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-   -   Play my Riddles and Jokes to win a lollipop! ((DONE)) (

M i r o 11-02-2009 01:31 AM

Play my Riddles and Jokes to win a lollipop! ((DONE))
(my Halloween home door step @ Digi's.)
Happy Day of the Dead!
GAME ENDS...once I run out of riddles or jokes! LOL :ninja:


M i r o 11-02-2009 01:33 AM

[IMGleft][/IMGleft]RIDDLES or JOKES: Is it in you?! [IMGright][/IMGright]

The Game

Get 3 riddles or jokes right and you win a prize! The object of my thread is for enticing Halloween riddles and jokes! The riddles and jokes may be ones that you know and there might be ones that you don't. The goal for answering as many riddles and jokes as you can, you obtain a lollipop of your choice! (That you don't already have) :evil:

The Rules

1. Anyone can play but no mules!
2. Only one riddle or joke per person! (meaning you can only answer one in one round)
3. Do not cheat or help someone else besides you, you have to answer for yourself!
4. Please do not give hints or "suggestions" to what the answer is to the riddles or jokes I give out.
5. DO NOT SKIM RIDDLES, YOU WILL 80% OF THE TIME READ IT WRONG. (it has happened 5 times already)
6. These riddles may be hard at times but the jokes are easy.

How it Works

Everyone works individually with their own brain compacity to answer the riddles or jokes I hand out.
I will hand out new riddles or jokes every other hour.
  • The maximum riddles and jokes that will be given per hour will be 3.
  • If no one can answer my riddles and jokes, I will answer it for you and it will disappear!
  • If you do not want the riddle or joke you've chosen and you want a different one then you better change it fast before its too late!
  • You may take all the time you want to sit and think about the riddle or joke you're trying to answer, I won't rush you, but I can't say that for your opponents!

M i r o 11-02-2009 01:41 AM

[IMGleft][/IMGleft]Welcome Riddlers and Jokers! kkekek...mwahahaha![IMGright][/IMGright]

The Riddles and Jokes Round 19

Originally Posted by Rules
2. Only one riddle or joke per person! (meaning you can only answer one in one round)
5. DO NOT SKIM RIDDLES, YOU WILL 80% OF THE TIME READ IT WRONG. (it has happened 5 times already)

* First Riddle: ANSWERED BY ME: "iPOD NANO".

* Second Riddle: SOLVED BY SUSHI.


M i r o 11-02-2009 01:52 AM

[IMGleft][/IMGleft]GET THE POINTS TO WIN THE PRIZE! or face my wrath![IMGright][/IMGright]

The Riddlers
Rhameil 1 point - Winter 1 point - Dejagurl 0 points - Stormy 2 points - Bbr 1 points - Windy 2 points- `Foam 1 point - Blood 1 point - Minxy 2 points
Seito 0 points - Ry 2 points - Dainty 0 points - Fiend 2 points - Purple 1 point - Sushi 0 points - Lilia 2 points - Remiem 2 points.

Riddle Rounds SolvedX

Third Riddle of Round 2
When is a door not a door?
rhameil answered: "When its ajar!" + 1 point.

First Riddle of Round 2
I can come in many designs and themes and have five lines to be filled. You use me when you really need me; I cash, I void, and I pay.
Winterwolfgodess answered: "Is it a check?" + 1 point.

Second Riddle of Round 2 (Hint given: I project what every living thing can see.)
I reflect light, I have many textures and in many colors; I can be surrounded by piercing white or raging red. I talk a lot but I have no voice. What am I?
Winter Wind answered: "Eyes?" + 1 point.

Third Riddle of Round 3
If a moose visits you what should you give him?
Dejagurl answered: "And if a moose visits you you should give him a muffin!" + 1 point.

Third Riddle of Round 5 (Hint given: I'm a state.)
Halloween frightens me, it scare..s me out of my wits! I need carol, a lina... to drive it away! My name has changed for Halloween, its quite punny indeed. What is my name?
Stormy1 answered: "Scarolina!" + 1 point.

Second Riddle of Round 5
I am made of paper, I come in many sizes. I hang anywhere you like, I can even glow inside! My designs are unique and ever changing. I am traditional, I am seasonal. And I have many different prints on my face. What am I?
Blueblackrose answered: "A paper lantern!" + 1 point.

First Riddle of Round 7
I am somebody who everybody knows, I am one with great authority. I like to have my name painted peachy-pink! I'm a sucker for sweets and desserts. I have the knack for loving :banhammer: icon! I make a lot of important announcements more than anybody else. Who am I?
`Foam answered: "Jellysundae!" + 1 point.

