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Eldweena 10-01-2017 01:10 PM

Setting the mood
I'm the kind of writer who is heavily influenced by my surroundings. I have an easier time writing when I'm in a setting that matches the theme and tone of my work. It's best if I'm in an unfamiliar and quiet place, so sometimes I go to a cemetery or public library to write.

If I can't or don't feel like leaving home, I use lighting and sound to set the mood for my writing. Scented candles and dim lights are a must. I have nature CDs and a sound machine provide the audio queues (white noise for airships; rainforest rain and birdsong for elven adventures).

If you have techniques of your own to share, please do!

Kat Dakuu 10-04-2017 10:20 PM

I'm not overly particular about where and when I write as I get pretty in the zone and stop listening before long. However, I do like to have music on. Most of my music is kpop so it's usually that and I think it suits well since I can't understand the words. It's easier to tune out than music in english.

However, when I'm really distracted or in need of extra inspiration, I have a playlist of 'writing' music. Mostly all non-lyrical pieces. I've definitely thrown on the Lord of the Rings soundtrack in order to write an epicly epic adventure. Stravinsky is also a good choice. Things like rain or basic noises get old too fast and I won't use them for long. I do however like to write when it's actually raining outside.

As for place, I definitely prefer in my room or occasionally a little hidey hole if I'm writing on paper. So long as I'm alone. Any stray noise like a tv or conversation going on nearby stops me from writing so my roommate sometimes distracts me a lot when we're in the same room and I'm trying to respond to our rps. XD She can listen to the tv and write at the same time for whatever reason.

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