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SorrowTheMad 02-21-2016 08:36 AM

Diary of the Broken (Dark warning, good writers wanted)
Foreword: This is a dark roleplay. I always roleplay as a vampire, but you're free to be whatever you like. I'm trying to keep the template of World of Darkness as much as I can, since it is a beautiful series of games. Obviously, no dice rolls.

Let the madness begin...

Name Ignis Capellarius
Alias(s) Sorrow The Mad, Sorrow
Species/Clan Malkavian Vampire
Age Approx. 800 Years

I was born in Venice, Italy in 1213. That's what the truth is, but in reality it was as if I was born into hell. My parents were not the kind, loving creatures that the lucky children have - they were more like wolves hidden in the skins of sheep. My mother, Agnes Augusta, and my father, Elias Capellarius. My mother was a necromancer, and my father an alchemist as well as a studying surgeon. When they were wed they both moved to the birthplace of my mother, Rome. It wasn't long before a few undescript and rather flamboyant experiments on corpses forced the Roman Empire to bar them from their holy city, wanting nothing to do with the wicked sadists. They moved from village to village, becoming more and more bold until finally they took the life of a living person during a curious experiment. Out of retaliation the villagers hunted them for weeks, before turning back to their cursed homeland. My mother had become with child, and so they settled in nearby Venice to await the birth. My father began working as a doctor and by night he would bring home several victims a week to experiment on, being careful to make each corpse look as if it was attacked by a thief to elude suspicion. Seven months later, Agnes gave birth to not one child but twins. The first, my brother, was given the name Albus, and I was named Ignis, both Roman names. Our very birth was the sealing of our fate into the world of destruction, born into a necromantic ritual that was meant to prepare us for the madness that would be our mortal life. To this day it wasn't clear what their intentions were by torturing us or manipulating our bodies.
I was allowed to leave the house occasionally when my parents wanted to focus on torturing some other pour soul, and through this I met a young man named Piero Giovanni at the age of 15. I was horribly afraid my sadistic parents would want to kill him out of spite for the very fact that I was alive, so our encounters were brief. I wouldn't know until several years later that he was a member of the Giovanni family and was to be Embraced on his 20th birthday due to his shrewd business skills even for one so young. One night my father disappeared, leaving my brother Albus and I to much more torture of the mind as Agnes poured over books of demonology, using us as demonic practice dummies. My father's alchemical studies had an interesting effect on my bones, infusing them with diamonds that grew back quite rapidly and encased my bones inside and out. Learning about a particularly interesting witch's practice of infusing precious gems with spirits in order to summon them quickly and without ritual in case of a fight, my mother took to attempting to infuse these diamond bones with magical powers, potion effects, and even demons, all to no avail. The assault on my body was relentless as she tore into my mangled flesh, a symphony of pain and agony that drove me to the brink of madness. It was at this point my father returned from corners of the earth I did not know, and I was practically begging for the demonic torture to stop. But something was odd about him. I couldn't quite put my finger on what was wrong, but I could tell he was different. I never found out who my father's sire was, but nevertheless he took no time in Embracing my mother. This brought a whole new level of misery to my brother and I, as their feeding on us brought us great pleasure, almost an addiction.
Day in and day out for a few years longer chemicals were poured into us, things were added, parts subtracted. I was a horribly scarred mess, and my black hair became red with the stain of my own vitae. I had become proficient at manipulating the diamond in my bones. I could shape it and crush it by thought alone, and it was this rather fortunate ability that helped me craft my weapons later in my life. But I digress. As my potential grew, my parent's lust for my blood grew as well, until my father, unable to control himself (Or didn't want to, I'm not quite sure) drank so much of my vitae that I was going to die. Having drank quite a bit already that night, my blood filled him and the beast was sated, and he realized he had to Embrace me or I would die. Slashing his wrist, he did the only selfless thing for me that either of my parents ever did, he let me drink my life back. The taste was exquisite, an assault of the senses that moved far beyond just taste. I could feel and hear the concerto that was his heartbeat against my lips, ears, it was a maddening sound that filled my mind completely. As his vitae coursed into my mouth, my father giggled as our minds touched through what I later found out was the Cobweb. In fact, I could feel every Malkavian, their thoughts and memories driving me mad as I struggled to cut off the powerful assault. I laid back against the altar that had been my bed for 21 years, and I felt along with my life, my sanity slip away as a wave of unlife and madness crashed over me. My father had been working on some experiments on my muscles and found a way to infuse my muscles with tight bands of steel, smuggled to our home from Japan on his return trip as well as a few katanas. It wasn't long before my brother was also embraced by my mother, making me a generation below my brother and the same generation as my mother due to our shared Sire, my father. The blood of the Malkavian, tainted with the curse of madness, mixed with all of the chemicals that had seeped into my flesh over the years, and burned hot with acidity. It was strong enough to burn through most non-organic compounds, diamond being one of those that wasn't affected. Due to the change in my body and some modifications to my circulatory system from my father, the acid did not harm the steel sinews of muscles. It took some getting used to, the metal being much heavier than ordinary muscle, but with a combat training regimen from my father I quickly learned to cope. I became fast enough to disappear to even the most keen of vampire eyes in short bursts, or slice the air with swords creating the illusion of glimmering wind as I struck, which I named body flickering. My acidic blood allowed me to recreate objects that began to break down and that were absorbed into my bloodstream. It was limited to being able to use these objects for many days, sometimes weeks depending on the frequency and amount absorbed, but things such as scalpels that I absorbed multiple times daily I can still create from my blood. Also, I learned if I drank blood, I could see into the mind of the being for as long as the blood was in my system.