Second Riddle of Round 7
I can be made of plastic, metal or wood. I'm a clip-off the ol' block! I have printed rulers on my body! I can come in many sizes, shapes, designs and colors. I'm practically LOVED by everyone! I snap, I click, I press and I even have a secret part to hold your writing utensil! What am I? *giggles*
Winter Wind answered: "Clipboard!" + 1 point.

Second Riddle of Round 8 (Hint given: ...Kupo ~)
Hello~! I'm your special guide and merchant. I'm small, cute, tricky and loveable! My fellow breed comes in many different shapes, colors, outfits, and some of us have wings! I give out secret items and weapons. My kind can also use magic! And quite helpful indeed, in a time of need. (*' ' ) What game creature am I called?
Blueblackrose answered: "A Moogle!" + 1 point.

First Riddle of Round 8 (Hint given: If you stay in one place for too long, your Alice will start slicing herself for fun!)
This place is full of mysterious things! Be careful or you could lose your way. There's no one to guide you but misshaped and misleading signs. But look here! There's a guide who appears and disappears but he could mislead you with his lies. Grow not, and you will make many friends. Spout without any warning and you might find yourself dead. Tread softly! You cannot make yourself known or else you might lose your head. You must trust only yourself! And find objects to defend yourself otherwise its game over for you! What game am I called?
Dejagurl answered: "American McGees Alice!" + 1 point.

Third Riddle of Round 10
I'm something that you eat. I'm delicious, SUPURB, and traditionally and old favorite! I have many flavors, toppings, and spices! I MAKE YOUR MOUTH WATER. I can be cut into a ^ triangle, O a circle, [ ] a square, and [___] a retangle! I'm frozen at first but I come HOT right out of the oven with some luffin'! What food am I?
Dejagurl answered: "Pizza!" + 1 point.

First Riddle of Round 5
I'm a jester of sorts and I wear the clothes to prove it! I'm a sneak, poker and joker! I love using the :poke: icon. I appear when you LEAST expect it! My name is in powder blue. Who am I?
Blueblackrose answered: "Seito!" + 1 point.

First Riddle of Round 11
I'm big, I'm tall! I'm about 6 feet tall! I'm orange, I'm yellow, I'm white and have pink eye shadow with blue lining! I have great BIG eyes with large pupils! I'm a bit of a quack to everyone else but I've been around forever. You can always see me on the street! Kids by the ages 10 and under love me! I'm very educational indeed. Who am I?
Bloodstainedwings answered: "Big bird!" + 1 point.

Second Riddle of Round 11
You can make music out of me. I come in many shapes, sizes, colors, and designs. I'm used most by well known persons who've come together to make sound. I'm quite a marvelous invention, indeed. Learn my key dots, spaces and strings to create tunes! I'm mostly only used by the male gender but everyone loves to learn how to play me. What instrument am I?
Minuxe answered: "Guitar!" + 1 point.

Third Riddle of Round 11
Don't dream....and I won't come to slice you up into little itty bitty pieces. Don't fall asleep...then I won't show you how I devour your friends. Never call my name or I will come back to haunt you. Don't visit where I've died...and I won't ressurect, I won't slice your head off. Don't dream, don't dream you dear fool, or I will come and kill you. There's only one way to kill me, you better be prepared, I might come! What horror character am I, do you dare say my name?
Seito answered: "Freddy Krueger!" + 1 point.

Second Riddle of Round 12
Hohohoho, I bring a lot of people love and kisses! I've been a favorite since man discovered to make me! I go well with desserts and I can settle a upset tummy. (: I'm always the main ingredient to sweets, I'm just that popular! I can be mixed in many flavors and I have three types! Ones dark dark, ones dark and white! What am I?
Seito answered: "Chocolate!" + 1 point.

First Riddle of Round 12 (Hints given 3: 1. Despite being an amphibian, he tells others he is a prince and his friends are not his friends but servants. 2. He has a french-english accent. 3. The one this frog Princess Odette.)
He's cute, he's funny, courageous and green. He doesn't know when to stop bragging! He thinks hes invinceable, but of course he isn't! He an leap high in the air and still chat up a storm! He flirts, he gushes, he tries to charm but it always comes up as mockery by his dear friend who is a turtle. He always gets his poor friend the turtle tagging along with his stupid ideas! Why oh why can't he stay out of trouble? Who might this green fellow be?
Rylynne answered: "Jean-Bob!" + 1 point.

