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Aliena 10-15-2007 01:35 PM

Aliena's Art Request - Closed!
Welcome to my art request thread! I'll try to get a pretty fancy banner in here sometime. But for now, just keeping it simple. :)

My characters are from my novel-in-progress-and-in-terrible-need-of-editting-and-revision, Vionelle. The story centers around the Ten Founding Families of the city, each one possessing a certain ability (one family can heal, another can see visions, another has the ability to make anything grow, another has extra strength and longevity, etc., another has artistic ability, etc.). The King that comes into power is obsessive of these abilities and will stop at nothing to try to acquire them, which he discovers is impossible, so he ends up making it his life goal to destroy the men and women who belong to the Families. The Families are forced to flee the city or hide out in a vast underground dwelling if they want to live.

Happy stuff, eh? ;P

Anyhow, there are so many talented artists on Mene and I've been wanting to do this for ages. So I'm taking my inventory and my gold and I'm buying art, darnit!

Characters are below - sorry about the cheesy ref pictures - just wanted to get some quickies done so I'd have them. I would love to do a refined lineless pic of each of my characters, but finding the time for that is the hard part. So instead, I went with the hurried, silly little ones instead since that was better than nothing! Still have a few more to do too...

This thread is under construction, but feel free to stop in. If you have any questions or want to know any details, story-wise or personality-wise or whatever, just let me know! Also, the pic ideas listed are just that...ideas. I'm not stuck on any of them. They're just suggestions of things that might be fun and fitting.

Aliena 10-15-2007 01:36 PM


Everything left is being given away!

Aliena 10-15-2007 01:36 PM
Evalie Palisade
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 120 lbs
Hair: Golden blonde - pretty long, midback. It is naturally straight, but you'll never see it like that! She keeps it curled in loose waves, as is fashionable in Vionelle
Eye Color: Light Blue
Clothing: She loves Regency style dresses with empire waists, generally short sleeved, and always full of embellishments - never plain! Her gowns are always worn in the Palisade color of green
Personality: Evalie's very outgoing, very gregarious. She tends to be the center of attention and honestly, she kind of likes it that way. She's got a good heart, but can jump to conclusions and react too hastily. She's one of those people who others seem to simply flock to. She's determined to do whatever she can to help the Ten Families. She's always kind of caught between Cayden and Ryan, who hate each other, but eventually grows closest with Cayden and the two eventually end up marrying.
Job Description: Painter

-Main outfit
-by Only Dust
-by Aiyatsukichan
-by RoyalSquishy
-by Likom
-by Ise
-by Nocturnal Miyu

Picture ideas: Evalie painting, happy with Cayden, stopping Cayden and Ryan from fighting, hanging out with Rosanna, spending quality time with Jacob and Tani

Tani Palisade
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 115 lbs
Hair: Golden blonde - pretty long, midback, relatively straight - she's very conservative, so her hair is never as styled or fashionable as Evalie tends to wear hers. She wears hers straight, usually with a single braid crossing over the top of her head like a headband
Eye Color: Light Blue
Clothing: Modest, Regency style dresses and most often in the Palisade family color of green. After her marriage to King Lawrence Viomande, however, he forbids her to wear her family's color any more, wanting her to cut all ties with them. So prior to her marriage, she would always be seen in green; following her marriage, until she is rescued and brought to the underground, she would never be seen in green
Personality: Tani's very quiet, somewhat shy. She's extremely virtuous, which made ruining her reputation such a fun game to Lawrence. She's meek and agreeable and can be looked at as mindless and weak, though she does possess a certain inner strength. She's selfless and is determined to do whatever she can to help the Ten Families, even if it means giving up her own dreams for happiness. She is forced into marriage with Lawrence and lives in a sucky situation for a bit before she sneaks out of her chambers, thanks to Clara, and is rescued by the Moreigh brothers.
Job Description: Before marriage, sculpter. After marriage, Queen of Vionelle

-Main outfit
-by Royal Squishy
-by Ise
-Sitting with Cayden, by Magnusvale
-With Jacob, by Petty
-by Ise
-by Elanorepenn
-by Navidian

