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x-cutie-x-pie-x 04-19-2008 05:05 PM

Happy earth day! First non sticky thread. ;P Page prizes? ;]
[edited after it was official I got first thread. xD]
come hangout and stuff. x]
Page Prizes
Page prizes for those who are here! ^^
20g[not a lot but still,] For every first and last poster on every ten pages. ^^
page ten; Sasa, : D
Pick ups
So I got bored and made an earth lolly. Don't steal other users and the names are down the right hand side. ;]

sad_girlformat 04-19-2008 05:06 PM

-steals post-

Happy earth day!

x-cutie-x-pie-x 04-19-2008 05:07 PM


Melody 04-19-2008 05:07 PM

*is proud* XD

x-cutie-x-pie-x 04-19-2008 05:08 PM

yay Melody is here as well! -luffles-

Pearl 04-19-2008 05:09 PM

No, my thread was first >.>

I think. xD

x-cutie-x-pie-x 04-19-2008 05:10 PM

Hai pearl. <3
I dunno who was first. The first three threads were seconds apart. x]

KatMagenta 04-19-2008 05:11 PM

I could have made a thread, but I didn't have anything to say XD

Cami 04-19-2008 05:11 PM

No, I had first!

Wait... I don't have a nonstickied thread.


x-cutie-x-pie-x 04-19-2008 05:12 PM

I logged out of msn to have an irritation-free-rest-of-the-day. x]

sad_girlformat 04-19-2008 05:12 PM

congratz for first non-sticky thread? XD

x-cutie-x-pie-x 04-19-2008 05:13 PM

We're still unsure who it was, but who cares. x]
One of the first non sticky threads. ;P

Cami 04-19-2008 05:13 PM

XD MSN is only open for me because that's how staff likes to communicate. I used to be really into messengers, but then I quit them cold turkey and only got back to them very recently.

x-cutie-x-pie-x 04-19-2008 05:14 PM

Ooh. Staff have msn. x]

KatMagenta 04-19-2008 05:16 PM

I quit msn too before recently coming back to it. It's nice to talk to people who I used to go to school with but I don't use it a lot.

Staff are people too Pie XD

x-cutie-x-pie-x 04-19-2008 05:17 PM

Yeah, I didn't know they would have msn to talk to each other. x]

KatMagenta 04-19-2008 05:19 PM

Oop, I skimmed over too fast.

I guess it's so you can have group conversations and instant replies and whatnot.

Cami 04-19-2008 05:19 PM

XD It's one of our little known secrets. Mwheheheheheh

sad_girlformat 04-19-2008 05:19 PM

From what I saw when I came in here, it's you're thread for sure.
It's the only thread around when I'm in here.

didn't know that too... > >;

x-cutie-x-pie-x 04-19-2008 05:20 PM

Staff hide secrets? ;-;
sasa; yay? C:

KatMagenta 04-19-2008 05:21 PM

There were no threads at all other than the stickies when I first came in to poke Pie's contest.

*pokes this thread too*

Cami 04-19-2008 05:21 PM

Go number 1! XD

Oh, there is so much you don't know, little one. /wrings hands and laughs evilly/

x-cutie-x-pie-x 04-19-2008 05:23 PM

kaat. Cami is scaring me! D:

sad_girlformat 04-19-2008 05:24 PM

XDDD you guys~

Cami 04-19-2008 05:25 PM

Well, don't worry. Just because I'm evil doesn't mean the staff is evil. >D

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