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~Spirit_of_a_Fire_Fox~ 04-30-2010 04:41 AM

.:: Appocalypto ::. (Zombie private group roleplay)
.:: Appocalypto ::.

~:: Story ::~

Everything went to hell. Just as they broadcasted the strange outbreaks of the undead on the news, the doctors were attacked first from the sick patients, causing the entire Mercy Hospital to go down. Soldiers were released, but most of them were attacked and bitten. There was no escape from this hell, for the entire world was infected. There was no question to why this happened. No one got to ask, for they fell ill and changed. Only a handful of people survived. The only thing you can do... is survive....

Within the confines of secrecy a dark group of scientists continued work on a human enhancement even though they were banned by respected science for it. The project was names 'Genisis' but all testing went horribly wrong, it seemed to attack the cells in the body instead of enhance normal reflexes and attributes as the scientists had hoped. The cells died and then seemed to regeenerate into something dark that only thought and acted on one feed... They began working more with it but were found out and the police came for them. Angered the scientists vowed to revenge and one day a person went to the hospital. They said they didnt feel good they had been shot with a drug...Mere minutes later the drug took efect. The cells died and then became more...and the need to feed took over all one by one it bit and one by one they fell. Genisis was alive and it was spreading revenge would mean the end of all.....

~Spirit_of_a_Fire_Fox~ 04-30-2010 12:13 PM

~:: Rules ::~

1... In this thread, I am GOD!
2... Play nice, you are not allowed to kill anyone for no reason unless you talk to me and them. In that case, if you do die you can make another character if you'd like. Also, if you get bit by a zombie, you have time fore you turn. There is a possibility that a cure can be found.
3... Follow all my rules and Mene's TOS!
4... Semi-Lit! No text talking and all that jazz.... I will destroy you..
5... Send the profile to me with the title: "I Like Red Jello!" to show me you read the rules before you sent the profile.
6... Romance of course! Just not too much. Take it to the PMs, or time-skip.
7... If you are going to be gone for a while, please post that you will be.
8... This is a long term roleplay! Post often!
9... Rules can be changed or added. A post will be made stating when.


~:: Profile Skeleton ::~

Copy and paste this then fill it out:

[FONT="monotype corsiva"][SIZE="4"][right][B][My Puppet Master][/B] [U][COLOR="yourpostingcolor"](Username)[/COLOR][/U]
[B][Appearance][/B] [COLOR="yourpostingcolor"][U](Anime IMG prefered)[/U][/COLOR]
[B][Name][/B] [COLOR="yourpostingcolor"][U](Full name)[/U][/COLOR]
[B][Nicknames][/B] [COLOR="yourpostingcolor"][U](What you want to go by)[/U][/COLOR]
[B][Age][/B] [COLOR="yourpostingcolor"][U][/U][/COLOR]
[B][Gender][/B] [COLOR="yourpostingcolor"][U][/U][/COLOR]
[B][Sexuality][/B] [COLOR="yourpostingcolor"][U][/U][/COLOR]
[B][Short Bio][/B] [COLOR="yourpostingcolor"][U](Optional)[/U][/COLOR]
[B][Weapons of Choice][/B] [COLOR="yourpostingcolor"][U](IMG is accepted)[/U][/COLOR][/right][/SIZE][/FONT]

Profiles will be posted here!

Cupcake69 04-30-2010 08:10 PM

THis looks bad ass. I'll try and follow the rules God.

~Spirit_of_a_Fire_Fox~ 05-03-2010 03:20 PM

The year... 1212, the city... Washington D.C. The city lies in ruins after a virus was let loose in the city. Everyone is dead.. or at least they seem that way. The virus was conducted in an underground facility, unknown to the inhabitants of Washington. It is currently unknown as to why they were doing it, most assume it was an experiment to make super soldiers that went wrong. The first sighting of these walking abominations were sighted not far outside of the main city, apparently a group of people were followed out of the tunnels and into our world.

They only have one need, to feed. Once bitten you have at least 7 hours before you become one of them. That is if you are only bitten and not on the brink of death in the first place. After that.... well I'm sure if you were a survivor you know what's going to happen to you. You will be either decapitated or shot in the head and burned.