First Riddle of Round 13
He's turned into a maid by his uncles, and a push-over for being too friendly. He wants friends but has a hard time trying to find one because of a certain disadvantage other than this meddling uncles. Suddenly, one day, a family comes stay and there are many complications. After the hard experiences with his uncles and the realitor guys, he found a friend. And they became quite close. What movie and whose this girl he became infactuated with? A Halloween Special: This riddle will give you an automatic 3 if right without any hints if you don't already have points.
Dainty Cut Throat answered: "Casper and the girl's name was Kat!" + 3 point.

Third Riddle of Round 13 (Hint given: It's Miros favorite pop; To find the answer follow the :arrow: leading to (www) and scroll through my blurbs on my off site profile. :yumeh2: )
I'm bubbly, carbinated and delicious! I'm dark but very spicey. I have more than other 6 different types from my popular dominating original. I roll in the bucks faster than any other drink because who can beat the taste of...WHAM in your face explosion to your taste buds! How popular do you think I am, well, I have my own museum! Of course my biggest opponent has one as well but I'm better. I'm sassy! What popular pop beaverage am I?
Blueblackrose answered: "Dr. Pepper!" + 1 point.

First Riddle of Round 15
I'm blue and a little green. Red is when I'm angry but I'd rather be pink to love someone. I guess I'd rather be yellow since I have no one to love. Or maybe purple because of the speckled dust. I guess I'm just moody. All these mood swings are driving me crazy. What am I?
Rylynne answered: "Mood Ring!" + 1 point.

First Riddle of Round 16
I'm soft, I'm comfortable. I'm made in different ways, shapes and sizes. I have springs or I have cushion. I'm built for your hard days work, I'm built to be the only thing to keep your withered bones satisfied. Thank men for technology that I evolved from straw, sticks, leaves, cardboard and rocks. I'm everywhere where you need to buy me or to come visit me for a while when you're traveling. I'm here, I'm there; I'm made for everyones good night dreams. What am I?
Seito answered: "a Bed!" + 1 point.

Second Riddle of Round 16
I'm a gossip queen, I'll tell you everything! Whether its someones dirty little secret or the new top fads, I'll give it to you all. I have tons of advertisements that will blow your mind away. You don't have to just buy me in a store, I can be sent through your mail. You can read me at anytime you want and even scrapbook the pages within my glued flat spinal cord. What am I?
LittleFiend answered: "a Magazine!" + 1 point.

Third Riddle of Round 16 (Hint given: 1. I make everything come out to a point 2. I can sharpen almost anything you feed me.)
I'm tall, I'm small, I'm tiny and itsy bitsy. I can be electric or portable. I'm beloved by many businesses and everyday life. If you need me, go and buy me. I'm usually heavy or I can be really light. I have many colors, shapes, sizes, types and multi+ purpose action. What office equipment am I?
PurpleJesseh answered: "a Pencil Sharpener!" + 1 point.

Third Riddle of Round 17 You wear me to block out all the sounds around you. Sometimes I'm used to prevent people from complaining about what you're listening to. Or I can be the object of ignoring someone you really don't like or goofing off in class. I'm a smart use and a pretty good buy. I come in all shapes, sizes, colors, designs, labels, brands and much much more. What product am I?
M i n u x e answered: "Headphones!" + 1 point.

First Riddle of Round 17
I show thousands and thousands of pictures. I have different channels and different times. I'm either really heavy, heavy, light or flat. I can be really expensive at times--you'll have to dig to find me cheaper. And while you're at it, pick the color you want too. I'm more evolved than just a stone rock picture viewer. What product am I?
LittleFiend answered: "Television!" + 1 point.

First Riddle of Round 18
He's cute, he's always in trouble and hurts his friend the mouse. This poor gray tom cat always gets the rough end of the stick. All he wants his mouse desor` and a little fish buffet. Through thick and thin his only friend is the mouse. They fight, they bicker, they get revenge at each other, but they are the best of friends. This little tom cat just wants food and love and his friend. It's quite charming indeed. What are the names of these two best friends?? + automatic 2 points
Sushi_Mew answered: "Tom&Jerry!" + 2 points.

