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xserenityxninax 04-28-2015 12:39 AM

Unpacted love ((starxserenity))
Name: Shin Sohma
Race: Angel
Bio: Shin is angel one of the best in heaven Shin is handsome man but in truth he is the coldest angel but deep down he is a kind man. Shin as been angel for years but in life he lost someone close to him but he never talks about it.
Personality: Cold,serious,kind deep down

Name: Minako Hatsune
Age: 20
Bio: Minako is in collage she wants to become a writer. Minako favorite color is blue she loves the sea. Minako is a quiet girl she always alone but she is kind towards her friends she loves to read about the wolfs.
personality: Sweet,Kind, Shy,

sailor star rainbow 04-28-2015 01:16 AM

Name:Kobato Isumi
Age: 24
Race: Human
Bio: Kobato is a young lady that works in a flower shop. she also go's to college to learn to try become a pastry chef. is she kind yet quite,scared of most bugs. yet she is really fun person to be around. she believes in angels since she was a kid.
Personality:Funloving,kind bit of scaredy cat

Name:Haji Kiyo
Race: Werewolf
Bio: Haji has been werewolf for many years. he rarely talks to many people but once in a while. he will try find someone talk with him. as long they promise not say anything about his pointy teeth.
Personality:Cool,hotheaded and outgoing

xserenityxninax 04-28-2015 01:29 AM

Shin was in his home on Earth he was on a mission to rid the world of demons he knew it was a tough mission but was the best. Shin is a teacher at some college and he was cold to everyone but serious all the time. Shin was in his teacher outfit and he put on his glasses and head for his work and he drove to work and parked his car in a parking spot and got out and sigh and girls loved him even though he was cold. Shin got to his office as in the classroom he waited for his students to come in.

Minako was outside she was in the park she had to get up early in the morning take something to her grandmother she later went to the park to work on her story and working on a paper for her class for Mr Shin. Minako stopped writing and looked up at the blue sky and thought it was a beautiful day.

sailor star rainbow 04-28-2015 01:44 AM

Kobato was busy at the flower shop working on a flower arrangement. that a customer had order before she came in. later on today she would have go to her baking class. as well a class about pastry chef's history. too bad her course's did not have English class. are she would like to try be in Mr.Shin's class. every girl at their college wanted to be with the hottie teacher. but she doubt he would want to date any of them.

Haji is talking a walk around the city. he starts to walk into the park to see if anything had changed. recently since winter is now gone spring is here. that is till summer comes along at least. he did not have to worry too much about his fur. since he only changed into werewolf on full moon nights. he alway's planned ahead of them. he stays in a house in the forest away from the town. it's at least 20 miles away hidden deep in the forest. so no one would hear him.

xserenityxninax 04-28-2015 01:49 AM

Shin was looking through his papers and put on his glasses even though he didn't need them. Shin looked at the window and looked up at the sky and sigh and he as not felt any demons at this school and he is wondering about his mission.

Minako got up and put her notebook in her bag and walked down the path she kept thinking how she will finish her paper for her English class by next week and then she bumped into someone and she fell down and rubbed her but a bit and said "ow that hurt." Minako looked up at the man and he had red hair.

sailor star rainbow 04-28-2015 02:03 AM

"I'm sorry are you all right miss? do you need a wet washcloth?" Haji ask the lady he had bump into. by mistake he got distracted while looking around. he offer a hand to the lady so he would not be rude. he smiles at her wondering if she was sent from above? she is really cute looking.

Kobato keeps working while once in a while. having to answer the phone to take some orders down. sometimes tell the person on the other,end. how much it would cost if they still wanted it.

xserenityxninax 04-28-2015 02:14 AM

Minako looked at him and saw his hand and she took it and got up by his help and smiled softly and said "I am alright Sir I'm Sorry it was my fault I wasn't watching where I was going." Minako smiled and then bowed to him and said "I am sorry forgot to tell you my name I'm Minako Hatsune." Minako smiled and she looked at him with her deep blue eyes.