Picture ideas: Tani spending time with Evalie and Jacob, looking with longing but not allowing herself to get close to Nathaniel, looking miserable with Lawrence, in a wedding dress, sculpting, sketching, pregnant

Aliena 10-15-2007 01:37 PM
Jacob Palisade
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 160 lbs
Hair: Golden blonde, straight, kind of falls over his forehead
Eye Color: Light blue
Clothing: Trousers, an untucked button up shirt, with a leather vest over it. He also frequently wears the Palisade family color of green
Personality: Jacob's got a rather fiery personality. He believes that physical force is the best way to solve problems. He's for the most part, good natured, but if someone threatens him or his family, he'll stop at nothing to fight them. He is especially close and protective of Tani. While he means well, he can be rather stubborn and that stubbornness can get him into trouble (and does). Jacob tends to view his fists as a solution and gets into fights with anyone who accuses his sister of losing her virtue. He later joins a resistence group, but learns the hard way that fighting and brute force truly are ineffective against the evil king (aka: he gets run through with a sword and dies...doh!).
Job Description: Stained Glass maker/artisan

-Main outfit
-by Magnusvale
-With Tani, by Petty
-by Jinha

Picture ideas: Hanging out with Evalie and Tani, looking really protective over Tani, glass-making/stained glass window, wielding a sword

Cayden Coulter
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 180 lbs
Hair: Dark brown, almost black, straight, parts in the middle.
Eye Color: Brown
Clothing: Long sleeve shirts and trousers, a vest, usually in the Coulter color of blue. He's always well dressed, shirt is never untucked, wrinkled, or anything.
Personality: Cayden is reserved and quiet. He's pretty moody - usually brooding about something or other, except around Evalie, where he's like a different person. Around others, however, he's not a very good conversationalist at all. He doesn't like the shallow small talk that most people seem to stick with - he finds it stupid and fake. It's very hard to get close to him, but for the people who have (namely Evalie, his family), he's fiercely loyal and will do anything for them. He is insecure about his abilities - being the eldest in a family of seers, he has gone far past the age where he should have started dreaming and seeing visions, but never exhibited the abilities, even when all his younger cousins were. The first vision he ever received was of Evalie about to be executed by King Lawrence's guards. After that, he goes back to never seeing anything until much later in life. The lack of visions, as well as the knowledge of the destruction, pain, and death that will be visited upon the Ten Families, causes Cayden to turn inward and be in a constant melancholy mood. Evalie's the only one able to pull him out. And in fact, later he'll rearrange the letters in Evalie's family name, Palisade, and become the Prophet Delaise, the greatest prophet Vionelle has ever seen.
Job Description: Seer/prophet (much later in life, when abilities finally manifest themselves)

-Main outfit
-Cayden headshot (on the left) by Pep
-Sitting with Tani, by Magnusvale

Picture ideas: Cayden happy with Evalie, fighting/arguing with Ryan, looking moody, seeing a vision of Evalie in a mirror

Aliena 10-15-2007 01:38 PM
Ryan Moreigh
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 190 lbs
Hair: Light brown, worn longer than most of the men wear their hair in Vionelle - it falls slightly over his collar. Considered unfashionably long by some.
Eye Color: Green
Clothing: Long sleeve shirts, untucked, the sleeves rolled up slightly, and trousers. The Moreigh family color is violet.
Personality: The Moreigh family was given a hodge-podge of abilities - they are the leaders of the Ten Families and are charged with guarding the city of Vionelle at all costs. The members of this family are supernaturally bound to the city and are unable to physically leave it. Ryan's sort of the black sheep of the family - he's a joker, never takes anything seriously and many times can irritate people by his cavalier manner. He's the younger child, so he doesn't look forward to taking his father's role as head of the family, as that task will fall to his brother, Nathaniel. As a result, he doesn't seem to care very deeply about anything except first, Evalie, and then Rosanna. He holds a lot of resentment towards his brother because Nathaniel is rather condescending to him. After Rosanna's execution, Ryan's personality does a 180 and he becomes serious and melancholy, focussing everything on the task of protecting the Families, never really joking or even smiling again.
Job Description: Black sheep of the family, would-be defender of Vionelle

