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CK 10-26-2007 04:49 AM

[RP Resume] Prompts to flex your RP muscles!
Hello everyone! :)

I've been an online chat-based role-player for a good 10+ years now, and a writer for longer. This idea occurred to me the other day and I thought I'd post it and let you guys run with it. :)

Welcome to the Role-Playing Resume Thread!

In this thread, you can read the "prompts" below and write your own scenes based on the prompts. :) Please feel free to participate in this thread as often as you like!

- This will allow you to "role-play" without committing to a game yet.
- This will let you test out new character ideas/flex your writing skills without, again, committing to a game or character.
- This can be used as a way to show "GMs" (Game Masters), thread hosts, or prospective 1x1 partners role-playing samples - which is very useful if you haven't had much role-play experience yet!
- This can even be used to test out situations you might never usually put your original characters (OCs) into, without having to mess them up in your regular role-playing timeline. :)

I suggest (but do not require) that you use the form below when posting your samples! :)


USER: - Your username, just for clarity.

SEEKING? - Are you seeking role-play and willing to be contacted? Make note if you would be open to being contacted by PM or thread (leave a url!) by interested role-players or GMs!

OPEN TO CRITIQUE? - Are you open to having people leave you feedback on your post? Yes/No only - you cannot say "nice comments only!" as that is not critique. ;)

PROMPT-CODE: Which Prompts did you use? ex: A-4-c. This allows GMs/others to read your exact prompt so they can judge how you did. :)
If you used an original character (OC), please feel free to link to more information!

SAMPLE IS AS FOLLOWS: Your writing sample. Please feel free to write as much as you like!

CK 10-26-2007 04:51 AM

[Frequently Asked Questions]
(Or maybe, just any questions I assume will be asked!)

1) Can I submit ideas for prompts?
Yes! I will happily review prompts and add them if I think they're versatile enough to be used across the board. :)
If you want to suggest prompts, please ping me with the suggestion! That will get my attention.

2) This person posted a really interesting prompt. Can I respond to it, In-Character (IC) in this thread?
If you like. Just link back to the post you are responding to. You can find the post URL by clicking on the "permalink" or "#" buttons at the top of each post, to the right of the date and time.

I would keep this to a minimum, though... It's much better if that person is open to being RP'd with that you PM them about continuing the game in another thread. :)

Any other questions...? Please PM or ping me. :)

CK 10-26-2007 04:52 AM

[PROMPTS: Character]
This is the character base you are working with. Take this information and expand upon it! What does the character look like? How old are they? Do they have a talent that isn't defined by the prompt?

Please be certain when you fill in your prompt-code that you use CAPITAL LETTERS for this part of the code or it will get confusing!

OC: If you have an existing character that you want to use the prompts for below, please feel free! Just use the code "OC" for the prompt-code! :D

A) You are the princess/prince of a small country. You deeply love your country and are willing to do very nearly anything for it - even at the expense of your own wishes and desires...

B) You are a teacher of an exclusive, elite school. Whatever you teach, you are the best in your field at it. You are used to being the best and brightest of your personal sphere. However, at this school, you are only one of dozens who are exactly as famous/talented/skilled as you are in their chosen fields, so you are having trouble adjusting to this change...

C) You are a normal high school student. There has never, ever been anything in your life that has been extraordinary. You aren't a sports hero, or a talented singer/dancer/artist or anything of that nature. You may be attractive, but you aren't stunning. You can't even teach the dog to fetch. But you aren't a 'failure' either. You do well enough in school that the teachers like you, but not so well that you're teachers' pet. You are average. And you hate it.

D) You are an extraordinary high school student in at least two fields - one of which you are proud of and the other you are indifferent to (or even not proud of in the least). Perhaps you are a super football player. Or the captain of the cheerleading squad. Maybe you're flat out gorgeous and maybe you're slated to be Valedictorian. Whatever you're most popular for - it's the thing people know you by and they always seem shocked by whatever your other talent is. For example: A super gorgeous guy who is also very smart. Or the high school cheerleader whose flute playing is superb. You wish people would acknowledge the talent you're actually proud of... (Please note: Beauty is not a talent. Good fashion sense is a talent. But you certainly may write up a sample about people seeing you for your beauty first...)

