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PhoenixNeko 05-26-2010 11:46 PM

Tears {*} Final Fantasy VII Fic {*}
I do not own Final Fatasy 7. I do not make 'real' money from the writing of this story. SquareEnix owns all but the plot.

She stomped her way out the door. That is the only thing to call it. 'Stomped'. I suppose it is all to be expected. I did, as she had told... No, correction, yelled that I had done. I had lied. It wasn't just any lie. I had lied to her about never going back to the Grotto again. Yes I have indeed moved on with my life. I have came to the terms with my past. But if for no other reason, Lucrecia is still a close friend. Not even death could change that.

So. I looked around the shabby apartment that I started to rent in Edge just to shut the ninja up. Maybe I have been off visiting the Grotto too much... This place could certainly use a cleaning. The only problem is... I don't know how to do most of the things that need to be done... As a TURK I had never needed to do much in the way of housekeeping. I lived in the rooms assigned to me, as was needed by my occupation.

That was when my eyes fell on the newspaper. Picking it up, and glancing around to make sure that no one was watching, I 'flop' into the arm chair that Yuffie bought me for my birthday. It was black leather. I rolled my eyes. I really do not like leather. At least not in the summertime. It becomes more of a hindrance then a necessity.

I had wanted on several occasions to obtain some more suitable clothing, but whenever I walk into the local clothing outlet, the clerk hides. I can not for the life of me understand why she would act so strange....

Scanning my eyes over the looking for work section of the paper, I finally spot one that looks promising. Willing to work. All hours. Not interested in a relationship with employer. Can also work as a hadyworker as well. Call 555-6362.

I pull my phone out of the custom made belt case that Yuffie had gotten me, just after I had purchased the item it held. As I dial out the number I realized that most of the things that I own and use on a daily bases Yuffie was the one who had gave them.

The phone starts ringing so I put those dangerous thoughts away. Dangerous...? How can they be dangerous...? I nod my head to the internal answer, 'It's dangerous to get her involved with me.'

I got a standard answering machine message. And I left mine. Half way through an automatized voice answers and asks if I am hiring. I answer yes. 'When can I start?' "Right away." I answer back again. "Come by tomorrow morning and we will discuss wages and hours." All I get in return is a grunt of affirmation.


The next morning I'm woken by the sound of my buzzer going off. I walked over to the front door, silently cursing my new housekeeper. 'Whoever they are...' I think as I push the buzzer to let them in. I opened the door and walked into the kitchen, to make my morning tea.

Just as I'm putting the water on to boil, I hear a voice that I never really wanted to hear. Especially this early in the morning.

"Heya, Vince! Wow! You sure are up early." Reno said as he poked his red-haired head into my kitchen doorway.

I hid back a grumble. "Reno. What are you doing here?" I really tried to be polite, considering that he tries my patience all the time. ...! I almost smirked. At my joke. If I do that he'll think that I find him amusing, and then he'll never leave!

"Well, boss. I'm here because you said to be." He came all the way in and gave me a huge 'Reno Grin'.

I stared at him trying to figure out what he was talking about. And why in the world his grin was reminding me of Yuffie... Oh. Right. That's why. She calls it the 'Reno Grin'. "What are you talking about?" I ask as I pull some Jasmine Green out of the cupboard. Yuffie's favorite Green, though she never drinks it due to the caffeine.

"Well you called and hired me last night. And-" He must have seen the slip in my contanace, and knew that I had no clue as to what he was saying. "Gil's tight. Needing some extra dough. That's our extra work phone number. Me and Rude and Elena are all needing some extra cash so we decided to take up housekeeping. Because of how we work, we all work for you now. Of course any official TURK business is to come first."

I just stared at him as he took in most of the apartment with a glance. When he turned back at me and said, with that ridiculous grin on his face, "And from the looks of things I would say that you really need some help." All I could think was 'What have I just gotten myself into?'