Shin got up and head to the office and he had to get some coffee the paper work was making him bored. Shin left the office and was drinking his coffee and felt foot steps and felt someone ran into him and looked behind him with cold eyes.

sailor star rainbow 04-28-2015 02:39 AM

Kobato had got off early from work but was ask. to bring a flower delivery to the college she go's too. while carry the flower basket with candy in it. she could not see where she was going while. trying to look over it to try find the right classroom. "I'm sorry please forgive me. I can't see with this big flower arrangement in my way. if I'm in are not any of your classes,I'll work on something for you." Kobato say knowing she had bump into a teacher. what she did not know it was Mr.Shin how. she admires as well secretly. likes him staying far away not trying to annoy him.

Haji was glad she was alright aw so her name. is Mainko Hatsune what a pretty name he thought to himself. "It is nice to meet you Miss.Hastune,please allow. me to introduce myself to you. I'm Haji Kiyo if there is anything I can offer you? I was not watching where I was going as well. so I feel the need to apologize to you." he says to her while looking into. her lovely deep blue eye's yet stares at her. with his own dark red eyes he hope not to scare her.

xserenityxninax 04-28-2015 02:52 AM

Shin heard a voice and then turned around and looked at her with cold eyes and he turned around and sigh and said "Miss Kobato why do you have a basket of flowers." Shin looked at her with his cold eyes but yet they were beautiful.

Minako looked at him and smiled and she blushed a bit and thought he was handsome and thought the red eyes were hot and she shook her head and said "Haji-san did you want to sit with me we can talk a bit." Minako was kind to him and she thought he was a nice man and a handsome one as well.

sailor star rainbow 04-28-2015 03:03 AM

"Sure why not it sounds like a nice idea. do you want something to drink? I notice a vendor selling hotdogs. so they should have soda,water and tea to drink." Haji says to Mainko-san as he wonder. where they should go sit down at? this park is pretty big even if they live in the countryside.

"I was,ask from my job deliver this flower basket. to Mrs.Otaw's classroom but since I can't see. over it that well is the reason why I bump into you Mr.Shin." she says in a slightly scared voice yet explained her reason. why she had the flower basket with her as well bump into him. hopefully he was not too angry with her. she had heard tales about him being extremely strict teacher.

xserenityxninax 04-28-2015 03:19 AM

Shin looked at her and sigh deeply and took a sip of his coffee and turned around and said "follow me Miss Kobato she is not far from my classroom but hurry up alright." Shin said in a cold but kind voice. Shin shows her to the classroom where she needed to go.

Minako looked at him and smiled at him and nodded and said "okay there is this good spot you can see the sky but see many people walking as well." Minako smiled at him and she had a cute smile on her face.

sailor star rainbow 04-29-2015 02:15 AM

"Yes sir Mr.Shin but oh wait. don't you want to punish me for bumping into you?" Kobato ask him while following him quickly. to keep up with him get to Mrs.Otwa's classroom yet smiles softly. happy that he was helping her out. but why did he call her miss for? they do not even know each other at all.

"Please lead the way Mainko-san. then I'll go get us each a drink it must be a bit hot out here." he says to Hastune while smiling back at her. he wonder if she has any guy friends? he hope to get to know her a little maybe become friends. but he would admit he is a hunter for the local butcher shop. it is runned by a family friend how help his family out.

xserenityxninax 04-29-2015 03:07 AM

Shin looked at her and then drinks his coffee and then said “oh yes that well when you finish with that come to my classroom alright.” Shin said but in a cold voice and he walked off and head back to his classroom he had to get ready for his first class of the day. Shin sat down and drinks his coffee and does some paper work.

Minako looked at him and smiled and walked down the path and saw her spot and she sat down and she waited for him to come.

sailor star rainbow 04-29-2015 03:48 AM

Haji walks after Mainko flowing her to the spot. she wanted them to sit down at he hope it would. be not too crowded with people. it would not be safe for him if a solar eclipse happen's. since he was one of the oddball werewolf's in his pack.

Kobato only smiles as she hold's a sigh back. then knocks on Mrs.Otwa's classroom then go's in. when she was allowed to do so. she gave the teacher her gift plus told her it was from her husband. then left the classroom after she said it was already paid for in full. she heads off to Mr.Shin's classroom knock's. on his door when she get there wondering what type of thing did he have planned for her? "Mr.Shin this is Miss. Isumi here for her punishment work Sir." she says while waiting for his answer. before walking into his classroom.

xserenityxninax 04-29-2015 03:56 AM

Shin heard the door and saw her came in and he was finish his coffee and he got up and fixed his glasses and then said "your punishment is to write a long paper of Romeo and Juliet and how you should not run in the halls." Shin said in a cold voice and then said "I want it by the end of the Week Miss Kobato got it." Shin lean against his desk and had his arms crossed as well.

