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Yumehayla 03-08-2007 09:40 PM

First Menewshan art contest: ENTRIES
Please, post ONLY the entries to the contest here. All comments/questions go to the main thread :3.

Arriana 03-08-2007 09:41 PM


Nature's Ribbons - Female
(...? xD;)
- Whole Set -
Individual items - x | o | x | o | x

Elegance Refined - Female
- Whole Set -
More colors! - x | o | x | o | x | o | x | o |
Individual items - x | o | x

Professional Pirate - Male
I don't know any male-only items, so I apologize if these copy some that are out there.
- Whole set - |
Individual Items - x | o | x | o | x

Professional Pirate - Female
- Whole Set - |

Individual Items - x | o | x | o | x

Toga toga toga! - Unisex..ish.
The only item that changes for the two is the toga itself.
- Whole Set -

Individual Items - x | o | x | o

Mix&Match Animals!
This one's a drawn picture, 'cause I didn't feel like pixelling this time around. xD;;
The point is to have three pieces to each outfit, hat, shirt and bottoms, each interchangably wearable. So in theory, one could wear the bear hat, cat top, and fish bottoms. Or fish bottoms, bear top, and cathat. xD
Drawing doodle sketchy here!
CuddleyBear, SexehCat, & SillyFish!

Twenties Gangster Love
I have left my tablet at school, so now I have to deal with horrid mouse drawings. xD;
Each outfit consists of the tilted fedora hat, shawl, shoes, and main outfit. The female outfit is a long long dress, and the male consists of straightpants and a sports coat.
Female | Male

I have tried, time and time again, to draw these in some way. But I can't! ;-; So I'm resorting to the next best thing - the Sims2 bottoms that I recolored and would love to see done here. They could be up to three seperates - Belt, pants (probably skinny leg), and boots. When I reoclored them for the sims, I did four different recolors, one for each direction.
North | South | East | West | All Four

Cocktail Dresses & Business Casual
`Cocktail dresses, those little black dresses, are always a must-have of any lady. Personally, I'm fan of the ones that poof out a bit at the knee like these, only with a tube top top. They could come in a variety of colors and designs, from mint green with a brown belt to white with black accents and swirls/flower designs on the bottom. They're perfect for any creative person to play around with - If I was allowed on my mother's sewing machine, I'd make some dresses and go crazy coming up with unique designs on them.
`Business attire / business casual is a staple of any well-meaning gentleman. A crisp collared, button down shirt in any color, sharp shined shoes, perfectly pressed pants, ZZ Top explains it perfectly. xD;
`Both of these sets are quite versitale and can easily be combined into different outfits, however people want to mix and match them.

Dragondude 03-08-2007 11:04 PM

i made a bunch of swords. multitude of colors also
first ones
second ones where i inverted some colors and stuff


All of the matching shields. goes with the sword in the pic

I got bored and made this also

i can seperate them into individual items if you want.

Froggy2589 03-09-2007 12:19 AM

Spike Set

Click Here

Keeyats 03-09-2007 01:05 AM

  • My CG Item Inspirational Material
    ( I see the point of the contest to inspire the pixel artists. They like the item we sketch, they pixel it, we get it. So it's not a suggestion, it's inspirational material :3)

    I used a quick chibi sketch to show where it would be, because I didn't use the pixel base. Sorry !

    Crown of Love ( on head )
    Crown of Love ( alone )

    Superstar Sunglasses ( you get the point )

iPod 03-09-2007 02:05 AM

This Will be Editted More times::
Crescent Cape
Floating Top Hat
Dance Set
Nurse Set

More will be added~

chibiwizard 03-09-2007 02:41 AM

my designs are flat and boring T_T

1.vine whipe
2.leafy clothes
3.teardrop swimming trunks
4. flame boots (worst of the bunch)

sorry bout the hugeness >.<

Tilted 03-09-2007 08:43 AM

Tilted's Entries!

I'll be editing in more edits frequently, so keep an eye out!

Kimono Shirt
Comes in green, blue, and red

HeromanX 03-09-2007 09:46 AM

I'm no pixel artist, though perhaps my past editing experiences may prove of some use.