One fateful day, my father brought me a bound human with a hood over his face. I was lusting for blood and I was unsure of my father giving me a human to sup from, but I was far too famished to care. I figured I would indulge myself and drink this one dry, although I wasn't a fan of the practice as I had learned that the mind of one that I drank completely from never parted from mine. Their consciousness was always in the back of mine, though they were not conscious themselves. As I licked the last drops from the human's neck, my father laughed and pulled back the hood, revealing Piero Giovanni, my human friend that continued to speak with me even though he never asked about only seeing me at night. I was mortified, and enraged. I hadn't thought for one second that I was putting his life in danger, at least I hadn't for years, and the fact that my father gave his life to hurt me so flippantly, I grabbed the katanas that I had long used to train in combat and used my flicker technique to disappear from his sight. Though he had trained against this speed for years, he was still as unable to see my movements, although his hearing was good. It was then that I had an idea. I knew how to use the Cobweb, and so I accessed it. I learned many things of the powers of madness, including one called Silence of the Sane Mind, which allowed me to silence a part of another's mind. I accessed this power, reaching deep into the depths of my damaged soul for the will to overpower my father, but his mind gave with no resistance since he hadn't expected me to learn this power. I sealed off the part of his mind that made him fear for his life, and I crept up behind him. He knew I was there but had no fear of me killing him. I drew both katanas at once, pressing the razor edges against his neck, and scissoring them together, beheading him. A smooth overhead slash removed my mother's head as well. I was 25 human years old when I killed them. I sheathed the blades, picked up my brother, and began to walk.

After about 10 years of walking north I met a band of Vikings. Not much worth speaking of, but they taught me what family meant and about religion, specifically the Norse Gods which I hail to this day. I wear my Thor's Hammer always because of this hundred year stretch with them. During the first few years my maddened brother disappeared. I fought with a generation of Viking brethren, being mad it was not hard to be a berserker, but the Norsemen began to notice that I wasn't human. Wanting to avoid a conflict, I wandered south. It was during this jaunt that I met my vampiric mentor Abernathy, a kind-hearted vampire of unknown origins and leader of Nocturne Del Demona, a coven of mixed bloodlines. There was only seven, but I knew Avarice to be a Giovanni, Oblivion to be Tzimisce, and Chalcedony to be Malkavian. The rest never divulged their bloodlines. These members made up a sort of pact, all signing a treaty to be completely secretive in their meetings. They all joined for various reasons, and there was not much in the way of a goal except to fraternize with clans they might not normally meet. Abernathy and I grew close, and he and I eventually became lovers for a short while. I drank his blood often enough that his memories were burned into my mind eternally, I can still see his every thought throughout his long life. I took the name Agony, a name reflecting my life before I met the Nocturne. But alas, it was not meant to be. Several centuries later, around 1700, my brother, who now bore the name Anarchy, decimated the Nocturne while I was out hunting. It couldn't have been more than ten minutes for his assault, but when I returned my mentor was about to die. I kissed him gently before he died, and took his orders to drain him before his death. Searching through the torn remains of our meeting place, I found two short katanas and long heavy chains that attached to them, my lover's preferred weapons Agony and Bliss. Out of my pain of losing the only friends that I had, I coated them with crushed diamond, forcing the hardened carbon into the blades as well as the blades of the longer katanas. I named the last two blades Joy and Sorrow in honor of Abernathy, and renamed myself Sorrow, swearing to bring a cloud of death and destruction behind me wherever I went. And thus I became a wanderer, only meeting with the majority of Malkavians when the need arose.

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