You are one of the few survivors in this city, are you going to save others or skip town and try to survive on your own. The only problem is knowing how far this has spread. Happy Hunting!

red rose 05-04-2010 12:31 AM

Lee walked out of her old house and gave it a look full of yearning for the past. She had decided that she couldn't sulk in her house any longer and that soon the zombies would realize she was staying in the house, the smell of the house gave off the scent of the living and no matter how full of sorrow she was she wanted to live. With one last look at her parents graves she looked forward into her bleak future and started walking.

Kiyoto 05-04-2010 12:57 AM

Khoji sat in his office. He knew he would not be safe here for much longer. His co-workers were all probably dead by now and those animal like creatures would be soon making their way up here. He sighed and got up getting his bag it held a supply of food, water, bullets and other things he would need. He supposed he shoulld go see if there were any survivors around. He walked down the hall and immediately smelled the scent of death peering around the bend and down the stairs it was just as he thought. One of those 'things' were feasting on the body of the man who's office was next to his. He sighed and looked back where he had come the fire escape there. He headed to it and walked out onto the platform. The metal ladder covered in blood he grimmiced. "Great" he kicked it and it clattered to the street below. Climing down he began to look for survivors.

**Vampire_Mistress_Jill** 05-04-2010 01:51 AM

Victoria lit up another cigarette after bashing a zombies head in, blood on her hands and shirt, the bloody creatures tried cornering there dead. She wandered the streets....smoking..she has no home anymore...everyone she knew was dead...but she didn't know for sure....if she was still out there somewhere..or if she will survive this...this madness...Victoria spotted a man down the street...was he a survivor???

Ember Mist 05-04-2010 01:53 AM

Riko leaned against the wall vomiting as Ryan wiped off his sword. "Come on! Grow some balls!" Ryan yelled tossing the severed head at Riko who almost fell over and continued to vomit. "THAT THING! Was once a person!" He yelled wiping his mouth and coughing. "Not anymore... for all we know... we could be the last people left alive.." Ryan sighed running a bloody hand through his hair.

red rose 05-04-2010 02:00 AM

Lee walked around aimlessly for a while unsure of where she was going to go. Since she was all alone she could go any where but then again with the creatures out she would always have to be on guard. For a while Lee just let her feet guide her but she became serious for a place to spend the night as the sun would set in about a half hour and with no one to watch her back she had to make sure she found some where safe. "Helllllllooooooooo" Lee called out to the vacant world, figuring she would get no answer.

megenmess 05-04-2010 07:59 AM

Luxx wakes from a restless sleep her brass knux on her hand and her gun in the other just in case.she had taken to taking refuge in the gutters witch she had sealed off when she decided to sleep witch wasnt often not with the nightmares that often visit her she sat up and stretched and looked around and pulled the stuff to make a peanut and jelly sandwich out of her backpack the way she lived was quite lonely but it worked for her half way threw her sandwich she was full and decided that it was time to go explore some more she stood dropped her gun and and took her knux off and slung her backpack over her shoulder put her gun in her holster and thought to her self about the day her dad gave it to her and her brass knux back on her hand she pushed the round thing up and climbed up the sun burned her eyes she had a dont screw with me look on her face

Lindylu 05-04-2010 04:13 PM

Andy had been in school when all hell had broken loose. They hadn't know the bites would turn people then, and he had originally holed up in the cafeteria with some of his classmates. His only weapon was his steel baseball bat.

Then they had turned....those wounded friends of his had turned into zombies. In a panic Andy had grabbed the nearest bag of food and water and took off running towards the roof. Luckily there had been a table on the roof for some class rocket project.

This is where he was now, sitting on the roof alone, a table propped against the opening to the rood for added security. He could hear the monsters groaning and growling below in the school. Now and then he'd hear screams from one of the few survivors still in the building.

Now and then he'd hear people trying to open the roof, he would have. He really would have let them in but he could hear the Zombies and the people screaming that they were bleeding.

He sat there in a corner of the room huddled up, hugging his legs as he watched the table. His only weapons were a few Co2 cartridges and his baseball bat. He clutched the baseball bat like a stuffed animal, it was dented and blood stained but it was his only savior.

