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Melody 04-04-2011 09:43 PM

I'm Pregnant!
and other over used April fools pranks.

So mene, what april fools day pranks are you soooo done with?

ones I'd like to see nixed from the holiday for being overused:
your shoe is untied.
I/my spouse/significant other is pregnant
I'm getting married

One I'd actually like to see done:

crunky 04-04-2011 09:46 PM

My husband is pregnant, you two can do lamaze class together. =P

How about when those radio shows say someone famous is coming to your area but it's on April Fools? We had that once that they said Leonardo Dicaprio was in our town and so many people drove to the park and it was a gag. =P

Liztress 04-04-2011 09:48 PM

All the ones you mentioned along with ones about someone changing their sexual preference or ones where the couple split up.

crunky 04-04-2011 09:50 PM

You know what would be great? If someone actually found out they were pregnant on April Fools? Try convincing anyone that day. xD

Melody 04-04-2011 09:54 PM

That would be pretty awesome. >.>

and yay! I have a partner for Lamaze class! xD

If I was a lesbian, I would come out on April fools since you wouldn't get any backlash from people and then they'd just be like ooooooh you were serious? When it doesn't change after the first. >.>

Elluh 04-04-2011 09:58 PM

Name it Elluh.

Melody 04-04-2011 09:59 PM

So it can stand under my umbrella-elluh-elluh?

Elluh 04-04-2011 10:02 PM

Oh, but of course.

You don't how many times, I've been sung that to. Rhianna is on my hit list.

crunky 04-04-2011 10:03 PM

Melody Xyelle - lol yeah, he is really good at the heavy breathing part too! xD

That would be pretty effective but it would be funny if people were like, "I always knew you liked girls!" xD

Melody 04-04-2011 10:07 PM

Elluh- I'm sorry. I quite dislike the song, so I don't blame you. Granted I don't think there is a song by Rihianna that I do like... ^^;;

Crunky- I did that to one of my friends this year. xD her post was an obvious April Fools, but I posted "It's about time!" just for the giggles. >.>

crunky 04-04-2011 10:10 PM

lol What you don't like her new song S&M? xD

That's great, I had considered pulling the pregnant prank but I think my family would have been really mad since they want me to get pregnant but I don't! xD

Melody 04-04-2011 10:25 PM I don't believe whatisname beat her anymore either. I think he was just trying to excite her but pictures got leaked and so there had to be abuse allegations or else people would know what kinda sexual deviants they were. But I guess they know now. ;P

Clair Voyant 04-05-2011 01:53 AM

I've also heard really common ones of people claiming they've been hurt, or something has been damaged. My friend told me his home had burnt down on April Fools day. >.> I totally fell for it.

monstahh` 04-05-2011 02:20 AM

All of them?
People need some new not-cruel material to come up with. I'm so tired of the cheesy "I'm pregnant" "We broke up" yadda yadda.

Estrella 04-05-2011 04:05 AM

I had a friend pretend to be engaged.
And I've seen the pregnant prank played on Facebook a LOT.

I really hate the fake-winning lotto tickets. I think those are incredibly cruel.

Something I'd like to see done? Sitting at a desk inside the elevator and every time the doors open say "Do you have an appointment?"

Lizabeth Storm 04-05-2011 04:11 AM

There's always the ones where people claim they, or someone close to them, got in a car accident. Those are usually less fun...
One of my friends who has been strictly Atheist for at least as long as I've known him, proclaimed one April 1st that he believes in God and was wrong all along. THAT was a pretty controversial April Fool's Day. He posted it as his Facebook status, and I think by the end of the day there were at least 100 comments, first congratulating/chiding him, and then breaking out into an all-out rage-fest.
I'd never have the guts to do something like that.

Also, I can never convince my boyfriend that I'm pregnant on April 1st. First of all, I'm a horrible actress, but more than that, for some weird reason, my time of the month seems to always conveniently land on the 1st.
Oh well, such is life.

Melody 04-05-2011 10:30 AM

Lizabeth- Ain't that always the way? It's not a very nice prank anyway.

Estrella- xD That would be awesome! Might be difficult to coordinate...but totally awesome.

Mon- I had friends do the "we broke up" and give reasons of stuff they don't like about each other...and then their fight continued actually it's still going on. idiots.

monstahh` 04-05-2011 11:10 AM

lol, what the hell? that's stupid.


crunky 04-05-2011 12:32 PM

hmmm....maybe it's not really an april fools after all? xD Perhaps the joke is on them. o.O

Melody 04-05-2011 07:01 PM

Crunky- That's what I believe. ;D They were an on again off again couple anyway, so when they broke up on April fools it was like "oh I was waiting for that to happen...again" :roll: Some people should break up and stay broken up.

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