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Silver Storm 03-21-2015 10:00 PM

Cruising with Your Celebrity Dream OOC
You have won a ticket for the brand new luxury cruise ship Dreamweaver. When you arrive on the dock you are greeted with the news that you will have a companion on this cruise. Who is the companion you ask? None other than [Insert name of favorite celebrity, musician, character or youtube personality]. That is right, you will have his or her undivided time all to yourself for the cruise. Where the time on the ship takes you, to best friends? True love? That is up to you.

To Role Play

Ship Roster
Name: Nicole Mckay
Age: 26
Little Bit About You: Slender and red haired, tough cookie hiding a painful secret.
Name: Tim Foust
Age: 34
Little Bit About Them: Bass singer for the A Capella group Home Free and all around prankster/joker from Texas.


Originally Posted by CycloneKira (Post 1773252847)

Name: Astoria Wells
Age: 16
Little Bit About You: Tomboy, rough around the edges

Name: Felix Newman
Age: 19
Little Bit About Them: Singer and not-so-famous actor, Child prodigy

(Silver Storm: Sorry for getting to this so late!!)


Originally Posted by Ava The Vampire (Post 1773271369)
Name: Daisy Buchanan
Age: 21
Little Bit About You: Sensitive, nature-loving, young woman with a past full of secrets.
Name: Tom Hiddleston
Age: 33
Little Bit About Them: British actor, enjoys Shakespeare and tea.

Silver Storm 03-21-2015 10:01 PM

The Dreamweaver


(There are other resturants)

The Rooms
Brid's Suite

Daisy's Room

Originally Posted by Ava The Vampire (Post 1773303498)
I have found some images of rooms that I think my character would like.

(Yay for old fashioned TV)
I'm going to be lazy and say that Tom and Daisy share a room, as there's two beds.


Originally Posted by CycloneKira (Post 1773311956)

(This ship can have anything we desire on it, so if you find pictures for it post them here in the OOC and ping me in the post. I will add them in here. And feel free to go lush with your room [i.e. personal hot tub, several rooms, etc.][eager])

Silver Storm 03-21-2015 10:42 PM

CycloneKira: Ava The Vampire: Here we can talk about anything to do with our role play, plot twists if we start to get bored. We can post pictures of our rooms and stuff. Or ask questions and things. I will post pictures of the cruise ship here too.

This ship can have anything we desire on it, so if you find pictures for it post them here in the OOC and ping me in the post. I will add them in here. And feel free to go lush with your room [i.e. personal hot tub, several rooms, etc.]

To Role Play

Kory 03-21-2015 11:50 PM

OMG! Yes! Thanks for pinging me, Storm!
I'm super excited for this, I'm going to Google some images of rooms I like. I've never actually been on a cruise, I had NO CLUE that cruise ships are THAT beautiful!! WOAH!

And also, will our character interact with each other? Do we already know each other or will we meet each other somehow?

I'm super excited!

Silver Storm 03-22-2015 12:43 AM

We can interact as much as you guys want. You guys can already know each other if you wan, Brid being a bit of a loner before this will have to meet people.

I have never been on a cruise either, really want to go on one.

Ava The Vampire: CycloneKira: Also you can do a room for your celebrity or not or they can be in a room of your suite. However you want to do it.

Kory 03-23-2015 01:05 AM

I have found some images of rooms that I think my character would like.

(Yay for old fashioned TV)

I'm going to be lazy and say that Tom and Daisy share a room, as there's two beds.

Silver Storm 03-23-2015 11:00 PM

Sounds good. I will add the pictures.

Silver Storm 03-25-2015 01:01 AM

CycloneKira: Did you want to add pictures of your character's suite before we start?

CycloneKira 03-25-2015 02:58 AM

Yes I'll do that. Sorry. I'll post the pictures when I get on the computer

Silver Storm 03-25-2015 09:56 AM

That is fine. Just wanted to make sure you had found your way to this thread. Sorry for all the pings.

CycloneKira 03-30-2015 12:41 PM

Oh brother, I forgot to subscribe!!!
*subscribes before she forgets*
So sorry!! Here are the pictures.
Astoria's room
Felix's room
Common Balcony

Silver Storm 04-02-2015 12:19 AM

Awesome! I will take care of those and lets get started with this role play.

Sorry if I have been a bit absent guys. I am going through tons of stress in life right now.

CycloneKira 04-02-2015 12:59 AM

That's okay lol. Can't wait to start [boogie]

Kory 04-02-2015 02:04 AM

No problem!
Just keep taking care of yourself! Your health comes first. :)

However, I also look forward to the start of the RP!

CycloneKira 04-02-2015 06:46 AM

Okay okay quick question. This RP is supposed to be written in present tense, first person?
And, I just realized my character's the youngest... by 5 years....

Silver Storm 04-03-2015 04:14 AM

I meant to ask you guys what you wanted to do. I had first thought of doing it that way, but I am open to whatever you two want. I can easily change the tense of my post.

Silver Storm 04-07-2015 02:15 AM

CycloneKira: Ava The Vampire: How would you guys like to do it? I can easily change my first post. I am realizing that it might be easier in third person, though I had originally planned first person.

Kory 04-07-2015 02:30 AM

First person would be alright with me,
But it is easier to RP in third person. Well, for me, it is, anyway. I think first person would make the Rap pretty artistic, but it might get a little confusing.
I'unno! Just my two cents!

CycloneKira 04-07-2015 02:30 AM

Well, I've always RPed in third person. I've done present tense but never first person. So third person would be easier for me, but I can try first person, it's no problem.

Silver Storm 04-07-2015 02:40 AM

The image I had in my head was us mainly roleplaying from the point of view of the winner, but I guess you can roleplay as much or as little as you want for the celebrity. You could, if it seems less confusing to you, switch between colored texts for the different characters.

I am hearing that 3rd person sounds easier, so I can change my post. How does this all sound to you guys?

CycloneKira 04-07-2015 07:55 AM

Sounds great to me :D

Silver Storm 04-07-2015 10:29 PM

Alright, I will go change my post. You guys don't need to wait to post as I will just edit the already existing one.

Kory 04-07-2015 10:42 PM

Sounds awesome!
I'm super excited. :DDDD

---------- Post added 04-07-2015 at 06:19 PM ----------

My first post is REALLY REALLY long! I hope that's okay, there was so much I wanted to say and I didn't even say everything I wanted to say because otherwise my post would have gone on forever! LOL.

So sorry!

Silver Storm 04-08-2015 12:15 AM


Originally Posted by Ava The Vampire (Post 1773326508)
Sounds awesome!
I'm super excited. :DDDD

---------- Post added 04-07-2015 at 06:19 PM ----------

My first post is REALLY REALLY long! I hope that's okay, there was so much I wanted to say and I didn't even say everything I wanted to say because otherwise my post would have gone on forever! LOL.

So sorry!

Not at all. I felt bad with how long mine went. I am always good with long posts. So never feel you need to hold yourself back.

I have always loved writing. My dream is to someday be a published author.

---------- Post added 04-07-2015 at 07:28 PM ----------

Poor Daisy!

Kory 04-08-2015 02:00 AM

Writing is so much fun! It seems like quite a few RPers here want to be published! :)
I wish you the best with your dream! I believe you will do it someday! I think you're a very talented writer. I love RPing on Mene because it gives me the chance to RP with really talented people!

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