Menewsha Avatar Community

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lilis 10-28-2007 08:29 PM

Freebie art- axel, mewmew07, moonlight, divine
Status: online and half afk? =o;

Hello =3 This will be my first freebie shop. Please read on for rules =3

Freebies will be given out randomly =3; If you would like freebies, please post ref on the first post. But I won't guarantee that I will draw for you. Please do not beg for art >0<;; Since this is my first time.. I do not know how many people will be asking haha.. So, stay around neh?

And please stay and chat >D because I am bored like that =3;; and I like meeting new people =3

-oh.. pss. tips are loved x'D;; they are there to feed myself with my cloth and fishing addiction- ='D

lilis 10-28-2007 08:30 PM

Pick ups:

Here are the pick ups that I'm done =3

liz again =x
liz <3

lilis 10-28-2007 08:31 PM

Mini Events =3

Play events with me to earn umm, more freebies? -shot-

1. Every 2nd person on 15th page will get.. A waist up pencil sketch(like my shop)? =o;; -shot- that's on every 15, 30, 45, etc. pages =3;;
page15: mewmew07
page30: liz <3
page45: axel =3
page60: Rasengan
page75: liz

how'd the pages get up so.. much @@;; -spam attack? rofl-

2. Wuzah I got it =3 It'll be sorta point system =3
Winner(highest point) will win a sketchy cg waist up
And 2nd place will win a sketchy cg headshot =3;
-those are like sizzla's freebie-

So here are the rules:
you can gain points by:
2 point: If you are the first to post the image that beats the image I posted =3 -like rock, paper and scissors- No NEED to quote if you are doing this.
1 point: if you are able to be the first to quote the image i posted =3

Ok, so this I guess wasn't explained properly, but you can get 3 points if you quote AND beat the image at sametime =3;; hope that clarify things =3
-so totally depends on how you want to get the points no?- @@

Images will be posted randomly and game ends at end of event =3

Images and code for easy access =D:
Fear my ugly drawings >D

Ok, so how the triangle works is:
Candle beats Candy - for.. if candle is out, there won't be any candies
Candy beats Pumpkin - for.. with pumpkin, you gets candies? =D
Pumpkin beats Candle - for.. well. you put candle in pumpkin no? Dx

Sylira - 29
liz - 23
Moonlight_Abyss - 9
Candiie - 5
lina - 3
seito - 3
chippu meimei - 3
Takeno-Kun - 2

lilis 10-28-2007 08:32 PM

here i'm keeping track of requests so i dont lose them >0<;; -not guarantee with freebies-
page2 Mattie
page8 sayuri_nitta, blueblackrose, Glammy
page20 Takeno-Kun
page28? divine love *^* <3

tell me if i miss anyone >0<

Sylira 10-28-2007 08:40 PM

Lilis!! <3333

Sizzla 10-28-2007 08:41 PM

I'd love a freebie if you feel like drawing me! :D

My current avatar works great. :D

Thank you in advance. XD <3

lilis 10-28-2007 08:41 PM

sylira <333 -huggle clings-
i spent so much on the new clothes ;w; and still wanna spend more ;w; -so sad-

edit: @sizzla - thankies =3 i will take into consideration <3333

Seito 10-28-2007 08:41 PM

so many art shops! xD <3

Sylira 10-28-2007 08:42 PM

@ lilis - -cuddles-
Aww I need to spend on them too~ Too much pretty stuff!! ;-; I know!

lilis 10-28-2007 08:42 PM

well well at least i'm not asking for money really.. -shot- tips? -double shot- @@;

Mattie 10-28-2007 08:42 PM

Did someone say 'free art'? *shot*
Do you do OCs? :o

Sizzla 10-28-2007 08:44 PM

Thank you lilis! I'd be sure to tip too. ;)

lilis 10-28-2007 08:44 PM

@sylira - -snuggles- <333
rofl x'D;; i know.. so hard to decide which one to buy ;w;''

@mattie - rofl yes, not guarantee tho x'D;;
umm yup ocs are loved x'D

edit: @sizzla - haha thankies x'D;; but you don't need to if you wanna save for items >0<;; -is still struggling on buying dress or not- ;w;

Majinkoz 10-28-2007 08:44 PM

Good luck to you. :)

Sylira 10-28-2007 08:45 PM

@ lilis - Mhmm still deciding. At least they'll still be in the stores after the event even if they'll cost more.

Mattie 10-28-2007 08:49 PM

I understand. :)
You can't draw something if it doesn't inspire you, riiiiight? <3
My OC, Rafe.

lilis 10-28-2007 08:55 PM

@majinkoz - thankies =3

@sylira - haha yup that's really true.. which is good =3;; -i'll probably buy more.. on the last day.. if i can't resist ;w;-
omg i love the siggy -i still love you >0<- <333333

@mattie - yup that's really true x'D;;
ooh he's so cute >0<;; -pokes- i'll consider =3;;

ummm i will be gone soon for 4 hours ish to get back to my work place city >0<;; -i hate leaving home ;w;- anyways.. i will be back tonight tho.. so worries xD

pluto_san 10-28-2007 08:56 PM

oooh another freebie thread
* A*

Mattie 10-28-2007 08:57 PM

Dx My parents just got back, I'm banned from the comp. >___x
I'll sneak on tomorrow to see how things are going.
Love to you all. <3333

Fuumuu 10-28-2007 08:57 PM

Eee~ Art freebie~<33

Happy Halloween~<3

Sylira 10-28-2007 08:58 PM

Yeah! Heehees~ You can't resist the pretty things~
Yay! Got it from lina's thread! You can choose the words so...heeheee~ ilu!! <3333

Seito 10-28-2007 09:01 PM


Can I have one?

lilis 10-28-2007 09:05 PM

@pluto - haha yes another >D;; so many now ;w; i will def try to get some from noofy's joint thread ;w;

@mattie - aww -pets- >-<;; ok see you tomorrow then

@fuumuu - haha happy halloween to you too <3

@sylira - ya you cant *^* -stares and drool-
oh i see =3;; that's so cute *^* -hugglescling-

@seito - x'D;; just post what you want and hope for the best? =3 -shot-

Seito 10-28-2007 09:08 PM

Avi! xD <3

Sylira 10-28-2007 09:10 PM

Yeep! -joins lilis in drooling-
Mhmm yep!! *3* -cuddleclings-

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