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CrimsonShadow 02-13-2011 08:28 PM

Circus of the Hidden
Welcome to the Circus

This is the actual thread. Please go here

That is where the OOC thread with all the information is. If you are interested please take a look:)

CrimsonShadow 02-13-2011 08:31 PM

Open open open open open open!!!!!

CrimsonShadow 02-13-2011 08:32 PM


CrimsonShadow 02-15-2011 07:40 AM

× - - - Weather - - - ×
| Snowing | Raining | Drizzle | Foggy | Hot | Warm | Cool | Cold | Windy | Breeze | Sunny | Cloudy |

× - - - Date- - - ×
| January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December |
| o1 | o2 | o3 | o4 | o5 | o6 | o7 | o8 | o9 | 1o | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 2o | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 3o | | 31 |
| Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |

× - - - Time- - - ×
| o1 | o2 | o3 | o4 | o5 | o6 | o7 | o8 | o9 | 1o | 11 | 12 |
| am | pm |

× - - - Place- - - ×
| Greece |

× - - - Announcements- - - ×

CrimsonShadow 02-15-2011 07:40 AM


CrimsonShadow 02-15-2011 07:41 AM


CrimsonShadow 02-15-2011 07:07 PM

Walking out of her tent Zalia paused at the opening and stretched. It was morning about 9:00am, the circus always got up pretty early but most of the time Zalia was the first up. She began walking and made her way over to the dining area where she grabbed some fruit for breakfast. Chowing on her apple Zalia walked into the big tent where all the performances happened. She went to the center of the stage and just stood there thinking. She often just stood here, where she felt comfortable. Soon the other carnies would wake up and they would have to get to work.

Groaning Azra rolled over in bed and opened her eyes. She couldn't help but wake up early even though she really wanted to sleep in. Maybe it was the magic of the circus. Getting out of bed she shuffled over to her shower. Even though the performers lived in tents they were just like bedrooms with walk in closets and their own bathrooms. Once she was out and changed she walked out of her tent and over to her twins room. "Chenol are you up?" She called as she walked in.

Walking out from her closet when she heard her sister Chenol stopped and laughed. They were wearing the same outfit but in different colors. The twins were wearing harem pants and a harem bra top. Chenol had picked black and silver while Azra had picked dark blue and silver. They both had on ballet slippers that went with their colors. Both women had on their jewels (in the picture). "Why do we always do this? We always pick the same outfits." Azra smiled to her sister. "You know why Chenol. For one were identical twins and two we always dress like this! Now come on I'm starving." Turning around she walked out to go get breakfast her sister following after her.

diamondt 02-15-2011 08:09 PM

Cire, right now a woman with very messed up hair, groggily stood up. Mornings... They wouldn't be so awfull if she herself just wouldn't make nightwalks so many. Then again, she loved nightwalks and couldn't skip out on them. She scratched herself behind the ears, realising that in her sleep she must have let go of her human form a little. ''Ugh...'' She ran her hand over her back, counting the tails standing up straight. Nothing to count, just one. A smile played her lips as she let the wind run through her hair. The best comb ever. Standing in front of her wardrobe, she weighed some ups and downs... In the end it came down to a low waist capri and a tube top, dark blue and black. Low waist, because of her tail. The people here knew her race so she could leave it out anyway.
Simple colours, but in the end, working with animals wasn't for walking around like a movie star. In her room, Cire had no mirror. She couldn't look at it, and just asked other people which color they liked best when in a store. Then she'd ask for the opinion of the store clerk, and that way she'd find out which colour had what and what would suit her best. Always dark colours, so she could take care of the animals as much as she'd like without ruining everything she had. A broad smile played her lips as she left her room, walking barefoot... As always.

The woman went to the dining area to grab a loaf of bread and a piece of fruit, making her way fast over to the animals to start taking care of them.

