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BlackCart29 02-15-2011 02:51 AM

Uni Students Valentines Hangout
The V-Day 2011 spot for uni students


TaiyoTsuki 02-15-2011 02:58 AM

FIRST POST IS MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HappyStarr 02-15-2011 03:04 AM

Hey there!

Alaunt 02-15-2011 03:04 AM

Heh heh . . . This looks like a nice spot. How is everyone?

HappyStarr 02-15-2011 03:05 AM

Tired. Kind of sick. I have a headache. And I'm supposed to be drawing, but my head hurts too much to concentrate. :gonk:

Alaunt 02-15-2011 03:07 AM

Ouch. I hate it when that happens.

greendragon06 02-15-2011 03:11 AM

Hello fellow university students! Hope your headache goes away soon Starr!

HappyStarr 02-15-2011 03:12 AM

Thanks! Me, too. D; I made some Green Tea, so hopefully that will aid it.

Alaunt 02-15-2011 03:13 AM

Yeah. I haven't been feeling well either, so I also made some tea . . . I'm on my second cup and I think that I'll be making another in just a few.

HappyStarr 02-15-2011 03:15 AM

Yay! Tea solves so many problems! I'm just worried I might be getting a sinus infection, 'cause I know my eyes have felt goopy for a few days already. =/

TaiyoTsuki 02-15-2011 03:23 AM

Ugh, that's not fun. I've been there before, so I know your pain.

Alaunt 02-15-2011 03:23 AM

Yikes. Goopy isn't fun. Not at all. And tea does work wonders!

Here's what happened to me. Oh, and I've edited out a portion of the post I made earlier.


Dissections have always made me queasy, no matter what, but we were dissecting dogfish (a shark) and they smell really bad. Add into that the preservative liquid, formaldehyde, that the shark was airlocked with that found its way into the sharks body. That doesn't smell good either. Anyway, the shark itself was making everyones eyes, noses and throats irritated.

Dissection + shark smell + formaldehyde + already uneasy with cramps stomach = Alaunt in agonizing pain with coughs that itch and a stomach that feels like it should hurl with every cough, but doesn't.

Wynna 02-15-2011 03:26 AM

Hey everyone, I'm a 2nd year University student. I love the event so far, I just have a quiz, a mid-term and an assignment due this week. So its going be really freakin' hard to balance Mene and uni life, but whatever. How is everyone doing tonight?

Alaunt 02-15-2011 03:26 AM

OMG! WYNNA! *tackleglomphugs* Where have you been!

TaiyoTsuki 02-15-2011 03:39 AM

@ Wynna: finishing up a speech......=_=

@ Alaunt: ick...that doesn't sound ALL.

Alaunt 02-15-2011 03:47 AM

It isn't. And I'm still coughing . . . a lot.

ReineDeLaSeine14 02-15-2011 03:49 AM

Hey guys! Going to take me a while to catch up as I have been without a computer all weekend. My dad's been in the hospital with a nasty infection but he's coming home tomorrow! I had to go home and help my mom with our four insane dogs and it was pretty fun actually :D Hope everyone had a great night; I watched TV and ate candy...a normal night for me!

BlackCart29 02-15-2011 03:57 AM

haha, I see everyone is settling into the holiday thread nicely!

ReineDeLaSeine14 02-15-2011 04:05 AM

*ruffles feathers and settles down*

Now just to lay my egg...

TaiyoTsuki 02-15-2011 04:07 AM

@ Cart: That we are.

@ Reine: :shock:

HappyStarr 02-15-2011 04:24 AM

Alaunt: That sounds HORRIBLE. I hope you feel better soon.

Alaunt 02-15-2011 04:28 AM

Yeah. And my coughs are actually getting worse. I just hope that I'll be good and well enough to head into work tomorrow . . .


I'm also going to head off to bed. Night!

ReineDeLaSeine14 02-15-2011 04:29 AM

Rest well Alaunt. Goodnight!

TaiyoTsuki 02-15-2011 04:38 AM

Night Alaunt.

Wynna 02-15-2011 04:46 AM

Sorry I entered, said hello and like peaced. I was doing a wordsearch...but now I gotta go to bed, have clinical tomorrow morning have to get up really early. But I'll make sure to drop by and actually chat with you all then. Nitey-o!

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