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WhenEverythingFails 04-25-2019 02:29 AM

When Vigilance Calls (~Wild Spirit Wolf~ & WEF)
This is a private thread between ~Wild Spirit Wolf~: and myself, however readers are welcomed :).

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 04-25-2019 04:35 AM


Our setting is a world where everyone is born with some superpower, except a very small few who are born without. Most people's power is something small, like being able to change their hair or eye color. But some people are born with bigger powers, like flying or super strength, etc. Superheroes don't really exist in this world because nearly everyone has a power, but recently a vigilante has risen up to fight crime in the streets of the biggest city. This vigilante has a power that no one has ever seen before, and no one can figure out who it is.
Metro City, population: 8.623 million. A city filled with bustling activity at all times, day and night, and- as with any place where many people gather- plenty of crime. Most of it was small, petty theft and vandalism, though gang crimes were on the rise recently. 20-year-old college student Gemini Starr was just one among many born with a special ability, but apparently the only one who had ever thought to use her ability to fight that crime. The young redhead flopped onto her bed in her tiny apartment, shoulder bag thumping down on the floor moments later. Juggling college and crime fighting was a lot harder than she had originally thought it would be, and purely exhausting. She glanced over at her calendar, where a message in red marker reminded her that rent was due in a week- rent she had only half of. She'd put out an ad looking for a roommate, but so far no one had contacted her. Groaning, she sat up and dug through her bag, taking out her old laptop for the paper she had to write before class the next day. She had about three hours to research, write, and hopefully sleep. She closed her eyes, wished for some impossible luck, and got started.

She dragged herself into class a few hours later, still wearing her clothes from the day before. She hadn't managed to sleep, but at least she got her paper done. She dropped into a seat at the back of the room and did her best to stay awake while the professor talked.

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