Holleh Knight 02-15-2011 08:44 PM

This world deserves a better class of criminal,

It was morning and Emily was still tired. "Ugh. Another day." She got up, went to her bathroom, and splashed water in her face. That always helps wake someone up. She went to her wardrobe and picked out her usual outfit. Emily then put her makeup on and did her usual chores, like making her bed. Now she was ready to officially start the day by joining the others. Emily walked out of her tent and into the main tent with the others.

She looked around to see if anyone was awake. Oh! Seems as if Zalia's up. Emily walked over. "Morning. Ugh, I'm so tired. I could barely sleep last night. Lately I've been having the same nightmare. A Hunter's chasing me. What's with that? It doesn't make any sense. I've been having it for weeks now!" Emily looked away because she was so irratated. She hated not knowing the answers. Soo she realized that she hadn't given Zalia a chance to talk. "Oh, uhhhh.....I don't think I asked you anything about yourself have I.....So uh, what are you up to?" Emily asked with an odd look on her face.

Leaving no chance for Zalia to say anything, Emily slowly started to fall back asleep. The Hunter appeared to her in the nightmare and grabbed out a scythe. Since this was a dream, anything could happen. She stood there motionless and speechless. The Hunter grabbed her by the neck and lifted her up slowly. She could barely breathe. The Hunter raised his scythe and --.

The second Emily woke up, she screamed. She panted for air and wiped the sweat off her face. Normally, you wouldn't think that this dream would make you scream, but, there was more to the dream thaty she never told anyone. She put her hand over her mouth and looked at Zalia. ot a fun way to start your morning.

....And I'm gonna give it to them.

Lilith W 02-15-2011 08:48 PM

Ahanna had woken up at dawn from a nightmare. They were getting less frequent but were still bad. She knew that over time the memories would hurt less but from experience she knew that would take a long time.

She had a brief thought of going back to bed but finally sat up and swung her legs off the bed. They had arrived her a week before but she still didn't feel at home here. She walked out of her tent and looked over at Rythen's tent. It looked like he wasn't having the same problems as her. He thought about going and seeing their four-legged partners but decided not to wake them up.

She walked over to a near by tree and grabbed a low hanging branch swinging herself up on it. She had always been more comfortable in trees. She leaned back and waited for the camp to start showing signs of life.

She eventually saw a few others moving around and jumped out of the tree. She walked over to the main tent and went inside. "Hello Miss Zalia." The rest of her team may not be awake but she could practice alone. She grabbed five of her juggling balls and started loosening up.

Rythen sat up in bed. He knew that Ahanna had another nightmare. But there was nothing he could do for her. He left his tent when he felt her move on. He went to where the animals were kept and got their mounts ready. They were rode with a simple blanket saddle and nothing else was used on them but they did enjoy being brushed.

Zetsumei Bara. 02-15-2011 09:12 PM

Melli swung her feet back and forth, sniffling, in the dining area. She was new, it was her very first day. "Rope, rope, rope..." she sang, her ghostly voice soft and sweet. As she sat, she watched everyone walk in, and greet one another. She wanted to speak to them, but she did not want to upset anyone.

Lucifer sat up, automatically. His arms were heavy, his black wings stretched out far and wide. It was early, but later than usual. His black raven flew and landed on his bent knee. Shooing it away, he stood up, and in his black jeans, he walked downstairs. No one cared about his wings, because they all had something to hide from the humans who know that creatures like the carnies are only in books, movies, and dreams. The 'monsters' didn't want to ruin the poor fool's lives with the treacherous truth.

He grabbed an apple, and sat alone, watching everyone. Sometimes, he wanted a friend, but so far, no one wanted to get to know him.

Cloaked Hatter 02-16-2011 02:45 AM

Kalapos stretched, rolling out of bed and making her way over to her closet. After changing, and making sure her hat was on her head, she made her way towards the dining area, feeling a bit peckish. Making sure to grab her poi, which she always kept in her room, she started practicing on the walk over, though she kept them unlit. Walking into the dining area, she quickly swung her poi in such a way so that the weighted end hung at about her shoulder blades, while the rest was in front of her shoulder on her right side. She held out her arm when she saw the Raven that had been following her around, and it landed near her wrist.