-Main outfit
-Chibi w/Rosanna by Pana
-Romantic pic with Rosanna by Aiyatsukichan
-by Psychogenic Acumen

Pic ideas:Ryan teasing/irritating Rosanna, Ryan & Rosanna close and in love, with a sword, looking angsty with Nathaniel, fighting/arguing with Cayden, hanging out with Evalie

Rosanna Redmon
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 120 lbs
Hair: Thick, black, curly - falls to midback. She typically will wear the sides pulled back loosely
Eye Color: Blue
Clothing: Regency style dresses - fitted, short sleeved, fashionable and embellished (not plain), and most often in the Redmon family color of red
Personality: Rosanna is pleasant to be around, for the most part. She keeps up with what's popular and fashionable and is viewed in high esteem by most. She's certainly not demure, but rather speaks her mind and if she sees something that she feels needs to be taken care of, she'll step up and do it, whether it's her responsibility or not. Because the Redmons are a family of healers, Rosanna's got an extremely tender heart and knows how to lend comfort to the people she heals and also to people who grieve. She can get exasperated quite easily, especially where Ryan Moreigh is concerned and is extremely stubborn. She is admittedly, pretty spoiled and can get hung up on social classes. Her story reaches a tragic end when she and her father are framed for the King's assassination and she is later sentenced for execution. She is one of the first to die in my story and is later honored with the title, the First Daughter of Vionelle.
Job Description: Healer

-Main outfit
-Winter pic w/cloak
-Chibi w/Ryan by Pana
-Romantic pic with Ryan by Aiyatsukichan
-by RoyalSquishy
-by Orange
-by nagon
-by sayuri_nitta
-by LoneHana
-by Raja-nime

Pic ideas: Rosanna performing a healing, getting ticked off at Ryan, loving Ryan, hanging out with Evalie, being arrested/interrogated by Lawrence, about to be executed, in dungeon cell (wearing plain white tunic)

Aliena 10-15-2007 01:39 PM
Lawrence Viomande
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 170 lbs
Hair: Dark brown, almost black, straight. He wears it long - past his shoulder-blades, usually tied back with a few strands around his face escaping. In casual situations, he'll wear it down
Eye Color: Green
Clothing: Trousers, knee boots, white shirt with an indigo and gold trimmed tunic, royal kingly looking clothing.
Personality: Ooo...Lawrence is evil! He can be charming as anything and is probably the most handsome man in my entire story, but in reality is obsessive and manipulative. He loves to toy with people - especially women - loves to make them squirm, especially sweet Tani, whose reputation he ruins and then whose freedom he takes when he forces her to marry him. He does not like being crossed at all, even innocently, and has a terrible temper. He's responsible for the death of many people including his own dad, Rosanna, David (and his entire family), and Jacob, among many other minor and nameless characters in my story.
Job Description: Prince of Vionelle, then following his father's assassination, King of Vionelle

-Main outfit
-by Suki_Daiyo4
-by Lilis
-by Nightgaunt

Pic ideas: Making Tani squirm, interrogating Rosanna in the Holding cells, grinning evilly, grinning innocently, with a sword, marrying Tani

Nathaniel Moreigh
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 180 lbs
Hair: Red, wavy, and thick. He also is the only character who sports facial hair with a tuft under his bottom lip and then a bit on his chin
Eye Color: Hazel
Clothing: Dark Trousers, boots, white shirt under a violet jacket (the Moreigh family color is violet)
Personality: Nathaniel is dull compared to his brother, Ryan, and he has somewhat of a complex about that - he just can't be vivacious like his little brother and he feels threatened by that. He tends to be serious about his role as the eldest Moreigh son and has little time for fun and silliness. He's a good man to most, but is very belittling of his brother. He's hard working and a by-the-book kind of guy. He and his brother finally do put aside their problems and end up leading together, united as brothers rather than Nathaniel leading on his own. He also helps raise Tani and Lawrence's son as his own after they rescue Tani from Lawrence's clutches.
Job Description: Future leader/defender of Vionelle