Arcturus Sinclair 05-04-2010 06:41 PM

Cadence sits on the roof of the hotel he had been staying in before the outbreak. He watches the door carefully. He's holding his steel scythe carefully. The door's shut with a pipe in the handles. He knows that won't last long, but oh well. He fiddles with the scythe, looking for another way off the roof. He perks up, seeing a fire escape. "Who would have guessed I'd use that for running from zombies?" he mutters, in a deep, amused voice. It seems like he doesn't take much seriously. He shrugs and runs down the fire escape, only making it about halfway down before the door bursts open.
He glances up before just hopping off the fire escape and running. He's a very fast runner, but he's not sure where to go.

abm37 05-04-2010 09:13 PM

Drew cautiously stepped into a dark hunting and sporting goods store. The place looked fine, but he figured it would be a good idea to check if the lights were working, just in case so he wouldn't be at a disadvantage. Drew flipped on the lights, and they flickered for a couple seconds before illuminating the entire small store. The place seemed empty so drew searched for equipment. In one isle Drew found some camping backpacks, and some thick hunting vests. Drew set aside two good backpacks and slipped on one vest as placed the other into the second. Drew tossed the backpacks to the front of the store as he searched another aisle. In this aisle Drew found some gloves, and a small display case with a glass en-closer containing some hunting knives. Drew placed one of the thicker gloves on, to avoid getting cut as he smashed the glass. "Whoa, this one has a knuckle duster as a grip! I got lucky." Drew exclaimed putting the knife into his front pocket. Drew grabbed a smaller pair of gloves and brought it to the backpack in the front.

A faint moan was like a gunshot in Drew's ears, as he turned around towards the counter. The guns were behind the counter, and there was a small pool of blood on the floor that drew could see from where he was standing. Cautiously walking over, Drew put on the other glove, and pulled out the knife.When he reached the counter, Drew stabbed at an empty space between the counter and the wall with the guns, and turned in seeing the store clerk, missing a good chunk of his torso.Drew grabbed some boxes out of the Cabinet and set them on the counter. Two read "Spas 12 gauge", while the other to read "5.56x45mm NATO FAMAS" Drew used the knife to slit open the box, and pulled out the bullpup style assault rifle. these rifles were very expensive in the US, and could no longer be serviced. The clip was already loaded, so Drew leaded it into the gun and chambered the first round. There was a rustling sound at Drew's foot, he turned around to see that the man was infected. Drew set the firing mode from safety to full auto and fired at the clerk. The first round came out, and the second shattered inside the barrel, fracturing most of the frame. Drew was shaking after that, but managed to regain his composure, and look through the cabinet. In the way back in darkest most dusty part of the cabinet, Drew pulled out a box that said "7.62x41mm AK-47 with accessories " Drew tore into the box and found the gun, two clips, and a sling. Like the FAMAS the clips came preloaded, so Drew put them in his vest's pockets. Under the cabinet there were large boxes containing smaller boxes of ammunition. Drew grabbed four 12 gauge boxes, and three 7.62x41mm boxes. Drew put the knife back into his pocket, fixed the sling, and loaded a clip thinking "Don't worry bro, I'm coming for ya. We may not be true family, but we're still brothers."

A couple of seconds later, Drew placed the strap around his neck, loaded a clip, and carried the shotguns and boxes to the backpacks. The backpacks had a strap on them, so Drew tied the two of them together so he could wear both at the same time. Drew loaded the backpacks, put them on, and walked out the door in the direction of his little brother school. A thought crossed his mind while crossing the wreaked streets It's gonna be about a mile from here to the school, I should get there in twenty minutes. I'm sure we can hold out before I get there. A couple of zombies were nearby, so Drew hid behind the nearest car, he could kill them easily, but then he would attract more of them so it would be best to let them pass. After they were gone, Drew ran in the directions of the school, paying attention to the signs, thankful he had passed these on previous trips to his brother's school from the downtown arcade.

red rose 05-04-2010 10:09 PM

Lee waited a second to hear if her call had received an answer, other than her echoing replies against the building there were no sighs of life besides a nearby groan. Curious as to who or what it was Lee cautiously walked over to the car it seemed to be coming from. A Zombie was quietly munching on a dead man. Lee could taste the bile trying to creep up her throat but she swallowed it and closed her eyes briefly trying to picture happy things besides the intestines of the dead man. Lee reached for the hand gun in the waist of her jeans and took it out with shaking hands. The zombie still hadn't noticed her and as she brought the gun level with the zomnies head she moved her finger over the trigger and tryed to squeeze but found that she coulnt do it. She lowered her gun and started silently backing up and prayed it wouldnt notice her. She looked back behind her and saw a school building. Should be a safe place to hide for the night She thought to herself

Fauxreal 05-04-2010 11:18 PM

"So this is America!"
Nikolai had already had to kill his host mother, host brother and english tutor. "Da. I knew I would like it here." He wondered if all this really counted as killing - seeing as that they were all already dead. He had met so many wonderful people here. He would have tried to become a citizen, but he supposed he didn't have to worry about that now. He sat on the curb in the middle of campus. His backpack now held food and water instead of international business textbooks. Learning all those languages seemed ridiculous now. But! He was bright and adaptable! He decided to head to the nearest liquor store. He was thirsty.