"Hey, Nev," She said quietly, stroking his feathers softly, before looking around at all the people. When she saw a new girl, one that she had never seen before, she quickly decided to sit with her. Even though it had been almost 12 years since she had come here, she still remembered what it was like to be new. Letting Nevermore jump to her shoulder, she quickly grabbed two bananas and apples, not sure what the girl would like more. Walking brisquely to the seat across from the girl, she sat down, putting the fruit in between them. "Hi, I'm Kalapos, but most people call me Kal. I didn't know which you'd like better, so I grabbed both," she said politely, gesturing to the fruit on the table.

Ido woke groggily. He deffinately wasn't a morning person. After taking a quick shower and changing, he walked to the dining area of the tents. He looked around, and was about to approach his sister to see if she wanted to sit with him, but he saw he move over to a girl he didn't know. Shrugging internally, he grabbed an orange and a piece of bread, sitting down at a random table, noting that the guy that had arrived roughly two weeks previous was sitting a little ways away.

CrimsonShadow 02-16-2011 02:45 AM

Completely shocked by the whirlwind of Emily, Zalia just stood there frozen as she watched the younger women. When the girl drifted off to sleep Zalia frowned then flinched when she woke up screaming. " you mind telling me what is wrong? You've been having these nightmares for a very long time. I wish to help if you will let me." Since Emily had been at the circus for about 6 years Zalia knew her better then most of the other. Hearing Ahanna's hello Zalia turned and smiled. "Hello to you to. Did you sleep well?" She asked with a small smile.

Walking completely in-sync the twins entered the dining area and noticed the new girl who was sitting by Kalapos. They had seen her when she had show up last night. They looked at each other and seemed to talk to each other with their minds, which they could actually do. Walking over to where the new girl and Kalapos were sitting the twins both took a seat on the other side of the table. They way they moved was fluid and graceful and completely in-sync. "Hello." They said together. Then Azra spoke, "I'm Azra and this is my sister Chenol. We saw you last night when you showed up. What's your act going to be?" She was always the more chatty of the twins whereas Chenol was more silent. Chenol turned to Kalapos and gave her a small smile. "Good morning Kal."

Q U E E N 02-16-2011 03:19 AM

"Ahh...time to wake up..." Doll said monotonuously and sat up, automatically choosing her clothes. The pink and white laced dress. The white laced parasol. And...The white leather boots. Moving in a graceful fashion, she walked to the dining room. "Morning." She waved briefly to everyone in the room. Scanning across the room with her eyes, she noticed the new girl that had appeared last night. Walking over, she twirled her parasol and said hello, then sat down. She took out one of her puppets and started playing with it to pass the time. She didn't mind missing out on all the food...besides, she was a doll, food was going to ruin her pretty insides.

Zetsumei Bara. 02-16-2011 03:35 AM

Melli smiled at everyone, and picked up an apple. "I'm the rope-walker!" she giggled, swinging her small feet back and forth. "My name is Melli. Nice to meet you, Kal, Azra, and Chenol!" she looked to the woman who hadn't spoken a word, except 'Morning,' and waved quickly. 'Such nice people...' Melli thought, biting into the apple. 'Such beautiful people!' Giggling to herself, she scanned everyone, then took another bite out of the apple.

Lucifer's head popped up when Doll walked in, and sat three tables away. She joined only a few weeks ago, and ever since, he had been admiring from afar. He slowly ate his apple, then got up, just to walk by her, pulling a high-school move to maybe get her to notice him. Grabbing a few strawberries, he walked right back by, pretending not to notice her. He was hoping, praying, that she noticed him. 'Beautiful creature...' he sat down, setting the strawberries in front of him, and started eating them slowly, gazing at Doll.