E) You are some sort of animal care-taker. Whether this is a zoo-keeper, a dragon-tamer, a pet-sitter, a vet... it's all up to you! But you understand animals (either in general or a specific kind) and relate best with them. In fact... you don't much like people at all. If it were up to you, you wouldn't even be human...

F) You are not human, but an animal.... who was once human. How did you become this way? Did you choose to become an animal? Are you seeking to change back to human or do you want to remain an animal?

G) You are inhuman. A zombie, a vampire, an elf - whatever it is, you are not of the world you have stumbled across (either by accident or design). Whether you are up to no good, very good, or seeking only to return to your true place - things have been difficult for you.

H) You have a secret. Perhaps it's something relatively innocent. Or maybe you could go to jail or even be killed if people knew the truth. By nature, you are a very honest person. And this secret is sitting heavily within you...

I) You know a skill or craft that is losing its significance/importance in the current culture. Perhaps your family traditionally created ornaments or objects/equipment for a profession that no longer exists. Perhaps you sing in a style that is widely considered unpleasant in the current culture. Whatever it is, many people are telling you to be smart and do something else with your life...

J) You're very good at something you do. You're a sports player, or a dancer, or a singer, or a really fabulous mime. (Anything. XD) There's no limit to how far you can go in your field. ...There's just one thing holding you back...

K) When you were really young, you saw something unworldly. Whether you were awed by it or frightened by it doesn't matter - you were always told that you hadn't seen it, so eventually you started to believe it was true. But even now it haunts you at odd moments...

L) At birth - or at least as long as you can remember, if you don't know what name you were born with and were given another - you were given an utterly ridiculous name. Either outrageously cross-gender (a boy called Sue), extremely old-fashioned, or just... ridiculous (ex: Rubia Red Rosa Brown or Harmony Moon Faeriechild). Whatever your name is, you've got enough flack for it that even if you like the name, you have to deal with people who think it's funny, or stupid, or can't pronounce it.

M) You hate your job.

N) You are passionate about collecting a specific thing. You may even travel extensively to add to your collection.

CK 10-26-2007 04:53 AM

[PROMPTS: Emotion/Set-up]
These prompts are to set up the conflict in your post that your character is responding to. How would the character you selected above react to these situations below?


1) Someone you like very much just made it perfectly clear that they like you too. Maybe they asked you on a date. Maybe they asked you to marry them. Whatever their offer is - you can't accept it for some reason.
How do you turn them down?

2) Someone you don't like in a romantic way (whether they are a friend, enemy, or someone you don't know very well) just made a romantic overture. Maye they asked you on a date. Maybe they asked you to marry them. Whatever their offer is, there's a reason other than the fact that you're not attracted to them in that way that you can use to reject them. Or maybe you'd rather just reject them on attraction alone...?
How do you turn them down?

3) You are with a group of people that you have some connection to but you don't know particularly well (your countrymen, your schoolmates, your neighbors). A disaster of some sort has just befallen the group, stranding you with them away from your friends and family. Time and/or supplies are low and unless help arrives soon, most - if not all - of you will die.
How do you react?

4) You have just been granted powers that make you unique. However, you cannot share them with the world (though you may use them as you see fit) because it would frighten people. Maybe it's a magic thought to be evil. Maybe it's the ability to fly. Maybe it's just cat ears. Whatever it is, you can't tell just anyone.
How did you get your powers? Do you tell anyone?

5) You have just been offered your heart's desire - at a cost.
What is that heart's desire? What is the cost? Do you accept the deal?

6) You had been offered your heart's desire - at a cost.... And you took the deal. However, it backfired on you...
What was your heart's desire? What was the cost? What happened to you as a result?

7) Something evil lurks beneath (your school, palace, home, favorite place to be). It's your job to destroy this evil. But it could kill people you care for, and will probably destroy the place it lurks beneath.
Where is this place? How do you know of the evil?

8 ) You just ran across your double. Your doppelgänger. Your identical match. Is it a long-lost twin? A magical projection? Are you just going crazy?
How do you react?

9) Someone just discovered your deepest, darkest secret.
What do you do?