PhoenixNeko 05-27-2010 10:09 PM

We had decided that Reno would be coming over every day to clean. Rude would do what Reno could not. While I do prefer Elena and Rude's company over that of Reno, I had a feeling that Tseng and Yuffie would not understand why Elena was at my house everyday. Especially considering that Tseng didn't know that the other three TURKS were into housekeeping for extra Gil.

The wages on the other hand were harder. So we came to an agreement. I was reluctant, of course, but otherwise I would have to pay twice what I could afford. Reno would be moving into the guest room. One of the main reasons that they had started this venture was Reno was about to be evicted.

Granted, I was very surprised when Reno cleaned my living room couch off, in the matter of ten minutes and it did not involve just moving things around. That was what clinched the deal. My couch made a landfill look like a comfortable seat. Of course that's what Yuffie said.

Again! Why cant I stop it all? She doesn't think of me all the time. Why would she? She's too good for me.

"Hey Vince! Do you normally keep a package of cheese in your TV stand? And a can of peas too?" The grand annoyance said holding up the items in question, looking at them as if they alone held the answer to the meaning of life itself.

I grunted, resigning to my fate. I was destined to be roomed with a very strange man. "Of course I do not Reno. The cheese, Yuffie was going to have as a snack yesterday. And the peas have been missing for a month now."

Reno glanced over, grinning. He raised his eyebrow. "Oh. Did they just get up and walk away? Come over here to hide from being eaten?" He laughed at his own joke. A joke that I, needless to say, did not find amusing.

"No Reno. I put them there when I came home from the store after purchasing them. Cans of peas do not get--"

"I know that!" He said, exasperated. "It's just that you don't talk enough. And you won't put on any music so that I can work with the 'silence'." He said the last with a glare.

I sighed. So much for my freedom. But at least with a live in housekeeper, I could always run off and not have to worry about being thrown out because of the mess. As I walked to the bathroom to get my morning shower, I hit the button for the radio as I passed. Heavy metal, Classic Rock and Classical were on the auto-station buttons. And button one was the eclectic channel. That was the one that it stayed, Yuffie always made sure of that.


At dinner that night, Reno wasn't there. He had a mission. Then he would go back to his old apartment and start to pack his things. He claimed to me that by the end of the week he could have the place clean enough for him to start to move his things in.

As I looked down at my plate, just ready to spoon on the stew, I realized how clean it was. I looked around at the rest of the work that Reno had accomplished that day. And not for the first time I thought, 'What have I gotten myself into?'

PhoenixNeko 05-28-2010 04:31 PM

The next morning, the buzzer went off. As I walked to the door to let Reno in, I wondered why I wasn't tripping over things. After I hit the buzzer, and walked to the kitchen for my tea, I remembered. Reno had cleaned the floor yesterday.

"Wow! Vince. I never woulda thought you'd get the place cleaned like this!"

I nearly jumped out of my skin. It was Yuffie! What was she doing here this early? She usually slept in on the weekends. I ran over and shut the kitchen door. "I am very busy right now Yuffie. Would you please come back in two hours?"

I heard her stomp her foot. I could just see her standing there. Hands on her hips. Feet shoulder width apart. Glaring at the kitchen. Wanting me to come out to apologize for what I had done. I almost grinned.

Just then the Buzzer went off again. 'No! That would be Reno! She'll find out.'

"Who are you expecting this early Vince?" She asked, a very dangerous tone to her voice. "Let's just see who she is, shall we?"

I heard her walk over and let Reno in. As she did this I made a run for my room. Frantic I got dressed, out of my robe and into leather pants. Reno let me borrow one of his shirts since it was too warm yesterday for that much leather. I gave him 20 Gil to buy me one of my own. He was supposed to be bringing it today when he came to clean.

I walked back out to the living room, to find Yuffie standing giving Rude an odd look. She looked at me, then back to Rude. Then she spun around. "Vincent. You, ah, wanna explain what you're, ah, doing in that shirt?"

Rude just stood there. From what I knew of the man, I knew he was fighting off a smirk of his own. Before I could speak, Rude answered. "Reno lent him a shirt." He held out mine to me, and continued. "He bought Vince one. I just stopped by to exchange the shirts."