Nik dusted himself off as he stood up and picked up the two cricket bats he had picked up, one he slid into the sling of his backpack, the other he rotated in his hand. He knew where he was going... to kill some zombies.

Lindylu 05-05-2010 01:08 AM

As Andy sat on the roof watching the Table jerk and shudder over the door, he heard the school intercom crackle to life.

"Students....*Bzz* If anyone is still alive..." A woman's voice panted over the speaker, "If any of you can get away...*Crackel* I can't but if anyone can...g-get out...Oh god they're starting to get in" He voice was panicked, "If anyone can get out!" She said hurriedly, "The mall! *Fizzt* The mall on Central Street! NO get away!" She screamed there was the sound of the microphone clattering to the floor.

Andy trembled as he listened to the woman's screams for help, he sat there listening to her die. He felt fear bubbling up in his stomach, but was that really fear, he was starting to feel sick. He knew it would probably be his turn soon. It was then that Andy decided that if he was going to die he'd go down swinging.

abm37 05-05-2010 01:39 AM

"About. bloody time." Drew mumbled as he reached the school parking lot. The amount of undead here was immense, he wouldn't last long searching the whole building. The announcement came on, and this gave Drew hope to find his step brother . He ran in the parking lot, killing as many zombies as he could with only two of his clips. "Andy! Can you hear me? We need to find somewhere safe!" Drew called switching to his knife, stabbing through, and fracturing a couple zombies heads. The number of zombies in the parking lot reduced from around a hundred, to only a handful. The smell of death littered the blood covered parking lot.

Cupcake69 05-05-2010 03:46 AM

Bixton Quinne pressed the gas down harder, she'd turned up the radio as she sped towards the mall. She simoultaneously dug under the seat in search of her Glock 19. Where the hell did I put it She wondered angrily. The bodies she was running over didnt phase her in the slightest, it wasnt as if they even mattered now, she listened to the crunch of bones, as she demolished body after body after body with her jet black Tundra. She enjoyed killing, it was the only hobby she had nowadays. No one needed tattoos anymore, they were too busy dying. She laughed darkly, then winced as she had to reposition herself so the blade at her spine wouldnt dig in too badly. She growled angrily as she spotted the Glock sitting in the passenger seat and stuck her tounge out at it. "Avoiding me my love?" she murmered as she flew past a stop sign.

~Spirit_of_a_Fire_Fox~ 05-05-2010 04:24 AM

Everlynn walked out of a worn down motel, squinting in the sunlight. She had stolen a key from the office and bunked in a vacant room for the night. She lit up a cigarette and inhaled the burning smoke. She let out a soft sigh and looked around, knowing there probably wouldn't be any zombies at this time of day because they prefered the darker parts of the city during the day. She was dressed in a short black skirt, torn leggings, black knee-high boots, and a one-shouldered white top. She also had her weapons strapped to her body in various places. Her two large swords strapped to her back, her gun slinged over her shoulder, a few of the handguns strapped to her thighs, and her two forearm blades securely in place.

After making sure she had all of her ammo she was ready to go. Eve tied her teal colored hair up in a high pony tail, revealing the treble clef bass clef heart tattoo on the back of her neck before the mounted her black ninja and sped off towards the city. The night before, she had heard a broadcast on the radio that people were holding up in the mall. That they were survivors and wanting to restart life. I guess that's my best option... she thought as she drove. Ahead, she could see a red headed woman walking down the street. She screeched to a halt infront of her. "Hey! Need a ride?" she asked, staying a little bit farther away than she would if there wasn't the threat of zombies.

megenmess 05-05-2010 10:39 AM

Luxx looked to the girl on the ninja unsure if she should trust her on the other hand the girl was pretty and the bike was nice....
"sure ... I am Luxx Monroe... and you?"she said retracting the blades back in on her knuxs " were are we heading anyways?" she asked as the bike sped down the road.Luxx was unaware of the meeting at the mall but had she known she would had declined... she did better on her own.. and plus it seemed a bit silly to her for all them to be in the same place..they could turn or kill us all in one fell swoop........