10) You have been accused of a crime you didn't commit. Nearly everyone - even friends or family - believe you are guilty. You have been taken into custody by the authorities and are about to be jailed in one of the most notoriously horrible jails/prisons/dungeons in the area. Your jailer has turned his back on you.
You have a chance to escape. Do you take it?

11) Your best friend/most trusted adviser is moving far away from you. It may be for the better for them - or maybe it's for the worst. Maybe you have a chance to see them again soon - or maybe you'll never see them again.
How do you say good-bye?

12) Congratulations!!!! You've just won the lottery!!!
What will you do? :D
(PS: The lottery does not necessarily have to be a positive experience...)

13) A precious object is handed down generation-to-generation in your family. Perhaps for hundreds of years. Based on how the inheritance works, you are one of two candidates for the object.
Do you get it? ...Do you even want it?

14) Today you woke up and found out you were dead.
Have a nice day. :)

15) This is it. It's your best friend's big day! They're getting married! :D Everything's wonderful...

16) Today is a holiday!
(Insert traditional greeting that is appropriate.)

CK 10-26-2007 04:54 AM

[PROMPTS: Setting]
Use these settings and flesh it out. :) Good detail is key!

Please be certain when you fill in your prompt code that you use lower case letters for this part of the code or it will get confusing!


a) A futuristic space-station.

b) A lush fantasy kingdom.

c) A garden or park.

d) At or near a beach.

e) Near your character's home - it is raining or storming.

f) The town square or a plaza.

g) A grassy/flowery field.

h) On a boat/ship/water-going vessel of some sort.

i) At an amusement park/theme park or playground.

j) In the heart of a major city.

k) On the grounds of an ancient landmark.

l) On a battlefield. (Can be active or old - ie: Gettysburg.)

m) Via the internet.

n) A circus or carnival.

o) Inside the universe of your favorite game/movie/book/comic/manga/whatever.

p) Inside or near a jail, prison, dungeon, whatever.

q) Deep in a basement, cellar, storm shelter, bomb shelter, sewer, or tunnel.

r) Inside a tomb, catacombs, crypt, or other "home of the dead".

s) Inside a library.

CK 10-26-2007 04:55 AM

Reserved post!

CK 10-26-2007 04:56 AM

Another reserved post!

Ferra 10-26-2007 05:08 AM

I think this is a pretty clever idea. ^^ I like the Emotion/Set-up prompts the most, so I might just use some of my characters and toss them in those situations if I find the time.

I hope you add more characters though. :3 They are a decent mix of ideas, but they seem a bit too extreme to me. (I'm used to characters with unusually subtle qualities I guess. XD)

CK 10-26-2007 05:11 AM

Hee - I agree that the character prompts are a bit much. XD I figure if I give them some sort of "bam" people can figure out what to write for them more quickly. :)

I also take prompt suggestions! :D

Actually - let me go edit and allow for people to use OCs!

Ferra 10-26-2007 05:21 AM

I'll let you know if I make any prompts. ^^ And I think that edit works well. *feels more free to use my OCs*

Mama Juru 10-26-2007 07:16 AM

I also like this idea :) This should be fun! Hopefully people will be interested.

CK 10-26-2007 08:01 AM

XD Probably people won't use it until there are examples of people who went first. XD

If anyone would like to challenge me with a combination, please feel free. XD I am working on a project tonight, but I will have time over the next few days, if not tonight. ;)

n1zz1e 10-26-2007 03:38 PM

Well, do we just start RPing or is there a specific set-up? I've read through it and I think your idea is .. good for a person like me. :]

CK 10-26-2007 10:39 PM

N1zzle: Just choose your character, set-up and setting and write whatever comes to mind. :) You don't even necessarily have to write and display all the information I gave/questions I asked. :3

Just (if it was unclear) don't expect someone to reply directly to your post - because that's not so much the point as to be challenged and have fun. :3

Dystopia 10-27-2007 05:01 AM

USER: - the_anna135

SEEKING? - I would be delighted. My request thread is here

OPEN TO CRITIQUE? - I would like that I get some tips for improvement. But please, be respectful of my feelings and style. I understand that we all have flaws, but there is no reason to shove that in my face.