NOTE: All of my entries are meant to be unisex, mostly because I'm too lazy to make something for each gender. Fortunately for everyone, I made something for each shop to add in. :3

Clothes Wonderland
The Clothes Palace
Fashion Shop
Petal Paradise
Menewsha Imports
Toy Store

A little bit of conceptual info on each of the items I made:

Wonderland - "Horror" Vest: Body-type; "A replica of the vest used for the popular music video by Markle Johnson."

Palace - Jewelry Set: 2 Eyebrow Rings (Gold/Silver), 2 Bracelets (Gold/Silver), 2 Anklets (Gold/Silver), and a wide variety of rare gem pendants (Gold or Silver w/ Ruby, Emerald, Diamond, Topaz, etc.); (Eyebrow Rings) "For the punk inside." (Bracelets) "Fancy foolery for frivilous freaks." (Anklets) "Running on money!" (Pendants) "Charms for every kind of person."

Fashion - Martial Artist Set: Car-Aty Gloves, (Color) Car-Aty Belt, (Color) Car-Aty Headband; (Car-Aty Gloves) "For every finisher, there's MasterStrike!" (Car-Aty Belt) "Every pupil needs his master-san." (Car-Aty Headband) "Used by Street Hero champions world-wide!"

Petal - Man-Eating Plant: Toy-type; "BEWARE OF PLANT!!! (please don't feed)"

Import - KilTech Harp: Instrument/Weapon-type; "Like notes of a muse, so are the Bards of Our Times..."

Toy - TechniMarty: Toy-type; "He can sing and dance without any pants!"

Navi 03-09-2007 05:41 PM

My first submission - Swashbuckler's Outfit.

- Bandana
- Blouse
- Corset
- Scarf/Belt
- Leggings
- Boots

I'll be sketching up a few more ideas and adding them to this post at a later date. ^^

ChibiTotoro222 03-09-2007 08:26 PM

The other entries look awesome so far~ n__n <333
So much competition though. ;;

Sorry for getting so pixel happy. xD <3
I think being a pixelist would definately be super fun. xD

I'm bad at naming things. xD
But I'll tell you what items there are in the outfit? :]
I can change the colors if needed. :3
I did edit the mouth a little because I use to have blue eyeshadow, and the bright red lips made my base look a little like a prostitute. >.>;;
Was not my intent. xD <3
- head jewel (unisex)
-hairpin (unisex)
-drop earrings (unisex?)
-pearl bracelet (unisex)
-Spiral bracelet (unisex)
-...other bracelet? xD <3 (unisex)
-top (female)
-skirt (female)
-staff/rod (unisex)
-boots (unisex?)
-Wing balloon (unisex)
-Sparkle dealies around the eyes~ :] (unisex)
-Chibi the cat~ :B <3 (doesn't have a better name. xD) (unisex)

Individual items -

This set kinda goes with the first one. :]
So I seem less biased? xDDD <3

-hairpin (unisex)
-top (male)
-Funny pants that go in shoes (male)
-boots (unisex)
-gloves (unisex)
-red tipped sword (unisex)
-wing balloon (unisex)
-tattoo thing around the eye (unisex)

Individual items-

I made an outifit for the soul purpose of matching the mint colored hair. :B

I made a mint and peppermint set. o: <33
I was going to make a holdable, hair accessory, and an animal of some sort, but I'm too lazy right now. >.>;;
I can show other colors if needed? ;3
I made it on a female base, but I guess some of the items could be unisex? ;3

I also made wind, water, fire, and dark mage dresses. :3

And I made hoodies, headphones, and a messenger bag for both genders.
Although the male picture doesn't have the headphones, they're just not there because I didn't feel like editing the hair. xD

Dresses~ n__n <3

Jesus Pancake 03-09-2007 10:39 PM

I Made a Summer Set.
The Sunny Bikini Top and Sunny Skirt with Sun Barret, And Midnight Beach Dress. The Two in the Corner are Sunglasses.
I tried intertubes but it didn't work D:

Celeone 03-10-2007 11:43 AM

I think my entry was deleted because of the downtime? Here it is again:

These are a couple of items I made.

stilettolover 03-10-2007 03:19 PM

Menewsha Baseball Jersey

^_^ I wanted to do something unisex.