~Spirit_of_a_Fire_Fox~ 05-05-2010 01:56 PM

Everlynn scooted up so the girl could climb onto her bike behind her. "Everlynn Rose. Just call me Eve... or Rose.. or most people even call me Kittie." she said with laugh as they sped off. It was strange to hear anyone laugh these days. "There was a broadcast for everyone to go to the mall. That there were survivors. I was just thinking about getting as many as I could out and skipping town." she the told the girl behind her. "Where were you headed?" she then asked.

Lindylu 05-05-2010 04:46 PM

Andy trembled, he heard gunshots down in the school below. Some one was there?
Some one had come for them. He picked up his baseball bat, he smiled a little.

There was still hope then, maybe he could make it out and to the mall. Then he could start looking for his brother.

Just as he decided that he'd walk over and fight his way down the stairs to make his pressance known, the door started to shudder violently. The table jerked and shuddered, then clattered to the ground with a sickening thud.

Then the doors opened slowly, those gray and decaying hands and feet started to make their way out on to the roof, moaning and groaning in their hunger for flesh.

Andy looked around wildly and spotted his bag of food and water, there were two hand guns in there, Andy had never been good with guns, but he remembered were they'd come from. He'd picked them up from the school security guards.

He dove for the bag as the zombies drew closer. He pulled out the two pistols out and began firing into the Zombie crowd. He knew these wouldn't last long and so he made sure to try for head shots with each attempt.

red rose 05-05-2010 07:42 PM

Lee had heard the faint muffeling of the voice on the intercom drift to where she was. She debated going into the school and trying to help the poor soul in the building but decided that from the screams growing fainter there was no need for her to do so. Lee looked over her shoulder where she knew the mall had been at one point and hoped it was still there. She looked towards the setting sun and cursed it. The zombies would be out in full force soon and the one place she had planed to go was infested with zombies. "so the mall it is then" She sighed to herself and started walking.

abm37 05-05-2010 08:19 PM

Drew heard gunfire, and looked where it was coming from. Those gunshots are coming from the roof, there's definitely survivors! Drew thought smiling. The backpacks landed on the ground with a thud, as Drew lowered them down. Drew grabbed one of the shotgun boxes, and a box of shells from the backpacks. They opened fairly easily, compared to the AK-47 opened it. Inside the shotgun's box was the SPAS 12 with a folding stock, tactical flashlight on the front, and came with eight shells. After loading the shotgun, Drew hung the stock around his shoulder, and grabbed the grip, placing his index finger along the trigger guard. After emptying the shells from the other box into his pocket, Drew put the backpack on, turned on the flashlight, and ran inside the school.

The amount of zombies in the school was a bit more than the amount he had killed outside, but the hallways were cramped making this much more difficult than it should. Drew turned around the corner, to find 15 zombies in front of the staircase to the second floor. Drew lined up the sights and opened fire, thinking Aim for the head!. The ammo in the gun ran out quickly due to the fact that the gun was on semi auto. Drew reloaded only five shells, because the ten furthest zombies where dead, and the fives closest to him remained. Kicking one zombie back Drew fired the first round into it's skull, shattering it's head into gibs. Running up past the rest Drew made through the open door and shut it behind him.

Lindylu 05-05-2010 08:52 PM

Andy stood on the roof, he'd run out of ammo, but he still had his baseball bat. The young boy stood there swinging wildly, kicking them over when necessary. He thought he was screwed, he was backing towards the edge of the roof, he'd jump to his death before he let them eat him.

As his bat connected with one zombie's head sending the half decayed brain matter spattering across the rooftop, his clothes and just about every thing else, He spotted zombies flying backwards across the roof. He heard the gunfire drawing closer, the the door slamming shut.

Surrounded by Zombies though he still couldn't see who it was, who had come to his aid.

"HELP!" Andy screamed at the top of his lungs, "I Haven't been bitten or anything! PLEASE please help! I'm out of ammo!"

The empty police pistols were still tucked in his back pocket, he wasn't about to get rid of them. Especially if there was some small chance he might get away and find more amunition

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