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CK 01-23-2008 10:03 AM

[Baking Contest] Congrats Raszala winner of People's Choice!
UPDATE: Congrats to raszala, winner of People's Choice! :)

Thank all of you who participated and posted in the Menewsha's First Birthday Baking Contest! I had a great deal of fun during the Event and I hope you all did as well! <3

I knew in advance it would be difficult to judge these entries myself, so I harassed, kidnapped and bothered the following lovely ladies to assist me in judging the entries:
Jurupamae, Ferra, & Rivayne
Thank you three so much! <3

The scores the four of us came up with for each entry were added together and those with the highest scores for each category of the contest were the winners!

+ Birthday Cake Winners
Third Prize: Lyca
Second Prize: Madoneko
First Prize: Sakura_Madison

+ Birthday Cookies Winners
Third Prize: ladyumbra
Second Prize: Reya
First Prize: Bunnyy

+ Birthday Confections Winners
Third Prize: Karla
Second Prize: raszala
First Prize: Viéko

(Please note that the prizes will be sent to the winners sometime on the 23rd, depending on when Jurupamae has the time for it. <3 )

And now I need YOUR HELP to decide "People's Choice"

The first, second and third choice winners from all three categories have been put in a poll. Please vote for your favorite entry out of all nine! :) You may view their entries in the second post. :)

The poll will expire in 2 days, giving people time to vote without taking too long to do so. ;)

Congratulations and good luck to the winners!

CK 01-23-2008 10:05 AM

Here are the winning nine entries! Please look through these before you vote for People's Choice!

+ Birthday Cake Entries


Username: Lyca
Category: Cakes!
Creation Name: Yummy Yumeh
Yumeh ated my rose
Oh noes, a crumb!
I gots sparkles in my roses
Comments: I made this cake from the Betty Crocker white cake mix. Came out a little overdone and thin so it was slightly crumbly. I put in a chocolate filling between the two layers and made the frosting myself. This thing's got 2 pounds of powdered sugar sitting on it!!! Frosting coma anyone? I made my frostings really stiff for the roses, and forgot about having to do the base I cracked the cake a few times. XD
Yes, I made the roses myself too, it's actually pretty easy once you practice...but I dropped my first rose on my foot and had to start over. Yumeh is made out of cake layered on the main cake cause I really didn't want a huge glop of frosting making him 3D. He really is popping out of the rose garden. I painted black food coloring onto his white frosting coat by hand. I also got these pretty sparkly sprinkle flakes that make the roses shine and gives the white an ice effect, though it's hard to see. The whole thing didn't take me too long though...only 3 hours including baking time.

Username: Madoneko
Category: Cake~
Creation Name: A Very Yumeh Menewshaversary!
A lighted top view~ Kitchen counter view~
And to see the other pictures, check my album! x]
Comments: My friend Lizz very kindly let me borrow her kitchen, and her camera! xD And she helped me out, couldn't have been done without her. <33 [gratis]
It's a strawberry cake with white frosting, and with added jello for flavouring. ^^ All of the colours are the same white frosting, except with added colour dye. Black was fun to make, I added a lot of blue...and red...and green...and added more. And more. And it wouldn't turn darker!
And then I added some more, and more, then Lizz said we should just settle for a very very very dark grey. x]
The cake took around 8 hours total to get done, I had to keep calling my dad to pick me up later. XD The Menewsha lettering alone took around an hour, colours included!
But it was tons of fun to make; the cake was very yummy too! I wish I could download it on here so you all could taste it. ;]
Anyway, I hope you enjoy me entry, and a Happy 1st Menewshaversary to you all! ^__^


Username: Sakura_Madison
Category: Birthday Cake Contest
Creation Name: Yumeh and Mr. Mayor; First Time Decorating A Cake.
URL: Before decorating:
After decorating:
With a candle:
Wishing a Happy Birthday song! Video:
Cutting the cake:
Eating the first piece:

Comments: This cake is the first time I did by myself and the first time I decorated one.

My cake is made of Betty Crocker Chocolate Mix, with the other ingredients of 3 eggs, stick of butter, and 1 1/3 cups of water.

I was inspired by this contest itself. I saw this contest and I wanted to bake a cake. I saw a lot of Yumehs on the cake. So, I decided to add Mr. Mayor on there too.

The funny thing that happened while mixing the cake was that I lifted the mixer and kinda spattered around the wall, kitchen wear, and on me. At least, my mother did not find out I made a mess. I cleaned it up before anyone saw the mess.
+ Birthday Cookies Entries


Username: Reya
Creation Name: Yumeh's Yummy Birthday Cookie!
URL:I hope this workes!
Angular View:
Top View: Close up!:
Comments: Yes, this larger-than-your-head block of sugar is really a cookie! Measuring 113/4 inches its almost a cake!...but not.

