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Inspiration 05-24-2016 01:20 AM

Isle of Barbosa a DnD campaign

Setting: Kangrash is a country on the northern hemisphere of the planet Rumari.

Other campaign info will be posted when party is more solidified. We're in process right now, but wanted a place to link to for our character pages.

Current Party: Aya the level 3 half-elf Ranger, Jolmah the Level 1 human Cleric.

OOC Thread
Our character journal

Inspiration 08-24-2016 07:27 PM

The Capital city Of Bangrala, is a bustling port city. Partially for its size, partially for the fact that the Grand Duchess Scarlet Karmaiko resides there in her palace, but mostly because the rest of the country is fairly overrun with savage monsters. We come in on our adventurers entering the cities northern entrance where the gates are still closed waiting to be opened. The guard only open the gates at certain times of day so that the savage monsters, and thieves that reside within the wilderness can not enter the sanctuary of the city. This of course puts those standing outside the gate in danger and ill protected from any that do wish to harm the simple folk that sit outside waiting for entrance.

A little human girl sits with her mother crying that she 'Need to go pee-pee!!' , another man leans against the wall, apparantly asleep for all the fact that he is standing upright. Than among all the various common folk there stands two that seem to stand apart from the rest. A half-elf ranger and a human cleric. It is they who first notice the call.

Running down the path someone yells out, the words are jarbled through the pain. As the man gets closer it is obvious he has a crude arrow sticking out of his back. Before he collapses at the gate where he was seeking help he gets out three words. "My caravan. Goblins!"

M i n u x e: The Wandering Poet:
(I'm so sorry this took so long. Computer issues. as in. i pretty much don't have one anymore. will update every day I possibly can. even if its via tablet <3 thanks for your patience)

The Wandering Poet 08-25-2016 06:37 AM

Aya approaches him to try and mend his wounds while still doing her best to scan her surroundings. She knew goblins well, often killing them for sport as they were suitable moving targets for her archery.
(May I do a perception check for goblins? I would also like to do a heal check if the goblins haven't arrived yet.)

(Am I doing this right?)

Inspiration 08-26-2016 11:05 PM

(Perception check is pathfinder :P Roll a spot check. As well as a listen check if you'd like. Feel free to jump right into a heal check as well if that's what you would like to do. You're doing perfect)

The Wandering Poet 08-27-2016 03:34 AM

(Spot check... gotcha. Sorry XD)

The 20-sided dice lands on 5 - Spot
The 20-sided dice lands on 20 - Listen
The 20-sided dice lands on 14 - Heal

M i n u x e 08-31-2016 11:18 PM

{Better late than never! Lol}
{I hope my very first DnD post is satisfactory}

Earlier that morning, before the injured man arrived, Jolmah prepared the following skills:
Level 0: Resistance, Read Magic, Light, and Detect Poison
Level 1: Cure light wounds and Sanctuary + Level 1 Domain spell: Protection from Chaos
Level 2: Aid + Level 2 Domain spell: Calm Emotions

The first thing I do is a spot check in case any goblins followed this poor fellow here.
Spot: The 20-sided dice lands on 1 + 1 skill rank + 3 wisdom modifier =

Then I turn my attention to the injured man and Aya recklessly trying to mend him.
Jolmah says to Aya, "O Aya, the good intentions are there but the skills are not. Please step aside and let a professional handle this."

I cast Cure Light Wounds on the man.
The 8-sided dice lands on 4 + 3 for my level =

Jolmah says, "Sir, I hope you are feeling better now. Could you please answer some questions for me? What direction is your caravan in, and how far away is it? Roughly how many goblins attacked you? Was there anyone else with you? Why do you think you were attacked by goblins? Any guess you have is fine."

Jolmah was excited by the prospect of fighting goblins. She knew they were easy prey and practically anything is better than staying here waiting for the gate to open.

The Wandering Poet 09-01-2016 03:54 AM

"Asking quite many questions of an injured man aren't you?" Aya replies.
(I figure it should be safe to talk to party members between DM replies about our actions yes?)

