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shadowsoflife11 02-04-2013 10:44 PM

Phoenix Port

Gaia a near twin of Old Earth can't escape her sister's old sickness. Phoenix Port, once Gaia's crown jewel, remains only a shell of its former beauty; corporations hold control of the city and the government. The city became a ruthless police state in the wake of stock market crash and government collapse. The Corporations in control are Magpie Trading Company, Eagle Law Inc., Hawk Guards, and Phoenix Corporation. The Executives only want the city restored into a shining status symbol and the citizens are nothing but potential profit.

Eagle Law wants to keep the city and its reputation up and running.
The Hawk Guards want to protect the city from falling into chaos again.
Magpie Trading is only in the city for money.
The Phoenix Company runs the hospitals, schools, and other services, caring for people and not just the city.
The last company in the Port is local media company The Flock. With no power in the city, they essentially act as puppets of The Executives.

Phoenix Port has always been a bustling port city with huge docks and warehouses, the biggest companies being in trade and shipping. The city grew before the crash, but after a certain point, shrouded and blocked by water, it could expand no more instead they went up. The city rose and morphed into a technological and industrial metropolis. Now the city has not only docks and an airport, but a spaceport and portals to other worlds.

The city is broken down into three levels and nine sub-levels:
The Sea district is the first level and is where all the docks and warehouses and the houses for the workers and sailor. It also has a few small import and trade stores.
The lowest level of district is for the shipping yard, warehouse and ship repair.
The second level overlooks the dock and is where most of most of trading and import stores are.
The last level is for the housing the workers of the district. The houses are small, simple loft apartment or row house.

The Shore district is most for house, schools, libraries and other cultural sites for the port. It is also, where most to the shops and malls are.
The first level is for the housing of the district. The houses are nice medium sized townhouses and studio like apartments. There are also a few grocery stores on this level.
The second level is for the grade school, branches of public libraries, museums, gallery, theater and small concert halls. The level also has a few parks and sport fields are.
The third level is where most the smaller shops, malls. There are also a few of the small clubs, bars and restaurants are.

The Sky district is the third level it's like the downtown area of most cities. It's where the houses of the Executives along with the city celebrities and most glamorous clubs and condos of the port.
The top level of the district is where all the major sites of the port are. It has the headquarters the five top companies. It also has the main branch of the public library along with the city’s biggest museums, gallery, theaters, and concert halls and sports field. It also has the top college. The top level does have luxury manors for the richest people in the city.
The second level is has all the best malls and stores also with the best club, bars and restaurants. This level has the best luxury condos.
The first level has some of the best house and collage for the city. The houses are two or three level manor like house and the best apartments.


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