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Protagonist 05-23-2012 02:03 PM

Beauts Thread O' Summer Win! Better late than never!
Welcome welcome! It is a pleasure for my OP to see you again! It's that time of the year again where Beaut gives out free shit! So, sit back, relax and enjoy your start of summer!

Page contest:
Page 5: any event common - monstahh`: Any event common.
Page 10: any event common
*will add more if needed*



•You MUST quote my post with this image

• You MUST continue with the conversation in the post. So DO NOT quote the picture with nothing written in your quote box

• The contest will run until the end of the event

• Most quoted mosquitos wins!

Monstahh` - 3
Hummicicle - 3

hummy 05-23-2012 02:08 PM

yay, you're back!

Protagonist 05-23-2012 02:47 PM

Kinda. I want some of the EIs.

monstahh` 05-23-2012 03:13 PM

Heya BD.

Protagonist 05-23-2012 03:16 PM

Sup Monstahhh

monstahh` 05-23-2012 03:17 PM

Not much, how are you?

Protagonist 05-23-2012 03:20 PM

Im good. I have work at one though :(

monstahh` 05-23-2012 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by Beautiful Disaster (Post 1770755908)
Im good. I have work at one though :(

I'm trying to go to the farmer's market

Buy some veggies and shit.

MintyRey 05-23-2012 03:31 PM

Hello :) How is everyone?

Dottie Mae Evans 05-23-2012 04:08 PM

I am doing well, just going to order some clothes now. :D

MintyRey 05-23-2012 04:55 PM

Order some clothes?

hummy 05-23-2012 06:25 PM

have fun at the farmer's market, monmon!

Jeannesha 05-23-2012 06:42 PM

Hi guys!
Mind if I post in here too?

lunanuova 05-23-2012 06:44 PM

Hey. Hi Jean!

Jeannesha 05-23-2012 06:45 PM

Hi Luna!

My battery is low...I'll be poofing soon... lol...

lunanuova 05-23-2012 06:52 PM

Oh no! Run for the charger!

MintyRey 05-23-2012 06:57 PM

Are you using your phone to type, Jeannesha? =3

lunanuova 05-23-2012 06:58 PM

ahh, maybe.

When I had my old laptop it used to beep so loud and for so long when the battery was running low. And then another one I had just went off with no warning of low battery! haha.

MintyRey 05-23-2012 07:10 PM

Did your other one have a battery in it?

My laptop doesn't have a battery so I have to keep it chained to the wall at all times :(
The power cord's pretty flimsy too so I can't move it too much or everything I've been working on will poof instantly if it comes loose :cry:

hummy 05-23-2012 07:12 PM

hello, all.

keres corvax 05-23-2012 07:25 PM

hello, I'm too busy posting every where else for the event, but I'll surly help keep your thread some attention :)

MintyRey 05-23-2012 07:27 PM

Hey hummy :D Do you use a computer or a phone when you go online?

'Sup keres! =3

hummy 05-23-2012 08:08 PM

i use my laptop.
*if that was meant to me*

MintyRey 05-23-2012 08:21 PM

Yes it was :yes: I was just wondering how many people on Mene use laptops.

You look real pretty, hummy! And that bear looks so soft and fluffy :eager:
I see you got one of the wings that are positioned a little higher than the rest. One of the red ones was like it too. But I think they fixed the placement now. I thought it was kinda cool the way they were though :sweat:

hummy 05-23-2012 08:22 PM

they changed the positioning of the wings?

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