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Kat Dakuu 05-10-2016 12:00 AM

The Night's Music
The last sweet notes of the violin hummed over Gage's ears. He held still five seconds more, letting the world slowly wash back in. Insects buzzed outside and the murmurs of conversation downstairs reminded him of his parents and the hour. No sun warmed the right side of his face, so he shifted, turning in the direction of his window. One foot of distance between chair and window--he reached out, fingering the plane of glass and finding it cool. So it was night then. He must have been playing for an hour then. With practiced ease, he felt for the violin's case where it rested against his foot and put the instrument away.

The insect noise called his attention again. Listening carefully, he separated the sound of crickets from a moth thumping against his window sill, so soft, but loud to his sensitive ears. It would be a good night for a fly. Keeping one hand on the wall, he walked through his room and to the hall, stopping three paces from the stair top. He didn't even need to count, his body knowing the layout by heart even if his eyes did not.

"Mom!" he called. The conversation silenced in an instant. Rustles--they were at the kitchen table and now turned toward him. "I'm going out for a few hours. I'll be back."

"Okay honey. Be back before morning."

No more restriction than that. So different from the rules during the day, but then, at night, his sightless eyes didn't matter. Returning to his bedroom, he stripped without pause and threw open the window. Cool air met him, but nothing to make him shiver. No pause, no preamble. He just let himself fall into the night air.

A second later, his form shifted and a tiny bat circled back up toward the sky. The darkness opened up below him, revealing homes, gardens, the insects, cars, and a long lonely street edged by woods. This was his world. Sometimes he hated being blind, but when he flew as a bat, the world he 'saw' then almost made up for it.

batting his wings, he swooped toward the trees, intending to hunt for a little snack.


star2000shadow 05-10-2016 12:14 AM

Asha's fingers stilled on the harp he was practicing on his eye's closed to block out any distractions as he mentally ran overt he beats of the notes in his head. blinking his eyes open he was surprised to find that the sun had set, stretching he rose from his seat and moved to the window of his motel, rented until the apartment he'd come up for was cleared out in four weeks time, at the end of the month. Breathing in he tasted the air in his mouth and grabbing up a empty nap sack which would hold his clothes and key's later he stepped out of the motel room locking up the door and starting in a easy jog towards the edge of town and the woods that had drawn him there. Asha had moved there to join up with a musician company. he'd meet with them in a couple of days. but for right now it was time to shift one form and run in another. with senses even more acute then they where now. he easily made it into the woods and didn't need the flash light he'd packed for 'show' as his eyes dilated. not quite as much as they would later but for right then more then a humans could. his braid made a soft thumping noise against his back as he made his way into the woods. once he was far enough in the woods that he didn't have to worry about someone walking across him mid shift or worse when he was in his feline form.. he set his bag on the ground and began shedding his clothes. a shiver running through him.
not of cold but more of excitement. once he'd shifted forms, a white panther stood where he'd been with silver gray rosettes showing here and there in his fur. in human form he was five foot even, in feline form he was a tad longer then that. gathering the bag with his things in it into his mouth he crouched and jumped up into the tree, claws digging in until he reached a good spot to leave his bag, then he dropped back down to the ground and took off at a trot into the night air.

Kat Dakuu 05-10-2016 02:38 AM

With echolocation, Gage dipped and swooped between the trees with the ease that seeing people moved through streets of cars. It was the closest he could get to that sensation. Even being a hybrid with developed senses, he could never pretend to be like the other kids. No, that was one thing he could never be.

In the middle of snatching up mosquitoes, Gage detected movement below. He turned, finding a creature in mid-trek through the woods normally devoid of large wildlife besides deer. A panther? He circled again, taking in a full picture of the forest floor just to be sure. He'd come in closer for a better range, but he couldn't deny it now. A large cat prowled where it did not belong. Coming here as often as he did, he would know if cats roamed this near to the city. He didn't consider himself a curious individual, but he found himself following the panther in lazy circles anyway. Maybe he just needed something like an adventure, being that poor disabled kid that couldn't go out of the house alone because he refused to use a cane. He managed just fine without. Still, he couldn't bring himself to confront the anomaly in the forest.