Im very proud of my self and the fact that i did not get burned! I have an ongoing argument with the oven and every time i use it it attacks me.

This did not go as i would have hopped tho'. While the edges burned the middle was still gooey, so i had to put tin foil around the edges(or, because i was afraid of the oven, get my braver father to do it for me. Under strict orders and supervision of course. >.< ). I was planning on using chocolate frosing for the Yumeh, but when i opened it, someone had slashed open the sealer thing, so aparently it was "tampered with" and "unsafe to eat", i say it was a waste of perfectly good frosting... :( , but i had to mix all of the food dye to get a blackish color, so now i have blue hands and yellow all over my face! And it doesn't come off! I also stuck my thumb through the frosting tube when i was doingthe bday hat...ruined my nail polish! XB.

I think it turned out pretty good tho! Were going to eat it...well, as soon as i get the picture up and i better hurry!

Happy Birthday Mene!

Username: ladyumbra
Category: cookies
Creation Name: Cookies of Doom
#1 for it being our one year "Birtday"
M is For Mene and its good enough for me.
Gift box ^.^
Heart with V V for Vicky Valentine <3
A crown ^.^
Me eating a crown<3 (It smells like a pretzel)
A video. I am eating the gift box. The mysterious voice int he background is the wife.

Comments: Commercial sugar cookie mix was used to make the cookies.

Username: Bunnyy
Category: Birthday Cookies (:
Creation Name: Crunchy Coconut Celebration Cookies <3
This is when I put it in the oven for about 1 minute then, I remembered I should take a piccy first so I took it out. XD;

All together. Done! Yay! x3

One of the cookies. (:

Some of the cookies.

Yumeh coconut cookie! x3

Crown coconut cookie! x]

Another groupie of them all. :]
Comments: Well, I was looking through all my drawers and cupboards in the kitchen but I couldn`t find anything to make cookies with except for flour. :<
But then I found a bottle which had no label on it so I opened it up and looked inside.
I didn`t know what it was! O:
So I sniffed it and then it was obvious.
It was coconut! 8D
So I mixed some flour, coconut, sugar, milk, eggs and some other stuff and then I made the shapes. >:]
Then baked them.
And finally... YAY! 8D
*munch munch*
Gone ...
Nah, I saved one cookie each for the rest of my family. x]
They tasted nicer than I expected. XD <3
I nearly burnt myself taking them out though. Dx

+ Birthday Confections Entries


Username: Karla
Category: Birthday Confections
Creation Name: Yumeh's Neapolitan Cupy-cakes.
URL: The batter. [x]
All the cupcakes before baking. [x]
Right out of the over. [x]
Frostinggg. [x]
Decorations. [x]
Yumehh. [x]
Eating. <3 [x]

Comments: These delectable cupy-cakes are Neapolitan inspired! :] They have three different batters, vanilla, strawberry, & chocolate. They were a lot of fun to make. The frosting is homemade cream cheese frosting with homemade royal icing on top. :] I drew a Yumeh & a couple other little things for fun. <3 I destroyed my kitchen 3 times to make these cupcakes. XP;~ I got powdered sugar EVERYWHERE and then some. XDD They were fun to eat too. XP; Because they were so random in the inside <33

Username: raszala
Category: Birthday Confections
Creation Name: Yumeh Crown Moffin <3
URL: Moooooffin ^.^
Comments: i made some muffins for selling on the farmer's market tomorrow and i decided to participate with one more decorated moffin
the crown is made of marzipan. there are some cherrys in the muffins and all in one it's a normal muffin recipe
i made it while i baked the crownie cake, so i ate the dish liquid instead of the yam o.o

Username: Viéko
Category: Confections @_@
Creation Name: "Magical Vortex MeneMuffins" >_>
Comments: My creation is muffins. Specifically, chocolate surprise muffins. That means they may look like your average chocolate muffin at first glance, but should you happen to get inside one, you may find a wonderful chocolatey surprise. Wonderful, if you are not lactose intolerant or if chocolate and dairy products cause allergic reactions upon consumption. If you can relate to either of those things, I sympathise with you.

The icing was made of various food dyes mixed with varying amounts of icing sugar, butter, water, cocoa and vanilla essence. Do I need to list them all? >_> I used blue, rose pink, yellow, and cocoa for Yumeh (X3). Small plastic cookie bags make for great disposable piping bags and I felt very artistic.