-Main Outfit
-Nathaniel headshot (in the middle) by Pep

Pic ideas: Tani keeping him at arm's length, him looking serious, arguing with Ryan, holding a sword

Aliena 10-15-2007 01:39 PM
David Gardner
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 150 lbs
Hair: Dark brown hair, short on sides, longer on top, straight
Eye Color: grey
Clothing: brown trousers, light tan and brown shirt, brown suspenders (Gardner family color is brown/earthen)
Personality: David's sullen, emo, thinks the world's out to get him (well, not really, but he acts like it). Doesn't really like anyone but his sister and Clara, strangely enough, because she confuses him. He hates how his life is mapped out for him already and just wants to not have anything to do with any of the Gardners, but rather travel the world. He ends up being deceived by Lawrence and the result is the annhilation of his entire family line. Whoops!
Job Description: Future grower/gardner

-Main outfit
-David headshot (on the right) by Pep
-With Clara, by Syrie

Pic ideas: David looking sullen, talking to Clara and actually happy/peaceful looking, talking to Lawrence, looking thoughtful, making plants grow

Clara (just Clara!)
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 115 lbs
Hair: Dark brown hair, almost black, pulled back in a single, long braid, has bangs
Eye Color: brown
Clothing: Always dressed in a helpmate's uniform - see outfit ref
Personality: For being a servant, Clara's pretty spunky. She's had the privilege of serving the Queen, Lawrence's mom, so she's had a pretty free life despite her servitude. She's talkative and bold, and takes it upon herself to try to get David out of his funk, but ends up getting mad at him half the time. She's quite taken with Lawrence despite the bad things she's witnessed behind the scenes - she always gives him the benefit of the doubt.
Job Description: Helpmate - the servant class of Vionelle

-Main outfit
-by RoyalSquishy
-by Magnusvale
-by Naeru
-by Croon
-by Nocturnal Miyu
-With David, by Syrie

Pic ideas: Clara talking to David, either happy or irritated with him, working doing various servantlike tasks, being summoned by Lawrence, spying on the goings on in the Viomande Estate

Aliena 10-15-2007 01:40 PM

Commissions I'm waiting on:


Aliena 10-16-2007 05:32 AM

Commissions received:

David and Clara by Syrie:

Tani by Navidian:

Tani by Elanorepenn:

Evalie by Nocturnal Miyu:

Clara by Nocturnal Miyu:

Lawrence by Nightgaunt:

Evalie by Nurie:

Rosanna by Raja-nime:

Rosanna by LoneHana:

Rosanna by sayuri_nitta:

-Jacob by Jinha
-Ryan by Psychogenic Acumen
-Clara by Croon
-Clara by Naeru
-Evalie by Ise
-Tani by Ise
-Tani and Jacob by Petty
-Cayden and Tani by Magnusvale
-Jacob by Magnusvale
-Clara by Magnusvale
-Tani by Ise
-Rosanna by nagon
-Evalie by Likom
-Tani by RoyalSquishy
-Clara by RoyalSquishy
-Lawrence by lilis
-Lawrence by Suki_Daiyo4
-Rosanna by Orange
-Evalie by RoyalSquishy
-Rosanna by RoyalSquishy
-Cayden, Nathaniel, David by Pep
-Ryan and Rosanna by Aiyatsukichan
-Evalie by Aiyatsukichan

nocturnal miyu 10-16-2007 06:07 AM

  • aw... you sound so much like you're definitely leaving... T_T
    i think you should save certain event items and CIs for yourself so you don't have to try to get them back in the case you want to return to us... T_T

Aliena 10-16-2007 12:37 PM

Aww, Miyu. *hugs* I'd been thinking about it for weeks - long before any of the recent stuff had happened. It's been a building decision. It's really the recent stress just happened to happen at the point when I had been reaching my decision rather than I reached my decision because of the recent stress. :) I think I'm just needing to move on and I don't want my pixels wasting away on an account that may or may not ever be returned to! I've been so lucky to be around and get what I have - well, I want others to get what they want too. Plus, I want pretty art. lol

I'll be around for a bit still while I'm selling stuff and buying art. Probably a month or so at least! Who knows? Maybe longer. I'm not leaving with poor memories or a bad taste in my mouth or anything. I'm just going to enjoy the time with all you guys and have fun here.