star2000shadow 05-10-2016 02:42 AM

Asha Moved through the woods on silent feet, when he was deep enough he begain to hunt around for a deer, using it both for food and a way to streatch his muscles. when he caught the scent of one he begain the process of prowlign through the woods, ears twitching as he cau ght the sound of a bat. but as bats made bad food he ignore dit. it was probalby just curious. when he was close neough instead of staying on the gorund, asha headed up into the branches of the trees, crouching down h e shifted his weight then lunghed off of the branch and dropped onto the doe's back.. the fight wans't very long. and a few minutes later Asha was dragging the doe back towards his clothes. he'd eat a good deal in this form but bring the rest back to his room to put into the fridge and small frezzer so that he had some food and didn't have to hunt.

Kat Dakuu 05-10-2016 04:04 AM

The doe started to run, but it didn't have a chance. Being caught alone, it didn't have the herd to alert it when it dipped its head down to graze on the fine grasses. A cat shouldn't be in the forest anyway. It probably didn't know it could be prey to anything besides cars. Taking a rest on a tree branch, Gage couldn't help the pang in his heart. His little sister took the form of a deer. One day she might roam these woods, so unaware of a hungry cat. He went silent at the thought, forgetting to echolocate for seconds. When he did, the cat moved on and he almost missed the creature dragging the doe back the way it came rather than up a tree like panthers tended to do.

Feeling curious once again, he climbed up the branches so he could take flight again, working hard in tight circles to gain height once again. Bat wings just didn't work like bird's. Trailing behind, he continued to follow the panther if only because nothing like this ever happened.

star2000shadow 05-10-2016 10:24 AM

Asha drug the doe up tot he foot of the tree his clothes where in, then turning he made his way up the tre eleaving hte doe for amoment on the forest floor, snagged his bag with his clothes and dropped back down next to the doe. before he shifted human. and started working on gutting th eanimal putting all the parts he'd want to eat there in one pile and pulling out the paper wrapin his bag that neve rleft for trips like this to wrap up chunks of meat so it didn't bleed all over the inside of his bag, or the fridge. when he was done skinning and cutting up the meat and putting it into his bag, he shifted to feline form to dig a shallow grave in the earth near his tree where he'd burry the does remains, mostly what he coudln't eat such as the bones. if the doe had smelled of anything other then a normal deer, he'd of left it laone and gone on to a different one.. but it smelled like a nomral deer with no human scents attatched to it so he'd felt no reservations on jumping onto the doe.

Kat Dakuu 05-10-2016 04:41 PM

Gage settled on a tree branch, not too far from the bag of clothes. The panther didn't seem to notice him even when it took the bag and jumped back down. Very curious. He couldn't deny it now. He was very curious about this other animal. When the panther turned into a human though, he couldn't help the shock. A part of him considered this option at the sight of the bag, but he didn't let himself believe it until the echoes painted a perfect human picture below him. Which left one question. Reveal himself or not?

Of course his mother would chide him for the strange contact. He should be wary of his weakness, like he wasn't already so very, very aware. Gage fluttered down into a bush more than a yard away and retook his human form. He couldn't see anymore, but with his ears and nose, he followed the other's movements, waiting for some kind of sign to answer his question.

star2000shadow 05-10-2016 04:49 PM

Asha stilled as he heard leaves russtling and as there was no brezze, he turned towards the sound, for a mom ent disregarding his eyes as he focused on sound and scent. 'oh its the little bat..' he tilted his head frowning. now why had it flown over there was it stuck? he left his kill and padded for the bush. of course then he got the scent of human and backed up wairy. right. sh ape shifter. he'd just assumed the little bat was some persons pet and had gotten free..hell he wans't one to return animals that oculd fend forthemselves to owners who'd let them get lose in the first place. he hadn't thought it'd be another shifter. "Hello?" his tone was wary and he backed up a few more steps. at five foot even Asha was not the most intimidating figure. add in delicate bonstructure and he really didn't 'look' intimidating at all but he still tried to make hims voice sound it. he REALLY did NOT want any issues. he hadn't known this was someone elses area or he'ld of not hu nted there. he'd of gone further into the woods to do so.