SAMPLE IS AS FOLLOWS: A curtain of black bangs swirl to cover half the Jerry's pale faical features, brushed aside from his left eye and remaining at his ear for a mere moment before returning to cause the fragile boy to look much like a wrist-slitter. And only a moment ago he had looked no no less than an angel with his fingers interlaced and his head angled downwards in humble respect for the one he wished to reach with his prayers. Such frustrations brought a frivolous wish that his hair one day be tamed, a sigh of annoyance whispered from his rosy lips. So feminine this delicate lad seemed, with his fragile frame and absolute lack of interest in the 'normal' activities.

Such was shown now as he gazed with intent interest with his single advailable eye from the window of his home. Somewhere faraway in the distance a clock's deep voice sang low in the vocal range of a cello, resounding eleven times. Each time the sounds attempted to remain, but as of all things upon this earth, nothing was immortal. And so the silence overcame the song, as his hair had overcome his efforts to tame it. But silence was not to be the complete victor of this night. The heavens had gathered crowds of darkening clouds to subdue the light of the moon and stars, entire planets seeming to share this male's sorrow with tears.

Just as his tears had been ignored, human life ignored the rain. It would remain that way until morning, in which they would awaken to find that the hassle of getting from useless place to place would be slowed. Nothing but a waste of precious seconds in the days they wasted, each working for an obessesion of money and wealth. Some for more worthy reasons, but even they were drawn to the false light of the economy. No matter what was given to stable their lives, people continued to desire more and more. Greed fed upon this lust for material wealth and grew, the world contaminated furturmore and a step closer to the inferno of hell.

But like all things human, this seventeen year old boy had his own desires. They were indeed selfish desires as he reviewed each and every wish he had uttered in his life. And even when the most stupid were exiled did his wants seem stupid, like a luxury that he had no right to be demanding. He had been brought up in a proper home and raised around values, strict as they may be. How dare he wish for the opposite? His parents had done all they could to raise him by holy means and by the good book, and here he was wishing that they could listen to him for once. Listen to him complain? How could he, after all the sacrifices that had already been made on his part?

But he could not keep quiet any longer. Day after day the burden had grown, causing his back to creak with pain and his shoulders ache with the effort of carrying his own problems. And still he refused to speak with his parents. They demanded only what was right to demand. They had worked so hard for Jerry, it was only fair that he could in return give them the son they had always wanted. A son that accomplished and made a name for himself. But he was nothing of that sort. His report card came stamped with B's and the dreaded C rather than the elusive A. He had no friends and spent his time reading. He was average. He was, in other words, a faliure.

"I wish I could be more for my parents," Jerry muttered, naive to what had been listening this very moment.

It was at this moment a piece of paper decided to tackle the window. Obviously, the window had won. But the paper had manage to win over one thing, and that was the boy that had leapt in order to dodge it. And while staring bankly at the garbage attached to the glass, Jerry shook his head. Of all the things for him to be frightened by! He was glad his parents hadn't been there to witness his moment of defeat. By litter that had most likely come from some careless moron's taco. But he sighed. No matter how angry he was at the inanimate object, he supposed it would be best if he threw it away.

Lifting the glass with some amount of struggle, the lad reaches outward to snatch the piece of paper, shocked to see that it had somehow survived the conditions outdoors and remained dry. And if this weren't enough to unnerve him, the teenager then realized that the designs twisting across the cards consisted of clowns holding scythes. He hated clowns. Especially these, as they looked sinsister beyond any other clown ever alive. Each one was dressed in a costume of black and white, with a hat with points that stuck out like horns. The face was hidden under a cracked mask, panted white with a terrifying grin that caused the scaredycat to flip the card around.

The words Let Your Wishes Come True were sported on the back of a lion twisting about to challange all that dared approach. And although the front was just as terrifying as the back, this statement forced him to continue to read. The directions, crammed at the lions paws, required squinting under the weakening light of his desk lamp, but he soon deciphered the text. 'Print Your First Name On The Line. Utter Your Wish And Return The Card From Whence It Came. Prepare To Offer A Favor Of Obedience When This Card Returns.'

Jerry quivered from the top of his hair to the bottom of his toes. This was the devil's doing, so clear by the macabre designs twisting across the card. Satan had found Jerry in a moment of weakness and temptation had been sent! Woe to the son who had done enough wrong for such curses to befall him in his own dwelling! Terrified of what other signs of damnation may find him, the boy instantly shredded the card to pieces, making sure each flew back out the window and out into the distance. But as he watched the remains of the offer go, he had wondered. What would have happened if he had accepted...?