Lilim 10-16-2007 06:06 PM

*Tackles Aliena* Well the time I have left with you I'll make it the best <3 *Luffs on* I am sad that we won't have long together. But I understand when you got to leave its for the best. I want you to do what makes your happy! But till then! *Sits in your lap* You have to give me some luffin :twisted:

I have 15 artist in my charity auction you might wanna check it out there might be a group or two you might wanna bid on <3

Drache-Lehre 10-16-2007 09:11 PM

Ohh wow, some of your chars look lovely and I like how you set your thread up. ^^ Simple but affective even with housing a lot of text to read. xD

Aliena 10-17-2007 02:35 AM

Lilim! I'm in no big hurry - it can take 6 months, for all I know! I'm not going to rush finding art because I think when you rush, you miss out on good stuff. So I'll still be around, probably chatting, and all that good stuff. :D I'll definitely check out the auction...

DL - thank you! I'm glad! I'm actually struggling with setting up my art contest over on Gaia - it'll happen when I complete all my fullbody costume refs (I have about 4 or something left to do) and the problem I'm running into there is wanting to put a lot more story info in case people want to try more scenic than random posed pics, but I just can't make it concise and I'm afraid too much info might deter. Urgh. I'm trying to be character specific in what I write as well as write little blurbs on their relationships with each other - just wanting to give people as much as possible to work with.

elanorepenn 10-17-2007 02:39 AM

You have beautiful stuff here <3 :) Your characters are interesting too :D

nocturnal miyu 10-17-2007 05:26 PM

  • i'll try to offer then. ^^;
    my art isn't great... and i haven't updated my DA in ages... but i don't have time to list some of the recent artsies i've done... so for now, i'm just going to post my DA:

    i can't draw guys (except maybe for chibi)... but here goes, is it possible for me to go for the green clover pin and hairpin from hell for 3 waist-ups and 3 fullbody chibis (with background if you like).
    if you want more? less? different type of artsies, feel free to suggest something different. or if you don't want my artsies, i won't feel hurt either cuz the green clover pin and the hell hairpin are both expensive items... especially the first one... ^^;

Aliena 10-17-2007 05:53 PM

Miyu, of course I'll take your offer! I think your work is so cute and especially since you've been one of my questing buddies all this time. :D So 3 waist-up regulars and 3 chibis (maybe with simple background? Doesn't have to be anything super-detailed, of course!) for the green clover hairpin and hell hairpin? You got it! I'll mark you down (man, I can't wait til trades open up again!) for those. I'll start a trade with the items as soon as they open up.

I'd say just choose whomever you like! If you want to double up on a reg and a chibi (like say if you wanted to do both a regular shot and chibi of Evalie, for instance), feel free!

Thank you so so much! *hugs* I'm excited!

If you have any questions about any of my characters, please let me know!

shosho 10-17-2007 06:59 PM

  • Awww... I'm still not exactly thrilled at the thought that you're leaving. ;__; <3 Are you going to leave Gaia, too, once your contest there is over?

    I'd try out to draw for you but my list is too much to add anything more at the moment. XD I wouldn't want to make you wait for so long for it. If you had accepted, that is haha. I wouldn't know what to offer or ask for anyhow haha...

    But either way, your characters are so indepth! Jealousy! Ahh... Lawrence is such a "necessary evil" that I just adore him! XD

aiyatsukichan 10-17-2007 07:03 PM

>3< eee~ can't resist <33 I love your charas Aliena!

hmmmm... I really need some gold atm but I've been wanting a crown for so long...

would you, um, perhaps be willing to commission me twice (lol XDDD only if you find my art appealing, of course... -->

For a king's crown, I'll draw a really detailed fullbody with background or a really detailed waist up couple with background or really detailed chibi fullbody couple with background.