Second Riddle of Round 18 (Hint given: There's a scene where the male vampire is in a hot tub with the hellan vampire he released.)
"My job was to interview this vampire and get the right story about his "career". I wasn't supposed to be bewitched or to say, fall in love with this so called vampire." - Female Character
Others are after him because of his exploits to his own kind. He wishes to expose all humanity to Vampires and piss them off. He sire was a male. They both guard a "secret" vampire that must not be released or get seduced upon. He unleased the hellan, now we must find a way to destroy her! Convens you must unite! What movie am I called and what his the name of the girl who fell in love with the Vampire? A Halloween Special: + automatic 2 points.
Lilianaire answered: "Queen of the Damned!" + 2 points.

Third Riddle of Round 18 (Hint given: The only friend of the couple that were killed and torn apart is, Sarah. A Little girl that always hung out with them. She obtains a cop friend that is basically around the whole time when "He" keeps appearing to kill the murders.)
My wife was stabbed and raped...I was killed in the process. My soul became enraged and filled with sorrow. My home was defiled and destroyed. I nowhere that I belong to, except for the grave of my beloved. I sore vengeance that I'll kill those bastards who tore my life apart, I've come back to live for that purpose. I appear when you least expect me, so, you better watch your back sinners, I'm coming to get you. What movie am I called and the male character in question? A Halloween Special: + automatic 2 points.Only those who have not gotten any points and not won a lollipop can answer this..
Remiem answered: "The Crow and Eric Draven!" + 2 points.

Second Riddle of Round 19
I can be loooong or I can be shooort. I'm usually made out of wool but I can be made out of silk, cotton, etc etc. I can make you look very stylish or keep you very warm. I'm good to have when theres an oncoming snow storm! I'm sold just about everywhere in stores that sell everything that you need. Come on, come now, buy me before winter is out! What am I?
Sushi_Mew answered: "Scarf!" + 1 point.

The Jokers
Ange 2 points - Windy 2 points - Azn 1 point - Stormy 1 point - Bbr 0 points - Dejagurl 2 point - Roxas 1 point - Suona 1 point
Omnomnomnom 1 point - Siti 1 point - Ry 1 point - Purple 1 point - Blood 1 point.

Joke Rounds SolvedX

Second Joke of Round 1
What did one Autumn leaf say to another?
Ange answered: "I'm falling for you!" + 1 point.

First Joke of Round 1
Which Garden has the most vegetables?
Winter Wind answered: "A Flash garden!" + 1 point.

Third Joke of Round 6
Who was the most famous French skeleton?
Ange answered: "A Napoleon bone-apart!" + 1 point.

First Joke of Round 6
Where does a ghost refuel his porche?
Azntwins answered: "At a ghastly station!" + 1 point.

Second Joke of Round 6
What do you get when you cross a vampire with the internet?
Stormy1 answered: "A blood-thirsty hacker baby!" + 1 point.

Third Joke of Round 7
Why did the Game Warden arrest the ghost?
Blueblackrose answered: "The ghost didn't have a haunting license!" + 1 point.

Third Joke of Round 8
Why do mummies have trouble keeping friends?
Winter Wind answered: "Because they're so wrapped up with themselves!" + 1 point.

Second Joke of Round 9
What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire?
Dejagurl answered: "Frostbite!" + 1 point.

First Joke of Round 9
Why do only 10% of men go to heaven?
Blueblackrose answered: "Because if they all went to Heaven it would be Hell!" + 1 point.

Third Joke of Round 9
How do crazy people go through the forest?
Roxas da Squirrel answered: "They take the phsycho path!" + 1 point.

Second Joke of Round 10
Why don't people like to eat next to basketball players?
Suona answered: "Dribbling!" + 1 point.

Third Joke of Round 12
Whats the one nice thing about people who are Egotists?
Omnomnomnom answered: "They don't talk about other people!" + 1 point.

Second Joke of Round 14
What do cats have for breakfast?
Blueblackrose answered: "Cat's eat Mice Krispies for breakfast!" + 1 point.

First Joke of Round 14
If fruit grows on a fruit tree, then what does chicken grow on?
Siti_Hajar answered: "Poultree (Poul-try)!" + 1 point.

Third Joke of Round 14
How do men exercise on the beach?
Rylynne answered: "By sucking in their tummies when they see a bikini-clad woman!" + 1 point.

Second Joke of Round 15
What's it called when you put a jack-in-a-box?
Purplejesseh answered: "A jack-in-a-box?!" + 1 point.

Third Joke of Round 15
Why is getting Christmas presents for your kids just like a day at the office?
Bloodstainedwings answered: "You do all the work, but all the credit goes to some old fat guy wearing a suit!" + 1 point.

