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KilalaBlue 04-07-2012 10:02 PM

Oh so lonely
It's so slow tonight ; w ;

Aerinn 04-07-2012 10:04 PM

Aw, don't feel lonely! There are so many people in the event forum right now that you can chill with! ...? Is that what you mean?

lunanuova 04-07-2012 10:05 PM

:poke: heyy.

Bearzy 04-07-2012 10:05 PM

Tonight is slow? Really? I'm usually on at weird times. That is slow.

lunanuova 04-07-2012 10:06 PM

it was super duper slow today. only now at 11pm does it start getting busy!

Aerinn 04-07-2012 10:06 PM

Ooh, it's been a slow day for me too. :sweat:

Bearzy 04-07-2012 10:07 PM

Oh, I didn't really notice the slowness. :sweat: Pay more attention, bearzy.

KilalaBlue 04-07-2012 10:07 PM

It still seems really slow D:
But it is the day before (or day of depending on where you are) Easter.


Or maybe I'm just the slow one XD

Aerinn 04-07-2012 10:09 PM

People are probably getting ready for their huge Easter dinners. :O

KilalaBlue 04-07-2012 10:09 PM

This is true, lol





Arc Angel 04-07-2012 10:18 PM

It is kinda slow around here, but it seems to be picking up... Kinda. :sweat:

I know I'm only on because my crab is de-frosting still, so I'd have to agree with the dinner idea too, lol.

Aerinn 04-07-2012 10:19 PM

Ooh, crab. :drool:

I hope you guys have a great dinner!

KilalaBlue 04-07-2012 10:22 PM

Ooo, crab sounds yummy <33
I suppose it is dinner time for me as well XD
I am not really hungry though > w >

Arc Angel 04-07-2012 10:25 PM

Thanks Aerinn! Our Easter dinner is actually going to be a day early this year, but it should be as good as usual. ^^
The crab has to be steamed yet, though.... It's taking too long to thaw, lol.

Ooh, I hate knowing you're supposed to be eating and not wanting to...
One of the worst feelings. :gonk:

Aerinn 04-07-2012 10:26 PM

Yeah, me neither. My mom will probably be yelling at me to come down and eat though. ~_~

Jeannesha 04-07-2012 10:27 PM

I would love some ham right now...

KilalaBlue 04-07-2012 10:28 PM

Lol, well if it's time to eat you should eat ;)

Also, maybe throw it in some hot water? That's what I do to help the meat thaw out faster.


Ham sounds good <3

Jeannesha 04-07-2012 10:29 PM

I like your avie, Blue!

KilalaBlue 04-07-2012 10:30 PM

Thanks <33 I love the colors @ 3 @

Yours is Cute! <3

Jeannesha 04-07-2012 10:31 PM

Well, I've gotta go get dindin.

I'll be back later this evening...

KilalaBlue 04-07-2012 10:32 PM

Okeis, have a good dinner!

Aerinn 04-07-2012 10:33 PM

But I'm not hungry. :c
Oh, I heard the safest way to defrost anything is by putting it in the refrigerator. :o

I like both your avvies! The colors are awesome. :yes:

monstahh` 04-07-2012 10:34 PM

Don't be lonely!

I'm here now !!!

KilalaBlue 04-07-2012 10:35 PM

Aerinn: It defrosts slower that way though D: That would be the best way if you had time though <3

Hello Monstahh!

Aerinn 04-07-2012 10:38 PM

Yeah, it's the safest, but not most time-efficient. :sweat:

Hello to you as well!

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