And if you'd be willing to commission me twice: I'll do a highly detailed inked headshot for 250g? xDD;;;

Aliena 10-17-2007 07:40 PM

Shosho - heh heh, I pretty much just lurk on Gaia as it is, but nah, I'll probably keep that up - I have some funds I'm not putting into my contest, but am saving for later. But yeah, I'll probably log in there once a day or something to see if I have an PMs. I think I'll most likely be at LJ, maybe DA again (it's been a while - I need to get back there regularly!), I want to rejoin my art exchange group and I want to work on my story. The ideas are there, but it needs a LOT of help. And recently, helping a friend judge an OC contest, my eyes have really been opened to the fact that I really need to bring my guys and gals alive much more. They're still too one-dimensional. I have so much more info on these guys, but the posts would have been WAY too long! I have to figure out how to shorten them for my Gaia contest (if I ever hold that thing!)

I'm not leaving for a bit, I promise! ^_^ But I really will miss you guys when I do!

And I love Lawrence! I'm planning to do a complete rewrite of what I have written already and believe me, that guy's going to get even more airtime and he's going to be quite a bit slimier than he is now. I love writing the bad guy.

Aiya - I would be absolutely delighted if you would draw me waist-up couple with background for the king's crown and then, of course, the headshot for 250g! Yay! For the headshot, I'd say anyone who strikes your fancy. :)

For the couple pic, options are:
-Evalie and Cayden - they love each other - probably the only straightforward loving of all my 'couples'
-Nathaniel and Tani - they love each other, but Tani won't let them be together (she's honoring her wedding vows with Lawrence - til death parts them - and it doesn't part them until she's almost 40 years old!)
-Rosanna and Ryan - they love each other, but also argue all the time, so pic could be with them happy or else Ryan teasing/smirking at Rosie and her looking ticked off (kind of like the chibi I already have of them)
-David and Clara - this is more of a friendship than a romance - David talks to Clara more deeply than anyone else he's ever met - she confuses him because she's so straight forward and won't accept his emo-ness as "the way he is"
-Lawrence and Tani - he forces her into marriage, but in reality, while he thinks she's beautiful, he views her with disdain, as a weakling - someone mindless and stupid. He does enjoy making her uncomfortable. Tani fears Lawrence and cringes if he gets too close to her - she knows he's bad stuff. So lol...real happy relationship there - they don't like each other at all!

Drache-Lehre 10-17-2007 09:54 PM

You're quite welcome. ^^ Oh dear, that sounds like a sensative task and one that requires a lot of time and effort. ^^;; I know how that can be in wanting to make sure people grasp how you want your chara to be but I've personally never hosted an art contest. Don't think I ever will either. I wish ya luck in it all though and hope ya get lots of good stuff!

*eyes widen* Eep in being nosey I was viewing items you have for offer and and I SEE Pot. T__T Aww how I wish I could draw. ;__; Well I'm sure someone nice will get it. xD

nocturnal miyu 10-18-2007 12:01 AM

  • *huggies aliena* <3
    i'll start working on it this weekend, tho since i'm not very "fast", i probably won't be able to finish all that quickly... ^^;

    btw, if you ever come back and want to borrow some items, feel free to ask me. (i didn't want to put that in when i offered cuz i didn't want sound like i was bribing you to accept my offer... XD )

aiyatsukichan 10-18-2007 12:17 AM


Originally Posted by Aliena

Aiya - I would be absolutely delighted if you would draw me waist-up couple with background for the king's crown and then, of course, the headshot for 250g! Yay! For the headshot, I'd say anyone who strikes your fancy. :)

<3333 =3= thank you!! I shall do the headshot first ^^

Aliena 10-18-2007 02:05 AM

DL - it is! I have a personal stash guild where I'm working on it - I think I may just have the vitals in one color and then all the detail stuff in smaller font and a different color below it. I know when I'm trying to enter contests, I usually want to know as much as I can!, we'll see!

Miyu - Oh, take your time! I'm in no rush! And thank you - that's sweet. Heh heh...I'll probably ghost me a nice looking avvy rather than stripping naked.

Aiya - I'm excited! Thank you so much! <3

aiyatsukichan 10-18-2007 02:21 AM

finished the headshot ^^ hope you like it!

hopefully it looks like the chara >w<;; the scanner killed it... darn. Well, here's the original original:

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