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Monte Gray 07-19-2011 11:38 PM

KakashixSakura (ninjakitty and naruto77 only)
Kakashi was running late for his training as usual. He was thinking of a new excuse to get him out of trouble with his student Sakura. He chuckled. She had grow into such a attractive, sweet, young woman. He read his book while walking to the training grounds. He couldent stop thinking of Sakura.

NinjaKitty 07-19-2011 11:56 PM

(is the picture alright?)

Sakura tapped her foot impatiently, he was last... again, how was it that every single time they had a training session he always turned up late. Swiping a lock of her surprisingly pink hair out of her eyes, she looked towards the door. He should have been here by now, did he do this on purpose? Letting out a small humph of disapproval she turned her back to the door toying with her weapon. "So inconsiderate" she mumbled under her breath flashing another glance of annoyance over her shoulder

(sorry if the reply isn't that good, I'll get the hang of it lol)

Monte Gray 07-20-2011 12:01 AM

Kakashi walked in the room smirking underneath his mask. I got stuck in a tree he said not looking up from his book, icha icha paradise. "So have you been waiting long?" he ask clearly knowing the awnser as he was an hour late. He asked anyway just to get a response from her.
* the pic and comment are great :) sorry I can't post a pic I'm doing this on my iPod but u can always look up a pick on google if you wanna know this dudes looks.

NinjaKitty 07-20-2011 12:07 AM

The sound of a door opening caught her attention and she turned towards the sound, in came her teacher nonchalant playing off his lateness as though it was nothing. Her annoyance bubbled over making her want to ripe that book right out of his hands and throw it across the field, or more satisfactory ripe it apart with her weapon. "Your an hour late and you ask me if I've been waiting long? While it may not matter to you I get here on time, why I waited this long for you to come is beyond me" she ground out fists clenched as though she wanted to strike out at him. He didn't even bother to look up from his book, that was the final straw stalking up to him she swiped the book right out of his hands glaring up into his face. "Stuck in a tree right, you would do that rather then get here on time to teach me"

(did I make her seem to annoyed? I always thought she seemed like a fiery character)

Monte Gray 07-20-2011 12:13 AM

*that's so perfect you would think you'd been watching naruto forever you matched her character perfectly.
Kakashi looked up at her startled. "No,not my book" he whined. He made a mock pout barley visible behind his mask. "Please that's my newest volume" he now begged for his book back. "I won't be late again I promise" his eyes followed the book in Sakura's hand that he loved so much.

NinjaKitty 07-20-2011 12:18 AM

Clenching the books in both hands she wasn't calmed by his whining if anything it angered her more, he cared more about the damn book then he did about teaching his student. She nearly growled at him her hands trembling with the want to rip the book apart. "So this book is more important then me, is that it? Well maybe I should make it so this book doesn't come first anymore!" she threatened her weapon flashing into her hand without thought a dark smile dirtying her pretty features.

(Tell me if I go to far though, I'm glad I'm playing her well though ^^ oh and what is her weapon?

Monte Gray 07-20-2011 12:54 AM

*her weapon is called a Kunai knife ^^

Kakashi lifted his hands in surrender. "Listen that book dosent mean more than you I just got to interested in it. He sighed "I promise I'll put it away and we can begin our training." he smiled a her hoping she would be calmed down a little not understanding her anger completely.

NinjaKitty 07-20-2011 01:13 AM

Flinging the book down on the floor sheathing her knife Sakura at least attempted to calm herself, this wasn't new, his being late, so why was she getting so angry? Why was she blowing up at him? Maybe cause it hurt pushing the treacherous thought aside she turned her back on him taking a few deep breaths to calm herself. "Fine take the stupid thing and get ready to do your job" she said not turning to face him, striding the length of the field kicking at the floor as she went she took her place and spun around to face him, face calm and unreadable

Monte Gray 07-20-2011 01:19 AM

Kakashi put the book in his pocket and told her to come at him with all she had. He grined. He had never had trouble fighting Sakura after all she was his student, but today he wasnt focus. Why was that? He was feeling strange.

NinjaKitty 07-20-2011 01:24 AM

(fighting scenes aren't my best thing but I'll give it a go)

"You better be ready for this" she yelled her anger and frustration with him pouring over into her fighting, her kunai knife flashed into her hand appearing there almost instantly, it felt like an extension of her arm. She didn't worry about hurting her teacher, he could take care of himself, and even if she did accidentally slash at him and cut him well that was his fault for being to slow, as he constantly reminded her when she was the one to get hurt. Taking a quick step muscles working she lunged at him her blade slashing for his chest

Monte Gray 07-20-2011 01:28 AM

He shrieked as the blade cut deep into his flesh. Damn her blade was sharp. "Good job Sakura your getting so strong"he smiled hiding the pain in his chest she had stabbed pretty deep. She must have been furious with him. He stood strong waiting for Sakura to attack again hiding any sign of pain or weakness. He felt sick and kind of dizzy. He knew if he let her strike him again she could do some serious damage. He focused completely this time.

