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Rosebleed 11-01-2008 08:01 PM

+_+_+_+Rosebleeds Crypt And November CI give away Prize-page updated! (4 sets to give away!)_+_+_+
Ok, well I pretty much started this thread late in the event, I apologise.. I would have done it sooner but hey ho! I've been very busy D:

About me:
Anyway, My mene name is Rosebleed, my real name is Lisa. Call me what you like! (please refrain from calling me nasty names else i'll be forced to batter you with the giant spork.)
I work in costa coffee, they haven't reached the usa yet but are defo better than starbucks. but enough of work! We're here to have fun, which is why i'm doing a give-away.
To business!

The Give-Away
Well its pretty simple. The first person to post on the following pages will each get 1 x November CI set.
Page 15 won by Hadsvich
Page 25
page 35
page 50

Wow i'm in a generous mood :o 4 lucky people could have a free ci set by the end of the event!

Play nice, be friendly, chat with me because I get bored easily! And remember, I live in the uk so my time difference will be different to some of you guys. D:

LillieRose 11-01-2008 08:10 PM

Rosie!We actually have a Costa coffee in my city! xDDD

No Starbuck's though...

Rosebleed 11-01-2008 08:13 PM

Ohh really? *is really relieved someone came in would have felt really stupid if the thread was an entire flop*

Do you live in england... or where? (if you dont mind me asking)

Bleh, starbucks are going down xD

LillieRose 11-01-2008 08:16 PM,I live in Serbia. ^^
Eastern to Central Europe.

We just got it recently,but man do I love their mocca chocolate... *drools*

Heehee...seems like people have been less active...I'm trying to figure out what to spend my candy apples on. xD

Taiya Rei 11-01-2008 08:17 PM

*suddenly pops in*
Hello peopleee~ 8D


LillieRose 11-01-2008 08:19 PM

*waves to the newcomer*

Haiii. ^^

How are ya?

Rosebleed 11-01-2008 08:19 PM

Ohh yes, I heard they were opening some there. We're spreading like a wildfire.. Lol!

Yeah, I guess the event is losing some of the fun now that people are used to it. I'm still trying to get much more candy cones *pokes the tricksters* ¬.¬

I spent all my apples on the kuran? (I cant spell it) ha.

Edit* Whoops, hello there Taiya ^_^ How are you xD

LillieRose 11-01-2008 08:22 PM

And you have found just the right place. ^^
Serbians are furious coffee drinkers. xDDD

Yeah,I still have 28 more to spend...but on whut?I bought striped stockings,and those horns and tails...maybe a dress? xD

Clair Voyant 11-01-2008 08:22 PM

Hello, mind if I stay and chat. Rosebleed, that was uber super nice of you to have a give away! ^__^

sweetly25 11-01-2008 08:23 PM

-walks in-

Hello everyone

Rosebleed 11-01-2008 08:27 PM

LillieRose: Heh! well I like coffee just not overly so. Ohh yes the tribal bits are nice and the hairpins, just fab <3

@Clair: I like giving things away.. Though its like a bad habbit. >.<

@ Sweetly Hello! How are you?

God I'm so slow at posting. I always forget that i'm here.

LillieRose 11-01-2008 08:28 PM

Haiii new people! ^^

Sweet,I love the glitch!!! <333

Clair Voyant 11-01-2008 08:28 PM

@ Rosebleed:: Well, I give away, too, and I know what you mean. I'm here just to chat.

How are you today? ^_^

Taiya Rei 11-01-2008 08:28 PM

@LilieRose: Helloo~~ 8D
I'm finee~ x3
Though, I should be studing for a math exam orz
...& doing homeworks... but~ naah~ I want to be on the halloween event xDD

@sweetly: Helloo there 8D

Rosebleed 11-01-2008 08:32 PM

@ Clair :-3 I'm glad but hey, its just fun!
I'm fine thankyou, been having a lazy day off from work. Which is unusual xD I usually end up getting called in
@Taiya the events are far more interesting, maths stinks sometimes >.<

Clair Voyant 11-01-2008 08:34 PM

@ Rosebleed:: I'm unemployed, but I've had lazy days, myself. ^_^

LillieRose 11-01-2008 08:34 PM

I dun like math... >_<
I had to retake math in the third year of high school...since I sucked. xD

Rosie: I never drink more than one cup a day. ^^
I'm a tea person.
But people here really do drink a lot of coffee. xD

Rosebleed 11-01-2008 08:38 PM

@Clair : That sucks, I remember being unemployed, and I can honestly say they were the worst days of my life. I got so depressed in those times! Lol. But hey, the past is just that; the past.
¬.¬ where did that little speech come from! I'm mildly surprised xD lol

@ lillie: heh, I prefer tea too.

How are you guys finding the event? I'm looking forward to christmas, though thats been fading since they started playing christmas songs at work.. lol...

Hadsvich 11-01-2008 08:40 PM

Hiya, all! :)
How where your Halloweens??

How nice of you to do a giveaway, Rosebleed. =3

Strawberry Octopus 11-01-2008 08:41 PM

I need help with the last two clues. ._.

Clair Voyant 11-01-2008 08:41 PM

@ Rosebleed:: Uh, I don't mind being unemployed. Where I am in life, I don't really need a job for a few years more. I'm still quite young, but I'm looking for a job.

LillieRose 11-01-2008 08:42 PM

I'm loving the multiequip EIs. ^^
But it took me a while to figure out the trick or treat part. xD

Might be a bit slow on reply,I'm remaking my avi. ^^

Rosebleed 11-01-2008 08:42 PM

Hello Hadsvich!
Halloween has been fine here, I went and watched the new bond film instead of going out this year so its been different. xD
Thanks, it was just a spur of the moment thing :gonk:

Edit: @ clair as long as your happy thats great!

@Strawberry, mail me and i'll give you some tips.. I wont say it here.

@lillie Ya avatar looks fab!I 'm getting the urge for a spludge on the items :gonk: but I must refrain. its the give-back aution soon.

burden of love 11-01-2008 08:47 PM

*skips in* @Rosebleed-You live in the UK? What time is it over there? I like your avi, it's pretty hardcore.

@Lillie-Coffee is bad fo da teefs!

Hadsvich 11-01-2008 08:47 PM

@StrawberryOctopus: The second to last item currently is where you can see the newest post easily.

And the last one has to with a magical ____ that sells magical stuff. lol

@Rosebleed: lol I see, all I did was stay at home and give out candies to trick or treaters. :P It was kind of dull.

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