CK 10-27-2007 06:41 AM

Horray for the_anna135! :D Thank you so much for being the first person to play. :3 I've added your name to the "Stand-out Posts" section. :3

I really like how it ended... It was spooky. :o I actually got a chill. XD; (And I'm not over exaggerating, either.)


I also refined some of the guidelines to hopefully make a little more sense...

And I'm noting this here (though I haven't actually done it yet) that I'll be adding more options to the Characters, Set-Ups and Settings sections. :3 (I'd wait until I was done, but this is a fairly slow-moving thread at the moment...)

ETA: new bits!

H - K
9 - 12
h - m


I also am going to have a friend who does not play Mene give me a prompt-code and I'll get started writing my own. :)

ETA: My friend chose E-7-b "blind". (Meaning she hadn't read the prompts when she gave me the code. ;3 )

Dystopia 10-27-2007 06:15 PM

@ CK - xD Thanks. I can't believe I actually managed to post nine entire paragraphs. I kinda thought that the ending was pretty bad and rushed, but I'm glad you liked it. *waits for more people* D=

Ferra 10-28-2007 02:23 AM

Oh wow, I really like some of the new prompts. :3 I think I might fiddle with one tonight and see if I can make something out of it.

CK 10-28-2007 03:41 AM

@the_anna135: I think maybe I like it because you stripped down the detail to the bare minimum... It made the descriptive terms you used even more effective. :3

@Ferra: I'm glad that you do. :3 Have fun. XD


SEEKING? - Not at the moment, but I'll edit this if I'm seeking. :)

OPEN TO CRITIQUE? - Certainly! Feel free to PM or respond here. :)



The girl sitting on the top rail of a wooden fence didn't look much like the stereotypical unicorn herder.

Her hair was not long, curly, and as golden as sunshine with beads, ribbons and baubles plaited into it - but an indifferent blonde-brown and only just long enough to pull into a tight ponytail at the base of her skull. Her nose was not tiny and delicate or long and patrician, but stubby and round with a dusting of freckles. Her eyes were not an exotic violet, the fresh green of new grass, or sky blue - they were grey - though they were quite pretty. Her figure was trim enough, but boyish and athletic rather than willowy. And her skin was not peaches and cream, but a golden brown and freckled - almost absurdly like the unicorn foals she helped birth.

She looked like this, of course, because she was a true unicorn herder. The romantic image of a unicorn herder with doll-like, dainty waifs in petticoats and lace rather than practical leather pants and canvas aprons was something this girl snorted at when she went to market day and saw the delicate porceline ornaments that were destined to grace the parlors of the upperclass.

But the girl wasn't sitting on the fence thinking about what she looked like. She wasn't that sort at all. No - today she was watching a small mound located at the center of the East Field. Her freckled face scowled over the nodding heads of the sunflowers that grew on either side of the mound, which was located between long rows of corn.

She sat there as she had every day for a week - with her great-great-uncle's sword (from when he gloriously rode into battle alongside the Faerie Queen nearly fifty years ago) slung across her lap, one elbow on her knee and the other hand on the swordhilt. And she waited.

"Watch it from the morning after the next blood moon until the next full moon," the woman in the wood (who was probably a servant of the Faerie Queen, knowing how things worked in this kingdom) had said. And that's exactly what the girl intended to do - for, according to the woman in the wood - a dragon who had been sleeping these last thousand years could very well awaken then. And if it didn't, well, there were unicorns to tend to. A pair of mares were due any day now.

She barely twitched and didn't take her eyes off the mound when she heard a step behind her...


ToastedWhiskers 10-29-2007 11:47 PM

Ooh. Very nice. Mind if I take a shot?

USER: - ToastedWhiskers [Of course. No one else is as deliciously tacky as I. Bwaha.]

SEEKING? - Why yes, I do believe I am seeking a role-play or seven, and I am quite willing to be contacted! If you're interested, it's probably best to PM me; I tend to forget where my threads are.