M i n u x e 09-01-2016 08:54 PM

{Hopefully it's ok to do so, this is a casual-ish RP anyway right?}

Jolmah responds, "Well after waiting for this gate to open for hours on end I'm eager to do something else with my time. I bet you are also eager to sink your arrows into those goblins."

Inspiration 09-01-2016 09:21 PM

(oh yeah very casual ish RP. and holy heck... that 1 heal check... Poet.. poet. i'm terrified of your rolls right now. xD )

Aya glancing around before moving to help the injured man does not spot any goblins around, or even any tracks. In the distance she can hear a faint garbled noise but can not pinpoint exactly what noises they are, it could even just be the wind in the trees.

Her attempt to heal the mans wounds are no better. Accidentally snapping the shaft of the arrow from the head, leaving it lodged in the poor mans back. With Jolmah taking over the task, the man gasps in a breath, coming to long enough to gasp out an answer to the chatty females trying to save the poor dying man. With a weak and trembly voice the man struggles witht he right words, "My family are down the road..... there are so many....of them." He coughs weakly, finding it hard to keep any breath in his lungs. "Slimy, green creatures, yelping and jumping about.... It was an ambush..." He coughed again, "My family. they're still there.... I ran to get help. Please.... Help them. Your Saint is coming to take me back now. Please..."

M i n u x e 09-01-2016 09:43 PM

The thought of innocent people being attacked enraged Jolmah and made her feel more determined than ever to kill those goblins.

After healing the man, Jolmah let him lie down comfortably by the gate. She beckoned for one of the people around them to watch over the man and ensure he was properly taken care of once the gate opened.
{Can I ask for someone to stay with him in my absence without rolling for anything?}

Once the man appeared stable Jolmah looked at Aya and gestured toward the road. Then she ran down the road at full speed, ready to take on the goblins before any more people were harmed.

The Wandering Poet 09-02-2016 04:33 AM

(Shadami - You haven't seen the worst of it. My first Pathfinder game I probably made a record number of critical fails)

"Perhaps" Aya replies, "But it will happen regardless of if we rush. Goblins aren't the most intelligent creatures after all."
Aya follows Jolmah, bow out and ready for combat when it arrives.

Inspiration 09-03-2016 09:50 PM

(forgot to tell you to take 7 exp for the heals Min )

The group quickly agree to watch over the gravely injured man as the duo rush down the road in the direction he came from. As they run they can hear the distant sound that Aya heard earlier getting more distinct. The garbled voices of goblin speak becoming more and more obvious, and the screams of the people remaining in the caravan. They quickly discover the caravan as they round a blind bend cut off by a tree covered hill. The narrow road carved out of the hillside and warn down after years of being used for travelers and trade routes.

In the center of the path is a caravan wagon on its side. From inside comes the screams you've been hearing as you ran down the road. All around are goblins hopping around. Occasionally a couple dart in and stab at the wagon with their spears, taunting those inside, before jumping back to a safe distance again.

(Both of you roll initiative and spot rolls please)

M i n u x e 09-04-2016 03:18 PM

Ok, thanks for the exp. I added an exp section to my character sheet.

Initiative roll: The 20-sided dice lands on 20 + 1
Spot check: The 20-sided dice lands on 8 +1 +3

Inspiration 09-04-2016 04:26 PM

(hubby may be joining us as a fighter. he hasn't decided yet)

Very nice initiative roll! I'm going to just roll initiative for the goblins as a whole instead of individually. Hope that's fine with you both :P
The 20-sided dice lands on 4 +1 racial.

Jolmah can count roughly 20 goblins around the overturned wagon.

Edit: Holy heckle berries.... Unless Aya rolls really low on initiative, your first rolls will be vs flat foot on the goblins. Jolmah definetly will be getting a surpise first round.

M i n u x e 09-04-2016 08:28 PM

{Cool, hope your husband finds time to join us :)
Damn, 20 goblins. I'm going to go look up goblin stats real quick now. They're weak... right?
Hahah ya my initiative roll was amazing. Surprise means I get a bonus action right? :D}

{I assume the goblins are all ahead of us. How far away are they in feet from me?}

Inspiration 09-04-2016 09:18 PM

The closest goblins are about 40 feet ahead of you. Jolmah at least gets a surprise attack which is a turn before the official round begins. You will be able to get one full round. In other words a standard action and a movement action. Which you may want to use to draw a weapon for your movement.