Kat Dakuu 05-11-2016 05:37 PM

Hunched over as he was, Gage didn't look like much of a threat. Not that he'd been trying. At the sound of the voice, he snapped his head to the side, almost perfectly meeting the other's gaze through the branches though he didn't know it himself. To others, it often seemed that way, but he only met gazes because he looked in the direction of noise. It seemed people liked to think their gaze was being met. Tense because of the intimidation, he swallowed hard and took a second to answer. Just what sort of person did he confront? What was their purpose here? Could he escape from a panther, human or bat form? Though a part of him wanted to be afraid, he squashed the feeling, leaving his heart beat even and easy to hear over. "You're a shifter." Not a question or an introduction. He just stated the one fact.

star2000shadow 05-11-2016 07:11 PM

Asha blinked. backing up a few more steps and set to bolt. "So are you.. if this was your hunting grounds I apologize for invading them.." best not to ruffle feathers, or in this case wings.. he really didn't need the local shifter's to be mad at him..or worse to decide he was some ty pe of threat. he took another cautious step back. "I'll just finish gutting the deer and leave.." he refused to waist the doe's life like that. she'd died to feed him he didn't believe in wasting food. 'what if he tells them I invaded their territory i could end up run out of town and then what am i going to do..' he'd left his own pard because it had been stifling. the idea of being run out of his new home ..

Kat Dakuu 05-12-2016 01:45 AM

Gage's muscles hurt from their tenseness. He blinked his eyes, kept them closed for a few seconds. It sounded like...the other shifter retreated? Smell wasn't his strong sense, but the tone of voice revealed a hint of fear he didn't sense before. Wasn't this guy intimidating? He should be. A bat versus a panther? That wasn't even a battle, just a joke.

"I thought you finished already," he murmured back, thinking about the blood and gut smell that filled the air as he gutted the animal. The scent still filled the air and made it impossible to discern anything else with his nose. He shouldn't have landed. It seemed his presence wasn't welcome and not used to socializing, Gage didn't know how to smooth that over. "Are you a panther? Or maybe a lynx? Similar size...." He paused. "I'm a bat. What does it matter if I hunt bugs here?"

star2000shadow 05-12-2016 04:00 AM

Asha shifted nervously from one foot to the other. "It matters because i don't want to anger the shifters of the area off.. I'd rather not have to leave the city seeing as i just got here and spent all the money i had to my name to do so.." then he answered the other comment. "I wasn't done, i don't waste the meat of an animal I've killed. it's just rude. it gave its life so i could eat the least i can do is not waist any of it."

Kat Dakuu 05-12-2016 11:18 PM

Gage didn't think this guy was making any sense, but then, he'd never met another shifter besides his family. They weren't common since only pure bloods retained the ability to shift most of the time. Only in rare occurrences did children born between shifters and a human mother become shifters. And the humans hardly knew they even existed. "Why would we care? I don't." Strange, that he offered any opinions so quickly to another person. Gage stretched, finally coming all the way out of the bush without seeming to care he was unclothed. Embarrassment was taught and reactive, something hard to feel initially without eyes. "Should I just leave?"

star2000shadow 05-13-2016 03:31 AM

Asha blinked then swallowed. "I..No this is your area.. I just didn't' want to cause problems." Asha frowned as he studied the other's eyes. then decided to just go back to what he was doing, carefully warping the meat he'd been cutting up into the meat packing paper to keep it clean and from bleeding all over the inside of his bag. once he was done with that he finished tanning the hide and folded that up, he'd find somewhere to sun it and cure it so it didn't rot later. then he shifted form and went back to his dinner leaving not a drop of food behind though there was nothing he could do about the scent of blood but that would fade in a few days.

tilting his head Asha glanced back at Gage then. "My names Asha." his voice was cautious but at least he was tryign to connect to the other. "What's yours?" then he reconsidered. he probably should of waited on asking th eother' sname. what if he made him uncomfortable? 'idiot.'

Kat Dakuu 05-13-2016 04:25 PM

Not wanting to reveal he was blind to a potentially dangerous stranger, Gage resisted the urge to tap his bracelet. His ears strained, wanting so bad to locate everything around him though. Was the other shifter staring at him? He'd developed a sense to tell, but in a moment of self consciousness, it always felt that way and no way to prove it. Reaching with a hand, he found the tree trunk and smoothed his fingers over the bark. With a glance toward it, just for show, he shifted over until he could crouch with his back against it. At least this way his back was protected and he knew at least one thing near him. He could still hear the other moving around.