The Coulda shoulda but didn't Riddles and jokes

Riddles and Jokes not SolvedX

Second Riddle of Round 3 (Hint given: This brand of water is made by Nestle`. (Re-read the Riddle to find a key word to its name)
I come in clear, I come in fresh! You can keep me warm or ice cold. I am pure quality and 100% natural. My bottle is made recyclable! And My logo is striking with hues of white and blue. What water brand am I?
M i r o answered: "Ice Mountain!"

First Joke of Round 3
Why did the bunk not like the rascal?
M i r o answered: "Because he drove it bonkers!"

First Joke of Round 5
What do undead children call their parents?
M i r o answered: "Batty and deady!"

Second Joke of Round 17
What flies around and helps people?
M i r o answered: "A Helidoctor!"

The Lollipop Prize

Lollipops rewardedX

1. Peppermint Lolly for Blueblackrose + 3 points right as a Riddler!
2. Strawberry Cream Lolly for Dejagurl + 3 points right as a Riddler!
3. Spearmint and Lemon Lolly for Dainty Cut Throat + automatic 3 points right as a Riddler!
4. Spooky Pumpkin Lolly for Blueblackrose + 3 points right as a Joker!
5. Spearmint and Lemon Lolly for Seito + 3 points right as a Ridldler!

...The End.
Thanks for participating, Happy D.O.T.D to all of you!
Freebie pixel of Nightmare Before Christmas Castle(mansion) created by M i r o.

Vanellope 11-02-2009 02:07 AM

  • *hopes Miro wont kill her* passed 9 so I can post? *puppy eyes*

M i r o 11-02-2009 02:09 AM

Of course you can post. XDD;; The game starting @ 9 had nuttin' to do with posting. (:

Of course there was a long server die for me. = - =

Vanellope 11-02-2009 02:10 AM

  • It was the website, right when I was about to post, it died lol

`F o a m 11-02-2009 02:13 AM

Ooo, this should be fun Mirro. (:

Vanellope 11-02-2009 02:14 AM

  • It will for me if I understand a little bit, I ain't good in riddles in english! lol

Azntwins 11-02-2009 02:14 AM

-noms on miro-
I liked the other avatar you had on! ; A ;
The one with the new CIs.

M i r o 11-02-2009 02:16 AM

@ Ange; I thought so, it was horrible! This hasn't happened since the last celest event. XDD;; (not the 09 one)

@ Foam; hahaa, I hope you guys like it. 83

@ Azn; LOL I will switch back! I'm just waiting to see the other new EI tomorrow to finish this scary outfit for the Avatar contest. :drool:

Azntwins 11-02-2009 02:17 AM

I liked how it matched your sig pic~ kinda. xD

Vanellope 11-02-2009 02:18 AM

  • yeah Celes Paradi 2008, I was there too lol

    and gawd those are riddles or jokes? lol

M i r o 11-02-2009 02:19 AM

@ Ange; I think their both. I will jumble it around with some jokes/riddles already made and some by myself. :ninja:

@ Azn; it kinda did, yes. xD

*edit;; There! I will have jokes and riddles together but you still can only do one of each question or riddle. Right now these are jokes.

Vanellope 11-02-2009 02:23 AM

  • do we have to answer to all 3?

M i r o 11-02-2009 02:24 AM

No, you can only answer one. xD You have to answer or get 3 right to get a lollipop every new round.

Vanellope 11-02-2009 02:25 AM

  • Second Riddle: What did one Autumn leaf say to another?

    my answer : I'm falling for you!

    edit : I hope I had the right to answer loll

M i r o 11-02-2009 02:27 AM

You solved it. ~ I shall update.

Azntwins 11-02-2009 02:27 AM

I was going to answer the second one. xD
-put it in google search-

Seito 11-02-2009 02:28 AM

miro miro *stalks miro* >3

Vanellope 11-02-2009 02:28 AM

  • Im trying to find the other ones for myself but seriously... o.o

M i r o 11-02-2009 02:29 AM

Rofl XDD I knew you guys will use google--so thats why I'm going to only give out these easy ones for a start. THEN THE GAME IS ON. :evil: <3


rhameil 11-02-2009 02:29 AM

Do I post the answer or send it to you in a message?

Vanellope 11-02-2009 02:29 AM

  • lol at the pumpkins, ROLIWEEN!

Azntwins 11-02-2009 02:31 AM

LOL. I love hetalia too~ <333
It's soo freggin' stupid and cute~ <3

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