NinjaKitty 07-20-2011 01:36 AM

With a shock she realized her blade had come into contact with his chest, crimson blood stained her blade bringing her into sharp reality. She knew he would probably yell at her for it, but she couldn't attack him again, how was it she had actually got him. Where was his mind? Usually he could easily dance out of reach and she would be left slashing air, it's why she hadn't bothered to pull her strength. "Master are you alright?" she asked concerned dropping her blade, she didn't feel angry anymore, she felt ashamed of herself

Monte Gray 07-20-2011 01:42 AM

"yeah I'm fine"he said weakly smiling. He pulled his vest and shirt off looking at the cut. He hid it from Sakura knowing she might not like the sight of that much blood. He grabbed a water bottle and cleaned it then wrapped a large bandage around his chest. "Now, see no harm done." he didn't bother putting his shirt on again. It was bloody and ripped. "Now come at me again" he said sternly. He got ready watching her every move.

NinjaKitty 07-20-2011 01:49 AM

She was distracted by the sight of his chest, even marred by the bandage, it was still a nicely sculpted chest. Shaking her head to clear it she picked up her knife and wiped it on her pants the sight of the blood sickened her I never realized how handsome he was... no wait what are you thinking fight him, go at him taking a deep steadying breath she readied her blade and lunged at him once more slashing her blade at a less vulnerable spot, his arm

Monte Gray 07-20-2011 01:54 AM

He jumped, ready this time he landed with soft thud behind her. He laughed "never let and enemy take you from behind, Sakura" he chuckled and dissapered in smoke now hidden on one of the rafters he was quite amused. Shed never find him up here. He smirked but then losing focus again lost his balence. He was startled, but before he fell he grabbed the rafter revealing his position. "damn" he mumbled. He was off his game today.

NinjaKitty 07-20-2011 01:58 AM

A sound behind her had her whipping around pink hair flying damn should have tied it back but the man was gone in a puff of smoke. Dangerous she didn't know where he was, holding her blade tightly she scanned the area eyes passing along the rafters but not spotting him, she kept on the move, it would be dangerous to stay still. Suddenly he swung into sight looking oddly startled almost as if he didn't expect to do that. "Losing your edge aren't you master" she called up teasingly taking a running start and springing easily into the air, just under him she swiped at him

Monte Gray 07-20-2011 02:07 AM

She got him again only this time he blocked it with his arm. A cut to him arm would hurt less and be less likely fatal. He yelped blood spraying onto him and onto Sakura. He fell onto the ground looking lifeless he knew if she thought he had passed out or died she would be an easy target. He layed limp.

NinjaKitty 07-20-2011 02:18 AM

Blood sprayed onto her face, she had gotten him again! What's wrong with him today? Was he doing this on purpose or was his concentration really so lacking? Bending her knees to cushion the impact of landing she wiped the blood off her cheeks, leaving a smear of it behind. Kakashi lay lifeless, limp on the ground surely he hadn't passed out from such a little fall? She didn't trust it, but her concern for him overcame her weariness, wiping the blood off her knife as she walked towards him she knelt at his side turning him over "Master?"

Monte Gray 07-20-2011 02:23 AM

He let his eyelids stay closed they didn't flicker even a little. His body remained limp and he looked completely dead. He knew she would be tricked by his decoy. Then he would pin her to the ground and claim victory. He wanted to laugh but remained in control waiting for her to walk over to his seemingly lifeless body.

NinjaKitty 07-20-2011 02:28 AM

"Master you couldn't have been killed by such a fall" so then why is he laying so unmoving, I'm right here why hasn't he moved? the question ran through her mind as she leaned closer her hair tickling his cheek, he was breathing the cut didn't look all that bad. The fall looked like it hadn't hurt him at all. "Master?"

Monte Gray 07-20-2011 02:35 AM

He pounced on her, pinning her to the ground. He grinned. "Why did you come so close you should've seen that was an obvious trap" he said. His bare chest hovered over her. He was panting, his body glistening with sweat. He looked strait into her eyes and then stood up, blushing. "Hey wanna get some ramen?" he asked wanted to tray her to there normal after training meal. He usually only bought her ramen if she passed the lesson. But today was buying her some anyway.

NinjaKitty 07-20-2011 02:40 AM

He hovered over her, his chest so close, him so close, it made her flush all over her cheeks burning a bright red she wasn't accustomed to feeling. Was she blushing? That wasn't like her but he was gone just as suddenly and she was left trying to catch her breath panting a little. "Ramen? Well you certainly owe me Ramen after kicking your butt for most of the time" she snapped attempting to regain her composure. Getting to her feet she turned her back on him in the guise of grabbing her blade which had gone flying and sheathing it, but really using it as a reason to calm herself.

Monte Gray 07-20-2011 02:46 AM

He stared ashamed of his bad performance. He sighed. "Your right I do owe you ramen huh" he smiled. His emotions were always almost completely hidden even when he tried to show them. He was glad because he probably looked silly with the expression he had right now. He got ready to leave to the ramen stand telling Sakura to follow.

NinjaKitty 07-20-2011 03:04 AM

In control of herself now she turned to him a fake smile plastered on her face the blood that stained her cheeks standing out bright against her pale complexion. "Yes you do so be ready to pay up" she teased trying to play off the incident that had just happened, following on his heels towards the ramen stand, mind still in a whirl about exactly what had just happened. One scene stood out above the others his body right over hers, it brought a blush to her cheeks just thinking about it, so she tried not to

Monte Gray 07-20-2011 03:59 AM

He turned around slowly and wet his hads with a water bottle he rubbed his hands gently on her face removing all of the blood. "You can't go get ramen covered in blood people might worry. Kakashi felt really strange being so close to Sakura. He turned really red and raced to the ramen stand. "Last one has to pay" he yelled behind him giggling like a giddy child. He slowed his pace do that Sakura could defiantly beat him.

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