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monstahh` 01-03-2009 03:44 PM

Greed really does conquer all, doesn't it?

It looks like greed won. D;

; o; And I certainly didn't help too much.

I'm sorry Mene, I failed joo. D: <333

Snarry 01-03-2009 03:49 PM

Yeah it sure as hell did win this time. And I'm really disappointed in everyone that was greedy. It's sad. And I know there can be nothing done about it now I said, it's really disappointing to see this happen during the time of year when you should be fucking GIVING not taking.

Mingnon 01-03-2009 03:53 PM

It was also because the update came later into the event than was hoped, causing it to go largely unnoticed...

Plus some friends and I agreed that the event's system was at fault as well... >.< It was kind of unfair as there were so few that actually donated the whole way through...

Guivre 01-03-2009 04:00 PM

There was really big spike yesterday in greed's favor. I had hoped thre would be a big bunch of donating at the end.

Maria-Minamino 01-03-2009 04:02 PM

I'm so sad - I donated all my yarn to channah - not one I was for greed - and it still didn't do anything D:

[L]ove[H]ate 01-03-2009 04:02 PM

I didn't fail mene. I donated all my yarn but 10 balls!

Stupid greed. 3x

Fai 01-03-2009 04:02 PM

I rememer a couple of threads that encouraged users to donate half of what they spend. I think with the gross inactivity this event, the ones that were willing to do that weren't around enough to offset the really active spenders.

MYV rocks 01-03-2009 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by MYV rocks (Post 4537691)
i think it also has something to do with the yarn/conversion thing, too XD; like the cheapest item at the store is 5 yarns. so for 1 yarn donated to channah, that's only 1? XD; and for the cheapest item bought from the shop with the yarn, it's like +5 for greed? i don't exactly know how exactly it works though haha. but seems to be that way. people that donates, don't always donate a whole bunch of sum at once? but probably once or twice every once in awhile XD;;

i posted that 'theory' in another thread. and while there are people that bought stuff with yarn (myself included, either for me or for my friends--which, i don't think as being greedy), i believe there were still lots of people that donated, too. it's just that a lot of people tend to either donate or spend yarn at the end of the event. probably, the people that donated in the end donate their leftovers.

however, that kind of gets encountered with the people that decides to spend at the last minute (even if they were to donate in the beginning).

whatever happens, i still had fun with the people i hung out with in my thread, and i feel that's more important ^^;;

Guivre 01-03-2009 04:17 PM

I'm still confused about how it actually worked. To me it read as if there was a pool of yarn and if you took any yarn AT ALL, no matter what you donated, you would have a deficit. Was that ever properly explained (not the FAQ)?

Mingnon 01-03-2009 04:20 PM

Well, the amount of yarn that was needed for Channah to make the scarf was in green, while the amount that's needed is in orange-ish. The amount of green would increase as yarns are donated, while it decreased as yarns were taken and spent.

monstahh` 01-03-2009 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by Guivre (Post 4537719)
There was really big spike yesterday in greed's favor. I had hoped thre would be a big bunch of donating at the end.

All the yarn I've gotten today I've been donating.

> < But I really haven't gotten that much yarn...

MYV rocks 01-03-2009 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by Guivre (Post 4537787)
I'm still confused about how it actually worked. To me it read as if there was a pool of yarn and if you took any yarn AT ALL, no matter what you donated, you would have a deficit. Was that ever properly explained (not the FAQ)?

from what i read somewhere in FAQ (or... somewhere else lol forgot), if you take a yarn, there's no effect to either side. it's when you spend, you get a decrease in channah's and increase in greed's. and it's when you donate, you get a bit of decrease in greed's and a bit of channah's. the "a bit" part is my assumption ^^;;

Fai 01-03-2009 04:34 PM

I think the conversion could have been better explained. Maybe if we had a value to shoot for, we could have convinced everyone to help us hit it early, and spend for the rest of the event. There was just so much uncertainty that I don't think many even tried to help.

Rizzpheal 01-03-2009 04:38 PM


yea we pretty much failed.

Guivre 01-03-2009 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by MYV rocks (Post 4537810)
from what i read somewhere in FAQ (or... somewhere else lol forgot), if you take a yarn, there's no effect to either side. it's when you spend, you get a decrease in channah's and increase in greed's. and it's when you donate, you get a bit of decrease in greed's and a bit of channah's. the "a bit" part is my assumption ^^;;

The FAQ doesn't outline anything about what TAKING yarn does, just the spending of it. That's where my confusion is. If taking did nothing that would have been great.

The premise was very cute though, with the giant snowman and such. The snowfield picture was awesome, it looks like a ski resort.

MYV rocks 01-03-2009 06:15 PM

@ guivre:
i meant it more of like, CK mentioned (either in that FAQ or in another thread--like i said, i forgot) what i was saying about the taking yarn. but yeah, i get you. it wasn't included at all in the front page of the FAQ.

to be honest, i initially thought it was kind of... ummm... useless of knitting a giant scarf for a giant snowman that would end up melting anyway. that's why, i initially was pretty much spending more than donating. i've donated quite a bit for the last few days (since i got everything that i wanted already). i kind of wish there was some sort of a number figure on that conversion thing that's more clear. like for each yarn spent at the store, is that the same amount lost by channah's or what? @_@;

Nissa 01-03-2009 06:21 PM

I expected it to turn out this way actually. There are a lot of young users on here and when you are young you are more focused on yourself then others. It's not good or bad, it's just how it is. Focusing on the big picture comes with age. And while those younger users had all day to go at it, the older ones who are more focused on the bigger part of the event still had babies to take care of, laundry to fold, and dinner to cook. I know I did my best, and that is enough for me. :)

amyrex2 01-03-2009 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by Guivre (Post 4537719)
There was really big spike yesterday in greed's favor. I had hoped thre would be a big bunch of donating at the end.

Me to, I know I have been donating every time for the last three days, but I guess I wanted too much from the store and should have started donating sooner. I assumed everyone was going to do what I did, save up for the things I really wanted and then donate the rest.

`F o a m 01-03-2009 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by Nissa (Post 4538394)
I expected it to turn out this way actually. There are a lot of young users on here and when you are young you are more focused on yourself then others. It's not good or bad, it's just how it is. Focusing on the big picture comes with age. And while those younger users had all day to go at it, the older ones who are more focused on the bigger part of the event still had babies to take care of, laundry to fold, and dinner to cook. I know I did my best, and that is enough for me. :)

I doubt age had much of a factor in it. Age has nothing to do with how generous you are considering the fact that there are many "older" people out there who aren't generous.


To get more on subject I think the whole concept planned us to fail. Because a lot of people wonder why we should be penalized because we want to get items without having to use gold especially when there are a lot of people questing and dreaming for high priced things on this site. Personally, I did donate some but I made my main priority to get items because there were some really nice ones in the shop.

Azureile 01-03-2009 09:47 PM

:/ I also failed, didn't seem like there was much of a chance in the beginning. I donated a few yarn balls, but only after I finished getting the items I wanted. ._. I guess I figured that I wouldn't make much of a difference, and I suppose most people felt that way also?

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