OPEN TO CRITIQUE? - Yes. However, while I enjoy knowing where I could have been better and how, don't shove it down my throat as if that's your only goal in life. Constructive criticism is good. Outright cruelty is not. Please be respectful of my style and limitations. Why yes, I AM human, not infallible! Shocking, no?


SAMPLE IS AS FOLLOWS: Bleached out orange strands obscured the face of the young woman sitting on the stone wall, the unevenly sheared brown chunks adorning the back of her head swaying with the breeze. Dark arms, too dark to merely be a summer tan, supported her weight as she leaned back, unpainted lips parting to let out a soft tune, wordless, yet beautiful all the same, eerie in it's- "<For the love of God, Chicka. Stop that caterwauling and come inside- you have homework to do.>"

Eyes too dark to be the typical 'Emerald' green shot open, upper-body twisting to glower at the man standing behind her with his hands on his hips. "Oi! Shut up, Peypa, your voice ain't no better than mine! And my homework's done already, I did it at school!" The man chuckled, rubbing at his chin with callused fingers, and smirked at her as she spun around, pushing herself off the wall and dropping to the ground with a grunt, red pleated skirt rising enough that it would have compromised her 'integrity' had there not been a pair of charcoal-grey sweatpants beneath it. Her arms crossed over her stomach, hips deliberately tilting, and she narrowed her eyes at him as he- ever so slowly- brought a sheaf of crumpled papers out from behind his back.

"<Oh, is that so? Then what, pray-tell, is this... '5 Page Personal Essay' that's due in three days?>" The girl was silent for a long moment, jaw set stubbornly and eyes blazing, before she stalked towards him, snatching the papers out of his hand as she passed- or trying to, at any rate. No doubt she would have succeeded if not for his sudden grip on her wrist. "<Chicka, you have to get your act together. You're gonna end up like me or your Momma if you don't clean up. School's the only way out for us, Chicka, there is no luck- it's all hard work. Come on, now.>"

"Yeah, yeah. Momma says the same thing. It's all bullshit." She ripped her arm from his grip, papers crumpling yet more in her clenched fist. "I don' give a shit. I like my life, okay? I don' wanna go to college and get one of those fuc-" Seeing the warning look on his face, she paused, then snarled wordlessly and turned around with a dramatic swirl of her skirt, stalking off towards her room. "You don't understand, Peypa! Neither of you do!" And with that angry cry she slammed the basement door behind her, viciously turning the lock and banging her palm against the wood. "Neither of them. Can't they at least act like they give a damn?" Sighing, she grabbed a wooden chair out of the corner of the room and jammed it under the doorknob- it wasn't likely that Peypa would bother her now, and Momma wasn't coming home for another few days, but she was just paranoid enough to take the extra measures to make sure she would be left alone.

Or as alone as she wanted, anyways. Throwing the papers on the desk, she stepped up to her computer, picking up a half-sphere of plastic and fitting it over her eyes and nose. "Power." She blinked, grimacing as her eyes adjusted to the sudden bright light emanating from the visor. "Log on- Chicka Delores. Password, 9-1-0-3-8-3-4." Watching the screen blink before her, she felt her way over to a chair and sat down, thinking as the starting screen loaded. Even if they weren't extraordinarily poor, her family was definitely not well enough off to have this sophisticated little number without aid- she wondered what would happen if anyone knew how she had gotten it. Teens whoring themselves out was pretty much an every-day occurrence, though, in her neighborhood, so maybe no one would be surprised.

It wasn't as if she had done it for the technology, she defended in her mind as she blindly sought the keyboard. After all- it had just been an experiment. She hadn't done it out of peer pressure or anything like that. She had just... wanted to see if she really was normal. Wrinkling her nose at the unwanted memories, she finally located the keyboard, pulling it up onto her lap and tapping the 'enter' key a few times. "Come on, come on, load already!" Anyway, she didn't even know if this was from the guy she slept with. It had just shown up with her name on it one day. "Ah, there you are!" The page blipped in response, and she gnawed on her lip as her fingers fairly danced across the black keys. "Log... In... Character... ChickaMage." Now she smiled as her likeness came on-screen, down to the grey-white polo shirt and the red tie around her neck. One reason she would never complain about this surprise gift was the advanced graphics- her character looked like her in every way she wanted to imagine, and damned if she wasn't pleased about it. Forget the overly-endowed sluts that most MMORPGs had as characters, realistic proportions actually existed here.