I quickly unbuttoned the shirt I had on, and handed it over. Taking my shirt I pulled it out of the wrapping and put it on, fastening the buttons. Rude set down a wrench on the coffee table. Then walked out the door.

Yuffie picked it up. "What's this for?" She looked at me incredulously.

"It's to fix the bathroom sink." I answered in automatic reply. Not looking at her, as I maneuvered my shirt around trying to get it to sit on my shoulders correctly. Loose clothes will take some getting used to. "I need to fix the leak in the U-bend of the pipe."

Yuffie raised her eyebrows. She'd been taking mechanics and maintenance from Cid since the fall of DeepGround. "Wow... Vince. You were serious when you said that you'd stay here..." She looked down at the wrench. Then handed it over to me. "Whell. I just wanted to come and see if you were going to change or not." She looked around. "I guess you do want to let go."

I watched as she skipped out the door. I saw the tears in her eyes. 'Why would she be crying? She got exactly what she wanted.... Didn't she?' I looked down at the wrench in my hand, and I saw an envelope pressed into the handle. Opening it up, it read, The worst thing about being lied to... Is knowing you weren't worth the truth. You say my friendship means a lot to you. And you know my feelings. What are yours?

And not for the first time I wonder 'What have I gotten myself into?'

PhoenixNeko 06-01-2010 03:25 PM

Less then 15 mins after Yuffie left, Rude returned. He just grunted to me to let me know he was there. When I finally looked up, he asked, "Did you tell her?"

I shook my head. "How can I? She wouldn't understand." I looked back down to the note as I held the wrench out to Rude. "Reno's going to teach me how to clean while he lives here..." I looked back to Rude. "Would it be much trouble to teach me to fix the sink?"

Rude walked towards the bathroom, and motioned with the wrench to follow. So I did.


After learning what needed to be done to fix that particular problem, Rude left letting me know that Reno would be by in a couple of hours. I figured that I would use that time to run down to the clothing outlet and purchase some jeans. They would be far more comfortable then leather.

I walked out the door, and headed down the hall. In the elevator I prayed to all known and unknown deities that the elevator didn't' stop on the second floor. Which it still did.

She got on. Her name was Kathrynia. She was strange. She would randomly talk to me or ignore me. I think. I can't tell really. But most of the time she's giving me this very strange look, the kind of look that was in the store clerks face as she hides from me...

"Hi Mr. Valentine. You look nice today. New shirt?"

I nodded. I figure that the less that I say to her the better.

Just then she did something very odd. She tripped. Landing on me, she wrapped her arms around me. She sniffed my shirt. "It smells so clean." She looked up at my face. "And makes you look so Great!"

I pulled away. Helping her to stand again, which of course was something she didn't want to do.

"Why do you spend all your time with that Yuffie chick?" She grumbled. "I mean, I'm like so much better then she is."

So that's what it was. I looked her in the eyes. "Kathrynia." I said to her in the calmest deadliest voice I could give when talking to a woman. "She is my friend. She is my comrade. And most importantly. She's the woman I love. That makes her better then you in the case you are referring to."

The elevator came to a stop at the first floor just at that moment. Instead of her usual of waiting until I left to ride the elevator to her floor again. She ran off crying.

As I walked out the front door of my building, I saw Yuffie. She was watching Kathrynia run off. She looked over at me. "What happened to her?" She asked.

I wondered what Yuffie was doing back here, as I answered, "I turned her down." I felt like elaborating, "She insulted you. So I told her that she and I would never be able to have a relationship because she insulted one of the people I care the most about."

Yuffie had been shooting daggers with her eyes back to the fleeing girl. When I had finished speaking, she looked back to me, surprise written on her face. "You care about me?"

I nod. Wondering again, as tears start to fall down her face again, 'What have I gotten myself into?'

PhoenixNeko 01-21-2011 01:30 AM

Yuffie in what appeared to be a moment of shock from the tears ran off down the street. I pulled out my phone and called Tifa. After three rings I got an answer.

"Seventh Heaven Bar and Restaurant. How may I help you?"