I'm going to need to see how Aya rolls, but she has readied her bow already so she may be able to move and attack instead of just attack.

(yes goblins are fairly weak level 1 monsters)

The Wandering Poet 09-04-2016 09:20 PM

The 20-sided dice lands on 18 spot
The 20-sided dice lands on 4 initiative

Also agree I'd like to know how far we are. I would prefer to stay at a distance after all.

Edit - dice not roll... derp

Inspiration 09-05-2016 12:37 AM

Turn orders are as follows:
Aya -24
Jolmah - 21
Goblins - 4
You both may take your turns. Aya's actions will go off first, than you each get a second turn before goblins go.

As Aya studies the group of goblins taunting the caravan she notices that not a single one of them is carrying a bow, they are all attacking with their crude spear like javelins. Despite the fact that their was a goblin made arrow in the mans back when he collapsed before them.

M i n u x e 09-05-2016 11:54 PM

{Great rolls Poet!
Inspiration, the guide talks about 'free actions'. Could you give me examples of common free actions that you allow?}

For my bonus turn I will move twice because my scale mail armor slows down my speed to 20ft. Then I should be right next to the goblins. On my next turn I will do a melee attack with my morningstar.
Would I be able to move 35-40ft and end off flanking a goblin? Perhaps a goblin that has one side next to the caravan, or would that not count as a threat to the goblin?
Alternatively, is there anywhere I could move that would provide me with cover against a goblin or several goblins? For example, if I cannot use the caravan to flank a goblin I would like to use it as cover.

Do goblins count as chaotic creatures? I want to know because I have the 'protection from chaos' spell and want to know if it could be useful in this situation if things look bad.

Inspiration 09-07-2016 01:16 AM

(free actions count as things like saying a short phrase. calling out insults, dropping something, stopping concentration. things that wouldn't take much time or effort at all. Like an entire speech would probably not count as a free action cause speeches can be really long. xD)

You can definitely move up to flank a goblin and get in a flank attack on the next round. Though they are evil, but not chaotic; so your protection spell against chaotic would not work here. The goblins are all surrounding the caravan so you would be moving basically on on 3 or 4 of them right off the bat. Actually here let me do a quick doodle.

The Wandering Poet 09-07-2016 05:50 AM

(Chaotic in behavior, but not in alignment)

Aya strings her bow and looses an arrow at the nearest goblin. Pesky things. She will figure out the lack of arrows later. Perhaps capture one for questioning if they're intelligent enough.
(Not sure what I roll for damage atm)

Inspiration 09-07-2016 02:49 PM

Roll a 20 sider (+5 dex bonus +3 Base attack bonus) to see if you hit. And roll a d8 to detemine how much damage you did if you did hit.
plus your goblin +2 damage on the damage roll because you know just where to hit those pesky slimy creatures to take them down.

Jolmah will receive a +2 bonus for flanking for the first attack, after that the goblins will realize what's going on and will be on the attack.

The Wandering Poet 09-07-2016 04:31 PM

The 20-sided dice lands on 2 +5+3
If it hits: The 8-sided dice lands on 3 +2

Inspiration 09-08-2016 12:37 AM

The closest goblin (bigger X on the right closest to you) takes an arrow in its backand stumbles forward a couple steps but does not fall to the ground.

As soon as the arrow strikes his back Jolmah takes her movement and gets within reach of the second closest goblin (closest to her) As of this moment, the goblins are unaware of what's going on.

Jaijin 09-09-2016 02:59 AM

Burne was on his way to bangrala to try and make some money so he could buy an estate. He knew he was far off, only a measley 100 gold, he would need far more than that. While walking down the road he could have sworn was leading to bangrala he swore he heard a fight (The 20-sided dice lands on 17 listen, The 20-sided dice lands on 20 spot).

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