Cloaked Hatter 02-16-2011 04:08 AM

Kalapos smiled at the twins when they sat down. "Morning, you two. Hope you slept well." She turned back to the new girl, Melli, and was delighted to see that she had taken one of the apples. She herself grabbed a banana, peeling back the skin and breaking off a piece. "Wonderful to meet you, Melli. Hope you get to like it here," she said, before popping the chunk of fruit in her mouth. "Hey, Doll." She nodded to the other girl as she sat down.

Ido watched the new guy, Lucifer if he remembered correctly, chuckling as he sat back down. "You know," he said quietly, so only Lucifer could hear him, "I don't think you're going to get much of a reaction like that. Judging by what I've heard from my sister, Doll doesn't really show emotions. She isn't called 'Doll' for nothing."

He looked up, peeling his orange while studying the man. He nodded his head in a sort of greeting. "I'm Ido. My sister is the one in the top hat over there, with the raven on her shoulder. I couldn't help but notice that no one's approached you yet." He kept his voice quiet, calm. He never really talked loud, unless he was yelling at his sister for something stupid she had done.

CrimsonShadow 02-16-2011 04:14 AM

Standing up Chenol went over and grabbed two bowls of oatmeal. After heating them up and adding sugar to both bowls she grabbed two spoons. Taking everything back over to the table she set them down and pushed one of the bowls to her sister. "So Melli do you think your going to preform tomorrow night or are you going to practice for a while before you preform?" She was curious and that was what lead her to talk.

diamondt 02-16-2011 01:47 PM

2 hours later, 8.28AM (she stands up early to feed the animals after all) Cire felt like she was done taking care of almost every animal... She left the Pegasus and Unicorn alone by all means, their owners were only here for a week and Cire didn't feel like taking care of other people's animals just because they were here. Nothing with arrogancy, though it sounded like that. It was more of a polite gesture towards the owners... They probably knew everything about their animals better than she herself did.
After a quick shower, smelling like animal poo wasn't a fragrance others enjoyed neither did she, the woman made her way to the dining area. Living a whole morning on fruit wasn't something appearing in a healthy lifestyle.
The dining area was quite busy, everyone waking up and leaving their beds at around the same time that is. It was good everyone sat with each other, a nice change so to say. ''Good morning everyone.'' The woman said loud enough for everyone to hear, her tail swishing happily behind her as she grabbed a bowl, filled it with yoghurt and pieces of fruit followed by a small spoon to eat the stuff with. A smile played her lips as she sat down with all the other girls, feeling a little old... But oh well, in the end Cire knew everyone here so that wouldn't really matter. ''Hi Kalapos, Doll, Chenol and Azra, and Melli if my ears didn't decieve me. I hope you all slept well?'' She said at a moment of quiet, giving them a kind smile in the hope she hadn't disturbed a conversation.

Lilith W 02-16-2011 04:33 PM

Ahanna smiled at Zalia. "I slept well enough considering all the changes. Thank you for asking. I'll let you get back to what you were doing." Ahanna nodded before walking over to the food table. She had been juggling the entire time but stopped when she reached it. She placed the balls into a bag on her waist. She picked up three apples, a orange, and two carrots. She shoved the carrots on the bag too but left the others out and started juggling them. She planned on taking the carrots and two of the apples to the unicorn and pegasus later. She looked around for a place to sit realizing everyone was pairing off and talking. She still wasn't comfortable enough to join the big group of girls so she sat at a table by herself.

Rythen finished up with their mounts and promised to be back later before the show. He walked to the main tent and looked around. There was a big group of the ladies sitting at one table and he noticed Ahanna sitting by herself. He started to go sit by her but she needed to open up to the people here and she would not do that with him there. So instead he walked over to the table of women, on his way grabbing an apple. "Hello ladies. May I sit? Anything new happening today?"