The other's voice startled him out of his thoughts. Even if he worried over him, being reminded he actually existed still startled Gage. It took him a second to respond so he could make sure that didn't show in his voice. "Gage." He hummed. Though it might be pointless to share. He wouldn't make friends and they would probably not see each other again. "Did you finish the deer?" he asked, confused by the varying noises.

star2000shadow 05-13-2016 05:51 PM

Asha shifted human again."Yes I have it packed away in the bag I tend to carry such things in that way i don't waist the meat and I only ever have to hunt every couple of nights. it keeps me from over hunting in smaller areas, and keeps me from being noticed by humans in larger area's.."

Kat Dakuu 05-14-2016 04:36 PM

Gage hummed. At least that placed all the noises for him. It was strange to converse like this though. Most people would call on him for being strange by now, noting how his eyes didn't quite match theirs all the time, or how he tilted his head to listen better rather than see. Either Asha didn't care, or didn't notice. He couldn't be sure which. "Why do you need to hunt anyway?" he asked. "I'm sure you can just go to the store." Unlike Gage, but then, his parents could do that. He only came outside like this because otherwise he'd never be able to. Seeing the world in his bat form helped him navigate it as a human. Or that's the excuse he used.

star2000shadow 05-14-2016 08:46 PM

Asha glanced up. "Have you ever tried staying inside on a nice night. when all you could think of was spreading your wings and flying?" he inquired. "Its the same for me. that and Hunting and eating like this is a lot cheaper then buying all the meat when you've yet to fully have a job. I just moved here and joined some orchestra or band thing. I'll be meeting them tomorrow but until then I've had no food except what i can hunt. and besides doing it like this keep's me from getting restless. I'd rather not shift forms when around normal people. a large Panther isn't exactly something that would be welcomed anywhere in the city." he stood up and tugged the backpack onto his shoulders. his own head tilted as he kept track of the other by sound rather then looking at him as he worked. it was as automatic to him as someone with less keen hearing keeping their eyes on someone. he didn't react to the other's head tilting because he assumed that was what he was doing. keeping track of Asha while looking for any other possible dangers.

Kat Dakuu 05-15-2016 03:37 PM

Gage kept his mouth shut, not offering any response back at first. He didn't think it was the same for him; he wasn't like anyone. Anyway, even a single animal couldn't continue to hunt big game here for long. The supply just wasn't that plentiful. Better to just stick to a rice and beans diet. "Whatever," he muttered after almost a minute, then paused at the thought of music. He could say that he played many instruments. He could ask what Asha played and if this was the orchestra that his mother once took him to listen to, where he picked out the violin and bass and harpsichord notes like they were individual living animals. But Gage didn't say any of those things. He just turned away toward the tree tops. "I should go back."

star2000shadow 05-15-2016 05:31 PM

Asha glanced back at him. "Alright." his voice was quite and polite as he 'felt' the other pull away. "It was nice meeting you Gage." and it had been. but apparently he made the other uncomfortable. he didn't mean to.. but he did. 'Well what did you expect. your a meat eater.. and he's a bat..' "have a nice night."

Kat Dakuu 05-17-2016 05:16 PM

Gage hesitated. A part of him didn't expect Asha to back down so easily. He was pulling away and the other boy let him oh so easily. It was strange and nice and also bad at the same time. He was stubborn though so once he started pulling away, he'd continue through with the action. He dipped his head in a farewell he didn't even know if Asha was looking in the right direction to see. "Bye. It was nice," he echoed. But it wasn't like he needed friends right now so leaving was best. Even if he might want to ask about the orchestra and music. He just didn't. Feeling along the tree's trunk, he found a low branch and climbed up. Without another word, just a last glance down, he took his bat form and flew away.

star2000shadow 05-17-2016 08:33 PM

Asha watched him go, feeling a bit of sadness, he should of asked the other if he wanted to come to his hotel room..wanted to come talk. something. 'stupid.' he was so used to being alone that it was almost hard to reach out.. shaking his head he pulled his bag onto his shoulders and made the trek home. or well to his current home until he found a house or apartment he liked anyways. letting himself into the room he shrugged out of the backpack and began stacking the meat into the fridge. where most would of had soda and such, him he had stacks of meat. once done he shut the small fridge door and put his bag on the small table under the window which he cracked open, then he flopped down onto the bed and stared up at the ceiling. 'Stupid stupid stupid, you should of reached out to him..its not like you don't need friends here. someone who knows his way around would be a good idea.'