"Tifa. Do you think you could locate Yuffie and see if she is alright? I told her that I turned down another girl and she ran crying from me in obvious shock."

Tifa just answered with sadness in her voice. "OK Vince. I just wish that you would tell her that you love her."

I hung up and started walking to the clothing outlet. I would not dwell on the fact that I have developed feelings for Yuffie. If I ignore them they will go away.


At the outlet I also ignored the clerk's strange behavior and purchased myself three pairs of black jeans and two pairs of blue denim.

Walking back home I found a little girl alone and lost. She had said that she walked away from her mother for only a moment to look at the toys, when her parent had disappeared.

Taking her into the store to ask the owner for help, we found that all he could do was call the police. So I allowed him to and we waited for them to arrive.

A hour later I was in the station house filling out my information. For some reason that felt like beyond my control I was becoming the legal guardian of the girl. Her mother was found strangled in an alleyway across Edge. Signs of abuse on her body.

After I finished, little Claire walked up to me, looked me in the eyes and asked, "Are you my daddy now?"

And not for the last time I knew I was asking myself, 'What have I gotten myself into?'

PhoenixNeko 02-19-2011 08:47 PM

After getting Claire back to the apartment I called Reno. He needed to know about the change in my housing status. He suggested that I call my landlord and switch apartments, moving from a two bedroom on the third floor to a four bedroom on the fifth floor.

Following Reno's advice I did as he suggested. My landlord was all too fine with the switch. Though he wondered why I would need the use of two extra rooms. When I told him that I was going to hire a live in teacher for my ward he said that was a great plan.


That evening Reno, Rude, Elena, and Tseng all came over to help me move. When I took Reno aside to ask why Tseng was there, he told me that it was just to help with the move. Tseng was still apparently unaware of what he's subordinates were up to.


The next morning I took Claire to the Seventh Heaven. Tifa was behind the counter preparing for the day's arrivals. "Good Morning Tifa." I intoned.

Looking up, Tifa spotted my young charge hiding behind me. "Vince, it looks as if you've picked up someone.." She said in a calm voice. She must have been trying not to frighten the child.

"I know." I said. "Her name is Claire. She's my ward. I don't know anything about shopping for a little girl. Could you take her and buy the clothing for her. I'll tend the bar." I was hopeful.

"What about the money to buy her things with?" Tifa asked just as expectantly as anyone with any sense would.

"I'll pay you back when I get the money. You know I'm good for it." And I was. I'd rarely borrowed money from my comrades in arms, but when I have I've always payed back.

Tifa nodded and walked over to stand in front of Claire. "Hello Claire. I'm Tifa. I'm going to take you out to buy you some new clothes." She half turned to me. "What colors should I get her? Is she supposed to be in mourning?" She had plenty of experience with orphans.

I nodded. "Yes. I would suggest either purple or pink for her personal color." I looked at her. The store owner had given her a box of crayons and a coloring book when he heard that her mother was killed. The two colors she preferred were those.

"Claire," I said. She looked at me. "I would like you to go with Tifa. She will take care of you."


Several hours later Tifa returned carrying several shopping bags full of things. When I gave her a look of annoyance she said, "I don't expect you to pay it all back right away. Besides one hundred and fifty Gil are things from me to her as presents. She's five years old now anyway."

When I looked at the bags, then to Claire's tiny face beaming at me, I thought for the first time with an amused and happy feeling, 'What have I gotten myself into?'

PhoenixNeko 04-04-2011 06:55 PM

Several weeks had passed since I took over guardianship of Claire. I had also managed to pay Tifa back. Yuffie had lost her apartment on the other side of Edge, and needed a place to stay. That was what I was doing at the moment. Debating with Yuffie.

"But you have plenty of room! Why can't I just stay here until I can get another place. I mean it's not like I was kicked out. The place was blown up by some psycho freak that wanted to kill people!"

That was true. Of course no one knew who the person was. It was widely assumed that some of DeepGround had survived and was attacking people.

