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Woofie267 03-25-2017 09:54 PM

Manageable Mischief
Olivia looked up from her lounging and playing with a muffler she'd borrowed from Care of Magical Creatures when she heard people approaching.

"This is a bad idea, Sirius," Remus murmured to his completely idiotic friend.

Mageling 03-25-2017 10:04 PM

Catherine was sitting outside with her cousin, a book open in her lap and idly twirling her wand between her fingers. She paused and glanced up when she heard someone coming.

"I think you mispronounced the word 'great,'" Sirius said, grinning. "Come on, Remus, you're usually always up for baiting some snakes."

Woofie267 03-25-2017 10:09 PM

"Uh oh," Olivia murmured. "This will be interesting."

"This one is fine, she's not like the others," Remus said. "Just leave her be, you don't want to do this."

Mageling 03-25-2017 10:27 PM

"That is where you're mistaken, my friend," Sirius said, pulling his wand from his pocket. "I am always up for some Slytherin baiting."

"Oh I know that look," Cat murmured. "That's not a good look." She held her own wand warily, just waiting for the impending jinx she knew was coming.

Sirius smirked and raised his wand, mouth open to indeed cast a jinx. Cat had her wand up, quick as a whip, and wordlessly cast a disarming charm. Sirius' smug look disappeared as his wand jumped out of his hand and landed on the ground some twelve feet away. This time, Cat was the one who smirked.

Woofie267 03-25-2017 10:53 PM

Olivia stood, putting the niffler in Cat's lap. Then she turned on Sirius with such a fierce look that Remus took a step back to leave Sirius on his own.

"If you try to jinx my friend again I swear I will curse you into next week," she hissed.

Mageling 03-25-2017 11:39 PM

Cat blinked and took the niffler, keeping it from trying to steal her necklace. She liked the little platypus bandit, but she liked her jewelry, too.

Sirius held up his hands.

"Hey, easy," he said. "Just a harmless prank, really, calm down."

Woofie267 03-25-2017 11:46 PM

Remus sidled over by Cat to watch the show. "I'm sorry about him," he murmured to her. "We're still working on his house training."

"I've seen you harmless pranks before," Olivia said, narrowing her eyes at him. "Don't even try it on her."

Mageling 03-25-2017 11:49 PM

"I've dealt with worse," Cat replied as she casually plopped the niffler down in her lap again. "My house and yours historically never get along."

"Relax," Sirius said. "Merlin, I thought you Hufflepuffs were supposed to be easygoing."

Woofie267 03-25-2017 11:51 PM

"Indeed," Remus murmured, wryly amused. "I doubt that will change anytime soon."

"We are," Olivia said, giving him one more glare for good measure. "Until you mess with one of ours."

Mageling 03-25-2017 11:56 PM

"And you?" Cat asked, raising an eyebrow at him. "You do seem to be a Gryffindor, after all."

"Last I checked, she's not a Hufflepuff," Sirius pointed out as he went and picked up his wand. He was relatively certain now that she wouldn't hex him.

Woofie267 03-26-2017 12:09 AM

Remus smiled. "I'm rather more open minded than my friends," he said with a little shrug.

"She's my cousin and my friend." Olivia watched him, holding her wand tightly in one hand.

Mageling 03-26-2017 12:27 AM

"Good to know," Cat said, smiling just a little and filing that information away for later.

"Okay, Merlin, just back off," Sirius said. He looked at Remus and tilted his head. "C'mon, let's go."

Woofie267 03-26-2017 12:52 AM

Remus nodded and looked back to Sirius. "Alright," he agreed. He nodded to Cat and left.

Olivia huffed as she watched Sirius go, shaking her head and going to retrieve her niffler.

Mageling 03-26-2017 12:59 AM

Sirius just grumbled to himself as he went back into the castle. He wasn't used to someone outright threatening him like that.

"Quick on the draw today," Cat commented as she handed the niffler back. "I could have handled him, I've dealt with Gryffindors before."

Woofie267 03-26-2017 01:09 AM

"I did warn you," Remus reminded him with a smug little smile.

"That one, Black, is worse than the rest," Olivia commented. "I've heard stories."

Mageling 03-26-2017 01:16 AM

"Bugger off," Sirius grumbled.

"I would have been okay," Cat said, settling back again. "I'm sure I have a hex or two I could have used on him."

Woofie267 03-26-2017 01:40 AM

Remus smirked but headed for the castle.

"Oh I know you could have," Olivia agreed. "But I did it anyway because Black deserves to be taken down a peg or two."

Mageling 03-26-2017 07:55 PM

Cat just grinned a bit.

"You just didn't want me to hex his pretty face," she teased.

Woofie267 03-26-2017 10:25 PM

Olivia snorted at that. "Please," she said, rolling her eyes. "Fine, next time I'll let you hex him." But she was grinning too now.

Mageling 03-26-2017 10:42 PM

Cat snickered, and then stood up and stretched.

"Come on," she said. "Nearly time for next class block to start."

Woofie267 03-26-2017 10:47 PM

"Alright, alright." Olivia got up, stretched, and looked at the niffler ruefully. "You won't behave in the castle will you?" The niffler snuffled at her, and she sighed. "You go on, I'm going to put him back. I've got a free period next anyway, supposed to be studying."

Mageling 03-26-2017 10:54 PM

"Enjoy it," Cat said. "I've got Potions next, which means being stuck in the dungeons for the next few hours." She made a bit of a face. "Maybe I'll get lucky and sit next to Severus, he's good at Potions."

Woofie267 03-26-2017 11:48 PM

Olivia snickered. "Just don't jinx Black in class, no matter how much Slughorn likes you."

Mageling 03-26-2017 11:51 PM

"I feel like I should be offended," Cat said, grinning a bit. "Nobody would know it was me."

Woofie267 03-27-2017 12:23 AM

"Even so." Olivia shrugged. "But yes, go enjoy your potions class, try not to get into too much trouble." She grinned.

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