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GrannyJ 12-24-2009 05:50 AM

GrannyJ's Winter Tea Room. Please come and chat!
Hello everybody!

I thought I would open an event tea room, just as I have done in the past.
Please feel free to come here and chat during the Winter Event!

KaciCake 12-24-2009 05:55 AM

Hello! :3 I hope no one minds me posting here! And gahh, it's so awkward being the first poster. >w<;

So, to spark some discussion...what is everyone giving out for Christmas? I'm giving my sister some tea leaf samples. We ordered her some tea tins from adagio teas or whatever that online shop is called. xD Yeah, so now she has four different kinds of tea leafs that should last about 10 cups each.

I hope she likes it! We got her Japanese green tea, chocolate chai tea, Chinese oolong tea, and english breakfast tea! And it's all in the form of loose tea leaves. : ) She's a big tea drinker, unlike me haha.

M i n u x e 12-24-2009 05:56 AM

Hey Granny, I hope you are having a great holiday thus far.

Your event threads do seem to be very active each event. It's great that you can host such successful threads. ^^

Talentless_Muse 12-24-2009 06:00 AM

Granny's just that awesome that everyone flocks to her event thread. The regular thread is almost a thousand pages at this point.

Saiyouri 12-24-2009 06:01 AM

This is a cute idea. A tea room for the event. I like it.

GrannyJ 12-24-2009 06:02 AM

Hello, Min, Muse, and Kaci!
How nice of you all to join me here.

I think that a tin of different types of teas would make a wonderful gift!

Nanenna 12-24-2009 06:04 AM

I made it! Hello everyone! Merry Christmas!

Talentless_Muse 12-24-2009 06:04 AM

I got a sampler of different kinds of fruit teas. I'm not quite sure who to give it to though.

Personally, I'm quite fond of chai tea, but it's not so easy to find a really good one.

GrannyJ 12-24-2009 06:05 AM

Hello, Sai. Welcome!

Nenna! I knew we could count on seeing you also!
I personally love fruit teas.

Saiyouri 12-24-2009 06:06 AM

I mostly love green teas with a little white thrown in for a mix.

Kat Dakuu 12-24-2009 06:06 AM

hello people!!! *grand flourish* Kat has entered the thread because she is lovable!! hehe, just felt like saying that!

KaciCake 12-24-2009 06:07 AM

Saiyouri - Yeah, a tea room for the event is a cute idea! Plus it fits too. :3 I know a lot of people enjoy drinking tea or coffee with their baked goods, and the main part of the event is it all fits! At least in my head it does. >_> I personally prefer drinking hot chocolate with my baked goods. Hot Chocolate + cake = delicious.

GrannyJ - I'm glad you think so! Originally I was just gonna get her a Sephora or a MAC make up gift card, but I wanted to give her something with a little more thought put into it. So thus I decided on giving her tea. XD

Man, I wish I liked tea. Though there was this one tea I really liked that I drank while sick at school. I don't remember what it was called, but it was mildly sweet, unlike most teas I've had which tend to be on the bitter side.

Talentless_Muse 12-24-2009 06:07 AM

Yay! Nenna's here! Now the party can really get started.

I'm not so sure about this baking theme for the event. Maybe I was hoping for something a bit more Christmas-y. It's been rather difficult to get into the proper spirit with the way I've been scheduled at work and everything else.

Nanenna 12-24-2009 06:07 AM

Hello Granny, it's good to be in your thread again. ^^

I agree that fruit teas are lovely. Aside from mint they're about the only teas I enjoy.

Kat Dakuu 12-24-2009 06:08 AM

I like black cherry and other fruity stuff! Mint doesn't agree with me.

Nanenna 12-24-2009 06:09 AM

*Parties with Kat*

I like a lot of these items, I think they'll go with a couple items I bought during Halloween that I didn't really have a full outfit to go with. ^_^

Purple Panda 12-24-2009 06:09 AM

Theres always one for the event YAY!
I'm cold.. Can I have a hot cocoa with marshmallows (:

Talentless_Muse 12-24-2009 06:09 AM

Yeah. I'm not that big a fan of mint either.

I like Russian Tea whenever I start getting a cold or sinus infection during the colder months though. It's quite good for that.

Saiyouri 12-24-2009 06:10 AM

@KaciCake- Me and hot cocoa = bad mix. I eat a few, more like 5 spoons of the mix while waiting for the water to heat up, I can't have dairy, and then I add about 3 or 4 spoons of mix to the water and have a few more spoons of mix to eat. Then I have a few marshmallows with my cocoa. Actually I pile the marshmallows onto the cup til it is completely covered with them and have a couple handfuls of them with my cocoa mix. I am really obsessed with cocoa. Not like anyone can tell though.

Kat Dakuu 12-24-2009 06:11 AM

mint makes me slightly sick.

NENNY!!! *parties* because we're that awesome!

okay, where the hot cocoa dispense? I need to celebrate winter!

Nanenna 12-24-2009 06:11 AM

Hello, Panda. I have some fresh made hot cocoa with little marshmallows if you'd like some.

Saiyouri, that's so silly!

Oleaceae 12-24-2009 06:11 AM

Can always count on GrannyJ to have a fun hangout thread~! ^__^

GrannyJ 12-24-2009 06:11 AM

Hello Kat, dear.

Yes, the party can officially begin now.

I was wondering about the baking theme also. Perhaps we should do a bit of Christmas decorating here in addition to the cooking?

Saiyouri 12-24-2009 06:12 AM

@Nanenna- I am not so obsessed with cocoa. I swear I am not. hehe.

Nanenna 12-24-2009 06:12 AM

Some Christmas decorations would be lovely. It's a little sad that there's not more green and red in the event store.

*Parties hard with Kat* Because if we must party we must party hard! XD

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