"I'll need time to think on it Yuffie." I said to stall her. Reno had already moved in, and it was annoying there already. I didn't need the distractions of having Yuffie there.

"I didn't want to tell you this; but Tifa can't have me stay over anymore. And she can't watch Claire everyday either." She pulled out her cell and called Tifa.

I listened to Tifa explain the same things to me that Yuffie had just stated. Only difference was that Tifa was tactful and Yuffie hadn't been. Tifa also explained more. "I just don't have the time. I also don't have the money to do it Vince."

I suggested that Yuffie stay with Tifa at least one more day to let me think it through. The Bartender agreed. Yuffie left and I sat in my chair and thought.


I was helping Yuffie move the few things that she had from the Seventh Heaven into the last remaining room in my apartment. She would be staying there during the night to watch Claire while I went out to fight monsters. It was a better arrangement then the one that I had before Yuffie moved in. Reno had a habit of telling the child some things I didn't want Claire to know about.

As Yuffie talked about how she was going to teach Claire how to be a 'gun-slinging ninja', I thought with exasperation, 'What am I getting myself into?'

PhoenixNeko 01-25-2012 09:15 PM

The next two months passed by too slowly for comfort. Yuffie and Reno fought almost endlessly. They seemed almost like siblings when they did this. Reno would want to do something on his time off and Yuffie usually fought him on it. I would have to say though that I agreed with Yuffie. Reno didn't need to bring his girlfriend over. Claire had to be enrolled in a different school. That took time, money, and energy that I didn't have.

What had happened was a boy in the grade above her kissed her on the cheek one afternoon riding the bus home. The driver told the boy's parents that Claire had made him do it, though he had not actually witnessed her doing such. They had insisted that she be removed from the school. I now have her set up in a private school. It was the only one in Edge that believed that she wasn't on her way down a bad path. Apparently the boy had been kicked out of this school six months before.


I was just getting in from a late night of battles when Yuffie was getting Claire ready to leave for school. She turned towards me and said, "Claire has picture day today. She needs 30 Gil." With that she held out her hand.

I just stared. "What do you mean? I thought that picture day was at the beginning of the year."

"It was." Yuffie stated calmly. That made me wonder what was going on. "But, they are saying that because she wasn't there at the beginning that she needs to get them now."

As calmly and dangerously, as I could be around these two girls, I walked forward towards Yuffie. "Really. I thought I gave her picture money last week. What is really going on." I said the last as a statement to show her that I would stand for no excuses.

Yuffie reacted the way that she always did when I acted this way. She folded. "Alright. Two kids that are three grades older are picking on her. They get away with it. There's a no fighting rule in the school so if Claire does anything she's gonna get kicked out. Then she'll have to go to that 'troubled kids' school they started in Nibelheim. I'm only looking out for her!"

I told Yuffie I would drive Claire to school and talk to the Headmaster. Taking my ward out the door we headed off. As I started the car I thought, 'What am I getting myself into?'

PhoenixNeko 01-28-2016 09:59 PM

We arrived at the school with just enough time to spend in the Headmaster's office getting things worked out. After much persuasion Claire admitted that these older boys had been harassing her at the jungle gym just out of sight of the teachers that would watch over recess. She had gone to the teachers but they would do nothing about it. The next day the boy who was in charge had told her that they would do nothing because she was a pitiful orphan and they were rich kids and it was their right to take her gil because she had no use for it.

The Headmaster was livid. "Those teachers were hand picked by me for the safety of all the children. Not a select few. You can guarantee that I will make sure these two are punished appropriately."

Just that moment the bell rang to signal classes would be starting soon. Or at least that is what I assume it was for. The Headmaster didn't say anything to change my thoughts. However, he did say that he would personally escort Claire to class. I gave her a pat on the head on the way out the door.


I got back to the apartment, finding that Yuffie and Reno were at each other's throats almost literally. I pulled them apart just before Reno could bite Yuffie's arm. "That is it!" I yelled. I didn't care that I just used poor grammar. "To your rooms! Now!"

As they sulked to their rooms, I wondered yet again, 'What am I getting myself into?'

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