Zetsumei Bara. 02-16-2011 05:01 PM

Melli greeted the others that joined, and shrugged at Chenol's question. "I think I might practice a bit, then join you guys for the next show," she smiled, giggling. "If that's alright, of course!" she piped up, eating more of her apple. She looked to the man who sat down and smiled. "I'm new!" she giggled, laughing at her own joke. "My name's Melli," she explained. "I'm a rope-walker!" Hiccuping, she bounced a bit, then blushed. She hated being so small and petite. Every movement made her move in some way. Sighing, she continued with her apple.

Lilith W 02-16-2011 05:25 PM

Rythen smiled down at the petite girl. She was rather pretty if a bit hyper. "Hello Melli. My name is Rythen. But you can call me Ry. I've noticed that most have a hard time pronuncing elven names. Your a rope walker? I've always found them amazing. I might be used to hights from living in trees but I prefer walking between the trees with at least two ropes and wood plankes between them." He laughed at his joke then looked around at the rest of the table.

Holleh Knight 02-16-2011 07:06 PM

Death is everywhere,

Adam woke up ready for the day. He doesn't usually sleep that long. He got out of bed, got ready, and made his way to the main tent. He looked around to see who was up. A new girl? Looks like she's got a lot of company all ready. Whatever, I'll meet her later. He walked over towards another new girl, Mellie. "Hey, you new here? My name's Adam. What your name?" He felt so embarrassed in front of her for some reason. He doesn't even know her name yet! Why do I feel so weird inside?! Ugh, I'll ask Zalia after I meet this girl.

This girl was extremely beautiful to him, but he's never thought like that in awhile. Oh well, he'd found out about her now to determine everything. Anyway, he turned around for a second and looked at the other new person. He waved to say hello since he couldn't say anything to her. He turned his head back to Mellie; remembering that he asked her a question.

....And I'm a big part of it.

OOC : Sorry its not as long as I hoped it would be. I need to go but I wanted to post first so.....yeah. ^_^

Katie Scarlett Divine 02-16-2011 08:04 PM

Scarlett was dressed in her usual white and red dress with her hair back in a bun as she practiced walking across a wire that stretched from one side of her training room to the other. The wire was only a few feet off the ground so it wasn't much like the real high wire that the circus used, but this helped her think. She closed her teal eyes and let out a small sigh as she began to slowly walk across the wire, making sure not to lose her balance as she did. As she listened to the music that was cuing her to do a few stunts, she quickly did a front flip on the wire to keep intact with the beautiful beat.

Once the flip was over she landed on one foot, concentrating extra hard not to fall and then slowly put her left foot back onto the wire where she belonged. Not many people came to visit her while she was training.. or any other time. But it wasn't much of a problem to her since she didn't talk much anyways. She opened her eyes for a brief moment and looked at herself in all the mirrors on the walls surrounding her. She was pale, thin with a nice figure, with dark brown but almost black hair. Though she was noting special, just a circus girl with a dream. A dream to one day be important in the world.

Zetsumei Bara. 02-17-2011 01:45 AM

"I'll stick to Rythen. I think it's a beautiful name!" she smiled, then looked up to Adam. "Ah, yes! I got here yesterday," she smiled softly, playing with a strand of hair. "My name's Mellie," she started, then her face turned red. "My real name is Melody, but people started calling me Mel, Mellie, Mah, and I liked Mellie the best, so I started calling myself that!" she blurted out. Blinking, she turned away slowly, embarrassed, and quite mad at herself. "Ummm..." she said, her high voice slightly squeaky. "So, what are all your acts?" she smiled, her face still bright red.

Q U E E N 02-17-2011 01:55 AM

Doll looked up, took the time to blink her thick eyelashes, and said, "Puppeteer. My name's Doll." She started playing with the puppets again, switching their outfits and such. Doll noticed Mellie blushing, so she took out a pink and white plaid handkerchief out from one of her pockets, dipped it in clean water, and handed it to Mellie so she could cool herself down. Then she motioned for someone else to say their act.

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