Minako looked at him and saw not to many people since no one comes to this part of the park. Minako looked up at the sky and heard the sea and she smiled and closed her eyes "it is such a beautiful day I just hope those guys don't show up again."

sailor star rainbow 05-02-2015 04:39 AM

"Yes Mr.Shin and wait what by the end of the week? but oh no I got my mid-term exam for my pastry baking class that morning. could I bring my paperwork for you that afternoon?" Kobato ask him while looking away. Kobato sometimes wish her mid-term exam's would not be so random. from normal students how have them at the same time.

"Mainko-san if they come I will keep you safe. by the way do you want tea are water to drink?" Haji ask her while sitting down on the bench. with her he then looks up at the sky. keeping eye out if the moon was out. sometimes it happen in the day time but it dose nothing to him.

xserenityxninax 05-02-2015 05:04 AM

Shin looked at her and sigh a bit and then was going to be nice this time and said "alright but if it late you will make a double paper Miss Kobato." Shin said in a hash voice.

Minako looked at him and blushed a bit that he would protect her from those people. Minako looked at him and said "can you get me green tea Haji-san?" Minako smiled at him she had a cute smile.

sailor star rainbow 05-08-2015 02:04 AM

Haji smiles at Mainko before starting to talk again. "Green tea sure and I'll back in a few minutes. with are drinks I saw a machine not too far from us." he says to Mainko-san as he starts. to get up off of the bench to go buy them their drinks. at least he works full time. when he has to the job he has pays well.

Kobato smiles softly yet was happy he was being nice. to her maybe he is got tough guy on the outside? "I understand Mr.Shin and I'm sorry but. I must leave now get to my first class of the day." she says to the teacher then starts to turn around to leave his classroom. but was unsure why was being kind to her for? did she remind him of someone he use to know?

xserenityxninax 05-17-2015 12:20 AM

Shin looked at her and nodded at her and sat down when she left and was reading through his papers and he knew he was kind towards her. Shin wonder why he was kind towards her but he was cold to the other people here but not towards her. Shin sigh more and felt something was coming to the school.

Minako saw him getting up and she smiled at him and looked at the sky and heard something coming and saw a man came to her and was flirting with her and she sigh of course but he was close to her and knew he was drunk and he was old.

sailor star rainbow 05-20-2015 03:16 AM

Kobato walks off to her first class of the day. at least she would have time later on to work on what Mr.Shin gave her. a long report on Romeo and Juliet,as well a paper why. not to run in the hallways ugh! if she did not have a crush on that teacher. she would have risk getting suspended for a few days.

Haji comes back notice a,older man flirting with Mainko-san. "Um excuse me sir. but I am with this lady can you please leave her alone? " Haji ask the older man in a polite voice. as he walks over to the bench wondering. if this happens to her a lot? guy's trying to hit on her go on a date with them?

xserenityxninax 05-20-2015 04:53 AM

The guy was trying to get her but Minako didn't like it he was drunk. The man heard a voice and looked at him and smirked "she is such a pretty girl and you are ruining it boy!" He went to attack him.

Minako was scared at him and heard Haji voice and saw the man was going to attack him and was worried about Haji "haji watch out!"

Shin saw his class got here and didn't hear the bell rang out and he had other classes. Shin put his papers on the side of his test and everyone feared him but the girls liked him. Shin sighed about that in fact but when he was with Kobato he felt shy and nice towards her he wonder why.

sailor star rainbow 06-02-2015 02:04 AM

Haji only laughs softly as he used some karate moves. on the drunk man just to try knock the guy out. thank goodness for job it was useful. in tuff spots are in open spaces like this one. he also mix in break dancing with his karate moves at times.

Kobato gets to class waits for it to start. she wonder what they woul learn today? something from other country's? are a recap on what they had learn before. history about baking as well the origins. where some of the sweets have come from are quite useful for young bakers.

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