"Heyyy~" She whined, all but forgetting her real life troubles as an apparently carnivorous rabbit immediately latched onto her character's leg and began gnawing. "No fair, I've only been logged in for five seconds!" Shaking it off, she ran towards the other end of the field she had last played in, eying the commotion. "Guess I logged in at the right time," she laughed, staring up at the towering dragon that was wreaking havoc on a band of knights. "Mind if I join in on the fun?" Nearly dancing in her seat, she waited as the knight she had directed the message to yanked his spear out of the beast's foot. "No, not at all," came the reply, and she wasted no time- the head of her staff glowed brightly, and she watched the dragon convulse as a lightening bolt struck it's left wing - not enough to kill it, of course, but it was still a thrill. And she was far enough away that most of the damage didn't reach her.

Message Received. Releasing a jet of fire at the dragon, she pressed 'Accept', setting her staff to charge as she read. "Dear Chicka; Hello, there. I'm glad that I finally found you. It's been such a long time since I've seen you in the game, I was starting to get worried. Don't worry much about who I am- just a friend who knows your secret. Call me... a confidante that you didn't know about. It wasn't Richard who sent you the game, you know. - Bali." She froze where she sat, fingers motionless over the keyboard. "... What... the hell..." Typing furiously, she managed a dozen lines, but only sent one- "Who the hell are you?" Shaking in fury now, pissed off beyond all reason that anyone thought they had the right to toy with her mind that way- theyknewhisnametheyknewhisname- she returned to her game, on the alert for a response. Staff fully charged, she called down lightening once more, smirking in tense satisfaction as the beast toppled over.

"Thanks for the help, stranger." She absently sent a standard 'No Problem' towards the knight and signed off, pulling the visor off her face. Normally she would be on for a lot longer, but after that... Irritated, she set the visor down on her desk and curled up on her bed, shaking. No, they didn't know, they couldn't, but still, her heart was racing, pounding in her chest as though trying to escape the confines of her ribs. Sighing, she closed her eyes, forcing herself to relax on the comfortable mattress. She'd have this mess cleared up in no time. For now, she just needed to sleep.

CK 10-30-2007 01:37 AM

Awesomesauce, ToastedWhiskers. :) Do you have an on-going thread with that character? The premise sounds interesting. :3



- Added Character Prompts L, M, & N.

- Added Set-up Prompts 13, 14, 15, & 16.

- Added Setting Prompts n, o, p, q, r, & s.

- Added ToastedWhisker's post to the "all posts" section. :)

ToastedWhiskers 11-01-2007 09:12 PM

Thank you! ^.^
Actually, it's amusing that you should ask...

The prompt has inspired me to create a roleplay, based on the world that the prompt was in, though the premise is a tad different [as it is a multiple person roleplay rather than a one-on-one, and having a single character as a focal-point doesn't really work in that setting].

It'll be a little while in the making- life goes on even when I want time to make a roleplay- but it's coming along quite nicely. The sad thing is that, as the vast majority of people who have already expressed desire to join said roleplay when it is up are Gaia frequenters or have never even heard of Mene, I'm leaning towards creating it on Gaia or a Forum [such as invisionfree or other such sites].

I'd really enjoy a one-on-one with this premise, however, if there was anyone out there reading this who was interested. [Thought I'd mention that just in case. ^_~]

CK 11-07-2007 08:20 AM

This thread is still open for people to post samples from the above. :3 And I'm still taking suggestion for Prompts if you have them. :3

I hope to work on a second Sample sometime in the next day or so, but I'd like to see other people try this out too! :D

CK 12-18-2007 12:22 PM

Obviously, I haven't posted the sample I mentioned above I'd wanted to!

But I did want to resurrect this thread from the graveyard that is the end of the second page in case someone new sees this thread and goes, "Why, that is the answer to my prayers!" :D

I'd love to see more posts from players!

CK 12-17-2011 06:03 AM

This thread hasn't been posted to in over three years, but I thought I'd revive it since it seems to suit the idea of the new main Roleplaying forum set-up. ;)

I only made minor edits to the first few posts of this thread and haven't read things in awhile. Have fun. :)

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