Kat Dakuu 05-18-2016 04:37 PM

Gage flew in his open bedroom window and dropped down on the floor. So what if he met another shifter? His heart shouldn't beat a little louder, making it hard to hear with his ears. As he took his human form again, he took in a deep breath to settle the feeling away. That's all it took and he was normal again. Picking up the clothes he left over the back of his chair, he dressed again and turned toward the hall with the ease he could only have in his own home and the mall, places he knew so well it didn't matter if he was blind.

The shuffle to his right alerted him, though he expected it anyway. "You're home early. The parents are still up, so they'll ask questions if you go down," his little sister hummed. He turned toward her voice, knowing already that she sat against the wall opposite her bedroom door which sat opposite his, with the stairs in between.

"I was thirsty." Gage wasn't sure if that was an excuse for why he wanted to go downstairs or why he came home early. Maria didn't ask, though she no doubt formed an opinion. Though only twelve, she was already so independent and bright. Perhaps because she was a deer she grew up so fast.

"I'll get it for you." As her footsteps reached the stairs, she leaned closer so he could feel her shoulder-length fluff of hair against his arm. "Ready for the mall trip tomorrow? Remember our plan, kay."

Gage suppressed a small sigh, but nodded his head for her benefit. "Yeah." With that, she bounced down the stairs and he moved to wait by his door, more than ready for the next day.

star2000shadow 05-18-2016 08:11 PM

Asha rubbed his face as he moved into the mall he'd gotten directions from the motel desk clerk. and now he stared at the place with a bit apprehension. 'just ignore others' he walked into the mall and began looking for the stores he needed so he cold get a few more outfits. specifically for going to his first night of practice and 'get to know everyone.' well the place was..interesting that was fore sure but he felt a tad over whelmed. 'wouldn't' be so bad if i knew someone here..' but he didn't. in his nervousness he back to humm low under his throat the notes carrying clearly through any of the stores he was in. Asha had a very pretty voice. one that could re vibrate through the air with an odd lilt to it. not that he sang a lot he believed he sounded like a Dying horse. which wasn't the case. he much preferred playing instruments.. which was how he ended up in a instrument store. moving through the displayed instruments. he found a violin and didn't really think. He picked it up and began playing it. the music flowed out of the store and into the mall proper.

Kat Dakuu 05-18-2016 11:44 PM

Like every other week on Sunday, Gage's family went to the mall. It was a tradition they'd been doing since Maria was born. It was suggestion from a counselor--go out, find one place that could be all theirs to be completely normal. And it worked. Sure the mall changed and kiosks came and went, but having come here his entire life, Gage could walk with freedom. His parents too could let him. Maria of course drove their parents insane though, wanting to be independent and making their parents more protective. Though that overprotective streak might be his fault.

Maria let go of Gage's hand by the fountain in the food court. Their deal? To not watch over each other. "So we'll meet back here in thirty minutes," she said, her voice light and easy to pick out over the general din of the courtyard. And the smells. Oh lord the smell of this place. He reveled for a second before nodding his head.

"Don't spend all your allowance in one place," he hummed and mimicry of responsibility before he turned away, knowing Maria was already racing off. It wasn't like he wouldn't do that same if he could run off like her. Tapping his bracelet, he headed for the music store on the second floor, between the shoe and the candle store whose fragrance always alerted him to its presence. A few of the small shops next to it though, he wasn't sure what were.

Not far from the music store, he heard something. Gage stopped in the center of the hall, not even doing his echolocation. He didn't need that now, wanting to focus with his ears. He thought he heard a faint melody, but it stopped. He moved closer, unsure why. It was just interesting and a little intricate. No doubt he wouldn't find new music to suit that kind of taste anyway, so he followed the melody. A few yards later, it picked up again, but this time as violin. He found himself finding the edge of a store opening with his hand where he stopped, listening to the music coming from inside.

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