Extra decoration elements included little sugary cutout sprinkes like hearts, dots, and leaves (though you can't really see the leaves, i used a yellow one in yumeh's crown >_>) etc. These lovely little shiny balls of happiness apparently called cachous, the insistent notion that I was absolutely no matter what, to decorate one muffin with a picture of a little black (cocoa >_>) cat on it... and my sanity.

As I have never really decorated cakes or anything before, I can say this now to all those pastry chefs and the guys who write the happy birthday messages on top of your ordered birthday cakes: RESPECT.

That is all. XD

Jennifer 01-23-2008 10:10 AM

Oh, congratulations everyone! C:

Foxhunt 01-23-2008 10:13 AM

awww.. these are all so cute! wow! especially all of the Yumeh goodness.... i wants to eat them..... ok! i know who to vote for!!!

wish 01-23-2008 10:21 AM

yummy... x___x; so good looking. sorry i couldn't turn one in this time. the jello wouldn't listen to me and cut right. >__<;

Trinitydoll 01-23-2008 11:51 AM

Congratulations everyone n_n looks yummy!!! <3333333

Archer 01-23-2008 01:58 PM

Good job everyone! ^^ When I get home tonight I'll look at all the entries again and vote.

Sakura_Madison 01-23-2008 02:03 PM

Thank you and congrats to all the winners.

The cakes, cookies, and treats look so good to eat!

raszala 01-23-2008 02:58 PM

Thanks a lot ^^
and congrats to all others who won!
i think it was really hard to decide, cause there where so much fantastic entrys!!

Mascot Sith 01-23-2008 04:03 PM

Congrats everyone!
And I think Sakura should win
Very generous


CK 01-23-2008 06:08 PM

Now, instead of demanding more (MOAR) entries, I demand more (MOAR) votes and comments. ;3

ladyumbra 01-23-2008 06:37 PM

I'm still eating my cake and cookies but they are almost all gone. was so excited to find out i won something

ToriKat 01-23-2008 06:52 PM


I want them all...

Nice work everyone! Congratulations! :D

Sakura_Madison 01-23-2008 06:55 PM

I still have cake left over.

I must get some more cake!

nescia 01-23-2008 07:59 PM

Congratulations to the winners!
All of the entries in that thread looked wonderful.

My vote is for Madoneko's cake.

Lyca 01-23-2008 09:51 PM

We're still eating ours. XD Mum refuses to cut poor I think I'm just going to bite the bullet and do it myself tonight. *stares at pics* Wow, all these entries are good! Making me hungry again. heh. I better go finish making that other cake for my needs sprinkles. I haven't made cakes in a very long time and Yumeh was my first one since my cake classes. I think it came out ok...though a little more sloppy than I'd like. Ah well! Good Luck everybody!

Madoneko 01-24-2008 03:43 AM


Originally Posted by nescia
Congratulations to the winners!
All of the entries in that thread looked wonderful.

My vote is for Madoneko's cake.

Wow~ thank you! ^__^ <333

I really like the entries too. The muffin entry was awesome. >w<

CK 01-24-2008 07:20 AM

I don't know if I made it clear in my first post and during the entire original thread (I hope I did! But it doesn't hurt for me to repeat it...) -

But I wanted to say, again, how happy I was with each and every entry.

You all did a wonderful, fun job and it makes me really want to run a similar event some other time.

Thank you. <3

More (MOAR) votes, please. :)

clock 01-24-2008 05:02 PM

:: stares in awe at all the delicious baked goods :: xD

Congrats to all the winners! <3

CK 01-24-2008 09:53 PM

Only a few more hours to get your vote in. :3 Please do!

Reverie 01-25-2008 12:10 AM

Congrats to the winners! <3 This was seriously hard to judge. I just wanted to jump through the screen and eat everything! So gooooood. TwT

We have some really talented chefs on Mene. Will you guys come bake yummies for me? D:

Sakura_Madison 01-25-2008 12:18 PM

I wish I would but it cannot be sent though the email.

CK 01-25-2008 12:20 PM

I think that the poll is expired now! I'll check on it again after I've slept. <33

If you can still vote, please do!

CK 01-25-2008 11:29 PM

UPDATE: Congrats to raszala, winner of People's Choice! :)

I'll contact Jurupamae about awarding you your prize! :D

Everyone will have a few hours to offer their congratulations to Raszala before I move this to the Menewshaversary forum. :3

nescia 01-26-2008 02:37 AM


Originally Posted by nescia

I really like the entries too. The muffin entry was awesome. >w<

You're welcome.
You came close to winning People's Pick.

Congratulations, raszala!
Cute muffin.

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