizing death fit for anyone that challenged me.

Even though my vast armies gone all was not lost. Through my years of I’ve master the magic of incantation or enchantment both spoken and written. I trapped the souls of my soldiers to use for food for my new army. Born in the shadows like myself this new race was created by my darkness and blood. Our minds are linked to ensure no more treachery will accrue. My armies will be strengthened preparing for the age of shadows.

Give me power
I can’t stand you.
I am the last of a race known as darklings.
I’ve been told I’m conniving, deceitful manipulative bitch who loves to watch suffering. I would love nothing more than run a blade across your throat to watch you bleed. Obedience is expected from everyone and if I don’t get it you will all see how aggressive I can become.
I was born to the shadows and as you would expect I can manipulate Darkness and a bit of blood magic
One more thing you need to know if you want to liveI am very feminine so I prefer to have others do my dirty work. If you do as I say you just might live to see another day.
Shut up voice in my head Death by Stapler or I will kill you!

Magician Girl Mirani 07-10-2012 11:07 PM

I still remember my first ever RP character. Her name was Kiara Kuchiki and she was my character in a Code Geass RP I had going with my friend that introduced me to Menewsha. I LOVED that character, she was my first! I think I made her a little too much like me though but I still loved her!

Come to think of it.....


Japanese Name: Kuchiki Kiara
Brittanian Name: Kiara Knight
Age: 16 (almost seventeen)
Appearance: Black hair with red streaks, likes to change hair styles a lot as she can't decide on a single one. Eyes are green. A little shorter than average height and skinnny (cuz as you pointed out everyone in Code Geass is rather skinny)
Personality: Rather sarcastic, independant, can be rather cynical at times but can refrane from doing so when she wants to. Loves nature and isn't a big fan of the big cities. Hates polution. Likes fighting but can't stand bullies (which usually leads to her fighting)
Geass: Pyrokenisis, the ability to set things on fire but she can control what colour the flames are ie one fire could be purple another green and another black with red.
Other abilities: Is half decent at pioleting a Knightmare but she prefers hand to hand combat and she's an okay shot with a pistol. Can also use a crossbow and likes smaller, stealthier weapons that catch her enemies by surprise.
Other Info: Was raised in Japan until it was taken over by the Brittanian Empire. When it was taken over her parents smuggled her to a Brittanian family that they knew and as the family had no children of their own they adopted Kiara, hiding who she really was. She then goes to Ashford Academy where she meets and befriends Kallen. She knows taht she is adopted and does not think of herself as an Eleven but Japanese and she hates the Brittanian Empire. She received her Geass shortly before she was given to her adoptive family and she never saw the one who gave it to her since.
There she is! I knew I still had her floating around somewhere!

XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX 07-19-2012 11:34 AM


Who was your first character?
Ghostwhisperer from an old long-gone site called EragonLive


What were they like?
Good on some days--extremely evil on others, extremely mouthy, VERY sexual, and wise.


Can you post a bio?
Well, she was an Irish vampire--and a sword's woman. Mother and Father died, she had a Sister who was still alive. She ran with dragons whom she could converse with telepathically. She'd been married more than once, and her balance in the way of good and evil threaded on an extremely thin thread.

((That's the gist of it, there once was an extremely detailed lay of her life. Every time it was written it was destroyed in some way or another. Either due to stolen flash drive's, discontinued sites, accounts being removed and so on--in a course of six years.))

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