Anamei 03-10-2007 04:04 PM

'Kay! =D My entries, here we come! (They're sort of lazily drawn, please excuse my sketchiness. ^^;)

This is the actual idea. (Yellow/Black)
This is a reverse colour of it. (Blue/white)
This is NOT a colour set, but a diagram of how the outfit works.

To describe it a bit: There is a base skirt and a base sleeveless shirt. Then there are two extra layers overlapping on the first shirt, and bows and lining decorating them. They could be split up as a skirt and shirt, a skirt, shirt, and sash, or however it would be most convienient. x3

Keska 03-10-2007 05:40 PM

I'm going to give this a try. Here are my entries.

A plush penguin that sits on your head
Mask of sorrow
Jester hat
Decorative fan
Bunny hat

Lucida 03-10-2007 07:51 PM

here is my entry. i am not that good at pixel art but i think it's the idea that counts...?

a victorian dress - compare to victorian/edwardian fashion

maybe i will add more.

Zurie 03-10-2007 09:12 PM

Rusalka 03-10-2007 10:28 PM

Here's my first and probably my only entries. It's really a set of three different pictures. ^_^

The Ebil Set:
See No Ebil
Speak No Ebil
Hear No Ebil

Okay another entry, first started out as a gift drawing for Itti, but it'd be cool if I won and got the item.. in which I'd give to Itti because it'd look best with his avi. Small guy in corner is the way I think it would look on avi.

Shrunken Head

Some Clothes:

Bar Wench Dress
Gone Clubbing?

Kiyo_Michan 03-11-2007 08:20 AM

My Entry(s)

1.)Skimpy Sci-fi esque outfit
Brown Leather with gold zipper twimed top, matching skirt, and leather holster!

~InfinityTrust~ 03-11-2007 04:27 PM

Heres my entry.
Its ugleh.
More will come... maybe.~

Shadowfox 03-11-2007 09:35 PM

Axe of radiance/armor of Destruction

Dr Franken Stein 03-12-2007 05:20 AM

x D this looks so crapy next to everything else. Anyway, This is the Pink Suger Kimono. More then likely the Pixel Artsts here will have to redraw it if it's chosen. I don't puticurly like how the arms of the kimono turned out, but at least it something to go by, right? ^ ___^;
If I have time I'll try and make more.

Sapphyre800 03-12-2007 06:09 AM

Oh, well hiei just posted a kimono and beat me to posting one up, but I'll put mine here anyways. I don't have ms paint so this is just photoshop and the pixels will need to be redone to perfection. But I'm sure they will do a much better job than me :D Sorry these are on female bases, but I figure you'll need to update my bad pixeling anyway XD
To reflect our real life personas, or add a little individualism to our eyes, I present glasses as well as sunglasses, both chic yet afffordable. Next is a knit kitty hat in black, with little tassles to pull it snug to your head to keep you warm and looking cute always. White, as well as a bunny version are also available. Lastly, dress in freshly cut green laurels like the Greek God or Godess you are, available in Classic and Sparkeling versions.
A school girl set; the male version and some additional clothing coming soon. Whether a student or trying to look years younger, everyone looks fashionable in a school uniform. Various color combinations as well as accessories make your look individual to your personality. This set so far, includes a school issue blazer, white collar shirt (shown with tie), plaid knee length skirt, and fuzzy legwarmers (shoes sold seperately).
Next, and lacking the appropriate alterations and accessories that will come soon, we have a lovely kimono, perfect for a afternoon tea or a stroll through a lovely garden.
The bone dress is a wonderful way to flaunt your vindictive powers and your rockin figure at the same time. Complete it with soe streppy high heels, and you are a bewitching sight.

ScarletStratholme 03-12-2007 12:12 PM
XD just cause...I've never had an avatar with a bellybutton ring before. :)

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