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MeIshCutie 02-20-2018 12:32 AM

Cutie's Memory Jars ~~Starting late
1 Attachment(s)

I am trying to be active again as I have been thinking about menewsha for a while now lol. Might as well come and see the happenings.

February 19: Last Photo taken
I have not taken a photo myself lately but I do have a screenshot that i have taken last night when I couldn't sleep. LOL

here goes...

It's the person I'm stanning in the boy band called BTS T__T.. lol.. I couldn't sleep last night so I just looked at pictures of him and liked this picture the most.

MeIshCutie 02-21-2018 08:38 AM

February 20: Pink!

I have been liking pink and other light colors lately. I normally like dark and bright colors like red and blue.

I think the reason for this is a change of my mood this past months. I'm more open to the people I see often and more smiley around them. I feel that the light colors represents the light and free mood I'm experiencing.

MeIshCutie 02-22-2018 03:11 AM

February 21, 2018: Favorite Contribution Item in 2018

I'd say my favorite is the Spirit of the Phoenix because it's red and it symbolizes a person arising from challenges and hardships. Just the thought of what it's symbolizing makes me that I can overcome any conflicts/problems that may come my way.

MeIshCutie 02-23-2018 11:28 AM

February 22, 2018: Zodiac: Pisces

My friend's daughter is a Pisces who is about 11 years younger than me. But, her daughter and I have a number of similarities such as personality, taste in people; in food, and almost about anything! Although she's young, she is very smart and prefers to hang around with the adults more than kids her own age. I'm also getting the feeling that I am influencing her a little bit. So, I have been trying my best to only be positive and show good things to her.

I admit. I have a child-ish and young heart because young people are very fun to be with. I can't quite grasp that I'm already an adult[lol][lol].

MeIshCutie 02-24-2018 08:04 AM

February 23, 2018: Do you want to build a snowman?

If I were to see snow for the first time, I would definitely build a snowman right away. I always talk about wanting to see snow but can never do so not because I don't have money but for some other personal reason.


Today was a short day but it was a frustrating day.

I have a semester long group project where we are defending a hypothetical case. I'm majoring in paralegal. Our task is to create and produce documents that many attorneys do. So today, our task was to write a letter to ask for additional information and clarification. It has been frustrating because our group feels like our work is repetitive and stuck in one place. Plus, our instructor is easily persuade by the other group.

BTS (K-pop):
I recently learned that Suga's solo album is back in iTunes. I immediately went and bought my favorite song: So far away. I had been waiting for this for the longest time. Also, J-hope's solo album will be released in a few days [love][love]

Favorite suga picture:

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