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star2000shadow 07-25-2009 05:41 PM

star2000shadow's Scribbles
here's a quick poem im throwing up, it'll probably be a bit 'country' as im listening to 'Country Boy' lol.
hmm if i'm given five words, dun matter what they are, I can generally make a poem out of it or well five to ten words XD it's fun.

I sit at the computer,
bored out of my mind,
wandering sites,
nothing for a dime,

Watching the pages,
flip back and forth,
silly little words,
blurred into nonsens,

Some call me strange,
some call me nuts,
hey i warned them,
im a bit off my rocker,

meeting new people,
can always be fun,
sometimes not,
Sometimes you get the good,
with the bad,

I Walk through sites,
Kid sites, adult sites,
interesting sites,
sites that make me want to cry.

but all of them their own unique experience.
some are for games, some for reading,
some just for the heck of it.
but all leaving their own impressions in my mind...

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